About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. LOL, I love how everyone just goes along with pretending like this is a new development with him. We are supposed to beleive he wasn’t pro-fag marriage the whole time? Yeah, ok.

  2. @ Hunter

    God only knows what some of these colored Moslems think? Have you ever talked to one? LOL.

  3. Frankly I think this is an act of desperation. He is having to shore up his base. He’s is writing off chunks of the white vote.

  4. In the primary in 2007-08 he triangulated with the nigs in theucuckin Deep South with anti gay rhetoric. Donnie McCluckin was a black rev he whipped up.

  5. Well, I hope this helps some more of our Conservative, “patriot” folks to care about the Fall Presidential election and not write in Ron Paul or vote for some obscure 3rd party Presidential candidate.

  6. He has to come out strong on someting, my people back home flipped him the biggest fuckin bird yesterday when they voted anybody but Obama and made him look like the biggest fucking idiot to ever hold the title President of the United States.

    Reggie Love is his slut in the Whitehouse locker room. Donald Young was his slut in the Trinity United Church of Christ rectory. He smoked crack and cock with Larry Sinclair. Obama is a homo.

    ABC News says 52% of Americans support gay marriage. I beg to differ.

    And he does look like hs is getting lighter.

    Ameican Thinker has a good article today on the “Situation Roon” photograph of everyone watching the attack on OBL calling it a Photoshop job.

  7. ‘Harold & Kumar’ actor Kal Penn was supposedly the victim of unwanted homosexual advances from Obama, back in 2009. Obama had invented some goofy position for Penn at the White House, because he supposedly had a crush on him, and wanted to get close to him. Penn, who was an enthusiastic supporter of Obama, abruptly left his new job at the White House after only a few months, and without any explanation.

  8. Our enemies so thoroughly and completely own the halls of power. They’ve mashed the gas and cut the brake lines.

    Put a fork in it.

    We might think it fantasy right now, but in 5, 10 years, liberals will be pushing bestiality as a normal and healthy expression of love.

    Fuck these people.

    Guns. Gold. Grain.

    I’ll be poolside reloading watching this bitch burn. If there is a God, please, PLEASE, let it happen sooner than later.

  9. Well, I hope this helps some more of our Conservative, “patriot” folks to care about the Fall Presidential election and not write in Ron Paul or vote for some obscure 3rd party Presidential candidate.”

    Gee, I don’t know how the ‘Not majority’ candidate can WIN THREE STATES’ delegates in the last week, and yet still (By brain-dead idiots) be called ‘obscure’. A Mormon for a President, after a sodomitic Muslim…. now, THAT’S obscure. But a 35-year veteran of ONE state in Congress, running as a viable candidate…. hmmm, sounds almost ‘normal’ to me… especially after the last 4 years.

  10. Hunter Wallace says:
    May 9, 2012 at 9:23 pm

    “I guess this means he isn’t a Muslim. :)”

    Muslims are the biggest gays around. What do you think occurs in populations that allow the wealthy, to take as many wives as they wish?

    I’ve heard stories from soldiers based in the Middle East, that I am not going to repeat here…

  11. >>>Fuck these people.<<<

    That, too will be pushed as a "normal and healthy expression of love."

  12. Paki pedo pimps.

    Cover this. There will be blood. The mainstream politicians ignored it. Let skinheads sort it out over a hot weekend.

  13. This issue may be one that simply does not matter. Obama is either going to win handily or lose handily, I can’t see middle ground here. Of course the fact that the democrats keep pushing an issue that consistently loses for them is somewhat suspect.

  14. “White & Confederate says:
    May 9, 2012 at 9:38 pm

    Frankly I think this is an act of desperation. He is having to shore up his base. He’s is writing off chunks of the white vote.”

    Yup. It’s just pandering to his uber-leftist base. And didn’t he make a comment about it should be up to the states anyway? So who really gives a rat’s ass about what he thinks? He wouldn’t be able to influence whether individual states allow it.

  15. “I’ve heard stories from soldiers based in the Middle East, that I am not going to repeat here…

    They’re all true. Muslims and jews both like little boys. A lot. I guess they’ll always have that.

  16. The real damage done to marriage was the coming of no-fault divorce. I think back to my grade school days, I was in the minority (my parents were still together). A majority of my classmates were being raised by their moms (1970’s / 80’s in a 90%+ white suburb). Gay marriage will just make the institution more a joke to young men. Which is a shame because speaking as someone who is married…. I wouldn’t want to go back to being single. Traditional marriage has many advantages (beyond getting laid regularly).

    I have been a landlord since 1997. During that time, I ended up with a lot of gay / lesbian tenants (NYC metro area). Some observations:

    Gay men have a VERY high incident of drug / alcohol abuse. I had a couple of decent gay tenants, but went through hell keeping roommates. Too many of them would get strung out. Hard, hard, hard drug and alcohol use.

    There is also no such thing as monogamy with gay men.
    One of the saddest incidents I witnessed was my one tenant having to leave an apartment he loved because his ‘spouse’ decided he was too old and he could go fuck teenagers. He couldn’t afford the rent on his own.

    Gay men don’t want marriage. They want weddings and access to corporate paid spousal health insurance.

    The most unstable relationships out there are lesbian couples. I swear, all they do is fight with each other. I used to think the young bf/gf couples ‘playing house’ were the fastest to crash and burn. With lesbians.. more than once I got a crying phone call of a now single woman who couldn’t make the rent because her spouse high tailed it out the door (often with a good portion of the furniture).

    Personally.. I don’t care what adults do in their private lives. However, I cringe when I see the gay marriage bills pass. Marriage IMO, is important for a healthy, growing (both in population and technical advances) society. I cringe even more when I see gays / lesbians adopt or have kids via artificial means. A lesbian couple I know did the sperm donor route and had a son. This kid will grow up with no dad and a mom(s) with a very fragile temperament.

  17. This article coming right on the tail of the Travolta story has me wondering who Ol’ Yeller had to blow to get his role as the president. I suspect that after eating dog, cum just wasn’t very awful for him.

  18. “Hello. I’m Ed and this is my wife, Carl.” How long is it gonna take to get used to hearing THAT?

  19. Some years back my employer at the time contracted myself out to a major utility company. A big controversy there was how to deal with the pre-op “transgendered” employees. What bathroom would they use? Would a man who identifies as a ‘woman’ be able to use the woman’s toilet?

    In the end, they were given keys to the executive bathrooms.

    After that happened.. i figured gay marriage was only a matter of time….. everything gay would become acceptable at some point or another.

  20. Bloomberg had him down on his knees.

    Does anyone remember that coffee they had during primary season?

  21. hell_is_like_newark hits it on the head: Gay men don’t want marriage. They want weddings and access to corporate paid spousal health insurance.

    That’s all this is about, the health insurance, and they don’t want to be charged a reasonable risk rate for it.

    I had other things to say but best not to say. It is not something I actually want to see pursued.

  22. Note: This is the political equivalent of John Travolta going for the gay Jewish money.


  23. None should be surprised the negro and chief backs pervert marriage.

    Leftist always play this game. They portray themselves as sharing common middle class/ traditional values, and caveat it by saying it’s a complex issues. Then after “much soul searching” they adopt the leftist view,which was their original view all long. Queers know the game and that’s why the supported the negro and chief. Doesn’t matter what the issues is, pervert marriage, gun control, immigration or what have you. It’s how they play the game.

  24. I know many of you have read it, but here it is again. There is nothing more abominable to a culture, to a civilization, when you permit this perversion to even exist.


    Here’s a post that outlines WHY in the USA, such idiocy seems or is made to seem, “normal.” It’s because our culture has been perverted, and that, for a long time.


  25. I think they are all pissed because NC just voted down “same sex” marriage.

    It’s just a matter of time before this goes to SCOTUS, like legalizing abortion did, re: Roe v Wade. The high court is just one vote away (Kennedy) from going full cultural Marxist. At least one new judge is bound to be appointed in the next four years, probably to replace Kennedy or one of the “conservatives”.

    We know the kind of judge Barry will appoint. I’m not so sure about Romney but I distrust him completely.

  26. Libtards: “Same Sex Couples Should Be Allowed To Get Married”

    Normals: “They are allowed to get married. Adam can go find a nice girl to marry, just like men have been allowed to do since the dawn of history. And so can Steve. What you people want is not marriage, it’s something wholly new that you’ve created, and want to call marriage, but it’s not marriage. It’s something else.”

  27. I guess this means he isn’t a Muslim.

    Not necessarily.

    Lying to unbelievers to cover a hidden agenda against the unbelievers is perfectly acceptable under Islam. (re: Taqiyya and Kitman)

  28. I think hell_is_like_newark is onto something myself. Good post.

    As a general rule “the gay” issue is of very low importance . The actual number of gays is pretty small in the scheme of things and for the most part there are much bigger factors than same sex marriage killing society.

    Also in extremely liberal nations that have had gay marriage for many years very few people bother with it anyway.

    Its a bit jarring and its not good but if that was the big liberal victory, shrug whatever.

    IMO if people ask me “For or Against?” I usually answer “Against but don’t care that much.”

  29. As a general rule “the gay” issue is of very low importance . The actual number of gays is pretty small in the scheme of things ….

    But its “death by a thousand cuts”.

  30. “Outlier says:
    May 10, 2012 at 5:41 pm
    As a general rule “the gay” issue is of very low importance . The actual number of gays is pretty small in the scheme of things ….

    But its “death by a thousand cuts”.”


  31. I second Fr John, who said “I don’t know how the ‘Not majority’ candidate can WIN THREE STATES’ delegates in the last week, and yet still (by brain-dead idiots) be called ‘obscure’. A Mormon for a President, after a sodomitic Muslim…. now, THAT’S obscure. But a 35-year veteran of ONE state in Congress, running as a viable candidate…. hmmm, sounds almost ‘normal’ to me….” No enthusiasm here for the liberal Mormon who says “we need” both the Fed and a Republican Dream Act, and hasn’t repented for his Romney Care. Let’s not support this lesser evil at all until after he wins the nomination.

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