Uncle Tim: Trayvon Martin and The Psychopathology of Whiteness


H/T Kievsky

Here’s the latest from professional anti-racist essayist and activist Uncle Tim: Trayvon Martin and The Psychopathology of Whiteness.

Note: In this case, the simple message of The Mantra is very appropriate. Anti-racism is anti-White.

BuzzFeed noted just this morning that conservative bloggers were losing patience with the r-word. Tucker Carlson frankly stated that he doesn’t care if he is called a racist anymore.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Denise- the fundamental element of any legitimate authority is that it comes from God.

    Christendom has known this since the beginning. [Rom. 13:1] However, once Rome broke from this patristic faith, she interposed her own body (the corporate ‘church of Rome’) in place of the ‘godly authorities,’ and began to do things that are chronicled in the history of the West- one thinks of the King, kneeling in the snow, begging the Pope to rescind his (uneserved) excommunication- not only for himself, but for the entire nation. THAT is Empire thinking, not biblical thinking.

    So, when Henry VIII sought to gain an heir, after realizing his own actions went against scripture, in ‘marrying deceased brother’s wife’, and seeing what Luther said was ostensibly correct, he feared not the Pope, but feared God. Trouble was, everyone was used to the filioquist mentality of submission to some leader, and gave Henry the fealty they once used to give the Pope. In Orthodox lands, the Patriarch and King shared authority jointly. In the West, it either devolved to King or Pope. At least the English had wrested Magna Carta before all this happened. And Magna Carta is the last gasp of patristic, Orthodox sentiment in England for almost four hundred years!

    Some say that MC is the bedrock for the US Constitution. I would tend to agree. But more, than that, I would offer the premise that any lawlessness is sin- especially the desire to deny that exercise of law to the Godly man who rules in Christ’s stead.

    Kievsky keeps coming back to some idea that only God can execute that law, by denying my pov. It’s not MY pov, it’s the Bibles, and Christendom’s. So much CONFUSION reigns today, Denise, that one has to be a bit ‘irrirtating’ to get the Truth out.


  2. vengeance belongs to the Lord, but I would surely love to be His hand of vengeance on earth

  3. Fr. John+,

    If you are that confident that you are executing God’s law by your hand, who am I to tell you otherwise?

    My ideas are not based on the Bible or Christendom, but observation. I have observed what seem to me to be divine acts of poetic justice — particularly when blacks kill anti-whites. Seeing such events actually awakened some religious consciousness in me, some idea that there is a divine hand in things, but that it’s not for me to be God’s Executioner.

    But hey, if God told you that your will and His are one and the same, I’m not going to tell you otherwise.

  4. “In some ways, it’s over for Timm-meh. He’s already lost the game. Just like Tony Montana – when they start snorting thier own drugs – game over.”


    I foresee an internet meme …

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