About Hunter Wallace 12413 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Perhaps, but the doors to chain migration are still open, and there are plenty of more wretched places than mexico on planet earth.

  2. John – when we regain control of our Civilization, and it’s time for Justice to be meted out – I’m calling dibs on the Chief Justice gig.


  3. Guys – LISTEN to that video I posted. Young White males are NOT finished. The real fun begins around the 2.00 point mark. It’s FABULOUS.

    The Anglo Saxon is not in a cold fury – he’s an upstanding, back-talking, and wonderfully smart assed teenager, A GADJILLION times smarter than the Congoid MORON Jaboonesses installed as their “teachers”. Hear the sound of the moment BRA fell apart.

  4. Out here in Mexifornia, the beaners are still reproducing exponentially.

    I don’t even see white faces anymore.

    They’ve even taken over beautiful Lake Tahoe. All you see is beaners everywhere.

    Oh, and white leftards from the SF bay area.

  5. thats all the elite want: cheap labor to undermine wages and more consumers to buy their cheap crap

  6. Totally agree with Anon. Chain migration will continue to ruin us. Whole villages have emptied out from the dirt poor (Indian) states of Mexico like Oaxaca and Michoacan. Same thing for Guatemala and El Salvador. They are all filling the public schools here and I see no let up. ‘Cause even with the down economy here, you can still transact in the underground/cash basis economy, send little Juan and Maria to a free public school, get them free breakfast and lunch, get free health care for them, EBT, free aid from the churches, etc. And life really, really sucks where they came from.

  7. Mexicans are only here because “our” government wants them here and has done everything in its power to provide incentives for them to be here. It’s the best deal on the planet for the muds and blacks. A rotten deal if you are a native white citizen of this perfidious “proposition nation.”

    Nevertheless Amurrica, land of the free (stuff), is speeding headlong towards the inevitable economic collapse. When that happens, BRA ends and all government incentives for Mexicans to stay end. I’ll bet the Mexicans won’t want any part of the massive chimpout and subsequent unpleasantness that will follow.

    Many of our young people are not fooled by the government miseducation system. BRA is a system that elevates the dysfunctional and maladaptive. White kids that aren’t dysfunctional and maladaptive know where they stand in this system. BRA is doomed.

    The Yankee Empire is on its last legs. Its demise is our deliverance.

    Deo Vindice

  8. I’ve been concentrating my scorn towards Mucks for so long that the true threat that all of these Beaners pose never sunk in the way it should have. The other day I was on LiveLeak watching videos and came across some more decapitation videos from south of the border and it finally hit me.

    We all watch the videos and read the stories about some White kid getting pounded at the bus stop by Jungle Bunnies and we think, “Damn, those Moon Crickets sure are mean to us Crackers.” Then we make the rounds of the sites and see more videos of Porch Monkey misbehavior and all we can do is shake our heads.

    My point is this, as fucked up as our House Apes are, I don’t think I have heard of as much Shvuggy-related carnage in my entire life as I have seen in videos from Mexico in the last year.

    As bad as the Treads are, I think those Mestizos have the potential for being a much bigger problem.

    Did you ever see an American Boot Lip do this in a video?


  9. Wetbacks are here because they serve many roles. They are near by and easy to import.
    They are inherantly violent and ignorant. They uptick the welfare state that the govenment wants so badly. They dumb down the nation.
    They vote liberal, they are easily controlled and manipulated by La Raza and other organisations that use them for their own ends.
    But most of all, the drug trade out of mexico floats our economy.
    Second to only fuel, the drug trade creates more revenue than anything else.
    There is a drug transaction in this country every second.
    That money is washed in jewish banks. Drug trades move this economy.
    So, our borders stay open. The undesireables from mexico get shipped here along with their drugs.
    It’s just business.

  10. I have an aussie friend who flies commercial jets. 747’s out of China, India and S. America.
    He has a home near where I live. We drink beers when he’s in town.
    He was telling me about pilots that run drugs thru our airports. Air America type stuff.
    Completely known to all the other pilots. He told me they don’t wear uniforms and are ex military types.
    Not even a inside thing. All the pilots run into these guys and they know eachother. No secret.
    Just government moving drugs for the cartels, providing security and transport.
    It’s a double edge sword, if the US really stopped the influx of drugs from mexico, our economy would collaspe. If we stopped the mexicans from dealing running drugs here their ecomny would collaspe.
    There is much more to the open borders than meets the eye.

  11. The problem is differential reproduction rates. The non-whites already present in white countries have kids at a higher rate – usually because the government social services are paying them to do it. That has to be reversed.

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