Visualizing The New Economy

United States

H/T Walter Russell Mead

You might have noticed that this “recession” (looking in the rearview mirror, we are now four years into this, the “four year recession”) seems different from previous ones:

“By the time he passed away, it was obvious there would be no return to “normality.” The economy wouldn’t be coming back. Globalism was over. The politicians and generals were failing to put things together in the center …”

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. How is it possible that Romney has failed to exploit this? This is fucking appauling even if the energy crisis is holding it all by a noose.

  2. You know, the fact that this nigger is still displayed here:

    I find quite disgusting.

    Here is what he is really like:

    He’s a POS nigger that wants all the blond girls to himself and wants to cuckold white males. He ought to be hung from a tree. Apparently he had to delete the pictures of the white guy being forced to suck a black dong by his whore white wife and her nigger consort (but notice that he was never shut down) …..

    I may have to stop visiting if Hunter can’t stop giving linkage to a scumbag nigger that is no better than any of the rest of them.

  3. I say “Apparently he had to delete the pictures of the white guy being forced to suck a black dong by his whore white wife and her nigger consort …..

    Because I reported him.

  4. “How is it possible that Romney has failed to exploit this? This is fucking appauling even if the energy crisis is holding it all by a noose.”

    He’ll be the last to say that the emperor has no clothes, he both supports the policies that caused this, and would be gored by the very same point after 4 years.

    On the graph itself, note that the 1981 was the last time we had anything resembling a V shaped recovery. That was before amnesty and free trade had worked much of their magic to wreck the labor supply, among other things.

  5. While Britain claim’d by laws our rights to lead, And faith was fetter’d by a bigot’s creed. Then mental freedom first her power display’d and call’d a MAYHEW to religion’s aid. For this great truth, he boldly led the van, That private judgment was the right of man.

    Hunter, you may have a bunch of syncophants on your site telling you what you want to hear but let’s get a dose of reality. The north won the war. The Yankees are the best team in baseball. And unfortunately, nobody who actually fucking matters gives a fuck about Alabama or Wyoming or Saint Louis. Bunch of poor people and disgusting rednecks live in these places. America would be better off without these fucking pathetic leeches. Ya know, I take it back, it’s not unfortunate. Y’all are just fucking dinosaurs. Keep it up and we might have to fucking pacify you fucking assholes again. Ulysses S. Grant style.

  6. rjp,

    I was wondering what you were talking about. Your comment didn’t make sense until I checked the filter and found your other comment.

    Jesus Christ. Is that him? I removed those videos. Sick.

  7. Jonathan,

    (1) The North won the war … and the North, the South, and the West, not to mention Western Europe … is worse off as a consequence.

    (2) We don’t watch or care about baseball in Alabama.

    (3) Let us separate!

    (4) What are you going to do? March the Vermont army in here? LOL.

  8. I have a general policy: if I see a negro, I don’t bother to play the video. Seems it has stood me in good stead again.

    Seriously, Hunter, those things are ugly. There is just nothing edifying about them at all.

  9. Isn’t it strange that these progressives’ language and arguments are stuck at the schoolboy level? Lots of references to copulation and “my dad can beat your dad, nyah, nyah”.

  10. “I have a general policy: if I see a negro, I don’t bother to play the video. Seems it has stood me in good stead again.”

    Yep. Normally they get repetitive after about 4 seconds anyway. Judging from the link this particular nigger needs to put down the pornography. Nigger minds have a hard time discerning real from pretend. He is also likely a rapist. Anyone know his real name? I’d be wiling to bet he has a sheet that includes sexual assault/rape.

    LOL, I recall rjp’s first comment regarding this faggot nigger when he first surfaced last month.

    rjp, April 24, 2012 at 11:28 pm:
    “His story:

    He was a Raiders fan until the Steelers won some more Superbowls.
    He started wearin DG glasses when Kanye did.
    Started smoking big cigars when Michael Jordan was the cover of Cigar Aficionado.

    Even though now I think that almost all of them are on the “down low”, twenty years I ago I said if Michael Jordan would come “out” as a homo, nearly every negro in the country would begin openly packing shit.”

  11. “a yankee has been spotted prowling the comments!”

    Oh, good grief, we’re all over the place, man.


  12. Yeah, in the above link he gives us a long rant about how White women (our mothers daughters and wives) are sleeping with niggers and how our chickens are coming home to roost for all the evil “we done did” and his proof of this is showing us some pics that come straight from the porn industry.

    This guy is a real piece of work. Typical nigger.

  13. Hunter, you may have a bunch of syncophants on your site telling you what you want to hear but let’s get a dose of reality. The north won the war. Hanoi makes the best pho. And unfortunately, nobody who actually fucking matters gives a fuck about Khe Sanh or Saigon or the Mekong Delta. Bunch of poor people and disgusting rice farmers live in these places. Vietnam would be better off without these fucking pathetic leeches. Ya know, I take it back, it’s not unfortunate. Y’all are just fucking dinosaurs. Keep it up and we might have to fucking pacify you fucking assholes again, Ho Chi Minh style.

  14. Thank you Hunter. You were gifting this guy traffic that he did not deserve because his real message was not the message he was conveying in the video. He hates the way niggers are but thinks if all niggers assimilated – with White people – they would have the benefit of beautiful White women at the expense – literally – of a White man working to support her.

    This is him (from LinkedIn):

    Michael Carroll
    Cleveland/Akron, Ohio Area Government Administration
    Chief at Lyndhurst Fire Department
    Lieutenant at Russell Fire Department

    New Lyndhurst Fire Chief Mike Carroll had a clear career path
    Published: Wednesday, November 24, 2010, 12:43 PM
    ….At 40 years of age, Carroll believes he’ll be on the job for a while.
    “I’ll be here at least eight years,” he said, with a laugh. “I can’t retire until I’m 48. But, I’ll probably be here about 12 years because my kids are still little.”

    Only a no_limit_nigga could get away with holding two completely different fire department jobs ….

    At first I wasn’t sure this was him, but the English in this paper is so poor it guarantees it:

    Sucking on the government teet two times via at least one completely administrative position but can’t write a paper without at least one serious grammatical error in at least every other sentence. And trying to dick every White woman …

    I can only imagine this guy in action …

  15. “And unfortunately, nobody who actually fucking matters gives a fuck about Alabama or Wyoming or Saint Louis. Bunch of poor people and disgusting rednecks live in these places. America would be better off without these fucking pathetic leeches.’

    So nobody will object if we secede.
    Awesome! Win-win.

    “Ya know, I take it back, it’s not unfortunate. Y’all are just fucking dinosaurs. Keep it up and we might have to fucking pacify you fucking assholes again. Ulysses S. Grant style”

    Oh. I guess you’re *not* going to let us go peacefully. Like a puke of an abusive spouse, you tell us Wyomingites how much you hate us, but if we try to leave you, you threaten to kill us.

  16. HA!!!! I knew that there were NO GOOD NIGGERS!!! Ha!

    That Mike C. Jaboon is just another Jaboon after all.

    Now – and far as that Mayhew Loonie goes – he’s delusional.

    The ONLY Northern Whites that would try to “pacify” the South would be feckless, clueless “Marxist” White college boys, who are led around by the nose by the Kikenvermin Masters (and don’t know it). The MOMENT any fighting with Johnny Reb got For Real – they’d wet themselves and run away screaming. The Antis are just like Niggers – they only attack in packs – they ALWAYS have some Kike handler screeching orders, and have not met any real resistance, in most places. (PA is a different story. They know not to venture out of NY, or NY, or out of Philadelphia, as their asses may wind up shoved between their ears. LOADS of Confederate flags fly all over PA).

    If a “Northern Army” ever did march (and it won’t. That’s not how it’s done these days) – the NORMAL Northern White men – the SWPL/Yuppie variety – would just beg off, as they “have stuff planned this weekend/sorry gotta renovate the bathroom/take the car and laundry to the cleaners/watch The Game” – and the working or lower class White men – who are SEEING – well – the only thing they MIGHT do is march behind the Marxie Boiz – and help Johnny Reb clean up, from behind.

    Nah – nowadays Grant would be leading a division FOR the South.

    BELIEVE me.

  17. Barb – I know what that Mayhew guy is. I’ve seen plenty of ’em at illegal invader rallies. He’s a loudmouth – who has NEVER preached to any-one other that his Commie Choir in his entire life. The moment you counter any of their arguments, to their faces – the programming becomes disrupted, and thet literally can’t reply. They sputter incoherencies – or stand there looking TOTALLY dumb-founded. I am not exaggerating. Been there done that.

    My 12 year old nephew – who is an excellent athlete, and is turning into a total crack shot – would shut It up in five minutes. He’s a True Celt, after all – and the imaginative derision, when he gets going, flows forth like a beautiful crystalline stream.

    That Mayhew thing won’t march five feet away from it’s bong.

  18. My litmus test is this: Anyone, regardless of race, who will not say that America is a white country and should remain so is NOT a conservative. Period. Second is that anyone who doesn’t respect the Confederacy and it’s people and leaders cannot be a true conservative or real American. I’ve been on blogs where Faileoconservatives hide behind phrases like “the Constitution grants us freedom” and “America outlawed slavery” I have to laugh. It’s WHITE MEN who did that. Every time we see Faileoconservatives waxing sentimental about our heritage don’t let them leave out the obvious fact that it was WHITE MEN who did all these things. This includes bringing victory to the Allies in WWII, putting a man on the moon, etc. Always call them out on this. They hate it, but it’s true. Faileoconservatives will go waaaaaaay out of their way to ensure white men get no credit for anything ever. It’s funny. Call them out ever time.

  19. That chart is a great find.

    The 1981 employment recovery took longer than all previous post-war recoveries.

    The 1990 recovery took longer than that.

    The 2001 recovery took even longer than that.

    The 2007 “recovery” is taking an absurdly long time.

    Why this trend? Its the immigration, stupid!

    In the early post war era, the 1924 quota system and “Operation Wetback” style enforcement kept immigration, legal and illegal, to a minimum.

    In those days, jobs created by Keynsian deficit spending put unemployed Americans back to work.

    More recently, the 1965 chain migration system and 1986-style amnesty expectations create ever increasing levels of legal and illegal immigration.

    Even epic levels of deficit spending cannot put unemployed Americans back to work in the resulting labor market.

    The last time our national debt/GDP ratio was this high was during WW2. At that time, unemployment was only 4% !

  20. “We don’t watch or care about baseball in Alabama.” Which is ironic considering that baseball is the only major sport that is still predominately white.

  21. “We don’t watch or care about baseball in Alabama.”

    Haha. I’ll add that to the list of things they don’t care about in Alabama.

    1) Graduating from high school is lame. 75%!!!! You go guys. There are football teams filled with gigantic morons who get concussed daily that can do better.
    2) Paying your debts. How’s that sewer project going?
    3) Exercise is for losers. You’d rather catch a case of adult onset diabetes. I hear that’s super fun man.
    4) Staying out of prison is retarded. Who doesn’t go to prison these days with all our new fangled laws that a simple Alabamian can’t be expected to understand?

    You do like poisoning trees though. And I can’t really blame you. I’d be pissed too if my football team couldn’t beat another school with an actual legitimate engineering program. ROLL TIDE.

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