Amurrica Series: Chuck’s Proposition Nation


I’ve been following the “Citizenism vs. WN” debate on Chuck Rudd’s website although it seems that like others I am barred from participating.

My honest response to “citizenism” is just incredulous laughter: if you value your citizenship as a degraded and humiliated class of tax slaves in BRA, that’s your prerogative, but no one else is under any compulsion to view their American citizenship as anything but a worthless burden.

For the record, I am not a White Nationalist. If we have learned anything from the terminal decline of the United States, it is that the original and fatal mistake was corralling such disparate ethnic groups as Southerners, Yankees, various European immigrants, and revolutionary Jews together under the “White” category in the Union.

Personally, my own ideal is a “White ethnostate” called the “Republic of Dixie.” I’m convinced that White Southerners need our own nation-state to realize the racialist and conservative impulses of our own culture.

The alternative to a separate Southern nation-state is submersion among the teeming, half barbarized Third World “citizens” of Chuck’s Proposition Nation and allegiance to their despotism in Washington. That’s not a prospect that I find inviting.

Note: BTW, Dixie wasn’t founded on the basis of any absurd “proposition.” Boston was the “City of Notions.” My ancestors never landed on Plymouth Rock and they didn’t come here to create any “City on a Hill.” We are descended from the best blood of Virginians and Carolinians.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Thanks Fr. John. The sterilisations would even be voluntary or a form of criminal punishment for certain offences. The later being actually castration instead of mere sterilisation.

  2. “iron miners from Minnesota and plantation owners from Alabama have a lot in common?”

    Last time I checked, the mines weren’t operating as they once were, and very few ‘plantations’ are still in existence. But Whites are still whites, and are realizing that

    Our Race Is Our Nation.

  3. White Nationalism is a joke anyway. The idea that all whites, just because they are white, will get together, or should want to get together- is silly. It hasn’t been long ago America was almost all white. Many of those same whites saw fit to import masses of immigrants and feral negroes. I love the comment about Plymouth rock and City on a hill. I am also one who thinks Reagan was an overrated piece and shill for Israel like all the rest have been. For Southerners. A free Southern Republic is the only way. I’m not sure we will ever get it, but we will find out when the whole thing finally comes apart.

  4. White Nationalism is a joke anyway. The idea that all whites, just because they are white, will get together, or should want to get together- is silly.

    Yes, your straw man is silly, Vox. Why are you getting all sweaty wrestling with such a silly construct?

  5. I like messing with silly constructs and not getting too sweaty. Ha ha. Happy to have you point out where the straw man is though. I support being white. I gave W.N. serious consideration, but I found my loyalty is to white Dixie and the south first. I also found that I still don’t agree with most Yankees or Yankee politics and etc. enough to want to trust them with what is best for the south. Frankly, I don’t agree with too many European models either. I definitely support whites as a whole over non whites wherever they may be, but the idea of all whites organizing under one banner is just more absurd white universalist banter.

  6. The obvious problem with “White Nationalism” is the tendency of Jews and certain types of Whites to combine with blacks and to promote Hispanic immigration to inudate the South with enough Mexicans and black voters to control the national government.

    The obvious problem with White Nationalism is it’s too broad. It tends to trample ethnicity. But that has nothing to do with Jews’ or libtard Whites’ tendencies; WNs obviously hate both.

    I want to permanently separate from those people.

    So do WNs.

    In 1912, 90 percent of blacks lived in the South. In 2012, 54 percent of blacks live in the South. How did the Jim Crow laws work out? Blacks were pushed out of the segregated South, pulled toward the integrated North, thus creating a White majority in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina.

    Chuck’s playing obtuse because he doesn’t really want to engage. The idea of having to start a new blog under a pseudonym, and having someone figure out who he is and “out” him, is too terrifying. End of story.

    That’s usually the explanation for these spectacular failures of imagination, in otherwise intelligent people. They don’t want to entertain the ideas, because they want to ward off the possibility of being seduced by them; that way lies cognitive dissonance and ostracization. Most people would rather suffer intellectual death.

    I mean, how much imagination does it take to come up with some easy ways to encourage non-Whites to leave areas ethnopatriots have claimed? Higher tax rates would do it. Ending welfare would do it. The grass would be much greener for them on the multiculti side, and they’d leave.

    [Chuck: I guess you’re right if we’re now talking about a group of white people branching off and forming their own nation-state. I don’t see how that would actually be successful and independent of the U.S. Such a nation will require trade, and it will require trade with the U.S.

    I love this one. It’s so pathetic. Yeah, being 99.9% Japanese, and slamming the door in the faces of all non-Japanese, has really hurt the Japs’ prospects for trade.

    Money talks.

    If Dixie became independent of the United States, beleaguered Whites from other parts of the country would be beating down our door trying to get in here, and the blacks and the liberals would be moving north, and the Mexicans would be fleeing south.

    Bingo. There could be programs to ease the transition, but making non-Whites unemployable, or doubling their taxes, or whatever, would make them flee posthaste. And, assuming the new State adhered to a “ceteris paribus” mandate insofar as possible and desirable (i.e., critics don’t get to make up dumb, unnecessary shit and pretend it’s inherent to or inevitable in ethnopatriotism), Whites would flock there in the millions. I won’t speculate as to how many would intone “I’m not racist, but” and “good schools” and “low crime neighborhoods” while loading up the mini-vans.

    I do have to disagree about the liberals. Those fuckers would infiltrate in massive numbers. We have to come up with some way to keep them out. And probably not the sorts of measures I’m going to be happy or comfortable with. Otherwise, they’ll just do the same shit they always do, and we’d be back to square one.

    The future political organisation in the area currently known as the United States may go several ways ranging from increasing centralisation to increasing decentralisation.

    All the trends point to decentralization. First, we have the downward economic trend; centralization is a luxury good (requiring cheap travel, power projection, high taxes and big gov’t revenues, etc.). Second, we have increasing polarization, which heavily favors decentralization. Third, we have the digital age, which is more empowering to the bottom and the middle than to the top, which, again, means decentralization.

    All the trends point toward decentralization. Read up at Global Guerrillas.

    The only thing that is going to remove the niggers from this country, any part of it, is deadly force wielded with deadly purpose. Circumstance today are not as they were in the Jim Crow South, and white people today simply do not, and will not, conceptualize eventual goals in terms of generations.

    That’s only true in a roundabout, disingenuous sort of way. As in, the Yankees and Jews would try to kill us all if we try to accomplish our goals. Otherwise, there’s absolutely nothing making bloodshed necessary or inevitable. Given a viable White ethnostate (a big given, I admit), it would be easy to remove non-Whites.

    I also have to agree with Faustus in that it’s “all or nothing”, with regards to white racial dominance over American soil. There are white people in every corner of this country, all with centuries-old presence & claim to what they call home. No one region should be expected to be the dumping-ground for another’s niggers.

    Again, your logic is twisted. No one would be forcing them to take anyone. But there’s every reason to believe that they’d do so, with open arms. If they want to change their regime and become ethnostates too, they’re welcome to do so.

    And given the misery of the last 50 years, I can’t see any region, not even “Yankeeland”, voluntarily accepting waves displaced niggers, in the event of a future dissolution of the USA and subsequent expulsion from the South, for example.

    You’re off-the-charts nuts if you think Yankeeland wouldn’t accept the displaced blacks, halos prominently fixed for the cameras. Totally lost the plot.

    Having been born and raised in NJ I can tell you that the working class whites among whom I was raised including my relatives were instinctively deeply separatist.

    I had a roommate in college from Newark. He literally breathed a huge sigh of relief the first time I said “nigger” around him, then he said “thank God.” He hated ’em.

    Hunter, I hope you can see that although I hail from the North and show some cultural traits therefrom and you alternatively from the South that we are fundamentally identifiable by race, religion, and essential world-view. I assume you would agree with this but your strong seemingly exclusive Southern identification may preclude a blithe assumption on this.

    I don’t know about Hunter, but when I bitch about Yankees there’s always an implied, and very heartfelt, exception for our northern comrades.

  7. I mean, how much imagination does it take to come up with some easy ways to encourage non-Whites to leave areas ethnopatriots have claimed? Higher tax rates would do it. Ending welfare would do it. The grass would be much greener for them on the multiculti side, and they’d leave.

    Then there’s Eminent Domain, which most Americans are perfectly willing to roll over for. They don’t get to object, when Whites use it for their own purposes. Libertarians can object with principle, though, such as they have left.

  8. Svigor wrote:

    “I do have to disagree about the liberals. Those fuckers would infiltrate in massive numbers. We have to come up with some way to keep them out. And probably not the sorts of measures I’m going to be happy or comfortable with. Otherwise, they’ll just do the same shit they always do, and we’d be back to square one.”

    Yes Svigor – they would. They’d “out” themselves immediately.

    Annie Oakley and I will take care of them. We won’t be uncomfortable for one single second.

    Leave them to us.

  9. I would not want to let dmanyankees into a free South. They haven’t done us any favors and we don’t need them. Good Lord they’ve fucked up whole sections of our homeland already.

    If I had my way I send everyone with less then 3 generations in the South packing along with the negros, mexcians, cubans etc etc. They are foreigners and not our people

  10. Are we hostile to WNs in the north? No, obviously.

    If there was a movement for “white supremacy,” then we could all agree that White people in all regions of America should control the government, and work towards the common goal of purging all of America of non-Whites.

    The ideal of a White ethnostate requires separatism though. It requires picking some specific place (the Northwest, the South, the Midwest, etc.) and agitating for secession.

  11. The scenario we most wish to avoid is a group of Whites combing with blacks and non-White immigrants like Hispanics and Asians in a corrupt attempt to control the government.

  12. Svigor says: Chuck’s playing obtuse because he doesn’t really want to engage. The idea of having to start a new blog under a pseudonym, and having someone figure out who he is and “out” him, is too terrifying. End of story.

    We have a winner!

  13. Well Stonelifter – I understand your sentiments about Yankee Carpetbaggers – and heartily concurr – but you are going to have a HELL of a time ejecting Haughty Blonde from the Southland, now that she’s there. Her and her ENORMOUS Confederate Flag, which is visible for miles. She’s got plenty of 3 and 4th generation Southern Defenders, as well.

  14. Hunter Says: The ideal of a White ethnostate requires separatism though. It requires picking some specific place (the Northwest, the South, the Midwest, etc.) and agitating for secession.

    Agree on all counts Hunter. I am not antagonistic towards W.N. I can’t say the same about Yankees for the most part, but I would work with them as long as Southern issues in the south or as you say a white enclave were considered. I don’t know any southern separatist that really wants to live with a large group of Yankees. I know folks who married Yankees and their spouses love the south and southern ways, but I think it’s the exception not the rule.

    Kudos on your site again Hunter. I’m glad found it. Some great writing and contributions.

  15. Hunter Says: The scenario we most wish to avoid is a group of Whites combing with blacks and non-White immigrants like Hispanics and Asians in a corrupt attempt to control the government.


  16. @Svigor

    “But there’s every reason to believe they’d do so, with open arms.”

    Oh really? By all means, list every reason then. List every reason why MODERN “Yankees”, not the extinct ones from Lincoln’s day, would happily welcome scores of millions of the same monsters that destroyed our cities, raped our women, murdered our elderly, exhausted our economy, and relentlessly pusued us wherever we fled to escape them? Explain why we’d just suddenly forget the past 70 years of race-riots and nigger violence and automatically accept that scum. I want to here it, since you know us so well.

    “You’re of- the-charts nuts if think Yankeeland wouldn’t accept the displaced blacks, halos prominently fixed for the cameras. Totally lost the plot.”

    What cameras?? What the hell are you talking about ?

    Oh Christ… So Johnny Reb is going to explain to me what my own damn people would or would not do. Are you from the North? I don’t think you are. You’re repeated use of “we” and “our” in reference to Southerners and a theoretical Southern ethnostate, would suggest that you are NOT a Yankee, but do correct me if I’m mistaken. I AM a Yankee. I’ve been one my whole life, and know my people better than any Southron and his warped abstraction of “Yankees” ever could.

    We’ve been taking it the ass from niggers and kikes and radical liberals as long as you have (longer actually, since we’ve had to deal with free niggers in our midst decades before you ever did). Nobody up here would welcome your negroid refuse anywhere, unless they need somthing to practice shooting at. You presume too much.

  17. What you guys are failing to understand is, in a nasty divorce like that, the arguments won’t be over who gets the silverware. They’ll be over who keeps the nukes and the aircraft carriers.

    We’re no longer alone on this planet in terms of power projection. In the event of serious civil disturbance here, the Chinese will make a play to grab a piece of this continent. It’s terrific real estate.

    Never forget that every serious outside culture is lusting to grab North America, and have been for ages.

    Without a unified deterrent, you won’t be fighting the, uh, “Yankees.” You’ll be fighting the Red Army, who will make strategic alliances here first.

    And you’ll wind up in detention camps, with blacks as your gleeful guards.

    Look before you leap.

  18. 313Chris said: I’ve been one my whole life, and know my people better than any Southron and his warped abstraction of “Yankees” ever could.

    I know many fine white Yankees or folk not from the south. My issue with them is when they come south and attempt to change the south to fit their Yankee taste. The worst is when the spend all their tax dollars up north and all their talents and come south to retire with their Yankee ways. No parking signs on beaches, tolls and etc. All things brought by retiring Yankees. So…it’s nothing personal just please stay up north or if you move here adapt to Southern ways. Like I said…I know many northern southern marriages that work fine. Though I must admit…it’s usually not with Northeastern Yankees.

    Agree you have been putting up with the nigs and Jews, but most of the nigs live down south.

  19. “In the event of serious civil disturbance here, the Chinese will make a play to grab a piece of this continent. It’s terrific real estate.”
    They’ve made that play, guess who has allowed mass immigration. Going into the 21st century this country will either overturn the existing order(however that has to happen), or be flooded with asians and africans. That said, there is some hope, the left recognizes, atleast instinctually that the flood threatens them. They keep trying to outgame the asians on tests(which is a losing proposition but atleast it is an attempt), and of course OWS was protesting something that none of them quite realized.

    As to everything else, you are overestimating their capabilities. they have 400 nukes that can reach us and actually hit their targets thanks to clinton, and nothing else.

  20. oscar writes:

    “What you guys are failing to understand is, in a nasty divorce like that, the arguments won’t be over who gets the silverware. They’ll be over who keeps the nukes and the aircraft carriers.

    We’re no longer alone on this planet in terms of power projection. In the event of serious civil disturbance here, the Chinese will make a play to grab a piece of this continent. It’s terrific real estate.”

    Stop making sense. After all, this is the comment section of Accidental Dissent! (where we apparently don’t need a U.S. Navy LOL!!!)

  21. @Jewdel

    Aren’t you with HAC these days? Why are you wasting time around here? Shouldn’t you be busy taling out those nigger flashmobs on the Portland MAX trains? Quit slacking, Northwest Volunteer!

    Let me know when you guys secure the existence of our people and a future for white children in Seattle. I’ll send you a basket of fruit.

  22. China is irrelevant unless it were to threaten the West Coast, Alaska or Hawaii. One China hardly has a navy to speak of. If China were to become aggressive it would seek to annex Siberia if anything. Two during any war between the US/DC and any seceded state(s) DC is not going to allow China to invade either those portions remaining in the US or those attempting to leave. If it’s fighting to maintain the empire it isn’t going to just allow China to take part of it. Three any group of states particularly in the South or in the West will possess a population to well armed for any foreign power to consider invading. That rifle behind every blade of grass thing that kept the Japanese from invading. Four an independent South would be taking some of the ships and nuclear arsenal with it. At most China would eye Hawaii or seek ports on the West Coast/Alaska. Should that be the case then Chinese aggression would further Southern independence because it would divide US forces. China does not have a history of military aggression in other lands. I know of nothing that changes that.

  23. “iron miners from Minnesota and plantation owners from Alabama have a lot in common?”

    Last time I checked, the mines weren’t operating as they once were, and very few ‘plantations’ are still in existence. But Whites are still whites, and are realizing that

    Our Race Is Our Nation…..”

    It’s just too broad. And yes they do. They are often both Protestant and rural, are still in an area where the people have longevity in the country (versus the big cities in the Northeast) and they are the products of oral tradition in their families that frequently predate the revolution. Many northern europeans in minnesota/wisconsin. Major subgroups should be able to maintain their unique identity, historical narrative, and so on, obviously.

  24. but the idea of all whites organizing under one banner is just more absurd white universalist banter….”

    idk— it worked for the ‘rainbow coalition.’ Diverse groups can make coalition for gains.

  25. it’s my dream Denise but I also know it wouldn’t be popular and I don’t want to be king of the South, just protector of the realm so to speak. Maybe we could allow them to stay as long as they don’t get any say in politics until they’ve been here for 3 generations

    Race is #1 to a lot of people here and I get it but really its #4 on my list with God being #1; my family #2 and persevering our Southron heritage as #3

    Which I know is going to get folks all spun up but I don’t give a rats ass either.

    It’s funny to me what Southrons understand with out me explaining anything vs what yankees cannot grasp even when the Southron doesn’t agree with me they understand things

    I think negros belong in the north since yankees unleashed them.

    The last time I looked, the military is 80% Southron, and that applies more so when discussing war fighters, with most bases in the South. Besides an out right invasion of North American isn’t likely. No one really has the logistical train to support it. One nuke would ruin the naval fleet or aircraft bringing the invasion

  26. Nobody but the US has a military capable of transoceanic invasion, and we are just about too broke to do that any more too.

  27. yea and it’s unlikely canada or mexico would agree to being a staging ground for anyone

  28. The only way China invades America is by attempting to buy the existing government. However, Israel already owns more than it’s share of it.

  29. 313Chris says:
    “May 1, 2012 at 11:04 pm

    Aren’t you with HAC these days? Why are you wasting time around here? Shouldn’t you be busy taling out those nigger flashmobs on the Portland MAX trains? Quit slacking, Northwest Volunteer!

    Let me know when you guys secure the existence of our people and a future for white children in Seattle. I’ll send you a basket of fruit.”


    “Let me know when you guys secure the existence of our people and a future for white children in Seattle. I’ll send you a basket of fruit.””

    Stealing that line, for use in feuds with other WN. HAHAHA!!!

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