McDonogh 35 High School Fights


H/T Elise

This is why the schools were segregated in Dixie. Choose your fighter!

Note: There isn’t even one White student at this high school in New Orleans. Could it be because freedom has failed?

In BRA, $15,361 dollars is spent per pupil in Orleans Parish to educate these trayvons to become thugs in a city that is so plagued by violent crime that its state representative has requested the National Guard be deployed to restore order.

Maybe this is why the rich don’t want to pay their “fair share”? For maximum effect mute the volume of the videos while playing the Mortal Kombat theme song.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Notice that most of the “students” were wearing about the same thing? Meaning this school as de jure or de facto uniforms.

    Gee, I thought school uniforms were supposed to stop all these fights, because were were told (ha ha) that they were only fighting over fancy or curiously-colored clothing.

  2. Official school uniforms are a good idea, otherwise the school uniform will be the trousers down around the knee, gangsta rap T, hoodie and Nikies. And this will be obligatory for Whites as well. As for the girls. urhrraah. We won’t go there.

  3. Lynda,

    Not arguing over the merits of uniforms. My point is to show how the uniform excuse turned out to be a bromide to distract from race. As long as the school is heavily black, they will always find something over which to fight.

    “Trousers around the knee.” Many an urban cop would tell you in private that that sort of garb makes his work a lot easier. Yes, ugly, unsightly, and indecent, but on the other hand, they can’t run.

  4. These half wits ought to be found some useful manual work. Not prison but pulling or pushing something.

  5. First of all, that you sadistic racist fucks would use this violence in support of segregation is utterly appalling. Talk about it after you have not hogged all the resources for yourselves, after you have done your part to make sure EVERY child has access to quality education, after You realize that white kids fight, too. Not only do they fight, but they take guns to school and randomly shoot bunches of others. Better yet, they drag Black people behind their trucks “just for fun.” Now, where could they have learned such barbaric behavior? Hhhmm, let’s see. During slavery, the good white people of dixie used to picnic around swinging Black corpses, their young children playing like they were at the county fair. Your asses were indentured servants. And for the record, the good masters of the plantation did not look to kindly upon your white trash overseer hides. Let’s not forget that. Instead of posting this crap, which is ignorant, to support your own ingrained ignorance, why don’t you go back to school? Educate yourselves on the world’s diversity. Damn it, man! Educate yourselves, period, so the rich white man will stop exploiting your simple minded frailty and so that you can finally stop voting against your own self interests. What we have here is a failure to look in the mirror, a pot wanting to call the kettle Black (pun intended). Tell me white kids don’t fight. Tell me white kids don’t do everything under the damned sun and then some, and I will tell you that you are puffing chronic and chewing snuff, and that you should stop blowing all your perverse white smoke up everybody’s ass. By the way, did you know that your white skin is actually a medical deficiency? You white man, yes you, actually need some Black skin in order to live like a human and not like an earthworm thanks to global warming. But I digress… I don’t give a northern rat’s ass if you smoke, sizzle, and fade away. To all my good, decent, sensible White people out there, this post is not for you. Then again, if you are on this site and it is not by accident, then it is for you, too. Good day, haters. Better check your yard, President Obama is about to knock down your confederate flag pole.

  6. Black woman1 said: “A couple of white kids … blah blah blah slavery …. blah blah blah … plantation … blah blah blah … ig’nant …. diversity …. blah blah blah …. white people … blah blah blah blah … Obama …. woo hoooo woooo.”

  7. Everyone repeat after me: “Diversity is our greatest strength! Diversity is our greatest strength! Diversity is our greatest strength! Diversity is our greatest strength!”

  8. @Blackniggerbitch1

    You know, my hair is so naturally straight, that sometimes I don’t even need to brush it after I shower. Sometimes I feel like the luckiest guy in the world just for being born white 🙂

    How’s being an ugly, smelly, nappy-headed gorilla-faced nigger working out for ya, Trayvonisha?

  9. Umm … that’s all we do here every day, educate ourselves about the world’s diversity, especially the invaluable contributions to civilization made by black people.

  10. “First of all, that you sadistic racist fucks would use this violence in support of segregation is utterly appalling.” – So since the low level of violence needed to maintain segregation 100 years ago was so terrible, you must be beside yourself in anger over the high levels of violence that have resulted from integration.

    “Talk about it after you have not hogged all the resources for yourselves” – We’ve hogged nothing. Africa is still the richest continent on planet earth, and the chinese are gunning for it. Likewise we’ve spread knowledge, phsyical principles, and technology beyond imagining to every corner of the earth. It is supremely arrogant for a people whos population growth has been parabolic thanks entirely to our knowledge to blame us for “hoarding”.

    “after you have done your part to make sure EVERY child has access to quality education” – By acting responsibly as individuals we are doing all we can towards that end. Prisoners dilemma however makes the prospect of every child getting a quality education quite unlikely. You see everyone must act in a responsible manner in order for it to work.

    “after You realize that white kids fight, too. Not only do they fight, but they take guns to school and randomly shoot bunches of others.” – So since white children are so dangerous you should naturally favor segregation of your children away from them right?

    “Better yet, they drag Black people behind their trucks “just for fun.”” – And they get prosecuted for doing that, with an extra heaping of thought crime thrown on top. You are welcome.

    “Now, where could they have learned such barbaric behavior? Hhhmm, let’s see. During slavery, the good white people of dixie used to picnic around swinging Black corpses, their young children playing like they were at the county fair.” – An average of 10 lynchings happened per year(to blacks, another 3 happened to whites), which puts a low upper limit on the number of picnics and county fairs now doesn’t it?

    “Your asses were indentured servants. And for the record, the good masters of the plantation did not look to kindly upon your white trash overseer hides. Let’s not forget that.” – Our esteemed host has covered this issue, the difference in philosophy between the planters and the common whites is not unknown to us.

    “Instead of posting this crap, which is ignorant, to support your own ingrained ignorance, why don’t you go back to school? Educate yourselves on the world’s diversity.” – There are sadly no jobs for diversity studies. This economy is tough on us all.

    “Damn it, man! Educate yourselves, period, so the rich white man will stop exploiting your simple minded frailty and so that you can finally stop voting against your own self interests.” – Believe it or not people do an excellent job of voting for their self interests, without having to be told what those are. If the democrat party wants white votes it should stop demonizing whites.

    “What we have here is a failure to look in the mirror, a pot wanting to call the kettle Black (pun intended). Tell me white kids don’t fight. Tell me white kids don’t do everything under the damned sun and then some, and I will tell you that you are puffing chronic and chewing snuff, and that you should stop blowing all your perverse white smoke up everybody’s ass.” – Covered above.

    “By the way, did you know that your white skin is actually a medical deficiency?” – False.
    “You white man, yes you, actually need some Black skin in order to live like a human and not like an earthworm thanks to global warming.” – No. Global warming does not increase the radiation falling on the earth’s surface. Rather, it increases the heat retained. Our skin color won’t be adversely affected by an increase in temperature, though our brains, being the heat generators they are, could be(we solved this problem with technology a while back however). Of course all of this assumes that global warming is the correct model, which is not certain by any means.

    “But I digress… I don’t give a northern rat’s ass if you smoke, sizzle, and fade away. To all my good, decent, sensible White people out there, this post is not for you. Then again, if you are on this site and it is not by accident, then it is for you, too. Good day, haters. Better check your yard, President Obama is about to knock down your confederate flag pole.” – Your friendly leftists in the north? they have undertaken a policy of ethnic cleansing against blacks. Obama has not, and will not do anything to stop them. But it is ok when they do it right?

  11. Nice Anon. Very nice.

    Only one thing you didn’t really cover:

    ….. and so that you can finally stop voting against your own self interests.

    We don’t vote against our own self interests. It’s those that have been indoctrinated by schools designed to worship the “noble savage” (aka worthless nigger and his counterpart the welfare queen) that vote against themselves and call us racists, just like you. I’m a fucking racist. I’m also a beetist. I am a shrimpist (stupidest coveted seafood on the face of the Earth, they’re shit eaters). I’m also a dogshitonthesidewalkist. But I am more. And when the SHTF and there are worshippers of false idols standing next to you, they’ll get it first.

    Book Of Deuteronomy | Chapter 7:

    No league nor fellowship to be made with the Chanaanites: God promiseth his people his blessing and assistance, if they keep his commandments.

    [1] When the Lord thy God shall have brought thee into the land, which thou art going in to possess, and shall have destroyed many nations before thee, the Hethite, and the Gergezite, and the Amorrhite, and the Chanaanite, and the Pherezite, and the Hevite, and the Jebusite, seven nations much more numerous than thou art, and stronger than thou: [2] And the Lord thy God shall have delivered them to thee, thou shalt utterly destroy them. Thou shalt make no league with them, nor shew mercy to them: [3] Neither shalt thou make marriages with them. Thou shalt not give thy daughter to his son, nor take his daughter for thy son: [4] For she will turn away thy son from following me, that he may rather serve strange gods, and the wrath of the Lord will be kindled, and will quickly destroy thee. [5] But thus rather shall you deal with them: Destroy their altars, and break their statues, and cut down their groves, and burn their graven things.

    [6] Because thou art a holy people to the Lord thy God. The Lord thy God hath chosen thee, to be his peculiar people of all peoples that are upon the earth. [7] Not because you surpass all nations in number, is the Lord joined unto you, and hath chosen you, for you are the fewest of any people.

  12. “rjp says:
    May 3, 2012 at 2:24 am
    Douay-Rheims Bible.

    I forgot to include which Bible.”

    Good on ya!

  13. Blackwoman,

    if white kids are do dangerous, why do you sorry black retards insist on forcing your poor weak innocent children to sit at skoo’ desks next to ours?

    You know you are endangering your chillins by exposing them to devils with blue eyes?

    Fuck of back to Africa, they have more resources than America or Europe.

  14. I say segregation is the logical response to the insane levels of violence from negros.

    What is more rational then wanting to separate yourself from dysfunctional “people” and situations?

  15. Black woman: Talking about ” edumacate yoselves. ” You could use a paragraph or two in your writing. ROFL.

    I have one question for you black woman. I am willing to concede for a moment that we owe you people something for our ancestors dragging your ancestors over here years ago. Tell us…..what is the amount of money you require to consider yourselves paid back?

    How much longer should white Americans who work have to foot the bill for the majority of you blacks who don’t? How much longer must white Americans and others who work be told to turn a blind eye to the savagery of your race against itself and others? How many more cities must we see falling in ruin because your people have no sense of cleanliness, decency or worth ethic? Name me a figure and tell me how long please? Give me another excuse for you people’s utter failure to acclimate and become civilized.

    Or is it just like one of your own leaders from the past noticed…the slave doesn’t want his freedom. He only wants to change places with the master. In your case and in the case of the majority of your people you think that can be accomplished by force and violence.

    Guess you haven’t noticed that whites are still the majority and no race other than white libtards likes your race on the whole. All you need to do is educate yourself to see the history of your people. Uncivilized and savage. The fact that some of your people have been able to better themselves in America and the west is actually a testament to our race not yours.

    Some in our race thought wrongfully they could help you on the whole. You should be thankful you were brought to America. You could be in Haiti raping children or Africa eating each other and burning witches.

    Obama isn’t going to be able to do what you think. Believe me. At best he will do what your kind usually does when given the opportunity. Tear down. Not build up. History will show you that whites can rebuild. Obama’s administration will pass and life will go on. Your race on the whole will not change it’s lot.

    Not because of whitey, but because you don’t appear to have it in your to do so. Billions of dollars later and thousands of hand outs… and your lot still can’t acclimate.

  16. Who would want to intergrate with the blacks in this video? Cool hipsters, it seems not, rich white liberals, seems not, rich MLK conservatives, guess not that either.

    So Ms Black Woman why would we want to intergrate with blacks, and why should we? It is simple I do not want to intergrate with anti-whites, and blacks are basically propagandaized to the point of metaphysical rapture to hate whites.

  17. ‘Talk about it after you have not hogged all the resources for yourselves, after you have done your part to make sure EVERY child has access to quality education, after You realize that white kids fight, too.’

    EVERY Child? Sounds like Communism. Well that doesn’t surprise me coming from a Black… Marchin’ Shootin’ Lootin’ King Jr. was a well known communist!

    ‘Your asses were indentured servants. ‘

    Huh? My ancestors hail from Norway and Germany, and while they were admittedly peasants, they were never indentured servants. Not all White folks are from the South!

    ‘Educate yourselves on the world’s diversity. Damn it, man! Educate yourselves, period, so the rich white man will stop exploiting your simple minded frailty and so that you can finally stop voting against your own self interests. ‘

    Hell no! I have to go to mandatory ‘diversity training’ at my State Job. I HATE it. Why on earth would I inflict more pain on myself by learning more about something I hate? (‘false compliance’ is something Blacks and liberals are going to have to deal with someday… hehe)

    Also when it comes to voting I shall let this great White Man explain why I vote the way I do!

    “You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can’t say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now [that] you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I’m not saying that. But I’m saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” — Lee Atwater ( )

  18. Hmm, I wonder how many people that made comments about this school actually went there. Judging by the posts, I would say no one. Before the school was sacrificed to the public school/prisons for profit Human Capital, money hungry charter/recovery/OPSB monsters, it was Blue Ribbon school and produced quality citizens who went on to lead great lives. Plus, it probably was the only public school that didn’t have metal detectors. Why? It wasn’t needed.

    It used to be where you had to take a test to get in. The curriculum was all Honors with no regular classes, special ed or remedial classes. Only Honors and Gifted/AP classes were in the curriculum. If you couldn’t hang, you had to go. Students took physics and statistics their sophomore year. Not senior or junior…sophomore.

    I understand everyone has a right to say what they feel and frankly, I’m very upset at it’s current state but to try to say that McDonogh 35 was terrible from the start is a very untrue statement. It was a gem for the city of New Orleans. Now, instead of complaining and cursing people out, how about we try to find a solution? That’s what I’m doing. I go to the school everyday, just to volunteer some time. And do you know what I found out? The students could be acting a fool, loud and defiant, causing problems with authority figures. I’ll take them outside and talk to them, not talk down on them, to them. I’m not saying they changed overnight but the behavior got better. Someone actually took the time to sit down and let them know what’s up.

    So maybe we should do more of that then to just dismiss them as uncivilized jungle monkeys. Right?

  19. We as a collective people have dumped untold billions of dollars and countless man hours into educating negros with little to show for it. It is irrational to continue spending resources on a failed experiment. Continuing spending money on negro education makes as much sense as trying to cure cancer by shoving bananas in your ears while singing “I’m a little teapot”.

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