Amurrica Series: Join The 21st Century

The View

“The Southern people must seek now, and seek forever, a separate Federal Independence.”
– Robert Barnwell Rhett, 1872

Have you ever wondered that we might actually be dead and that the United States in 2012 is Hell? Can we please secede now? How long do we have to wait?

Note: I’m going to keep promoting the idea of secession. I expect it to sound less and less absurd over time. The dissolution of the United States and the creation of the Gulf Coast Republic will sound absurd until the day it isn’t anymore. More and more people will come to agree with me.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hunter, I can’t even bring myself to watch these types of “news” programs. I feel totally isolated, like a stranger in a strange land. What the Hell happened to the country I grew up in? It’s like watching a prolonged “I am an Amurrican” propaganda piece. I don’t want to be associated with these people any more. They are foreign to me. If these are Americans, then I am NOT.

  2. The Iran thing worries me. Oscar below seems hot for getting his war on. Romney worries me on this score. One more victory like Iraq means further destruction of Caucasian peoples–especially with Iran–at the hands of Neoconservatives. More farm boys getting killed for the Market. I don’t think Romney will be able to resist himself or his advisors Of course all the dispensationalists have a hard on for another bloody war. Maybe it would hasten the unravelling of the USG, maybe not.

  3. I think I described secession as unrealistic in a previous post; currently, I’d say it is. But as I said before (and you illustrated with the former demographics of South Carolina), events can suddenly take a strange and unexpected turn.

    Currently, there is no way the US government would allow a single state to leave the union without a fight. And that is a fight that the South just can’t win. But who knows? Politically, whites from the South, much of the Southwest, and the Mountain West are roughly on the same page. Farmland, natural resources, and access to the sea. If a major economic collapse were to occur it would be a good time for those groups to shake the fleas off.

  4. John — I don’t know where you’re getting this idea that I’m all hot and bothered to start a war with Iran. My question was about Russia’s position, and whether it makes sense in the context of risk/reward when nukes are on the table. That’s a very heavy thumb on the scales, I’m wondering where their heads are at, that’s all.

    I don’t know much about Iran and I’m certainly not crazy about the idea of a war with them. All other things being equal I’d prefer a world where people in their bizarre condition didn’t have nukes, but how do you get there? I very much doubt a war is the proper way.

  5. As we saw with Arizona, a state does have the power to force every other state to choose sides. Wouldn’t it be great if Obama could be provoked to try to coerce a state?

  6. You stated that as soon as they got a bomb they would launch it. That’s not how nukes are used. They are an insurance against attack.

  7. Once the policy of resistance begins at the state level, it forces everyone else to choose sides. Imagine how divisive that would be in America where the government has such a low level of legitimacy?

  8. “You stated that as soon as they got a bomb they would launch it.”

    No I didn’t. I said there was a small but not impossible chance that a “nuclear exchange” could occur — could be launched pre-emptively by Israel or US, could be Iran, could be a bizarre accident or misunderstanding. All are unlikely, yet all are realistic if remote possibilities. If Iran doesn’t have nukes then Russia is in my view safer, because the risk of next-door fallout from such an exchange is no longer as likely.

    You’re imagining things.

  9. Just keep repeating the Mantra “The United States Government is Illegitimate” to anyone and everyone. That is the first thing people have to accept and understand before we can have separation.

    This is why Obama deserves another term, so it will reinforce the concept.

  10. In 10 years time Arizona and Texas will have gone the way of California. Much of the South too. Yes, at one time Negros were the majority in some Southern States but the end of importing Africans and massive migration corrected that. We won’t have the same conditions this time around.

    That’s why seccession is more than a regional thing.

  11. Oscar,

    the position you are laying out is going to lead to war. Interfering with them is a highway to hell.

  12. Watching these females for 30 seconds underscores the justification for denying suffrage to the weaker sex.

  13. What I see there are 2 Jewesses, 2 Congoids – one paying tribute to her Jewish masters with a fake-Jew name – and a neo-con, faux-conservative White Gurl. Amerikwa. Didn’t press “play” tho…just had a wonderful dinner and wish to keep it down.

  14. Secession. Now. Today. Forever.

    Succinct, to the point, and forceful, yes?

    Dear God, smite Joy Behar- I hate that Jewish shiksa b*&%$.

  15. The only reason that I moved back to Texas is that I believe that this state will be the first to shit can the Yankee flag. Secession gets talked about a lot around Hood County. It’s not a new idea to the folks who live here.

    We’ve even got a restaurant in Granbury called the Nutshell Eatery & Bakery that has a John Wilkes Booth theme. They’ve got murals that honor that great patriot on all of the walls. They also serve up a burger that’s about the size of your head that they call the John Wilkes Booth burger. Legend has it that John tended bar for many years in Granbury under the name John St. Helen after the federal bozos killed that patsy back east at Garrett’s farm.

    One of the bars St. Helen worked in was in the building that now houses the Nutshell.

    It’s probably just a bunch of conspiracy theory bullshit, but that doesn’t matter. What does matter is that we don’t seem to have anything around these parts to honor the great emancipator, but Hood county has plenty of stuff that recalls the name of the man who killed the sonofabitch.

    It’s pretty much the same story over in Midland and Odessa. Those folks have been ready to run up the Bonnie Blue at the courthouse ever since Jimmy Carter forced the local boys to decentralize the oil industry.

    So now I’m just waiting for that last straw.

    Just to hedge my bets, I still have my place in Kentucky to fall back on in the highly unlikely occurrence that they jump ship first.

  16. One last thought before I take my weary ass to bed. Hunter is right: national policy can and will get nullified at the state level, but only if we put the right people in our state houses.

    Stop worrying about whether we have a chocolate or a vanilla idiot in DC. Nothing that is going to happen in that shit hole is going to benefit us.

    Learn everything you can about your state and local politicians and try to elect people who don’t care for the federal agenda. Judges, County Attorneys, County Commissioners and School Board members can help push back against the feds. Governors and State Legislators can arrange referendum votes to add or remove amendments to the U.S. constitution. If two-thirds of the states decide to make changes, the totalitarian assholes in Washington will have no choice in the matter.

  17. As another commenter posted, the best way to arrive at the outcome you seek is to continue carry on your life as if the Federal government and their diktats were irrelevant. And continue to effect the change you want on a local level.

    This is an interesting development – Prop 2 in North Dakota. I have long advocated that property taxes are nothing but government extortion, and as long as the state can unilaterally levy whatever taxes they want against your real property, you will never “own” your property. Property ownership was one of the pillars that made the pre-Confederate south strong.

    Refusing the right to tax real property has a second benefit in that it forces the public schools to become accountable. Right now, they are not and many school boards openly mock and deride parents who are upset about the indoctrination that passes for “education”. As well, the teacher’s unions use the extortion of property tax levies against a tool to fund their lavish benefits packages and political muscle.

    The South is home to “right to work” states. If the South has the courage to join North Dakota to become “right to own property” states, free of taxation and exploitation, then the whole dynamic of the relationship between the “people” and the state apparatus changes.

    There are many, many, many other more fair and equitable ways to fundraise for the actual needs of state expenditures – so don’t let those who have a vested interest in continuing the extortion scare you of out even considering a similar referendum in the South – but removing the right to tax your real property is a first step in regaining the freedom we have lost.

  18. Usually, the tax issue is presented to the public as a “yes or no,” for or against tax.

    But abolishing property tax should be sold as a separate issue to the public— and to the politicians who might be encouraged to it, if they believe they will still get their money (for the moment) via some other tax, sales or income or whatever.

    The focus, if anything, is always on “income” taxation—- but getting rid of the real property taxes might be an easier sell to everyone.

    It really is bizarre —once the money is shaved off the income— to insist bought items are also owned forever. Let them have the income tax, but free up the public to own things again.

  19. I feel totally isolated, like a stranger in a strange land. What the Hell happened to the country I grew up in?

    on alienation: according to some source, it’s “from alienare (see alienate). It also meant “loss or derangement of mental faculties, insanity” (late 15c.)…” Also, it means transfer of ownership.

    The overlap of terms to mean transfer of ownership and “mental illness” is apt. Certainly, when you are in somebody else’s world, their narrative, their terms, their folkways, way of life, etc, you could feel crazy… “invalidated… (not understood, not agreed with) / even invalid” or an invalid (weakened person)…

  20. @Dixiegirl:

    The entire construct of the current tax structure is not about revenue – it is about control. Note that one of the 10 planks in the Communist/Totalarian platform is a “Progressive Taxation” – which is contrary to the ideals of individual liberty, accountability – and the “right to pursue happiness”.

    Witness how those who are politically connected – such as GE, Goldman Sachs, etc – pay absolutely no taxes – while shifting the costs of their labor and production to those who do.

    I should not be taxed more because I elect to improve my home. I should not be taxed on my productivity in my “pursuit of happiness” – it should be a basic article of reason that everyone is entitled to keep the fruits of their labor.

    A far more egalitarian system is a “pay as you go” or user levy – for example – think about your water/sewer bill if you are on town water (not a well). In my case, I am charged a set flat fee every month for the maintenance of the account and provision of service, whether I use water/sewer or not. Fair enough. Then, I am charged for what I do use – which again, is fair.

    The income tax put into place was sold as “temporary” to pay the war debt of WWI.
    Likewise, the implementation of the Federal Reserve system was put into place to “prevent” depressions, etc. Both have grown in scope and size, and the true purpose of both was social control and power – the very antithesis of liberty.

    The South has more of the mindset to vote to liberate ourselves from the chains of taxation than the North, IMO. It would be the first “shot across the bow” in the war of ideals. Liberty or serfdom? The time to choose has arrived.

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