Amurrica Series: Obama Plans Repeal of Defense of Marriage Act, Sexual Rednecks Opposed

Obama plans to repeal Defense of Marriage Act in second term


Gawker is reporting that a second term priority for Obama (in addition to the DREAM Act, “comprehensive immigration reform,” and Cap-and-Trade) will be repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act.

In related news, Don Lemon recently announced on CNN that opponents of gay marriage were “sexual rednecks” standing on the wrong side of history like George Wallace.

Note: I’m posting this here for all the Christians who look down their noses at racialists. In the eyes of the Mainstream Media, homophobia is now just as extreme as racism. Christians are no more respectable than Southern segregationists.

If Obama wins a second term, he will appoint new justices to the Supreme Court in preparation for the day when it “democratically” legislates “gay marriage” as a “civil right” in all 50 states.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. When the rainbow-loving white Christians finally understand that this is a *textbook* ethno-religious conflict, the die will be cast for civil war 2.0.

    Bring on the persecution…and watch the Right harden the f*ck up.

  2. I don’t understand the significance of the spelling of America as Amurrica. Why are we spelling it that way, what does it mean or stand for?
    White Christian Negro Diversity Lovers NEED a swift kick in the face or a hard stout kick in the back of their asses. They are fucking up this country with their saccharin bullshit. Jesus was white wasn’t he? So what is the problem? And furthermore, it IS a war, and we are the target. Hope they get that thru their thick skulls, and hope that they do harden up. They need it and it will help ALL of us, all whites.

  3. Faggot fake marriage, like Jew-MSM orchestrated queering out in general, is aimed specifically at curtailing White reproduction. The other anti-White kosher machinations are also well-known: black/brown immigration, mass Congoid rape of White women and girls, miscegnation/mudsharking PR, and Jewess-“feminist” forcing of HaveCareerNotBabies. As Kievsky pointed out in his recent foundational essay, Jews essentially view Whites as a dangerous pest-to-be-exterminated and act accordingly. When the worm turns, Whites will accordingly view Jews as a dangerous-pest-to-be-exterminated and act accordingly.

  4. I don’t think “conservatives” get it.

    Back in my liberal days the mainstream GOP never made sense. They still don’t make sense. Radical libs “make sense” because they have an absolute ideology. Romney probably wouldn’t arrest the debased trajectory we are heading in. He doesn’t need to dogwhistle racial consciousness but suggest it in plain sight.

    Homophobia is the new racism. It’s incredible to witness this bullshit.

  5. MFH,

    While I’d prefer it if effeminite kids are not bullied etc etc, marriage simply seems to be exactly as you say. That dykey bitch who slammed mitt’s wife for staying at home, adopted a nigger with her Lesbian chum. These things are a deliberate mockery of a stable family life. These people are perversity squared.

  6. Marriage is an institution, not a right. Is partaking in any other institution a right? Oh wait….

    Pro-civil rights Christians have a whole lot of ‘splaining to do. Though my guess is most of them will simply welcome their new gay overlords.

  7. “While I’d prefer it if effeminite kids are not bullied etc etc, marriage simply seems to be exactly as you say. That dykey bitch who slammed mitt’s wife for staying at home, adopted a nigger with her Lesbian chum. These things are a deliberate mockery of a stable family life. These people are perversity squared.”

    Bizarro Marriage. Why not, we live in the Bizarro Universe.

  8. Hunter, you nailed it again. I also take every opportunity to rub it in the face of do-gooder Christians, totally onboard with anti-white but against gay rights. I tell them that since they supported one, they logically cannot deny the other. I also tell them that they WILL FOLD on the homo issue, just like they’ve folded on everything else. Ten years from now they’ll be sneering about how evil whites fought to keep gays out of the church. Wait and see.

  9. The Church rolls with the times. That is why it is still in business after nearly 2000 years. It conforms with and modifies its doctrines to match whatever power is in force at the time. Bible scriptures can be made to support anything, everything, and its opposite. Most Christian’s Bibles are a collection of bookmarks to pages where single verses are culled out, and these in turn are to be read in a certain order to make a statement that supports whatever is being pushed. In other words, most Christians use their Bibles and the scriptures in a grab bag sort of way. And even if read from cover to cover the situation is not much better. The Bible says anything, everything, and its opposite.

  10. “Ten years from now they’ll be sneering about how evil whites fought to keep gays out of the church. Wait and see.”

    SBC, 2022:

    “Why just a couple decades ago, the Pastor and his sweet husband Gary wouldn’t have even been allowed through those doors.”

    I can not only picture it, I know it will happen. God is spitting the lukewarm Amurrican church straight to hell.

  11. “Most Christian’s Bibles are a collection of bookmarks to pages where single verses are culled out, and these in turn are to be read in a certain order to make a statement that supports whatever is being pushed.”

  12. I also tell them that they WILL FOLD on the homo issue, just like they’ve folded on everything else

    Playboy center-fold, or MAD fold-in? Inquiring minds want

  13. Articles like these make me damn proud to be a redneck! I take pride that my people “stand on the wrong side of history” (in other words, refuse to cave in to Marxist brainwashing).

  14. “Playboy center-fold, or MAD fold-in? Inquiring minds want”

    I think it s called The Advocate.

  15. History is so subjective. It’s not the right side or the wrong side. It’s their side or OUR side of history.

  16. “We can only pray their nigger pets eat them or they starve before they destroy us all.”

    About 12 years ago for a short time I worked weekends at a Ruby Tuesday’s for some extra money. This was in the “Bible Belt.” Each shift I worked there would always be groups from the local churches come. And at least two families of these Christians there would be there with the adopted or foster care black male of early teens in tow. The white family would be ideal looking: fairly affluent, well groomed and mannered, great looking wife, usually blond, two or three well behaved kids, etc. But there would be the young nigger literally with its tongue hanging out obviously lusting after the wife or daughter and the husband was oblivious to it all. I would think, “what the hell is wrong with these people?”

    During the three or four months I worked there, I saw this same scene dozens of times.

  17. The HNIC is an actor who reads scripts written by Jews and white race-traitors. Nothing more. He takes orders like everybody else. He has to–unless he wants to end up like John F. Kennedy.

  18. And given the South African corrective rape phenomena, it appears blacks are probably more anti-homo than whites. This phenomena seems unprecedented among whites.

    Corrective rape has been reported in Thailand, Zimbabwe, Ecuador and South Africa.

    Don is comparing apples to oranges when he compares segregation to gay marriage because, I doubt, that any blacks wanted segregation, but many blacks are against gay marriage. I can’t imagine any gang bangers being for gay marriage and they’re lots of those.

    The liberal extremists can’t keep their bullshit straight.

  19. Then anchor in the above clip is an open homosexual.

    Christians in the 1950’s and 1960’s made a big mistake. It was an understandable mistake because they lived in a culture where homosexual ‘marriage’ and active persecution of Christians was unthinkable. For various reasons they decided that the freedom of association must give way for integration. They chose to end discrimination against blacks and to actively discriminate against white nationalists. It was never about whether there would be discrimination or no discrimination. It was about what forms of discrimination would be permitted or even required by the government. They accepted discrimination against white nationalists but it did not take long for this to expand to active discrimination against all whites in the form of affirmative action, quotas, set-asides and etc. Discrimination ceased being a private matter with the Civil Rights Act and became a legal matter. Once an issue becomes a legal matter then it also becomes a political matter. Christians never saw that in time the homosexuals and others who oppose the Church would gain political power. That day has come.

  20. We have a young (early 30’s), attractive couple at church who couldn’t have children…somehow they got it set in their mind that they needed to adopt two boys from Haiti.

    After 6 months the gorgeous, seriously Christian wife couldn’t take it anymore and made her husband send them to live with Haitian relatives in Florida. I told them they were bringing the plague into their home…the scales have fallen off their eyes now. Too bad it takes so much “stimuli” to wake people up.

  21. To Gemjunior: You bigoted idiot. You and people like you are the ones who make it difficult for Afro Americans like me don’t support Obama when we go up against the likes of Sharpton and the rest. In fact, you are why the Shapton’s of this world exists. You obviously don’t know who Jesus is, because you are too busy serving your god – which is your own hatred. Jesus was not white, neither was he black. He was God made flesh, who came to this earth to die as an atonement for our sins. And if you don’t want to spend the rest of your miserable hated filled bigoted existence separated from God, and burning in hell for all eternity, I suggest that you ask God to forgive you for being a bigoted, racist sinner and ask him to come into your heart so that it can be transformed.

  22. Eric Hale: Yes, it’s an expensive lesson for those who insist on learning it by the “hard knocks” method. Fortunately, your friends learned quickly and cut their losses.

    Friends of mine, ex-South Africans in the USA, told me of a couple they know, also South Africans who moved to USA. These people adopted a Zulu baby boy and took him over with them. That was about 20 years ago. To their surprise, he grew into a typical Zulu “yoof”. They’re somewhat disappointed in him. For such I have no sympathy.

    In cases like these, truly the punishment fits the crime. A pity that you’re stuck with him now, but if you’d left us alone in the first place he’d probably still be here.

  23. ” It was never about whether there would be discrimination or no discrimination. It was about what forms of discrimination would be permitted or even required by the government.”

    White and Confed, you have iterated exactly what Dr. Gary North has pointed out for over thirty years- I’ts not being for or against, it is that there IS NO NEUTRALITY, when it comes to God’s Law. Christ said, “You are either for me, or against me.”

    When GDubya mistakenly used that adage (Did he have some baptist on staff who had read Rushdoony and North, twenty years previously, who didn’t remember that it was GOD’S LAW that we are talking about here?????) in relation to the 9/11 CHARADE, he was roundly criticized for it- and rightly so. But the TRUTH still matters- there is no neutrality, you are either on God’s side, or the Devil’s, and as James Edwards over at political cesspool has noted, the same arguments made for miscegenation in Loving v. Virginia in the early 1960’s, are the same arguments made for Obama v. People in the facade of gay [sic] marriage.

    That’s because they are cut FROM THE SAME CLOTH- Jewish talmudic antichrists, seeking the abolition of God’s Law, and Disingenuous White Liberals, who are at heart, antinomian bastards! [Heb. 12:8] The Blacks and the Fags are not the problems, they are the TOOLS for the antichrist Jews. If any of you have watched the play/musical, or seen the movie, “Cabaret” from 1972, what iconic message did you take away? The sexually kinky [liberated, feminist, 1920’s] White Girl, the VERY Aryan White Man, the [ bisexual] perverted Nazi, and the androgynous JEWISH “M.C.” playing it all, like a puppetmaster.

    These are not mere characters, that is HOW pre-War Germany really was- reading books of the era, you see that the press, the theater, and even the music were held captive by the jews! That is why Negro sluts like Josephine Baker were the ‘hot’ thing in Europe- the Hapsburg Empire was destroyed by JEWS, Schoenberg had made all music anarchic (i.e., supremely ‘Jewish’) the Communists (who were Jewish!) were encouraging all manner of sexual profligacy as a means to destroy what was left of a Christian society, all of the Germans were in a wash over the verkachte theories of one Jew, named Freud, and a little Austrian painter, seeing all this, had the gorge rise in his throat, and initially tried to bring morality, stability, and normalcy [Kinder, Kueche, Kirche] back to the Germans, because of all the perversion he had seen- strangely enough, even though he may have been a homosexual himself, and yet saw the culture-destroying effects of his own chosen addiction- cf. ‘The Pink Triangle”!

    So, when North and the Christian Reconstructionists told us in the 1970’s that we were headed for a cultural annihilation, that is now incarnated in our first (as my Russian friends call him) “Nyigger Presidyent,” don’t be surprised that Fags [Lesboes], Jews, Blacks, and Black Jewish Lesbo Fags are in the forefront of this bastard son of a whoring mother’s push for God’s judgment- they WANT this anarchy!!!

    BTW, two of the ugliest bitches in the world are Bawa Wawters, and “Whoopi Pie” Goldberg. Damned from birth- you think we’d a caught on, long ago…..

  24. Amurrica

    I thought you were making fun of George Bush Jr. He used to actally say Amurrica. Either way, Amurrica is perfect way to describe this joke of a nation.

  25. Many churches have already folded on the fag issue. If they havent yet folded completely, they still treat them with kid gloves.

    The only Christians these days worth a grain of salt are the ones that do not actually go to church.

  26. In a bit of irony HW is using a word that Covington has used in his Quartet and that is “Ammurica.”

    BTW HW you are a fine writer and researcher and if you get tired of the “news and jews” blogging shtick please start writing fiction and non-fiction.

    Having wasted years with the LOS and its own Lost Cause I would really want to read a contemporary written account of the dirty war during Reconstruction.

  27. Fine, sex redneck. Sure, whatever. These names must bounce off you. Notice how the blacks who are plain folks have a different (and more honest) opinion than the media promoted blacks. I think the plain folks are the ones speaking without an agenda Mr. Reporter Guy.

  28. White & Confederate,

    Brilliant summation of the Civil Rights Movement — it was to simply switch discrimination from blacks to white nationalists.

    The theory of evolution would seem to predict that we will have an adaptive reaction to this.

  29. Re: Eric Hale says:
    May 15, 2012 at 3:08 am

    When the rainbow-loving white Christians finally understand that this is a *textbook* ethno-religious conflict, the die will be cast for civil war 2.0.

    Bring on the persecution…and watch the Right harden the f*ck up.

    Well said.

    Ethno-states, with their incumbent racial culture, as well as their religious direction, which comes only from the ‘race which created it’, will stand or fall as long as they maintain themselves – this legacy will only stand if battles are fought, on occasion, to prove the supremacy of one, over the other – this is Nature’s way.


    Without the crass melodrama, it is this subject, that of a ‘conservative christian’ morality, or lack of same, that must be fostered on all our sites. The ‘moral majority’ has a lot to answer for: their lack of realistic integrity, the lack of real support and financial largess, to the elements who will fight for us all; the lack of Civic responsibility for the Future – that is,their children and ours – and the irrational exploitation of israelis, a desert people, in lieu of their own, native charges.

    White Nationalism is not concerned with what ‘god’ you worship, as long as your Folk-community is the basis by which your motivations are secured. The rest will follow.

    As usual, the comments on OD are of the highest caliber, and hit the mark with stinging accuracy.

  30. Something to think about:

    Piety is not an end, but a means: a means of attaining the highest culture by the purest tranquility of soul. Hence it may be observed that those who set up piety as an end and object are mostly hypocrites.

    JOHANN WOLFGANG VON GOETHE, The Maxims and Reflections of Goethe

  31. What is peculiar about this new development is that most people are sophisticated enough to understand that homosexuality will always exist. Little Andy Warhol runs off to NYC to be a Superstar. It’s just that people also understand it is an opt out from middle class life. It’s a bohemian drop out sort of thing. Fine. But why does it have to be turned into a bourgeois institution? A lot of gays
    like Karl Lagerfeld, for instance, look on gay marriage as a horror. They should, their own identities will be snuffed out too.

  32. A tax loop hole.

    Most probably enter into it with the understanding its an “open marriage”.

  33. Thanks for the kind words. They’re appreciated. I always enjoy the comments here.

  34. Fr. John, you are absolutely right in saying that neutrality is not possible particularly on a long term basis. Many libertarians say get the state out of defining marriage. That is not altogether unappealing to me but it won’t work.

    I’m an attorney and am licensed in a couple of states. Marital status has such an impact in a number areas of law that it will always be a legal issue. Yes it is possible for couples whether married or unmarried to make arrangements to accommodate their wishes in most instances and even homosexuals can avail themselves of these arrangements. But not all couples will make these arrangements and the courts must adjudicate even when they do not. If the state does not determine what is marriage before hand it most definitely will have to do so afterwards. The privatization of marriage will inevitably cause more disputes concerning marital status in the courts. Civil marriages performed by the government will become the only marriages that are presumptively valid. There will be a tendency among couples to be married twice; one civil and one religious. This isn’t getting the state out of marriage but increasing the state’s role in marriage. The alternative is visiting an attorney like me who will be more than happy to draw up a contract of marriage and depending on its complexity charge hundreds to thousands of dollars. These contracts will set forth all the particulars of each spouses duties and expectations, causes for terminating the contract, liquidated damages (support and property division) and set out the clear intent of the parties concerning their ‘marriage’. Sounds like romance to me.

    But keeping on the broader point concerning the impossibility for neutrality on a long term basis. Whites supported the civil rights revolution because fundamentally we believe in meritocracy. The best person should get the job regardless of color, sex or religion. But that assumes that whites and blacks or men and women or equal. A meritocracy will in a short amount of time be undermined when the different political groupings are not in fact equal. The dogma of Equality will destroy meritocracy. A true meritocracy will result in disparate accomplishment among peoples of disparate abilities. The dogma of Equality demands that these disparate accomplishments could only have come about through discrimination. And that is what we have seen and continue to see today.

    The razor’s edge of meritocracy in a multi-racial and multi-cultural society is not a viable long term position. Libertarianism can only work in a homogeneous society.

  35. The dogma of Equality will destroy meritocracy.

    Its already happening in the UK where they’ve lowered the school standards to increase the pass rate because immigrates had a higher than average failure rate. Apparently, the same is happening in the US.

    Experts warn of ‘catastrophic’ drop in school science standards as exams get easier

  36. orchestrated queering out in general, is aimed specifically at curtailing White reproduction….

    — Sometimes, you will hear this angle on it. But no one discusses the real fact that the white babies are WANTED by these couples. No one discusses a real deal here— that homosexuals CANNOT have a baby.

    This is the real issue, imo. (or one of them). But no one talks about what happens when they are married AND WANT FAMILIES. Where do their babies come from?

    Worked for awhile with someone (hetero but unable) who spent her time trolling the SOUTH for the perfect white baby.

    The combination of depressed economy, (i.e.— centralized “elite” powers that wish to disempower some regions and not others for various reasons), as well as the Generational Northern European stock (she easily got blonde-blue infants), made Appalachia and The South the place to go to get them.

    How do “therapies” and other CPS-related entities contribute to the PRESSURE on these girls to give away their own blood? The narratives about “being able to care for their” children? (Against a backdrop of non-white families of ten being given food and housing, etc.)

    —- What has been the effect on young white hopeful mothers of these therapies and other pressures, as well as vilifications in their regions, like being “hicks,” etc.—- of being in an atmosphere where OTHER PEOPLE desire their babies?

    Actually—- there ARE NOT ENOUGH blonde-blue babies to fill the quotas of the people who want them, according to many sources.

    So—- WHAT MUST BE DONE to young girls of such infants, to make them do the unthinkable and “give their baby away?”

    This is what they won’t talk about.

  37. — yes… it’s NOT about curtailing white reproduction (in some cases)— but rather, CONTROLLING it, so that the babies may be appropriated and funneled to other couples.

    The key to the “gay” issue—- and “gay family” is that (and especially with the men) they cannot EVER have a natural family. So SOMEBODY ELSE’S baby must be hijacked somehow.

    Therefore—- the endless propaganda about “bad families” and the “real” family being “whoever happens to raise you,” and so on. The testimonials of children’s saying they “love” their non-biological “parent” the most.

    “Parent” just like “marriage” should have a meaning. Parent should be a biological term only, perhaps. Adoptees could use some other term for who raises them.

    What’s normalized or naturalized, the focus of propaganda—- is how people incapable of bearing children GET the ones that naturally belonged to others.

    NO EFFORT IS MADE in the society—- for the poor Appalachian mothers of infants (for example) TO KEEP THEIR OWN children.

    The same money used to siphon off their infants to other couples COULD HAVE USED to help them raise their own baby.

    So then they must be vilified in movies, degraded, made to look stupid, incompetent, poor, like a “bad mother” and “bad person”—– to justify this Central Monetary committee decision to siphon away their baby —to homosexuals— versus help them keep it.

  38. for those interested in ‘gay rights’—

    the focus on their incapacity for conception problems should be addressed. How they get babies. What happens to people who are targeted for having their baby taken away.

    When people say they are “for gay marriage,” or “for gay families,” why does no one get into the nitty-gritty about EXACTLY WHOSE natural babies they intend to take, and whether this doesn’t raise many other issues, indeed.

  39. And what is the effect on young girls in a “society”—- KNOWING that the Central Monetary Planners WOULD RATHER give her newborn away to homosexuals than help her with a program to keep it, in the event of circumstances beyond her control—

    After all—- in a high tax, largely central plan economy, an empire, “neo-feudalism,” etc, all the many names it is called—

    Isn’t it really the fault of the Centralized government that the girl cannot “afford” her child? Why was that region impoverished?

    a girl would wonder.

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