Romney: The White Majority’s President


This comes from an incredible article called “The Average White Guy Vote”:

“The problem for President Barack Obama and down-ticket Democrats on November’s ballot is that average white guys aren’t just found in West Virginia; they’re in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and other states, too, and they can tip this fall’s election. . . .

Romney leads Obama with white male and female voters and does significantly better among men, 59 percent to 32 percent.

Among white women, Romney leads by nine points, 50 percent to 41 percent.”

Note: In what is called “democracy” in the United States, we have made the transition to a country where the White minority now rules the White majority, democratically, in combination with non-White voters.

It is only going to get worse as “diversity” becomes an even greater strength than it is now. Perhaps the next step will be a transition to where the Republic of Dixie has seceded from the United States. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.

We’ve already been degraded to the point where we have tolerated a negro president for four years. History shows this can only end in disaster.

About Hunter Wallace 12412 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. MOG. A bit of tongue in cheek acronym-ing.

    This is what happened to Rome. Caracala made everyone a citizen too.

  2. Obama spent, what, five trillion, seven trillion dollars, we don’t have on programs that were essentially payments to supporters, unions and blacks.

    As much as I don’t like Romney, 4 more years may mean a cheap HDTV is $1000 when the dollar loses all its value against the yuan, $12 Big Macs and Starbucks’, and the only cars available for purchase that the average American can afford are made completely of plastic and come only in electric only version — which have no range (get it, can’t escape except 100 miles at a time then a 30 minute minimum stop). And with Romney, maybe the swollen negro egos will deflate before we have to go to war in an inner-city.

  3. Census data, including racial make-up by county, is available here:

    Frankly my dear, the South may be fucked.

    Of particular concern, Georgia and Mississippi are likely to have no true majority racial group in ten years, and Texas and Arizona could be majority Hispanic in that time. If those four states flip to permanent Democrat strongholds, the US could be done. Of course, its very possible that current Dem states with solid white majorities (Wisconsin, Oregon, maybe even Minnesota, Maine, and Washington) could flip to GOP. In addition, a white exodus out of the South and Southwest and into the Mountain West could occur, reducing the Electoral College power of the now majority black South and increasing the power of the Mountain West.

    Southern whites have three choices. One, continue to buckle under to BRA, accept black rule of your state governments. Two, secede from the US and initiate some sort of deportation of blacks and Hispanics. Three, abandon the South for the Mountain West, and prepare for the inevitable Balkanization and break-up of the US. The first is unacceptable, the second unlikely, and the third unappealing. But consider this when considering the third: most of your fathers and grandfathers already abandoned the South spiritually, you may as well abandon physically and start over.

    Of course, the future tends to surprise and take a suddenly different course from time to time. As ugly as things are likely to get this summer and through the election in November, who knows what is in store for us?

  4. Are whites closer to breaking the stranglehold of international Judaism after 4 years of Obama? Yes.

    Will we be closer to breaking the stranglehold of international Judaism after 4 years of Romney? No.

    The “respectable conservatives” will go back to being Dittoheads, there will be a Zionist war against Iran, and the comfort level of the country club will be at a maximum as they used money to outmaneuver all populist sortees from the right: Evangelicals, the Tea Party, Ron Paul, and the White Nationalist underground.

    The torch of populism will pass over to the left as the country club impoverishes tens of millions of formerly middle class whites with “free trade” and “immigration reform”.

    With Obama, we will be closer to breaking the strangle hold after 4 more years.

  5. @Afterthought – To sum up what you said, worse is better? If so, I agree.

  6. The problem in the South is our relationship with the North. It isn’t an exaggeration to say there is no other problem:

    1.) It is the North that votes for Barack Obama.

    2.) It is the North that is for civil rights.

    3.) It is the North that is for open borders.

    4.) It is the North that supports consolidating power in Washington.

    5.) It is the North that is for gay marriage.

    Once upon a time, there was a black majority in South Carolina, Mississippi, and Louisiana. There was a near black majority in Florida. There was even a time when a combination of blacks, carpetbaggers, and scalawags ruled all the Southern states.

    Life became unbearable. The state governments had no legitimacy. It was at that point when resistance was chosen over submission. There was no other option.

    In South Carolina, BRA was overthrown in one day at the cost of one life. Whites made it pointedly clear that they refused to be governed by blacks. The federal government looked the other way while the negro voter ceased to exist.

    I can anticipate the day when Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada are safely in the Blue column. That will be the day when open disunionist sentiments become mainstream in Dixie.

    It only took ten years for the Union to collapse last time.

  7. 10 years? ZOG isn’t going to last 10 months. I give it <120 days and counting. And Soros, Bloomberg, and the rest of the Jew oligarchs and pols know it: their DHS enforcers didn't just buy hundreds of millions of hollow-point rounds to sit on. They're for shooting at us. Invest in lead.

  8. “In what is called “democracy” in the United States, we have made the transition to a country where the White minority now rules the White majority, democratically, in combination with non-White voters.”

    That’s the salient point and the reason why the left wanted to extend the vote to women, negros etc

  9. The south africans have degraded to the point where they shiv each other for the scraps the ANC tosses out.

    So it can get worse. Waaaaay fucking worse. French in Haiti worse. Whites are seriously fucking pathetic. All over Europe, SA, and here. At least nigs have the good sense to stick together. At least they’ve got that. What do we have?

    Sorry to be a downer, bad weekend.

  10. The South is the key ground to stand and fight. Running off is not an option. It’s just an invitation to be shot while fleeing.

    Hunter makes the point that refusal to be ruled will be enough to regain autonomy.

  11. Difficult to say what the future holds – I do expect significant changes over the next several months. Riots if Zimmerman is successful with his self-defense hearing, actual media attention to the increasing black on white mob violence, more riots if Obama loses (and maybe even if he wins). Many eyes will be opened.

  12. “Hunter makes the point that refusal to be ruled will be enough to regain autonomy.”

    Did you ever see the movie “Michael Collins” with Liam Neeson as the IRA leader?

    There’s one line in the movie that stuck with me: deValera, (played I think by Alan Rickman?) says to somebody, “We will defeat the British Empire by going about our lives as though it did not exist.” It’s a thought worth pondering.

  13. @Afterthought – To sum up what you said, worse is better? If so, I agree.

    Human endeavor is pretty much nowhere simple enough to be boiled down to one sentence. Except for how much humans love to try boiling things down to one sentence, I’ll grant that one.

    Supreme court nominations: better is better.
    Immigration: better is better.

    But yes, on some issues, worse is better.

  14. “We will defeat the British Empire by going about our lives as though it did not exist.” It’s a thought worth pondering.

    Indeed. Parallel institutions and societies seem a far more likely successor to the current regime, than outright replacement. But bloodless solutions aren’t “sexy.” Winning isn’t “sexy” enough for some people.

    So it can get worse. Waaaaay fucking worse. French in Haiti worse. Whites are seriously fucking pathetic. All over Europe, SA, and here. At least nigs have the good sense to stick together. At least they’ve got that. What do we have?

    Niggers can only seem to “stick together” to people who don’t live around (or know much about) them. They’re about as cohesive as orcs.

  15. Worse is better:
    Gov’t size, spending & debt. This will ultimately destroy the beast.
    Gov’t power overreach. This erodes gov’t legitimacy.
    War. This keeps a trained core of White men, bleeds the beast, and increases intra-racial hostility. I don’t give a shit if it’s on behalf of Israel or not, generally speaking.
    Free trade. If they want to bankrupt the country, more power to them. That will only hasten their demise.

    Better is better:
    Judicial appointments: we should do everything in our power to influence the character of the courts.
    Immigration: we should do everything in our power to halt the demographic suicide of our country.

  16. Almost no one in the South was openly advocating disunion until the Compromise of 1850. It only took a decade of polarization (the 1850s) to destroy the Union.

  17. The problem in the South is our relationship with the North. It isn’t an exaggeration to say there is no other problem:

    1.) It is the North that votes for Barack Obama.

    2.) It is the North that is for civil rights.

    3.) It is the North that is for open borders.

    4.) It is the North that supports consolidating power in Washington.

    5.) It is the North that is for gay marriage.

    Who is the North? Vermont, Mass, Rhode Island and NY are all predominantly Catholics. (French-Canadian, Irish, Italian, Polish) It is white Catholics who voted for O. It is Jews, Catholics and the Texan LBJ who supported civil rights. It is Jews and the Catholic Church that supports open borders. (Although Texans did oppose Grant’s attempt to close the Mexican border. It was Jews and Catholics that attempted to impeach Bilbo. It was Jews in the Urban League and NAACP that fabricated charges against Marcus Garvey to end the Grant/Bilbo/Garvey/KKK alliance to repatriate Africans.) It is states that are prodominatly Catholic that support gay marriage. It’s not coincidental that Bobby Jindal is Catholic and governor of Louisiana; first non-white governor since P. B. S. Pinchback served for thirty-five days during Reconstruction, and the first non-white governor to be elected.

  18. Desmond, I must say that, while yes, it is the RC’s who are doing all this heinous anti-White crap, the Roman Catholic faith, especially after Vatican II, is NOT the Catholic Faith of the ages… indeed, it is not even the faith of the 1920’s, when one of Rome’s most stalwart apologists, Hilaire Belloc, wrote one of my favorite quotes:

    “Europe is the Faith; the Faith, Europe.”

    As I have written over at my blog, and as E. Michael Jones recently has shown in his e-book, “L’Affaire Williamson,” Catholi-schism has been co-opted by the jews and the Bolsheviks, since at least 1970, more likely in America, since the late 1950’s.

    As long as we who wish better for our Families, our Race, and our Nation realize that, I am all for Papal bashing. But, please, don’t assume that liturgical (small ‘c’) catholicism, the faith of an undivided Europe for her first millennia, is to blame.

    Because as Cambria and E. Michael Jones have both noted, it is the neo-pseudo pagans who will most quickly and without the least compunction, side with the DWL’s to destroy Christendom, while the Jews watch, nodding their heads in complicity… not those faithful who care for Europe as the incarnate Body of Christ on Earth, such as YT.

  19. Many Catholic churches in Northern cities, continue to operate privately after being closed by their archdiocese. Here in Detroit, there are several Polish-Catholic and Croatian-Catholic churches that have nothing to do with the Vatican, and continue to hold monthly Tridentine-rite Latin masses. These churches are supported privately by the particular ethnic community for whom the church holds an historical bond.

  20. “Niggers can only seem to “stick together” to people who don’t live around (or know much about) them. They’re about as cohesive as orcs.”

    93% of blacks voted for obama. How many whites did? A lot more than 7%. Blacks have a heard mentality, they eat their own until their is an intruder in the midst, and they turn on them as one.

  21. Better is worse? Romney, another Bush, another McCain, another one of the Republicans’ worst choices is certainly for our worse.

    There is discussion of whether Paul should speak to the convention at any point, and if he does, especially during prime time, it will be a test of his courage, honesty and passion for truth, to overcome “party unity” and “sense of decorum.”

  22. Better is worse? The Romney administration cooks the stupid frogs more successfully by raising the temperature much more slowly than the other. Time for one step back, to prepare two steps forward.

  23. For the first time in history (since Columbus’ time anyway), the White population of the US is declining. According to the 2010 census, the number of non-Hispanic White children declined by 4.3 MILLION CHILDREN in just 10 years.
    We need a collapse of the US dollar and US government. The White populations of Europe and the US will be wiped out if things continue the way that they are, i.e., the government punitively taxing responsible White families and giving the money to unemployed, unmarried, uneducated “minority” women who have babies.

  24. “For the first time in history (since Columbus’ time anyway), the White population of the US is declining. According to the 2010 census, the number of non-Hispanic White children declined by 4.3 MILLION CHILDREN in just 10 years. We need a collapse of the US dollar and US government.”

    The nearly irreversible demographic trend and time are on the side of the destroyers, if they continue to patiently control (slow) the pace of the collapse. A “MODERATE white” Romney administration may be in order.

  25. You guys don’t believe me – but if Obama is re-installed we get slaughtered. Period. Never mind “cooking the frog” with Romney – Obama goes full Mugabe.

  26. I mean: A moderate “white” administration may be useful, at this point, to maintaining their control.

  27. Third option: RELUCTANTLY vote for the lesser evil. No support for Lesser Evil before his inevitable nomination. Remember the hard lessons of the Bushes and McCain.

  28. “For the first time in history (since Columbus’ time anyway), the White population of the US is declining. According to the 2010 census, the number of non-Hispanic White children declined by 4.3 MILLION CHILDREN in just 10 years.
    We need a collapse of the US dollar and US government. The White populations of Europe and the US will be wiped out if things continue the way that they are, i.e., the government punitively taxing responsible White families and giving the money to unemployed, unmarried, uneducated “minority” women who have babies.”

    Okay, two heresies today.

    I have a problem with this line or thought from pro whites. For a start, let’s discuss the much talked about “replacement level” and how whites are not meeting it. Replacement level of what? The current population numbers. If anyone disagrees, cite your authority. What is the number of whites in the United States today compared with 100 years ago? An order of magnitude more. Ditto worldwide. But I will confine my argument to the US here.

    When I unpack the “more, more, more babies” line of argument, I see a bunch of people wanting whites to out produce the non white races, as they are currently. This will lead, as I understand the wish, to a population of a billion or more in the US. And a worldwide population of in the teens of billions. Is this what you all are wanting?

    Where are all these white people going to work? Details, please. Not just general assertions. Details. And do this relative to what is going on right now. I am like William pierce and some others who think an optimum population for a country is about 80 million. I also believe a very big problem is over population right now, even if we waved a magic wand and made vanish all non whites, there is too many people right now. The labor pool is far larger than the demand for labor. Already.

    Have a dozen kids each, huh? That is what everybody implies and many outright say. Um, and we are to pay for this, how? Again , I know this is one of the ultimate heresies to contradict every body have “lots and lots of babies!” here on pro white sites, but you all are a little vague about what happens after the babies get here. Yes you are. In fact, there is naught but the crickets chirping on that front. I just know we are supposed to fuck like minks and have a whole lot of younguns. Details, please.

    And yes, I know about your raising a garden speel and all that. That is nice. But there is some more, I’m afraid. At least there is here in the world I am currently living in.

    It seems to me that there was a reason people had a bunch of kids in the past. And those reasons are mostly not needed today. This whole line of argument I am bringing up can be greatly expanded. And it seems very much to me that a far more thought out solution to current problems is to decrease the number of non whites. But if you disagree and want to charge on with this “more more more more babies!” thing, please at least address the 40 or 50 issues involved here in some detail please.

  29. ‘I am like William pierce and some others who think an optimum population for a country is about 80 million. I also believe a very big problem is over population right now, even if we waved a magic wand and made vanish all non whites, there is too many people right now.’

    Right on!

    ‘The problem is not enough Whites… the problem is too many niggers!’ — Tom Metzger

  30. large families have traditionally been a sign of healthy nations and cultures. small families seems to be a sign of the exact opposite

    a rational tax policy would kill the need to have two working parents which would free up jobs. So would environmental laws and the like which drive our jobs over seas. Without govt interferences there is no reason to have small families. Which is why I think the govt makes life so hard on White folks. We are high investment parents and making sure we have less to invest reduces our birth rates.

    I had 5 children. 3 are adults with jobs. Seems to negate that jobs argument. I’ll be taking on my second child and youngest child as businesses partners . That Dugger family with 20 kids or what have you are the best WN in the nation and will impact our nation for generations in a way people who have few or 0 children ever will

  31. “Without govt interferences there is no reason to have small families.”

    Right, everybody needs fifteen kids today.

    “I had 5 children. 3 are adults with jobs. Seems to negate that jobs argument. ”

    I hope you are not that stupid. You really are not, are you? A liberal idiot just used the same one over on another forum. He said he had a high IQ, and he personally knew blacks who had a high IQ. Therefore it is not valid to state blacks have lower IQs.


    Clearly our movement is loaded with mental midgets. You said you use steroids. I hope like hell you are better in a fight or lifting heavy objects than you are at using your brain.

    Large families WERE TRADITIONALLY good, generations ago when you needed to have a dozen kids because probably at least four of them would die and you still had enough to work the farm. That is the primary reason why families had many kids in the past, Stonelifter. That situation dos not exist today.

  32. obama lost the white male vote in 2008 by 20 points nationally and only split the white female vote evenly with mccain.

    obama will lose the white male vote again in 2012 but he can afford to do it and still win by a landslide (which means he wins by more than 100 electoral votes).

    see this:
    and this

    no one cares about the white vote anymore.

  33. Hi Hunter,

    One would certainly hope that Mitt Romney has learned more from his father than to choose his words carefully on the campaign trail:

    Romney’s perspective was different, and his reaction to the riots far more fraught. The governor had spent years working to improve Detroit’s black inner city, to incorporate it, to give it access to the broader society. Though his church refused to ordain black clergymen until 1978, Romney was deeply committed to civil rights and clearly felt a bond with members of another persecuted minority. One of his great causes was the integration of the suburbs (his aides called it the “Romney Right to Walk to Work Program”), so blacks could join the middle class, too.

    But the black middle class itself was revolting. When Romney staffers drove through Detroit during the riots, they noticed that “the looting and the fire bombing was supported by a number of middle-income Negroes.” The black homeowners they interviewed refused to intervene; the black ministers they encountered blamed the extortionate practices of the burned businesses. Blacks were repudiating Romney’s buy-in from the left, just as Nixon was repudiating it from the right. Driving toward Woodward Avenue, on the city’s West Side, the staffers noticed that many buildings had signs written on them, in chalk or paint: “Soul Brother lives upstairs. Please do not burn.” “Soul Brother. Do Not Burn.” Then, simply: “Soul Brother.”

    Romney’s entreaties to the Negroes in Philadelphia are offputting but necessary to assuage the guilt from northeastern whites that will end up voting for him; not because he pulled over and cried tears of joy when his church was integrated but because he is a smart, successful white man. Given the state of the economy and the fact we have a Negro in office it is time for us to act not as idealists but as repudiators of the inroads Negroes have made into mainstream society. I would also argue that we can view the larger race situation through an economic prism and maintain/inhance defacto segregation without having to address race in the public sphere.

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