Brown Herring J.T. Ready Self Detonates In Quadruple Murder Suicide


J.T. Ready, who is known affectionately at OD and VDARE as the Brown Herring, has become the latest Neo-Nazi vanguardist (think Yankee Jim, Curt Maynard, Joe Snuffy) to self detonate in an apparent murder-suicide:

Note: This was a personal meltdown over a woman (a la Curt Maynard) that has nothing to do with his politics. The victims were his own family.

White supremacist JT Ready opens fire on girlfriend, her family:

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Even the old dress up Covington has finally seen the light on dressing up. Mindweapon had the best comment at his site, and let us move on now.

  2. I don’t mean that literally about the ledge. I just think your assessment of 3rd Reich and their personnel is incomplete. For the record I rate the German soldier the master of the battlefield. It’s just that the leadership was purblind. I don’t even begrudge them the expulsion of the Jews. The problem came when they invaded everyone. Take a step back and see the whole picture. America has gone too far these days invading all over the place.

    Just be empirical about people. That’s why I hate nigs.

  3. I thought I had previously found the lowest cesspool of the internet. But upon visiting here, I stand corrected. I don’t know how you people look at yourselves in a mirror.

  4. Neither nazis and/or meth is going to save the white race. Only children. Lots of white children born into the sanctity of Holy Matrimony.

  5. @Stonelifter
    Considering the damage that the radical feminists have done to marriage, I do agree with you. Marriage today is a “death trap”.
    Doesn’t change the fact that only marriage and children is going to save the white race.
    Until we can all figure out how to change the situation vis-a-vis radical feminism and spoiled,priveleged women, the situation will just continue to get worse.
    In the meantime, nazis and meth are not going to save the white race.
    I know it’s very difficult for young men today who want to have a family. The situation truly sucks. Still, my point is valid.

  6. ” Until we can all figure out how to change the situation vis-a-vis radical feminism and spoiled, priveleged women, the situation will just continue to get worse. ”

    Otherwise known as the: Feminist Death Cult

  7. Personal tragedies over women happen all the time. See Curt Maynard. The only reason we are talking about this is that it just so happens to involve Arizona’s most famous stormtrooper.

  8. Kievsky – I just commented on your blog.

    As I wrote a bit, up the thread, I am totally reserving judgement until I hear a first person account from some-one on the ground, in AZ. I may not be satisfied until next week. I don’t believe a bloody thing the Media lapdogs are spewing.

    The contents of your essay, generally; I whole-heartedly agree. Excellent job.

  9. Hey Denise I like your tirades. I support about 80% of it. I’m not shouting you down. I find the Martin Luther in you to be quite refreshing. Disliking Jews is not a problem. Expelling them also not a problem. I admire Edward Longshanks for doing it. Perhaps it saved the English from multicult domination in the middle ages. Cromwell is questionable for allowing them to come back.

    Anyway, carry on.

  10. Marriage in not a death trap, if you choose the right spouse.

    I think a lot of men want to marry a personal Mommy – the real one didn’t do the job properly – and have a lot of childish expectations aobut what marriage actually *is*.

  11. John – I have no problem with you at all. I don’t want you to get the impression I wear SS uniforms around the house. Although the full length Black leather Storm trooper coat is de riguer. Them original Knaaazees has loads of style and panache! ugo Boss Pater and all. Don’t hate them cause they were beautiful!

    And I’m not about to slit my wrists over JT, either. I am very upset over his death. The whole official story is just SO wildly different than the “vibe” I got from him.

    He came across – to me -like the Life of the Party guy. Like when he shows up at the bar – things are really gonna take off. He was fun. NOT a bore. I thought a lot of his photo opps were done TO generate publicity, and amusement. So if the official story turns out to be true – my heart breaks for him. As well as the murdered child, and the paramour, and every-one else. I will gnash me teeth, and wail, in private, for more White lives needlessly wasted………

    I’m glad you’ve become a regular in Hunter’s Pub, and I always read, and enjoy your posts. No worries.

  12. Hunter,

    yes for every Stormtrooper who tops himself (avec familie) there are
    probably 50 coalburners who get killed by nigs. So yeah the capricious media is at it again.

  13. I just made a random search for coalburner killing

    And I’m going to restimate it:

    For every neonazi who kills himself And family, there are 100 vibrancy breeders who kill their coalburner and chillens.

    That’s my estimate. Not one word nationally about this experiment in genocide.

  14. FYI – I’ve known individual Jews my entire adult life. I’ve really like quite a few of them. I get on well with most of them, as individuals, due to the general liveliness, verbal dexterity, and energy.

    I’m in an Uber White Christian area, now – and the local Jude knows I am a “WhiteSupremacistKnazzeeBigotHater”. He is,too. He’s a German Jew. He loathes Nigs more than any of us do. We get along great, until we get to the Joo Question. I’ve already laughed in his face, when he’s tried to run the Holohoax stuff past me. THAT was an entertaining moment……!

    Overall, though – expulsion is an excellent policy. We don’t need them at all, and do much better without them.

    Long Live Longshanks! FYI – that Order still stands.

  15. Agree with you last post Denise. What was your cesspool comment directed at? I have known more than my share of Jews. I get along with most in daily life, but I wouldn’t do business with them nor do I seek deep friendships with them, I don’t support Israel and don’t buy into the holocaust narrative or the Chosen people B.S.

    I despise that holocaust junk must be taught in most grades and throughout high school before Southern or American history. The most important event in American history was the war for southern independence…yet our children know little about it and much about the holocaust.

  16. “Vox Validus says:
    May 3, 2012 at 6:28 pm
    Agree with you last post Denise. What was your cesspool comment directed at? ”

    Hi Vox – I am mis-understanding your question. Sorry? I don’t see and “cesspool” wording in my [above] post. I didn’t have much sleep last night… forgive.

  17. Oscar the Grinch: you are right but the simple fact of the matter is that the other side smears the WN with it. The causes and consequences of WWII is moral highground that was ceded to the enemy. They will always retreat to the shelter of it. At some point WN must be able to address/defend Germany’s actions, or at least some of them. This can be done and WNs do not have to worship the German side to do it. There is blame on all sides in WWII, moreover, it’s causes lie in WWI, in which the Germans were cleary not the “bad guys”. Make the point then move to the events surrounding the USSR (They always hate that!).

  18. The question to ask the libs when discussing Hitler is: What would you have expected Hitler to do. The Conflict started in Germany post WWI between various factions and ended up between communism or National Socialist. We can see what the result would have been had communism won early on. We still would have been fighting a war. Only with the communist. What should Hitler have done? Surrender to the communist? Most all dictators kill their enemies and act bad when it suits them.

  19. So JT was comfortable sleeping with a woman who bore children to a Mexican, and living with half-breeds and the baby whose father was shown in Arizona Republic was full-blown mestizo. Then the photos of JT hugging a negress wearing a Statue of Liberty get-up and giving the CLENCHED FIST Salute under a street sign for Malcom X Blvd. Yeah a real Nazi I’d say. What is real interesting was DHS Joint Terrorism Task Force being on scene within a hour. Do they usually come to domestic violence cases?

    Whites are in DEEP DOODOO and I don’t know that Ron Paul will lead them to salvation or the Tea Party, or Don Black.

  20. Re: Hitler, the Reich and WWII – Germans were literally STARVING in the streets due to the Treaty of Kike-sailles. FLAT OUT. NOTHING liek that blatant rip-off of power and money EVER occurred before. EVERY-ONE knew that Germany would be crushed under the provisions. The filthy Money Vampire KIKES used American moron doughboys, as the “muscle” once all the young healthy men were killed off.

    Frankly – the Germans present, in Kikesailles ought to have staged a little improv, and slaughtered EVERY foreign attendee on the spot. But alas – they didn’t.

    Hitler rose to power due to the destruction of Germany. He told Germans to get up off thier knees. The KIKES decalred war on Germany, via economic boycotts. THAT conmsolodated Hitler’s power. He tossed the JewRatBastards out of finance, and banking et al. Some fled the country, and some stuck around.

    He should have slaughtered them.

    He re-established a sound economy IMMEDIATELY. Germany was booming within 2 years of his Chancellorship. America floundered under the JEW ENGINEERED “depression” during the entire 1930’s.

    Hitler was dandy – and Germans were wholly innocent of ANY guilt.


    As far as I’m concerned, he made 2 mistakes. Mussolini, and Operation Barbarossa.

    John – he invaded Poland BECAUSE of Bromberg Bloody Sunday.

    He should have NOT invaded Russia – or he should have gone in as a liberator.

    He tried too much at once.

    WHY is any alleged White Advocate trashing him? There’s so much time spent – decades – on literally demonizing Hitler, and the Reich – why are we buying into it?

    We need to learn form his mistakes, and absolutely put the blame back where it belongs.


  21. “AHX says:
    May 3, 2012 at 10:37 pm
    So JT was comfortable sleeping with a woman who bore children to a Mexican, and living with half-breeds and the baby whose father was shown in Arizona Republic was full-blown mestizo. Then the photos of JT hugging a negress wearing a Statue of Liberty get-up and giving the CLENCHED FIST Salute under a street sign for Malcom X Blvd. Yeah a real Nazi I’d say. What is real interesting was DHS Joint Terrorism Task Force being on scene within a hour. Do they usually come to domestic violence cases?”

    Thank you. New data is beginning to emerge:

    I don’t think he sounds crazy.

  22. I’m not thrashing Hitler. He did what he had to do given the circumstances. The Communist were a 100 times worse than almost anything else and spread their disease all over the world after the allies defeated their strongest enemy. As for the holocaust. When they take laws of the books which disallow even questioning it. I will might start believing that lot who sell that narrative for profit have nothing to hide.

  23. Oh – Vox – I know you are not. My post was for those who seem to think Hitler and the NS were the problems.

    They were not.

  24. I remember being disappointed when I first learned Hitler committed suicide. I guess I had always imagined him sitting in his bunker with a mauser, ready to pop the first Russian that came through the door. I always respected Saddam Hussein’s sons for the way they went down fighting. The one thing that disappointed me when learning about Nazis as a kid was how they went out. They didn’t dig caves and go Taliban or go vigilante like the redshirts or the klan, they just popped a cyanide and said goodbye. Their ideology died to they had to die. This is why true conservatism rejects placing ideology before family and race. My favorite former nazi is Werner von Braun. Talk about making the best of a bad situation.

  25. “marriage is a death trap for White men. Russian roulette with a Glock is safer”

    Don’t confuse government regulated marriage with holy matrimony. They are about as different as two things can be.

  26. Any time the anti-White opens his mouth, he is justifying White Genocide.

    If he talks about the Holocaust, he is using it to justify genocide against Whites.

    If he talks about long dead Hitler, long dead Nazi Germany, etc, he is using it to justify genocide against Whites.

    The anti-White can make no argument other than a world without Whites.

    Since White Genocide is the core issue, I raise it over and over, instead of arguing endless side issues, the anti-Whites prefer we discuss, instead of exposing them.

    When they throw their stick, I don’t fetch it like their good little doggie. I tear their ankles to pieces, untill they don’t have a moral leg to stand on.

  27. marriage is a legal contract between you, a woman and the state with the law on her side, and with all the duty, responsibility and liability on the man and none on the woman.

    but I tell you what, go out and try to find a preacher that will marry you without the state approved paper work 1st, and good luck finding one

  28. WWII

    The wermacht surrendered. The national socialists never did.

    Many believe they just went underground, ready to resurface.

    Check this out.

  29. Fed up.

    RIGHT!!!! Why are we constantly allowing ourselves ot be forced to either defend Hitler and the NS, or make excuses, and grovel, and suicide our Race because of WWII?

    We need to stop fetching the stick. EXACTLY.

  30. “go out and try to find a preacher that will marry you without the state approved paper work 1st, and good luck finding one”

    Mormons do. Too bad they’re a whacked out cult. They get most things right.

  31. I hope this type of situation never happens to me and I have to defend my life. I’m more worried about my tribe giving me a hard time than the rest.

    Thus lies the big difference between whites and blacks. Blacks defend their own no matter what. They storm the media, the courthouse, they throw things or throw a temper tantrum until they get what they want, justice for blacks.

    Blacks, Jews, Asians and Mexicans have racial solidarity. I envy that about them. They do not care what others think. They go out publicly in support of their own tribe. Whites fight amongst each other, call each other racist and bigot and side with the non-whites. This has to stop.

    Whites, not so much. If you give a white person enough money, he’ll rat on his wife or daughter.

    Until the white man and woman defend their race, no matter what, we’re doomed. And don’t tell me that will cause the rest of the world to hate us even more. We’re hated for just breathing the same air.

    Men need to stop being pussies and stick up for the white man. Women need to stop living in la la land and stick up for their white children. Until we do this, we’re doomed to extinction.

  32. Denise,
    Hitler did NOT attack Poland because of the Bromberg massacre. Bromberg occured on September 3, 1939, the same day England and France declared war on Germany. WWII started on September 1, 1939 with a German warship firing on the Westerplatte in Danzig. The fortification on the Westerplatte (being administered by the Poles, I believe) was becoming a threat after the general mobilization was called out and the post office in Danzig was being occupied by radicals. The Poles actually believed they would be in Berlin the following year.
    Bromberg happened BECAUSE England and France declared war on Germany. Not that Poles needed any excuse to murder Germans in the Polish Corridor. Since the end of World War I, there were thousands of cases. They call it “ethnic cleansing” today but it is plain ethnic murder to me.
    What happened to the National Socialists of Germany is the final solution of the International Socialists for all white people. Jews excluded, of course.

  33. ‘They didn’t dig caves and go Taliban or go vigilante like the redshirts or the klan, they just popped a cyanide and said goodbye.’

    Actually they did build two big ass National Socialist caves.

    The most famous one is known as the ‘Fuhrer bunker’. Lots of people say that Uncle Adolf popped himself, but do we have a body? Is there any REAL evidence that he committed suicide?

    I like to think that Uncle Adolf went down fighting, like the Whites at the Alamo. Probably a Russian bomb obliterated his heroic body.

    The second National Socialist cave was known as the ‘National Redoubt’:

    ‘In these circumstances, it occurred both to some leading figures in the German regime and to the Allies that the logical thing for the Germans to do would be to move the government to the mountainous areas of southern Germany and Austria, where a relatively small number of determined troops could hold out for some time.’

    When it comes to taking cyanide I can think of only two instances. Herman Goering and Francis Parker Yockey.

    Goering was set to be hanged like Mussolini and did not want to become a spectacle so that was his reasoning.

    Francis Parker Yockey had alot of shadowy intel agent connections and did not want to be tortured by the The Allies (remember even today the USA tortures people like at Gitmo) so I can’t blame someone for not wanting to be tortured.

  34. wars stop because generals feel there is no way to win and the don’t want to piss away the lives of their men. it’s one thing to loose troops when victory is possible the burden of loosing them when there can be no victory must be beyond bearing

  35. Well, at least “they” didn’t sink into the slow-death trap that was created during the 1% imprisonment of J Edgar Steele. THIS TIME, they just wiped everybody out and are now feeding us a fantasy-racist story.

    Give me some independent-blogger interviews of the related people next to ground zero and I may feel more sympathetic to this Zio-advertised docu-drama.


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