Derb’s Question: Who Are We?


Derb asks:

“But who are they—I mean, we? What do we call ourselves?”

There isn’t a consensus and never will be as each faction has its own hobby horse. The Pew Research Center would classify most of us as “Disaffecteds.” The only unifying trait that unites everyone in the “Alt Right” is that we are disaffected with and hostile toward the “mainstream.” I believe I can speak for everyone on that point.

(1) The White Nationalists are disaffected with the “mainstream” over the decline of White people in America.

(2) The Neo-Nazis are disaffected with the “mainstream” over the decline of White people in America and prefer to emphasize that Jewish influence is the major cause of the problem.

(3) The HBD community is disaffected with the “mainstream” over its lies about racial equality.

(4) The paleoconservatives are disaffected with the “mainstream” over religion, foreign policy, trade policy, economics and a number of other issues.

(5) There are libertarians who are disaffected with the “mainstream” over the national debt and the size of the government and its suffocating conformity.

(6) There are “men’s rights activists” who are disaffected with the “mainstream” over feminism.

(7) The Neo-Confederates are disaffected over the “mainstream” over the War Against The South.

There is a broad consensus in the “Alt Right” about the problems that America is facing: it is obvious that race exists, White people are being pushed around and should fight back, blacks are put up on a pedestal no matter how bad they behave, America is now in terminal decline, Jews have too much power and influence, the federal government sucks, “mainstream” conservatives are pushovers, women are out of control, and sweeping radical changes need to be made or else we are screwed.

That’s about the sum of the “Disaffected Right” worldview – Amiright?

Note: My own personal hobby horse, which I continue to press relentlessly, is the dream that someday at least the Gulf States, and ideally the rest of Dixie, will finally choose resistance, secede from the United States, and create an independent nation-state.

I expect this ideal will seem outrageous right up until the day that it isn’t. The day will come when the intoxicating thought of separation from Washington, never again having to contend with San Francisco and New York City and Vermont, overwhelms and enraptures a critical mass of minds in this area.

I will even say that my vision became slightly less outrageous after Barack Obama’s comments this afternoon.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The essential question is: which clot of crooks and killers will do a quicker job of destroying Amerikwa and precipitating Civil War II? As these ads indicate, it’s a close call. But if we have an election at all – which I doubt – I’m leaning toward the Jew-Congoid clot.

  2. interestingly I somewhat fit into each of the 7 categories which all play a part in being option #7.

    “the intoxicating thought of separation from Washington, never again having to contend with San Francisco and New York City and Vermont”

    Wow Hunter, you have a gift with words.

  3. The essential question is: which clot of crooks and killers will do a quicker job of destroying Amerikwa and precipitating Civil War II?

    Civil War II over gay rights.

  4. over gay rights, LOL, don’t forget transgender anti-bullying. they will form the new federalist army of the potomac, fags and trannys and niggers, and behind them a writhing mass of moloch worshipping, ass-licking, beady eyed, pale wormskinned, kikes.

  5. Army of the Gay Civil Union. The West Hollywood Rifles, Bay Area Rangers, Lower Manhattan Rough Riders. A rainbow shower of regimental pride.

  6. On another note. Edwards, doesn’t his recent legal jeopardy suggest that there is no serious future for a white man in the Democratic party?

  7. I call us “Trads”, short for “Traditionalists”, because we hold to the great Western tradition in politics, religion, culture, and philosophy. The term “conservative”, while useful in certain contexts, represents in its essence an Enlightenment idea (as do the terms “Right” and “Left”), and as such does not express the reactionary, pre-Enlightenment spirit of this growing movement.

  8. Uuumm …errr..if oNegro is re-installed – the Slaughter of the White starts for REAL. Romney offers breathing room.

  9. The left is a mess. They are held together with lots of cash from its rackets and the ever present paranoia about the “common enemy” and that is it.

    We white men basically aquiese to this out of “conservatism” and stupid reactionary politics which is predicated on losing by time table.

  10. expect this ideal will seem outrageous right up until the day that it isn’t.

    HW, you know I’m not into the Whitepocalypse or WWJew stuff. But a question very much considering is how much of the population is willing to go to jail for its beliefs. That’s really important. And it has nothing to do with violence, per se; the Amish got their way because they were willing to go to jail for their beliefs, and violence had nothing to do with it.

    Working the middle ground (more than passive resistance, but short of killing people), how many people are willing to go to jail for blowing up roads, power lines, empty buildings over the weekend? For pouring sugar into gas tanks of the oppressor’s vehicles? In short, for making the beast’s life impossible?

    The ‘net is an important part of this; it’s one thing when they can just lock you away to be shanked/sodomized by gangs (with a quiet word in their ear from the beast on who to target, of course), never to be heard from again (thanks to a complicit media). It’s quite another when this sort of punishment itself becomes food for the resistance because the new media is all over it like stink on shit.

    Not only will things continue to get worse for the beast – they’ll get worse at an increasing rate. The wheels will come off, eventually. I have little doubt about that. What I doubt is all the WNs with crystal balls who think they have a clue about what shape everything will take. They don’t. We can speculate, but there are so many ways to skin a cat that it’s silly to think it’ll look like a Stallone movie. White people have a tendency to adapt and innovate, and there are so many ways we could get this thing done without a “hot” war. The simple fact that people prefer all kinds of solutions to war suggests that they’ll find some way to deal with this that falls well short of literal war.

  11. I think Robert Oculus is correct. Conservatives are supposed to ‘conserve’ that which is good, kind, noble, etc.

    Traditionalists (like the pejorative ‘Victorian’) realize that what is worthy of being held up as the ‘norm’ to those who are determined to destroy all, are those ‘Traditions’ that have enabled society to exist for the last five millennia, more or less.

    That is why I prefer to use the term, “Restoration,” rather than “Revolution.”

    Revolution is a term totally co-opted by the Anarchic fringe, that just happens to be rather wide at present, only because we are in a low-lying ideological backwater- not because it has any validity or depth. Their advocating perversions and sicknesses of the psyche is merely the deathwish of those who hate God, and His Law. [Prov. 8:36]

    Tradition, OTOH, is the Mariana Trench of History, in that it has roots in the love of family, lineage, nobility, the hearth, Patriarchy, from the Greek Myths all the way to the Hebraic family lineages: indeed, all the way back to Adam and Eve!

    That is why I prefer to call the inevitable conflict we are seeing on the horizon, the “[Second] American Restoration,” rather than a ‘second American revolution.’ While most here know that I do not believe in the efficacy of American Protestantism, (as it is construed today) one has to recognize the validity of saying/noting that the Great Awakening, which preceded the War for Independence in the 1740’s, was the proximate cause of the war between Britain and the Colonies- for the more biblically literate the citizenry were, the more they realized that George III was no longer (actually, had never really been) the “Little Father” that he should have been to his subjects in the colonies.

    Sadly, the lack of a national church in America, allowed Deists and ‘Company Men’ to usurp the first (and last) experiment in representative monarchy- apart from the Davidic/Judges model.. for the populace wanted to make Washington king. Wisely, he resisted that temptation. But, as Fraser has noted, in his ‘The WASP Question”, a representative monarchy is the only valid government for a revivified Christian nation in the European/Christendom lineage. Clearly, after “W” and the Obamanation, mobocracy, and extending the franchise to vote to slaves and pagans, is not how to run a country.

  12. Mind Weapon has many good points. I myself advocate a more vocal approach to politics but I see his point, we whites are so saddled with stupid reactionary politics that they are almost useless. (we in too many cases are shrieking “nigger” at niggers expecting different results, right)

    Whites are the left’s “common enemy” and as of now the right’s conservative tendency is to try and dissolve that with either bullying or rolling over or both.

    We at BUGs are basically destroying the left’s notion that they are superior to the “common enemy”, and this will leave them to fight over the looted tax monies and destroy themselves in the process.

  13. Washington ought to have accepted a crown. Napoleon may have been correct. Risk everything to be a President? Jeebus.

    A king is stuck with the peasants. He can kill off his aristocrats and courtiers but he can’t massacre his own ploughmen. The Czar for example, was a fairly good ruler. The Russians had millions of farmers with good plots and they fed the world.

    What exactly did Farmer George do? He had fights with massive lanowners. The war of independence was largely a fight between very well to do aristocrats. Washington himself was motivated by spite for an army that rejected his commission. By 1850 I suspect Dixie knew they effed it up.

  14. The problem with going to jail is not the “jail” part. I’ve been to jail (long story) and it’s not that bad. The problem is that White people have something to lose. Our enemies don’t. If a member of the Rainbow of Diversity gets arrested, so what? He gots nuffin anyway. Hell, it’s a mark of pride for them to do some time Inside. If an Occutard gets busted, who cares? Daddy’s lawyer will get him/her out and make it all go away. Great story for the gang down at Starbucks! Makes you look all “hard”.

    But if Whitey Middleclass gets busted for striking out in defense of his own kind, he will be ruined. Going to jail, being tried, etc. costs a fortune — a fortune which will come out of his family’s hide. he will also very likely lose his job, and with it his home, family, and children. For Whitey Middleclass, going to jail is the end of the world.

    In a survival situation, say a “hot” race war, Whitey Middleclass will do what he has to, and to hell with the consequences. But in the situation we have today, a racial “cold war”, Whitey won’t. It’s not worth it to him to ruin the lives of his wife and kids over some stupid political thing. And so he retreats (white flight).

    It is unreasonable to ask Whitey Middleclass to sacrifice his family for the sake of his race. It is therefore the duty of those Whites with no family to be held hostage — the young, the single, the childless, and the older Whites with grown children — to make that sacrifice. College kids and retired/childless Whites should be the shock troops of the Restoration, taking the heat so that White family men can raise the next generation of White people.

    I have young children, and I intend to see that they grow up well and happy. That’s why I do what little I can with words. But once my kids are grown and can no longer be made to suffer for my actions, the time for deeds…

  15. Washington was pissed his land grants in Ohio were not to be honored to make the red savages happy, among other things and was ready for revolution much sooner than the average man of his time.

  16. Outlier I don’t think gayness will cause any kind of Civil War. Lots of pretty reactionary people like myself and younger people don’t care enough. Its one of those issues that takes energy away from things that really matter.

    Of course maybe thats the point, its a feint and while reactionaries are busy chasing gays, lots of worse stuff gets by

  17. Gays? You mean sodomites, right? One does not practice “gay”, he practices sodomy. We must stop letting the anti-white Marxists control the language. We shouldn’t be anti-Gay marriage (another Faileocon failure was again getting stuck with the “anti” something), we should be labeling the Marxists as pro-sodomy and anti-marriage. That’s all.

  18. Derbyshire trashed Professor Kevin MacDonald in the American Conservative. Dr MacDonald’s crime? He wrote The Culture of Critique which documents how what has happened to America, HAPPENED, and who was responsible. This is a review of The C of C:

    I think that just the review makes clear that the Jewish Groups were the SINE NA QUON of the destruction of America.

    I hope there will be SECESSION one day, that another CSA may rise up.
    However the gang that runs the USSA is not likely to permit it, especially if Conservaties quake in fear of them.

  19. I think all the issues are interlinked. They are all facets of the same anti White/ anti West/ anti God program of cultural Marxism. I understand the argument about picking our battles but if one facet gains strength the whole program advances. I’m not saying picking our battles is a bad idea, but maybe it’s not the best idea either

  20. I would have characterized it as 4 main groups.

    1) HBD – Sailer, OneSTDV, et al – the focus being black racial reality
    2) MRA/Gamers – Roissy et al – the focus being female behavior as compared to male
    3) WNs of various types, including neo-confederates and neo-nazis
    4) the disaffected mainstream – those who don’t want to give up their classical liberal ideals, but have accepted the idea that the present US government is either incapable of protecting them or actively hostile to it, and therefore are preparing to a greater or lesser extent for civil war. This covers a large chunk of the militia movement and pro-2Amendment writers.

    I would claim that the first 3 groups are all dealing with different aspects of the same basic theoretical question – the nature of the human biological machine and differences in how its potential gets expressed – while the 4th is a reaction to experimental results without stopping to consider the possible causes.

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