Pennsylvania: The Color of Crime


In Pennsylvania, African-Americans are 10.8 percent of the population, but are responsible for 66.3 percent of homicide, 40 percent of rape, 62 percent of robbery, 45 percent of aggravated assault, and 26 percent of burglary.

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Note: In Pennsylvania, Hispanics are 5.7 percent of the population, but are responsible for 13 percent of homicide, 20 percent of rape, 9 percent of robbery, 9 percent of aggravated assault, and 7 percent of burglary.

Source: Pennsylvania Uniform Crime Reporting System, 2010

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I was driven here after living in Philly and having endured the horrors of five years of an Obama Presidency. I truly believe that the era of America is over. I can see no feasible way that we would be able to restore the nation. I do believe that this is all part of God’s salvational plan for the world, but the US is currently falling from its position. I believe we will see active persecution of White Conservative Christians in our time.

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