Brown Herring J.T. Ready Self Detonates In Quadruple Murder Suicide


J.T. Ready, who is known affectionately at OD and VDARE as the Brown Herring, has become the latest Neo-Nazi vanguardist (think Yankee Jim, Curt Maynard, Joe Snuffy) to self detonate in an apparent murder-suicide:

Note: This was a personal meltdown over a woman (a la Curt Maynard) that has nothing to do with his politics. The victims were his own family.

White supremacist JT Ready opens fire on girlfriend, her family:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter – you’d think that you, of all people, would know better than to buy into a media smear job.

  2. It’s a self destructive creed my dear. Had Hitler quit after the Anschluss or the annexation of the Sudetenland and moved to Tahiti he’d be hailed by Germans today as their greatest hero. Poland, a bridge too far. He started to belive in his own invincibility. Bismarck knew when to stop.

    But people do go mad for personal reasons.

  3. I have to get personal word before I believe this. This is why I’m still up. It’s getting very late. I’m sure the folks I know are….dealing with this now. I’ll have to wait til tomorrow.

    I cannot believe he shot any-one.

    John – Adolf was no general. He wasn’t. He made a lot of mistakes. I know that. But he was not the cause of WWII – and in an odd way – he did protect his people. Germany’s still doing the heavy lifting for the Western European economy. Money slaves they are – but it’s because they are STILL Germans.

  4. I have never met him, don’t know what he looks like or how tall or short, ugly or handsome, skinny or fat he is, but I know John well, all the same. I know not the sound of his voice, but know his talk, I do well. I would know him anywhere.

    I met him many, many times as I was growing up, you see. I saw his rage. I heard his cussing. No, he did not like niggers. He liked not Mexicans or gooks. True this is. Nigger and gook, wetback and slant eye is what he had to say, whenever it chanced to come up. But his real venom was reserved for other white men. His choicest cuss words and anger was for white. He was neither German nor Yankee, strictly speaking. And Southern by the Grace of God he was not. He was just an older white man in flyover country, like a million others.

    I saw the foam fly from his lips the first time he saw a BP gas station and went on a rant about the British. Yes, you heard right. I saw him many a time cuss at a German on TV. I heard him down the French and the Eyetalyons, too. I heard him describe those rebels as terroristic scum, on the occasions that subject was brought up. Ever once in awhile he had a word to say about the niggers. But those Europeans he spoke often of. If he would have known, I’m sure he would have had a word on those South African’s as well.

    His name was legion and ubiquitous he was. But as he spoke all about those fucking English, Irish, French, Italians, Germans, Southerners and everyone else they told him to hate in the army, niggers became governors and neighborhoods went brown.

    Yes, I know John well. Some of my most memorable memories are of him. He was my uncles and neighbors, my dad’s friends and coworkers. The man who ran the store and plowed the garden. Almost all of those are dead, but I see he is still kicking yet.

  5. There are no coincidences in politics.

    I thought JT Ready was just a Halloween Nazi, then he appeared in a picture with a Black woman dressed as the Statute of Liberty… I guess he was Pro Diversity?

    Now if he had accepted instruction from Bob Whitaker and focused on effective persuasion politics, rather than chest beating politics with guns, he would have been more effective, attracted less heat and would still be alive today. But try explaining that to your average White Nat. What a waste of life.

  6. If he’d stopped in 1938 and retired, Germany would be 100 million souls and 10 trillion in GDP. The diffrerence between Matisse and the Sunday painter is knowing when to stop.

    America as Hunter has pointed out repeatedly has probably crossed that threshold.

    He could have continued the expulsion of Jews too.

  7. Ready was in Germany and a powerful force in 1938? And old enough to retire way back then, huh? I didn’t know that, John.

  8. “His name was legion and ubiquitous he was. But as he spoke all about those fucking English, Irish, French, Italians, Germans, Southerners and everyone else they told him to hate in the army, niggers became governors and neighborhoods went brown. ”

    And don’t forget bitching about all those Mormons, Jehovah’s, Catholics and people who didn’t like his favorite sports team.

  9. From his build, I’d guess he was ‘roided up. Lots of Aryan Supermen juice up to avoid time in the gym. I could be wrong, of course.

    I have never understood the Nazi thing, so I can’t mourn this fellow. I do feel sadness at the murder of his child, however. Poor little kids — so many of them are dragged into this world and treated like shit by idiots. We may rest assured that a just God keeps a tab for every person who hurts or mistreats children, and that someday He will see to it that they pay it down to the last fucking penny.

  10. “And don’t forget bitching about all those Mormons, Jehovah’s, Catholics and people who didn’t like his favorite sports team.”

    Actually, they never spoke much at all on these.

    I don’t really have a solid opinion yet about Alex Linder, but he is right about one thing I see he has spoken of recently, people who WILL NOT address direct points and questions aimed directly at them and skate smoothly over them instead. And I will also submit Linder is correct in his conclusion concerning this: They either are not intelligent enough to recognize the need to answer a cogent point, or, likely, actually concede the truth of it and simply have no defense when directly cornered and MUST remain silent.

    But this Ready was recognized as bat-shit-crazy quite some time ago by many. This is not at all surprising, therefore. BTW, Ready is NOT “roided up.” He was simply overweight and heavyset to begin with, not muscular athletic.

    It also appears their was much brown blood out in the woodpile of those whom he had taken in as in laws and lover. I also understand Ready had been speaking positively about non whites, either as a result of political aspirations or whom he was bedding. Both probably. IF he wasn’t just yet another loudmouth bullshiter, which as it happens also seems to be the general consensus of those who lived in the area.

    I don’t see anything here but another clown with, not a few bad wires, but entire circuit boards burned out in his head and playing out yet another screwball Dungeons and Dragons game in real life. This is just another one who happened to pick white racial causes as his shtick instead of environmentalism or Marxism. That is all. Cranks and their foibles come as part of the world . It doesn’t matter what the subject is, cranks will be there to employ the subject matter to suit their own ends.

  11. “Actually, they never spoke much at all on these. ”

    The one’s I knew did. Maybe it’s a regional thing. I know the type you refer to. German’s are nazis, the french are pansies, damn ni… oh look it’s time to watch football.

  12. “I have never understood the Nazi thing,”

    I don’t understand how Wall Street big timers and other stock market and financial finaglers work or exactly what they do to make all that money. But I haven’t ever took more than an hour or two studying it, and that only in a very cursory and elementary way, much less set out to learn about and master the subject. So I just say I don’t know much about the subject. And yet I HAVE read, heard and had to listen to THOUSANDS who had plenty to say on the matter but didn’t know a damn thing about it. So I don’t pretend I know something about the subject after listening to these people lecture continuously.

  13. I just hope John is not a homosexual. You know how bad the British are for that. The British are brave, but they are also mostly homosexual. Take “Mad” Mike Calvert, for example. A typical British war hero and soldier. From the SAS to Boy George it runs through British culture like a thread.

  14. @Brutus

    “The British are brave, but they are also mostly homosexual”.

    Brutus, wtf?. Calm down fella.

    Generalisation much. Rough guesstimate – percentage of UK homo’s = no more or less than anywhere else in the western world, despite YKW’s attempts to make it otherwise.

    The women in my part of England (south-west) are enough to turn any fag straight. Blonde haired blue eyed goddess English roses everywhere you look, and nary a jigaboo in site either. Paradise.

    RIP JT

  15. Look, I never heard of this fellow, and I’m sorry these people were killed. But the big picture is this:

    If you want to actually win on pro-white issues, you cannot, you simply cannot, use the word Nazi in your politics, idolize or excuse Hitler, use Nazi imagery, or any of the rest of this dead-end stuff.

    Personally I think it’s also morally wrong but that’s almost beside the point. It’s stupid, it’s bad strategy, you damage actual realistic white interests when you do it; you actually harm white people. You Will Not Win.

    Most of the world sees this stuff as poison (again I think they’re right about that, and again it hardly matters what I think), so if you employ Nazi discourse you will be seen as a poison salesman. You will not win, you will lose; and you will help more serious white causes to lose, too.

    There’s just no arguing with gravity.

  16. “Lets face it – we are it,” Ready recently posted on Facebook according to MyFoxPhoenix. “SEALs and SF are not stepping up to the plate to train American patriots to defend their homeland. We have traitors in office, an apathetic population, hostile media, narco-terrorists, cartel invasion, narco-insurgency, street gangs the size of armies, vicious prison gangs – if not fight back now while we have a chance then when?”

    Read more:

    That, more or less, sums it up.

    Based on the above, he must have had a lot of serious enemies.

  17. Typical Nazi, baby killing fat white trash. He has some nerve calling the US a homeland for white people. The US is the last place to call a white homeland, in fact the native American is the only true American.. But I do agree about illegal immigration, and quite a bit of legal immigration as well. I don`t think we need it, take care of the Americans who are already here, I say.

  18. (Like hemorrhoids) She/he/it’s BAAAACK!

    Trike- troll somewhere else, please. We don’t want YOUR KIND here.
    I believe I speak for the majority in that……

  19. so called native americans immigrated here too. you don’t know a damn thing tranny, despite what you think passes as an education

  20. Trine says:

    ” …. I do agree about illegal immigration, and quite a bit of legal immigration as well. I don`t think we need it … ”

    I think you are starting to see the light !

  21. Oscar the grinch: What are more serious ” white ” causes? I haven’t seen a single one yet. Please don’t tell me the ridiculous A3P or something along those lines which is seen by the public exactly the same as Mr. Ready and WWII fetish crowd.

    Also…what you say about how the population sees National Socialist with Swastikas is the exact same as how they see some southerners with Confederate flags. While I certainly don’t believe in running around in German uniforms and Sieg Heil salutes. Should southerners sticking with their legitimate symbols put them away because they are not popular with the brain dead masses?

  22. the Stars and Bars is a Christian cross, in essence. Sadly, the NatSocs destroyed forever the swastika as a variant on that symbol….

  23. “Typical Nazi, baby killing fat white trash.”

    The only time anti-Whites acknowledge White existence, is when they are calling us names. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    ” He has some nerve calling the US a homeland for white people.”

    Anti-Whites in Europe say, Europe is not just for Whites. Anti-Whites in the former colonies say, that land is not for Whites either. It doesn’t matter where Whites are, anti-Whites say it is not theirs. They never say the same about non-Whites, because that would be genocide. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    “in fact the native American is the only true American..”

    And you base that on race, so you are an admitted racist, just like the guy you call “Typical Nazi, baby killing fat white trash”. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    You have no moral authority, anti-White. You are worse than the people you criticize here. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  24. Do other races beat themselves up over “racism” ?

    Do left-wing blacks aggressively smear right-wing blacks about anti-white feelings, jokes, attacks, groups, etc.? How often are the Black Panthers criticized by blacks? I’m sure it happens to a degree, but it appears very rare, whereas left-wing white bashing of conservative whites is common place.

    Is this, more-or-less, a white thing ?

  25. Injuns are not American. They invarably see themselves as separate people. Trine, if you were actually laying attention you would realize Hunter does not see himself as an American.

    Being American is nothing more than being burdened with paying for niggers to waste their time in “skoo'” as uner stoodinz turnin dey life aroun’. Then paying fir them to sit in jail, and finally paying their medical bills, rent, etc etc when they get old an infirm.
    Being American is a useless burden designed to subsidize Africans among us.

    Wake the fuck up you moron.

  26. We should have sent the RN to help the Confederates and lent them x milllions to go on fighting. There would still be an Empire if we had done so. Palmerston had the right instinct but he was shouted down.

  27. “I think you are starting to see the light !”

    I’m tellin’ ya, Tyke is a White girl, probably with a jewess best friend, that is in the throes of an immune reaction to her libtard implant.
    I say that because of some of her (?) posts show an odd propensity for trying to ingratiate herself with us. Why would she do that? Why would she shine up to us WNs, at all, ever, us, the most reviled of all creatures, except that there’s a struggle going on in her (pretty?) little head between her natural fellow-feelings for us Whites and that accursed, buzzing crimethink-stopper?

  28. Based on that list it sound like Ready did not understand the reality of making allies. For example narco gangs are hardly the biggest problem. They tend to cull the weakminded and the dealer. Equally soldiers are just soldiers. They are paid to do whatever a government wants them to do. Terrorists unless they have a nuke are
    small beans.

    This guy had a lot of problems with everyone.

    There is a joke about a welsh neo Nazi at the pub. He starts bitching about
    this or that exotic group, then he starts on the Irish, Eglish, Scots, then the northern welsh then people from Cardiff. He final starts moaning about hisown villagers, then he shoots the publican and points the gun at you after you have listened for that last half our.

  29. Chest beating, gun toting, loud mouth Neo-Nazi types will never convince even a small number of our fellow Whites that anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

    Without commenting on personalities, it’s a failed political strategy which ought to be apparent to all of us by now.

  30. This alternative lifestyle of trying to murder your White wife and daughter, then commit suicide or prompt the US government to kill you in a bunker – it’s just not a healthy lifestyle and it does not help our people or our “movement’ in any way. Instead, it confirms the Hollywood stereotype of American White nationalists being a bunch of deranged psychos, who should be monitored and marginalized.

    I was suspended from a White nationalist forum for simply noting a similar case in N Bend Washington and predicting (correctly) that Wife murderer, bunker suicide guy was White.,0,7191712.story

  31. More of the same. Himmler killing his beautiful girls with cyanide seems to the aspirational model for the Nazi. Lee otoh made his peace with reality. Forrest was a good robin hood type. He knew when to stop. When the Normans thrashed the English
    Anglosaxons who couldn’t bear William went to Constantinople or Scotland. They didn’t butcher their own in a mass suicide.

  32. “Outlier says:
    May 3, 2012 at 1:14 pm
    Do other races beat themselves up over “racism” ?

    Do left-wing blacks aggressively smear right-wing blacks about anti-white feelings, jokes, attacks, groups, etc.? How often are the Black Panthers criticized by blacks? I’m sure it happens to a degree, but it appears very rare, whereas left-wing white bashing of conservative whites is common place.

    Is this, more-or-less, a white thing ?”

    Thank you very much Outlier.

  33. John – I’m not on the ledge. I’ve never been on the ledge.You are completely mis-reading me.

  34. Hunter -I’m still waiting for people I know who knew Ready well to back of this story. I am still very upset. I knew he as goofy. amd a provacateur, and full of BS,at times. I only knew him very casually. I never met him in person. I can “read” people much better when I meet them in person.

    I will believe this when I get personal confirmation. Period.

    JT did NOT strike me as the kind of fellow that would do something like this. PERIOD. He was gregarious, hopeful, and lively. I got the impression from him…how shall I express this…that if he was having trouble with one woman, and she didn’t want him, he’d be, “See ya around babe! Good luck…next!” He seemd to be generally having too much fun to do something like this.

    I know Yankee Jim did what he did. I never ever met him. I never spoke to him. But I know folks that knew him very very well. I got a deeply detailed account of his tragic trajectory with his wife. I got a lot of info on her. I know he did what he did.

    I’m reserving judgement until I hear from folks on the scene. I’m way far away. I’m not there. They are busy, and in absolute shock, shall we say.

  35. “uKn_Leo says:
    May 3, 2012 at 1:29 pm
    Anti gay is a code word for anti British”

    Thank you for making me laugh, my dear.

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