Texas: The Color of Crime


H/T Sallie

In Texas, African-Americans are 11.8 percent of the population, but are responsible for 30 percent of homicide, 24 percent of rape, 43 percent of robbery, 29 percent of aggravated assault, and 28 percent of burglary.

In Texas, Hispanics are 37.6 percent of the population, but are responsible for 42 percent of homicide, 41 percent of rape, 37 percent of robbery, 38 percent of aggravated assault, and 38 percent of burglary.

Note: African-Americans and Hispanics are responsible for 72 percent of homicide, 65 percent of rape, 80 percent of robbery, 67 percent of aggravated assault, and 66 percent of burglary in the Lone State State.

Source: Crime in Texas, 2009

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


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