About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mike Hoare, Ian Smith, Garnet Wolseley.

    dealing with this scourge! It’s an imperialist’s job. Only characters like the above had the intellectual preparation to do what needs to be done.

  2. Southfield just happens to be the Jewish stronghold of metro Detroit. Between 8 & 9 mile, it’s a full-on nigger scene — essentially a northward extension of Detroit. North of 9 mile however, it very noticeably turns into Tel Aviv. There are these Jewish neighborhoods in Southfield that have these 8-foot high, grey-concrete walls that stretch for several blocks all around them. On Saturdays, downtown Southfield (Southfield has a downtown with high-rises and businesses) is absolutely crawling with orthodox Jews, all milling around in their black hats and long coats. It’s quite surreal.

  3. That sheboon looks like a Roman depiction of a Dacian with he skate punk hair shave.
    Barbaric looking filth.

  4. They tried to gloss over the Mall closing down too. Sounds like violence at this carnival is a yearly event, nothing new. Even warnings of trouble on facebook. I guess it would be “racist” to shut it down and an excuse for the Trayvons to riot.

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. What if Obama loses, OMG! Negroes are the liberals worst nightmare. Once White guilt is overcome they and their racial equality ideology are finished.

  5. I’ve been conflicted. The more radical part of me sees the benefit of an Obama victory in that it increases radicalism. But there is certainly potential for shift in radicalism if Negros come even more unglued than they normally are and have massive protests and riots over an Obama defeat. Which is more likely to change the opinion of whites to race realism? Presently I’m leaning towards an Obama defeat if there are massive negro caused disruptions.

  6. what I think is important is for us to have a plan to turn more White people to our side regardless who is POTUS or what occurs. Now is the time for recruitment. We need numbers and more numbers

  7. A massive black riot, under the aegis of the Obama DOJ will recruit DWL to the “dark side” of white supremacy.

    The illusion of coexistence will be shattered.

  8. Trayvon Negro Behavior (TNB) on display in Southfield as it is ANY TIME Negroes are on parade. Who can live in this country with these uncivilized apes wreaking havoc?

    And to see the sheboons pleading with the cops to let their little darlings go is enough to make one’s White skin crawl.

  9. ‘On Saturdays, downtown Southfield (Southfield has a downtown with high-rises and businesses) is absolutely crawling with orthodox Jews, all milling around in their black hats and long coats. It’s quite surreal.’

    Sounds horrible. Henry Ford must be rolling in his grave….

    P.S. Is this riot the first of the predicted ‘long hot summer’…???

  10. The Norfolk mob attacked two reporters. The police were indifferent and web chatter invoked St Trayvon. Yet their paper sat on the story for two weeks.

  11. Whenever there is going to be predictable civil disturbance we need video cameras there to document it. We have to rub DWL’s nose in the reality of the negro’s nature. It would probably be worthwhile if a four man team went into a negro city to film. One drives, one films and two armed. Advisable to use a telephoto lens to be safe.

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