St. Skittles of 7 Eleven


He’s already acting suspicious in the 7 Eleven surveillance video:

Note: In light of Zimmerman’s clear injuries and the eye witnesses who saw him screaming, not to mention the Martin family’s initial denial that it was Trayvon’s voice was on the 9/11 call, isn’t it reasonable to assume that Zimmerman was the one being attacked by this hoodlum and screaming for help?

Alan Dershowitz, The Miami Herald, and The Orlando Sentinel all wonder aloud what Angela Corey was thinking when she filed second degree murder charges. Obviously, she was seizing upon an opportunity to advance her career in BRA.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Zimerman did the world a favor. think of all the people that have not been robbed, hurt, or killed by the Skittle Thug.

    I hope Zimmerman sues EVERY-ONE involved in his persecution out of the fillings on their teeth.

  2. Nothing suspicious here. I’ve stood behind blacks in lines before.

    Four minutes to buy two items at a convenience store is about right.

  3. Alan Dershowitz, The Miami Herald, and The Orlando Sentinel all wonder aloud what Angela Corey was thinking when she filed second degree murder charges.

    It being done for apperances, and to let the 5 stages of grieving for the black public run its course to prevent riots, like Rodney King riots. This stategy of fake due process and dripping out details may lessen the size(s), but they’ll happen anyway.

  4. It being done for apperances, and to let the 5 stages of grieving for the black public run its course to prevent riots, like Rodney King riots. This stategy of fake due process and dripping out details may lessen the size(s), but they’ll happen anyway.

    Pass the buck. Degenerate ethics are the inevitable fruit of multiculturalism, leftism, etc.

  5. It’s Benjamin Dump who has tainted this case with his greed. The low-class and low-IQ people supporting Trayvon Brawley have nothing going for them and are hoping to “win” something. They consider it getting something for free.

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