Southside Chicago Anti-Racist Action Exposed


I’m not sure what the “Southside Chicago Anti-Racist Action” antifa were hoping to accomplish in their mob attack in Chicago.

1.) Were they yearning for serious prison time and drawing the attention of law enforcement to their activities?

2.) Were they hoping to invite civil lawsuits?

3.) Were they hoping to impress the general public by attacking restaurant patrons and business owners?

4.) Were they hoping to elicit sympathy for white supremacists?

5.) Were they hoping to polarize the Right against them?

Here are the names of the Southside Anti-Racist Action … all five of them from Indiana:

“Five Indiana men have been charged with felony mob action, aggravated battery and criminal damage to property for their roles in an attack Saturday on a group dining at a Tinley Park restaurant.

Bails ranging from $175,000 to $250,000 were set for the five men at the Bridgeview courthouse….

Tinley Park Police Chief Steve Neubauer said all five men are charged with aggravated battery, mob action and criminal damage to property. The group includes three brothers, Jason W. Sutherlin, 33, of Gosport, Ind., Cody Lee Edward Sutherlin, 23, of Bloomington, Ind., and Dylan James Sutherlin, 20, of Bloomington, Ind. Alex R. Stuck, 22, of Bloomington, Ind., and James S. Tucker, 26, of Spencer, Ind., are also charged, he said”

Update: OD will publish the names and real world addresses (and use tags to get the information into Google search results) of these thugs if the information is provided.

Update: Indiana Antifa addresses:

Cody L Sutherlin
2447 W Burma Rd Gosport, IN 47433
Age: 18-24

Note: The Blaze is investigating their social media profiles.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. These boys are going to get an education in prison. Most white prisoners are “racist”, I’m sure they won’t want to hang around them. Hahaha!

  2. Here is a better list of the names from Chicago Tribune. One did time in Indiana for burglary

    Tinley Park Police Chief Steve Neubauer said all five men are charged with aggravated battery, mob action and criminal damage to property. The group includes three brothers, Jason W. Sutherlin, 33, of Gosport, Ind., Cody Lee Edward Sutherlin, 23, of Bloomington, Ind., and Dylan James Sutherlin, 20, of Bloomington, Ind. Alex R. Stuck, 22, of Bloomington, Ind., and James S. Tucker, 26, of Spencer, Ind., are also charged, he said.

    Cody L Sutherlin of Gosport

    Indiana ARA facebook page

    Indiana ARA (shitty) website

    Indiana ARA Twitter!/@indianaAntifa
    he was warning people to scrub their twitter and facebook accounts earlier to avoid arrest

    Looks like South Side ARA website has been completely deleted now (after first being hacked) is down and the Indiana ARA twitter says it was shut down by its provider

    we really need someone to start a nice professional website to track Marxist gangs. Like the SPLC hatewatch, only with a little actual research and investigation. Not their lame half-ass copy stuff off of stormfront and pretend its an investigative report

  3. The white American citizens at the restaurant were not white supremacists. That leaves the impression that they are violent and looking to start trouble.
    The white American citizens who met at the restaurant were concerned about the state of present day America and met to discuss ways to help one another and perhaps find some answers to the problems,they,and we,face.
    The antifas want to nip -in-the-bud any gathering of white American citizens and cause fear amongst white Americans that perhaps we shouldn’t gather together to try to find a solution(s) to the problems facing the country.
    The antifas don’t want white Americans to band together in any way too help one another,or perhaps come up with any solution that will turn the course of current events to a more sane and more livable country. That’s against the communist agenda.
    Their goal was to instill fear in the hearts of white Americans who are concerned about the state of our nation and may want to start some political and/or social groups to try to turn things around.
    I have a feeling that this is just the beginning of these kind of attacks on any group(s) of white Americans trying to make a change for the better.
    The antifas are communists to the core. Groups of thugs similiar to the antifas did the same thing in Russia attacking patriotic Russians who were trying to keep Russia from going communist back in the 1910’s.
    The antifas are real bastards.

  4. This website is old and regularly updated which means that a page here or on a similar site would rank much higher in Google search results. This post is already at the first page of Google results for Southside Chicago Anti-Racist Action.

    The more sites that link to this post the higher it will rank for Southside Chicago Anti-Racist Action.

  5. Hunter did you see this story? Chicago transplants enriching the formerly lily-white liberal utopia of Madison WI with diversity. No mention of race. So yeah.. Niggers.

    “A UW student waiting in line outside of Johnny O’s, 620 University Ave., said he heard seven or eight gunshots, likely from a vehicle moving down the street. Mike Muoio, who is graduating on Sunday, was about to show his ID to a bouncer at the bar and dove inside when he heard the shots. ”

    “There’s been tremendous issues with loitering and violence that has been a great concern to establishments on the block and the city,” Verveer said.”

    This was a drive by at a bar that had a policy of asking patrons to show a valid, current driver’s license. This was a policy of implicit racial segregation as it is well known most undertow blacks lack a valid DL. Of course the “usual suspects” agitated and the city came down on them for the racist policy.

    Now this. I beleive they were targeted. I have it heard is from people I know that the victims are all white. The police claim it was part of an “ongoing dispute”. Is this dispute about the bar practicing racial segregation? That remains to be seen. I suspect it is. This is a really interesting story, you should really check it out.

  6. Those antifa tactics might work in Europe, but it will be interesting to see how effective they are in a country that embraces the second amendment.

  7. Illinois is the one state where they are safe from concealed carry, I doubt very much they’d try this anywhere else.

  8. Here are the full mug shots with stats:

    This was probably the spy/mole who obtained the address for the ARA attackers

    This one is completely unrelated, but it is really funny!

  9. Who will protect them from rape in prison? I don’t think the white power gangs will protect them. There are no “anti-racist” gangs in prison, so I guess they are out of luck.

  10. Here is the website for the guy who is supposed to be leading the Indiana anti-racist gang scene. There local gang is called HARM.

    They say the reject the Indianapolis Occupy movement because they are “dogmatic Pacifists” and by asking the police for permits they are “collaborating with the oppressors”

  11. “They say the reject the Indianapolis Occupy movement because they are “dogmatic Pacifists” and by asking the police for permits they are “collaborating with the oppressors””

    Monty Python: The People’s Front

  12. he was warning people to scrub their twitter and facebook accounts earlier to avoid arrest

    Did you take a screen capture of this? Destruction of evidence for the sake of impeding an investigation is a crime in most if not all jurisdictions. The prosecutor might enjoy tacking on an obstruction of justice charge to these criminal thugs.

  13. FYI,

    A little known fact despite occasionally being mentioned by the MSM, including, I think, a 60 Minutes episode back in the 90s is that Bloomington Indiana is either the 2nd or 3rd largest homosexual population in the US. San Francisco, of course, is first, and it is either Washington DC or Bloomington next, I can’t remember which is which. And considering the huge difference in total population relative to San Francisco or Washington DC, you can estimate density of homosexuals in Bloomington.

    When I graduated HS, I went to IU Bloomington. I only stayed for two semesters. It is a pure homosexual indoctrination center. That is where Kinsey was based and where his “institute” is located. This is a prime example of the ignorance of parents and their total mix up in priorities. People here in Indiana worship IU because of basketball. They send their kids there. Not too many kids are going to mention what goes on there, however. So Parents remain clueless for the most part. While I was going there I shocked a bunch of people by showing them copies of the university newspaper, The Daily Student, or whatever it’s called, I can’t really remember now. But I think that is it. They have a “Dear Abby” type section in it and everyday queer or mentally screwed up students would write in questions such as “Is it normal for two guys sharing a dorm to masterbate one another?” or “My boyfriend’s rectum started bleeding after we…what can we do?”

    And when I was there they had some queer graduate student who was dying of AIDS write a regular editorial at least a couple of times a week. It was a weirdly detailed report of what was happening to him and was written in the context of being some positive thing.

    In town, it was so bad when you went to a bar or something and even said hello to another guy who was sitting next to you he would immediately feel the need to tell you he wasn’t gay. In other words, there are so many homosexuals there that it is automatically assumed any communication is the opening line of a pick up attempt.

    And though I never heard any actual specifics, and you would not, I would bet that that was the real cause of the incident where Bobbie Knight punched that kid out on the sidewalk that night and what led to his firing. Knight got away with all sorts of violent outbursts and temper tantrums for years and not much was said. There were several while I was there and it was clear that any “disciplinary hearings” were just a show. But WHAM, suddenly he was fired for what was, for him, a lesser scale incident.

    So I would bet a lot of money that these “anti-racists” from there are fags and that that is their motivation for being in that stupid anti-racist Action group. The truth is that racism is ignored here in Indiana. Indiana is probably actually the most racist state left in modern times. I’m not just saying that either. I know it is a hell of a claim, but I would say it is so. Nobody blinks an eye when the word nigger is used and I don’t care if you are in a SWPL establishment. I never hear of Morris Dees mentioning Indiana even though there are plenty of bars and restaurants here that are not at all shy about letting blacks know they have to leave. I’m not kidding. There was still signs on the doors in the 1990s and I think it has more to do with they just rusted off or wore out and no one bothered replacing them than any law suit threat.

    Indiana is totally different state. You have to have lived in other places and then here to realize it though. I was born and raised here and I never though much of it until I moved away and was gone for over 12 years and came back. But not all of it is good.

  14. “Their goal was to instill fear in the hearts of white Americans…”

    Their “goal” now is Pendelton or Michigan City, most likely.

  15. Brutus, I went to school decades ago among quite a few rural Hoosiers, all very white-conservative (I even picked up some Hoosier accent and vocabulary, for a while) and even the QUAKER Hoosier students who came here were of the rare conservative, “fighting” Quaker background. The Sodomites of Bloomington (I never heard of them before) are completely opposite.

  16. Two small schools had been closed in Indiana and North Carolina, and their faculties, libraries and student bodies merged with one here,hence all the Hoosier experience. It’s a good conservative state, especially the southern part. Bloomington needs fire and brimstone.

  17. Great post and great comments as always. This site is how I maintain my sanity.

    The bigger question is, where do these buffoons get their money? Who funds them? Do they have day jobs?

  18. @Wayne
    I don’t know everyone who is involved with funding the occupy movement,the antifas being a part of that. George Soros , the billionaire , is one of the main contrubutors to Occupy.
    I apologize because I forgot where I read that. I read that about and year and a half ago.
    I’m still trying to find information on who,exactly, is funding the black panthers,as well.
    You may want to google his name and see what you come up with; George Soros is a big-time troublemaker and very influential in Washington,unfortunately.

  19. some interesting tweets on this matter:!/Dbabwin/status/204933377537736704
    From @Dbabwin (Don Babwin: Associated Press reporter in Chicago who covers the police beat and general assignment. dbabwin(at)
    “@IndianaAntifa i am working on a story about Tinley Park for the AP. Could u call me at 312 920 3646. Thank you.”!/MarcellusWalla4/status/204696070524108800
    From: @MarcellusWalla4 (no bio)
    “@IndianaAntifa Who exactly made you drug addicts judge and jury? The Hells Angels are waiting to show the Tinley 5 what an ass kicking is.”

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