The BBC and The Jews


H/T Walter Russell Mead

Mead deepthroats the Jews over “the ominous rise of anti-Semitism in the world” and calls it “the blindest of alleys” in this essay (thereby revealing that he himself believes that Jews are powerful and is trying to ingratiate himself to them), but otherwise links to an interesting BBC Hardtalk clip with hate truther Norman Finkelstein about changing Jewish attitudes toward Israel.

Note: You’ve probably heard the Jews are not powerful … well, they reportedly turned John Travolta into a cocksucker! Sounds powerful to me.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Mead must have deepthroated an entire boardroom of them. The man could only have been drunk on Jew or negro semen when he wrote that. My god.

    What is this “Jewish influence” that the Beeb thinks makes a mockery of American democracy and controls the ignorant Gentile masses, who are but passive putty in the hands of their sinister Jewish overlords?

    Is it George Soros, Barbra Streisand, Peter Beinart and Noam Chomsky? Is it John Hagee, Mitt Romney, Bill O’Reilly and Sarah Palin?

    Goerge Soros? Mead might have even gotten throated himself for that little number. Soros is one of the Jewish overlords.

  2. wow@ that Hardtalk interview. She was very hostile!

    I found it very telling that she wouldn’t answer his question “How many times has Iran gone to War in the last 10 years”?

  3. It seems to me that the power of the Zionists is on the wane. They are more radical than ever in Israel but elsewhere they are being questioned and challenged. Even more US Jews are speaking out against them. I don’t know what is going to happen to them but I see the Zionists continuing to lose power.

    BTW, Germany has apparently just given them another nuclear submarine. That’s not good. But Germany is also forging closer and closer relations with Russia (which is certainly good) and seems eager to either alter or scrap the EU. So, there are some positive trends taking place out there.

  4. If Ben Stein admitted that there’s a bit of a double standard about gentile emigration to Israel and Jewish support for mass emigration to say the oh er EU… We’d have some progress.

  5. If we were to say that Big Ag or the Farm Lobby fucks over the taxpayer through agricultural subsidies and illegal immigration, would Mead react in such a hysterical way?

    “This taxpayer-supported broadcast would have viewers believe that there is a shared, sinister Jewish agenda being imposed upon the American body politic through “influence” rather than democracy. To the addled mind of the Jew hater, “the Jews” act in concert, of one mind, with irresistible force and with a single pernicious agenda.”

  6. You can talk about “big labor” or “big business.” It is strictly taboo to identify and diagnosis the influence of “Big Jew” or the “Jew Power.”

  7. “Anti-Farmerism! Conspiracy!” Beckite Tea Partiers, Libertarians, and even liberal Democrats all agree in welcoming discussion of that politically correct issue, and they will all immediately ban any commenter on the evil of the Talmudists.

  8. My Commnet on Mead’s blog wil never get though Moderation – but here it is:

    Hey Mead – instead of pulling out the usual tactics of trying to undermine the critics of Organized Jewry – let’s address the actual CHARGES, shall we?

    Re: Jewish control of media, law, banking, finance, the Acadamy, and the complete over-representation in political influence, in American politics, in relationship to their population numbers – want some names? I got lots of names…

    P.S. – Why do these same issues arise, again and again, over the centuries, everywhere they go?

  9. Their whores in the media are such wormtongues. Deep down they must despise themselves as much as their owners must despise them.

    “It seems to me that the power of the Zionists is on the wane.”
    In Europe muslim immigration tipped the balance. Their lust to turn europeans into a minority blinded them to how inevitable that was.

  10. Still, the fact that the Jews are trotting out their paid shabbatz goyim like Mead with ever-increasing frequency suggests…that they’re worried by something they don’t (yet) control. And that would be…the internet, the Gutenberg press of the 21st century.

  11. I just watched the entire interview and I think he did a very good job in an obviously hostile interview. I dislike the way interviews are so confrontational these days, but then I guess he had to expect that going on a show called ‘Hard Talk.’ lol What a ridiculous name!

  12. Anon says, “Deep down they must despise themselves as much as their owners must despise them.”

    I don’t think so. I think most of them are so stupid they really believe all they say. I also do not think they have enough pride in themselves or dignity to feel shame. Moreover, too many people who actually personally know or have actually talked at length with these “journalists” and venal politicians have stated they really must believe what they say, and that they are as stupid as the average lemming on the street. I hear that such people at first thought the politicians and journalists must know better and only say these things in front of cameras and pass or promote laws out of fear of or for ingratiation with their bosses , etc., but after talking to them concluding that they really and truly do not know anything but the same stupid “talking points” and “buzz words” the “masses” go about repeating. I think it was Derbyshire, for example, who recently wrote, before his “The Talk” controversy, that he has met many politicians and that when questioned about different issues simply repeat the same “talking points” one hears from the media. Bob Whitaker has said as much. So have people like Rush Limbaugh and Neal Bortz. Fred Reed has frequently commented on it. A bunch of people who have opportunity to meet and know to an extent politicians and journalists. They all confirm politicians and journalists are really as stupid as they appear to be and that it is not an act. Ditto their morals and values.

  13. They didn’t turn Travolta into a cock-sucker. He’s a queer and only needed the right incentive. and I thought he was jewish

  14. Stonelifter, some men covet fame and fortune so much they will suck cock to get it. Don’t doubt this. A lot of straight men in prison have sucked dick for less.

  15. “The ‘mafia’? That’s just a wacky conspiracy theory. ”

    That was a common thought a few decades ago.

  16. You’ve got four basic societies: Hunter gatherer, agrarian, Industrial, post-industrial. In the 1st stage, people have babies like crazy, but they’re always on the move and most don’t even see early childhood. In the 2nd stage, birthrates start to outpace infant/early childhood mortality, but it’s still a thin margin. The third stage is the honeypot, where people are still working hard, but in decent conditions, and the kids are going to college, but it is a new enough experience for them to be grateful and actually learn something that is not an offshoot of critical/hate whitey/ hate self studies.

    In the 4th stage, almost all disease is treatable, and infant mortality is pretty much a thing of the past. But people who make it to this stage stop having babies altogether, or have them below replacement value. The Japanese are here, and will disappear from the earth in a few generations unless their government forces/gives incentives to have kids. Ashkenazim have been on this path even longer (know any Jewish farmers outside a Kibbutz?) and, as Buchanan pointed out in “Suicide,” what Hitler couldn’t do to them, Jewish women now do to themselves in the bedroom.

    But to get to the Finkelstein interview, this pro-Palestine/anti-Israel sentiment among American leftist Jews is just a short-term dabbling in ethno-masochism, like the Che poster in the dorm room of the little Jewish teenager who will, as his old book says, “put away childish things.”

    As Norman Podhertz said in the 60s, “everyone want(ed) to be a Negro.” Now the fuckers all want to be Palestinian. Two problems, though. The Muslims with the money and the willingness to kill don’t give two fucks about Palestine (parse Bin Laden’s works, via CIA intel analyst Mark Scheuer and see how often Laden even mentions them((about as often as he mentions Saddam))). And second, Palestinians are like blacks, in that they will try to kill anyone who isn’t them, when they get the chance, even if those people ostensibly try to help them. Even the densest white counter culture hippie, as the 60s became the 70s, realized that Negroes didn’t want his help, but wanted him to die. And then the party was over.

    Also Finkelstein has described himself as “an old fashioned communist,” but I’ve heard WN Tom Metzger leans in that direction, so there may be a little overlap between this man and the WN community, at least on this issue.

  17. It seems to me that the power of the Zionists is on the wane. They are more radical than ever in Israel but elsewhere they are being questioned and challenged. Even more US Jews are speaking out against them. I don’t know what is going to happen to them but I see the Zionists continuing to lose power.

    Don’t get too excited yet:

    The Union for Reform Judaism, representing the more liberal wing of organized Judaism, has an interesting speakers’ lineup at its Washington biennial in December. Barack Obama, I get that. And a big Zionist rabbi named Richard Hirsch. OK, they’re sold on Zionism– all major American Jewish orgs have the Zionist religion.

    But Natan Sharansky? Sharansky is a rightwing Israeli leader who chairs One Jerusalem, which has worked to kill the two-state solution, supposedly precious to liberal Jews. And Bill Kristol– WTF! Kristol is the neoconservative leader who pushed the Iraq war, writing that “Israel’s fight against terrorism is our fight.” Kristol has backed Israeli colonies through the West Bank.

    This demonstrates the conservatism of even Reform Jews when it comes to Israel. Reform Jewish leader Eric Yoffie attacked Richard Goldstone months after the Gaza horror. Reform Jewish leader Rabbi David Saperstein criticized J Street for taking a fairly mild stand against settlements. And J Street has pulled back its criticisms of Israel because it has pitched its tent inside the Jewish community and the Jewish community is reactionary on the Israel question. So it follows that at a time when Israel is losing credibility around the world, Reform circles the wagons, and welcomes rightwingers.

  18. Although Finkelstein is a thorn in the side of organized jewry, bringing up inconvenient facts, his morality is still firmly Is-It-Good-For-The-Jews. He’s aware of the Israeli jewish agression and realizes it’s bad PR for diaspora jews. He just runs interference from a different angle.

  19. @… ” It seems to me that the power of the Zionists is on the wane. They are more radical than ever in Israel but elsewhere they are being questioned and challenged. Even more US Jews are speaking out against them. I don’t know what is going to happen to them but I see the Zionists continuing to lose power….”

    More generational Americans seem to view it like a smarter Liberia. Having countries is supposed to be nice, so it seems nice to buy somebody one, so you do it, but then nobody wants to go there.

  20. @…. “You’ve got four basic societies: Hunter gatherer, agrarian, Industrial, post-industrial. In the 1st stage, people have babies like crazy, but they’re always on the move and most don’t even see early childhood. In the 2nd stage, birthrates start to outpace infant/early childhood mortality, but it’s still a thin margin. The third stage is the honeypot, where people are still working hard, but in decent conditions, and the kids are going to college, but it is a new enough experience for them to be grateful and actually learn something that is not an offshoot of critical/hate whitey/ hate self studies….”

    Only if you’re a progressivist and actually think some of those are an improvement.

    To see the ‘industrial era’ as the pinnacle would horrify many people. The rush of Ant Colony Immigrants, bussed in to kill children of the founders (civil war), and to punch clocks in their dark dingy factories, to “work their way up,” to the high point of colleges!

    Another aspect is that each of these creates different relationships (that really is Marx)—- no people have been made less social, more predatory and usurious in relation to their supposed fellows than the Northeast children of the Industrial Revolution.

    Look at the “New South” cities and how they are transformed by this population. Atlanta, Raleigh, South Florida, etc.—- as soon as they arrive, the whole machine intact, come the home invasions, constant violence, predatory neighbors, (Smith-Jones, covetous talks, you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours, etc.)

    They are taught that this is NORMAL. That man is evil, prone to crime and corruption, and that this is just the way it is.

    And once they come to town, that is correct. Because when they come, it is no more real community where no one locks their doors. It is Sodom and Gomorrah.

    The Children of the Industrial Revolution come with Ant Colony thinking, used to a) punching clocks and doing time for the man or B) keeping their mouths shut about whatever corruption (“hey that’s why they call it work”)

    Either they are paid to not THINK, or they’re paid to not talk about what they see.

    Also— this orientation to living seems to make them HATE. They are stripped of dignity in this process and then they want to “boss others around.” They get the license plate that says “I’m the Boss.”

    Decidedly, the South has the Agrarian Ideal, just as the Southern Agrarian School out of Nashville defined it.

    How people had TO BE, to become, to act— in order to fulfill what “elites” demanded of the them under the industrial revolution is sort of bone chilling, really. After a few generations, it was probably dysgenic, and people actually selected spouses for Time Clock Punching skills or thoughtless Ant colony genes.

  21. If we were to say that Big Ag or the Farm Lobby fucks over the taxpayer through agricultural subsidies and illegal immigration, would Mead react in such a hysterical way?

    How long before “changing the pronouns” in this fashion becomes explicit crimethink? It’s waaaay too dangerous to be allowed. It’s corollary, reciprocity, is far too close for comfort.

  22. Goldie Hawn in Greece names the Jew. NPR are loving this one. They are playing Black Metal. Hahahahaha.

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