Buchanan Interview: Suicide of a Superpower

Choose your subnation

United States


Pat Buchanan interviewed about the disintegration of BRA and his book that was labelled “unfit for national dialogue” by MSNBC:

Note: We are for the Balkanization of America here. Deep South, Greater Appalachia, New France, and Tidewater should secede and form a new nation-state.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. OT but about Kissinger and the Greeks. Someone posted a quote by him about Greeks in the modern world. Kissinger wanted them tamed to fit imperial plans.

    According to wiki at the peak of Persian power Jews (very much like Satrap Kissinger)
    were 20% of the Persian Empire’s population. The peak more or less matches their moment of conflict depicted in 300. There’s a very good chance that swathes of Xerxes Invading Navy and Army were Jewish or commanded by Jews. It’s never been looked into. For obvious reasons.

    But in essense we base much of our tradition on the Spartan, Theban, Athenian rivalry
    with Persia. Which as it turns out May have been a rivalry with a variety of highly placed Jewish Satraps, Admirals and Generals.

    This explains perhaps the root hostility of Jews to the Occident. They may well have attempted to drown it at inception.

  2. Hunter, it was good to see you make a statement on balkanization.

    Heavy stuff for a regional nationalist. 🙂

  3. The sub-nation map exposes the axis of American politics: on one side, you have Deep South, Greater Appalachia, New France, Tidewater, and Far West; on the other side, you have Yankeedom, Left Coast, New Netherland, and El Norte.

    “Midlands” is the swing region.

  4. “We are for the Balkanization of America here. Deep South”

    Sounds fine to me. It will be good for the rest of us to be able to send the niggers back from whence they came.

  5. The Voting Rights Act of 1965, not any Jewish conspiracy, is the reason why explicit racial appeals have been muted to dog whistles.

    In order for the Southern-led coalition to win a national election, it has rally Whites in the five conservative sub-regions (Far West, New France, Deep South, Tidewater, and Greater Appalachia), hold down the Hispanic and black vote in Far West and Dixie, and attract enough White moderates in “Midlands” to win the White House.

    Pretty simple, right?

    In order for the Northern-led coalition to win a national election, it has to rally Whites in the four liberal subregions (Yankeeland, New Netherland, Left Coast and El Norte), turnout the black and Hispanic vote in Far West and Dixie with explicit racial appeals, and attract enough moderates in “Midlands” to win the White House.

    That’s how the system works.

  6. The county level map shows why the concept of a “Northwest Republic” is ridiculous: Idaho is more like Wyoming and Montana; coastal Oregon and Washington are culturally part of coastal California.

  7. Nothing to do with a conspiracy. Not especially relevant to Confederate aims.

    However the American 48 is a road Empire very much like that of Persia. A multiethnic/multiracial soup.

  8. The problem with that left coast map/idea is that it is far from stable or unified. Parts of N. California and SW Oregon have no love for the liberal masters in the state capitals at this point and historically its been tenuous (See State of Jefferson). If the “northwest republic” takes hold with the mountain states, that left coast section would be very likely to join them.

  9. They talk about how Afterdinnerjacket may do a “2nd Holocaust” (@ 43:15), but may be Afterdinnerjacket saw this …


  10. I think it’s best if people just stop talking about that “Northwest Republic” nonsense, and the idea will quickly die of it’s own anemia. That whole goofy thing was just HAC’s last attempt at remaining relevent to a basically dead movement anyway.

    Alaska should be on that regional map, too. They have a kind regional identity up there, one which supercedes their American identity in some ways.

  11. “Parts of N. California and SW Oregon have no love for the liberal masters in the state capitals at this point and historically its been tenuous (See State of Jefferson). If the “northwest republic” takes hold with the mountain states, that left coast section would be very likely to join them.”

    This is absolutely correct. The Democrat congressman from that district of Oregon is pro-gun and is in favor of protectionist trade policies. If it were not for the college city of Eugene there would be a conservative Republican representing that district just as there is in Eastern Oregon.

  12. New nations will form on their own, in their own time, and resulting from situational dynamics that are beyond the control or will of solitary individuals. It is a naturally-recurrent phenomenon, and cannot be manufactured.

  13. “Alaska should be on that regional map, too. They have a kind regional identity up there, one which supercedes their American identity in some ways.”

    Well it certainly supersedes that shit hole of the universe, Detroit.

  14. I laughed when PB was kicked off CNBC. U know what their daily audience is down to? c. 100,000, and most of them idiots. The Net is the future, and then the streets. That’s why the Jews are desperate to shut down the Net, and grab the guns. Neither machination will succeed. W/in 10 years – via Civil War II – HardRight Whites will rule North America. Then there’ll be some changes made. At a minimum: Jews to Palestine, mestizos to Mexico, & Blacks go back to Africa where they can run, jump, and be happy.

  15. Poor Pat, he’s always at least one step behind the curve on everything. His solutions would’ve worked in the 1950s. They wouldn’t work now, even if there was a thought of applying them, because the nature and size of the problems are so different today. His beloved melting pot planted the seeds of its own destruction, thankfully. His understanding of economics is better but I’m not sure how complete. He still nibbles around the Israel problem while dutifully invoking The Big H. This despite all the fire those wonderful-people-who’re-just-like-us have heaped on him for even breathing. His foreign policy is sounding better. Must’ve been that homework I gave him in the 1990s. He pretty much behaves as if he can’t understand why his 1950s style policies won’t be applied, much less why the problems have become too big for them to work if they were.

    Yes Pat, there is a Saint Paul out there. Pat won’t realize that for another decade, of course.

  16. At least Detroit actually appears on maps, fucko. Come on out here sometime, if you’re not busy chasing the army out of “the homeland”. I’ll mail you a bus ticket.

  17. Thanks Seawhatever, I forgot about that part. Pat’s still looking for alternative media in things like talk radio. No mention of the internet. I know Pat knows it’s there, but notice how he still doesn’t realize that it has already become THE alternative media.

  18. In Ohio, I believe the Greater Appalachia territory could be extended further north. Counties such as Darke, Miami, Auglaize, Shelby and Mercer, among others, would fit right in, based on culture and demographics.

  19. The map definitely needs tweaking. Upstate South Carolina (and Abbeville, no less!) not in the Deep South, and part of Kansas in Appalachia? Lordy, Lordy.

  20. Some people on here are kind of obsessed with Jews – hey, whatever. If it makes you feel any better, Jews in the U.S. are busy making themselves disappear by their very low birthrates and high intermarriage rates.

    Hunter refers above (as did Pat Buchanan) to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Ted Kennedy, not “the Jews”, is responsible for that, as well as much other evil like socialized medicine. He is the bottom of the gene pool – and has probably done more damage to this country than any single human being.

  21. If America ever collapsed, it would disintegrate into something like this. Tidewater and New France are really just variations on Deep South. It is unthinkable to imagine South Louisiana breaking off from North Louisiana.

    Greater Appalachia split into Union Appalachia and Confederate Appalachia in the War Between the States. Woodward explains in the book how Deep South, Tidewater, New France, and Confederate Appalachia coalesced into Dixie during and after Reconstruction.

  22. The Kennedy’s were shanty-Irish white-trash, who got rich running bootleg whiskey during Prohibition, and then reinvented themselves as New England blue-bloods. It always gave me joy to see the bastards die young, one by one.

  23. Hey Hunter, I’m happy as all get out that Greater Applachia extends up to Central Illinois. A lot of Applachian folks, including my ancestors, moved to Central Illinois during the pioneering days. That means I won’t have to move South (I hope!) when the shit hits the fan. I’m very attached to this area, because my family is very deeply rooted here. I’d hate to move becase it would be like ripping off my arms or legs. All of my family is buried in the small towns we settled in.

  24. Nations need ports and it’s more likely the usa will break up into quarters, more or less. Only fools would be happy to have their nation completely land locked and folks would make concessions/ draw maps to have long term access to port cities

  25. New nations will form on their own, in their own time, and resulting from situational dynamics that are beyond the control or will of solitary individuals. It is a naturally-recurrent phenomenon, and cannot be manufactured.

    Well said, could not have said it better. The perfect storm, as you will, can not be foreseen.
    Reminds me of the space program in the 6o’s. The perfect time, place, political enviroment all lead to (White) men on the moon. No other time in history had all the variables in place.
    Totally random occurance in the scope of human history, taken in to account this occured in only ten years.
    Nations and random events can not be predicted, they just happen and usually in blinding speed.

  26. Sallie says:
    May 7, 2012 at 2:30 am
    Some people on here are kind of obsessed with Jews – hey, whatever.

    What eva, my dear. I think you should freshin’ up on history of the jude. They are quite the unique group.
    Hated by the more intelligent of the White race. They have been booted from every Christian nation and now have stepped in the Arab world with their creation of Israel.
    The majority of White people think jews are a benign folk. Not so, at all.
    If you want to understand who your real enemy is, read up on the Soviets, Lenin and the Bolshevics. Niggers are nothing without the juden.

  27. Sallie,
    That’s just a start, if you are are really intrested, there is alot out there.
    I was lucky enough to be raised in a jew wise family.
    I doubt you have any idea of how depraved and evil jews are.
    Not that I care about Palestinians, but research that as well. That’s what jews do when they achieve the upper hand.
    Or you can just look at your own nation with immigration and the willing jew media.
    One in the same, the media, jews, your nation and immigration.

  28. “Sounds fine to me. It will be good for the rest of us to be able to send the niggers back from whence they came.” – Judel

    You mean Africa, of course. A true White Man would never wish harm on an ethnic brother.

  29. “Then there’ll be some changes made. At a minimum: Jews to Palestine, mestizos to Mexico, & Blacks go back to Africa where they can run, jump, and be happy.”

    Seadragon- the ‘Jews’ natural home does not exist on this terrestrial plane. Their religious (but not racial) ancestors were deposed as a ‘Chosen People’ by their miscegenation under John Hyrcanus. Christ’s Incarnation, and his denunciations of the “Jews” is all over the pages of the N.T. Josephus as well…..

    Those who ‘converted’ and became Talmudics (which the world mistakes for “Jews”) i.e., the Khazarian kosher konversion in @ 700A.D.,
    may have carried on the NAME of ‘Jew’ but [isc] Jews as a pure RACE, died out somewhere before 1000A.D. The Church is ‘Israel’, now.

    The Church had a theology that is ostensibly correct, of the ‘Wandering Jew.’ These accursed spawn of Satan [John 8:44] have no place to call their own home- they have been cursed by God for all eternity, and nothing- not even co-erced Jewish Poles masquerading as the Pope of Rome [J2P2] can change that divine decree.

    For the record.

  30. “Hunter refers above (as did Pat Buchanan) to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Ted Kennedy, not “the Jews”, is responsible for that, as well as much other evil like socialized medicine. ” – Sally the clueless

    Sally, as a woman, I’d mention I Cor. 14:34 as normative for ALL of Western, Christian, societies, but I’d rather point out the fact that both Hubert H Humprhrey and Teddy (drunker than a skunk) Kennedy were the TOOLS whereby JEW Emmanuel Celler (the act that forever DESTROYED our White Hegemony is called the ‘Hart-Celler’ Act!) used HHH and Teddy to be the ‘shabbas goyim’ for this lie.

    Even a non-White realized what was at stake, when he recently wrote: “The United States’ modern immigration system was born in the postwar era with the abolition of the ethnic quota system that favored Europeans. Conservatives and patriotic groups were initially opposed to the 1965 reform to abolish quotas, but they eventually relented, in part because they imagined the concept of family reunification would help to freeze the ethnic landscape in the 1960s. “Do you not agree with me that it would be vastly easier for us to assimilate into American life an Englishman than it would be to assimilate a person from Indonesia?” asked Senator Sam Ervin, a notable conservative in the hearings, about people like myself. “I think immigration should be restricted to those who have relatives already in this country. I think that we should have our immigration drawn in such a way as to reunite families.” There was a general understanding that family reunification would prevent an excess of many non-white migrants entering the country. As Representative Emmanuel Celler, author of the 1965 Hart-Celler immigration act said, “since the people of Africa and Asia have very few relatives here, comparatively few could immigrate from those countries because they had no family ties to the United States.”

    The congressmen’s (Celler’s) assumptions turned out to be completely, even spectacularly wrong. [Aside: or a clever Jewish ‘doublespeak’ more likely!] Immigration from Asia totaled about 15,000 a year in the 1950s but surged to 43,000 a year in the ’60s, then to six times that amount by the ’80s. Policymakers had no understanding of the concept of “chain migration,” which renders the composition of the native cohort not nearly as meaningful as the future supply of the incoming cohort….”- http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-215_162-57334574/i-studied-here-then-was-forced-to-leave/

    No, Jews are incarnated evil. The Church Fathers say that from their perverted loins, the ANTICHRIST will be born. (Which is why Obama is merely the ‘house n*gger’ for the Jews… at this point… because he’s NOT a Yid).

    Sallie, you have NO IDEA of the complicity of the Jew in every evil the West has EVER been involved with…..

  31. Sounds fine to me. It will be good for the rest of us to be able to send the niggers back from whence they came.

    I know you have some kind of obsession or inferiority complex concerning this issue, but you should face facts. If the South ever secedes, Yankee-Judea will be taking on a lot of the blacks currently living here. With open arms. That’s what happens when you pride yourself on your “anti-racism,” denigrate the south for its “racism,” etc. Yankee-Judea is drunk on the Kool-Aid and will throw a tickertape parade for the incoming blacks.

  32. Quaker stock? Man, those guys will break both arms patting themselves on the back for welcoming the black hordes. They’ll be acting like the tar baby is the brier patch.

  33. Africa? Joint project?

    Unfortunately, no. Yankee-Judea would never allow that. They’d insist on taking the blacks themselves.

    New nations will form on their own, in their own time, and resulting from situational dynamics that are beyond the control or will of solitary individuals. It is a naturally-recurrent phenomenon, and cannot be manufactured.

    Yeah, I’ll go tell that to Israel.

    Some people on here are kind of obsessed with Jews – hey, whatever.

    Jews are obsessed with us. We’re just returning the favor.

    If it makes you feel any better, Jews in the U.S. are busy making themselves disappear by their very low birthrates and high intermarriage rates.

    It would make me feel better, if I believed it:

    1) Only Jews are allowed to count Jews. I’d as soon take a junkie’s word. They report what serves their interests (in this case, “the sky is falling! The sky is falling” – classic circle the wagons strategy)
    2) Even the numbers they report for intermarriage are about half that of other groups (ever seen a statistic for how many of the supposedly race-blind Jews marry blacks? Neither have I).

    Hunter refers above (as did Pat Buchanan) to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Ted Kennedy, not “the Jews”, is responsible for that,

    Wrong, the Jews are responsible for that. Pols are just whores for interest groups. Jews were the interest group for that bit of legislation.

  34. I noticed with pleasure that on your map Kentucky is the only Southern state that keeps her original borders.

  35. I travel a lot and I can tell you firsthand that the map is well thought out. The only glaring error is lumping the UP of Michigan in with Yankeedom. They have been wanting to secede from the lower peninsula for fifty years to get out of paying what they used to call the “Soul Tax”. Yoopee should be a nothern outpost of Greater Appalachia.

  36. Saturday, 12 May 2012
    Amerika’s police state

    Two truly mind-blowing developments:

    First, the transformation of America, in less than a decade, into a police state-in-waiting. Second, the almost total lack of response from the public in general and their so-called representatives.

    A police state-in-waiting might seem like going over the top, but it’s not. Here are just some, it’s by no means a comprehensive listing, just the ones that I consider most egregious.

    Purchases by the Department of Homeland Security

    • 650 million rounds of .40 calibre hollow point ammunition. Now if you get hit by a .4 hollow-nose you won’t get up.
    •an unknown amount of bullet resistant booths to be stationed at unannounced checkpoints throughout the country
    •140 million emergency rations

    A citizen can be detained and strip-searched for such totally trivial ‘offences’

    The US military are training to take on crowds of American citizens in a time of crisis.

    The establishment of an internet ‘kill switch’ contingency plan and jamming of all non-government communications,

    Domestic spy drones in operation (Black Hawks hovering over Chicago recently)

    The new $2 billion one million sq. ft. high tech domestic data gathering centre in Utah

    And what about the National Defence Executive Reserve, which means your entire work history is now stored, aggregated and flagged in a national database and you can be called on at any time and forced into service for national security reasons at a government-run institution or labour camp:

    Meanwhile the TSA gropers expand into bus and train stations and even run checkpoints on highways

    A leaked U.S. Army document prepared for the Department of Defence contains shocking plans for “political activists” to be pacified by “PSYOP officers” into developing an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the United States.

    Then there’s the presidential power to target American citizens for assassination found in the National Defence Authorization Act (NDAA). This act also gives powers that can result in indefinitely detaining American citizens without charge or trial.

    Obama’s ‘Doomsday’ executive order (National Defense Resources Preparedness) allows the seizure of food, land, energy resources and skilled labourers. All the preppers’ goods and chattels can be seized by Executive Order. That’s all resources, not just those owned by large farms and businesses

    DHS have deployed a host of tools to not only monitor what is being posted online, but who is posting it, who their friends are, which sites they visit and what information they ‘like’ in particular.

    Paying by cash, buying gold, stocking up on food, promoting “anti-U.S.” and “radical theologies,” and demanding personal privacy are all now considered to be suspicious

    “In a nutshell, it’s the blueprint for Peacetime Martial Law and it gives the president the power to take just about anything deemed necessary for “National Defence”, whatever they decide that is.” (Infowars)

    In other words, a classical Police State.

    Yet there’s been comparatively little reaction from the MSM or from citizenry at large. There seems to be a complete lack of awareness of just how draconian these measures are. I suppose it’s the old story: It doesn’t affect me now so there’s not a problem. And now if you excuse me, America’s Got Talent is coming on.

    Posted by SAVANT at 14:42


  37. All of this was very stimulating as conversation (please don’t believe this is my real name) and I thank OccidentalDissent.Con, all the commentators, as well as Buchanan and his devil’s advocate. (My usual online moniker is “Protogonus.”

  38. On the other hand, if truth rather than mere verbal stimulation is desired, it should be said that the problem of America and indeed the Americas, and what has led to its ultimate atomization and dissolution at the hands of clever manipulators (we won’t mention just who), is democracy itself. America was and is for sale. It will always be for sale and will always possess an expensive (and indebted) government that cannot and does not govern with the commonweal uppermost. The original crime was rebellion against King and Country. For that, we pay. Let those wounded by these words read the ultimate justification in Hegel’s ‘Philosophy of Right’ (1821) for the monarchy we Americans permanently abandoned those many years ago. And let those who think the subtle Teuton can be ignored find their due in the darkness that has claimed their minds and blamed no one but lack of proper teachers.

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