Uncle Tim: Trayvon Martin and The Psychopathology of Whiteness


H/T Kievsky

Here’s the latest from professional anti-racist essayist and activist Uncle Tim: Trayvon Martin and The Psychopathology of Whiteness.

Note: In this case, the simple message of The Mantra is very appropriate. Anti-racism is anti-White.

BuzzFeed noted just this morning that conservative bloggers were losing patience with the r-word. Tucker Carlson frankly stated that he doesn’t care if he is called a racist anymore.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I tried to read it, but just can’t. It’s funny how that faggot never allows comments. I hope I live to see the day when that piece of shit meets a hang man’s noose.

  2. Wise knows everything we know. He prefers to go the route he has gone because the queue is short (much as the Republican line for black trophies is equally short). After all, who but a room full of black people or privileged white undergrads is stupid enough to listen to a guy with a Bachelor’s degree in a soft Science (read: non-Science) explain why race is a social construct? Did you know that forensic pathologists can examine a pubic hair, and from that can deduce your race? That doesn’t sound like a social construct.

    I have heard Wise makes between 3 and $5000 per speaking session. He uses a weird colloquial black preacher style of oratory. It is all style, much like this article on St. Trayvon. You will notice, in his paragraphs broken down into single sentences, that it is an almost religious refrain which he hammers home upon the reader, and with good reason: the more time passes, the more this Zimmerman thing smells like Tawanna Brawley or Duke Lacrosse. They really thought they had “Mississippi Burning” this time, and now Wise & Co. will have to take their typical escape pod: i.e., even if this case wasn’t what we initially thought, the attention brought to it gives us a chance to make it a “teachable moment.”

    Unfortunately for the left, we all learned something from this, and it ain’t the lesson they intended for us.

  3. Let’s have a contest between Tim Wise and Rev. (Not!) Jessie Jetstream Jackson over which guy has spent less time doing honest, productive work.

  4. I wouldn’t give this God-damned kike my used underwear, let alone my attention to his viturperative HATE writing.

    May God DAMN him. Christ killer. Christ killer. Christ killer.
    May he die like Herod, wailing in his grief, as his bowels spill out, for all the world to see. A cruse be on his name, and his race.
    Anathema sit. Anathema sit. Anathema sit.

  5. All that needs to be said is that Tim the Big Pussy is too afraid to open up his little bitch kumbaya blog for open debate in the comments section.

    We know you’re reading, Tim you faggot!

  6. I think Wise has lost his edge. I have always loathed the man, but at one time he made an occasional argument or two worth rebutting. Now, Wise doesn’t even bother. His writing is a stream of assertions, subjective opinion, random anecdotes and invective.

    “There was only one reason Trayvon was confronted…he was black!” and so on.

    None of it coheres to any point other than an implied exhortation to his black readers to “kill Whitey!”

    Wise is a warped, twisted and evil human being, a mad man-psychopath hybrid with a personality so diseased I doubt it is classifiable by professional psychologists.

    In either The Republic or The Laws, Plato argued society had a moral right to execute incurable psychopaths.

    It will all catch up to Wise one day.

  7. Lew says:
    May 22, 2012 at 6:15 am
    I think Wise has lost his edge. I have always loathed the man, but at one time he made an occasional argument or two worth rebutting. Now, Wise doesn’t even bother.

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Agreed. Let’s try help this poor, defeated man. There must be something Tim Wise can do now. Let’s not be vindictive.

  8. I hope I live to see the day when that piece of shit meets a hang man’s noose.

    Ahhh Mighty, you plucked that thought right from my own head.


  9. When the White Genocide meme goes global, people like mad Timmy will have no where to run. All we will have to do is ask for them and the non-white nations harboring them, will hand them over one by one. No brown country will stick its neck out for a “pale face”, wanted on genocide charges.

  10. “psychopathology of whiteness” – umm. I linked over to the Timster and see that true to form, he is running his hamster and his guilt whitey schtik at a fairly smooth tempo. This time he is spinning decency and fairness with sententious protestations of do not prejudge the innocence of St Trayvon – our window of illumination into the psychopathology of Whiteness. Bleh.

    This is the Timster insidious, the Timster invidious, the Timster working the programme on the goyim from behind the cordon sanitaire of that great Jew social science lab in Jew Central HQ. It was much better in 2010 when he came out from behind his usual live douche streaming technique and just spewed his Jew right in the faces of the Tea Party with “the Open Letter”.

    Now that was good.

    It is always good when the Master Race gets premature in their anticipation of the final solution for Whitey and delivers the d’uh moment in terms that even the braindead JudeoXtians will get. But his handlers must have registered a change (for the worse) in the awareness algorhythm of the goyim. There was an Uh-oh moment at Jew HQ. Timster – stick to the script. Run the wheel. Work the programme. Guilt them with decency and more sophisticated Jew tactics like psychoanalysis.

    So now he’s spinning fairness and decency.

    I say bring back Timster the Yid!

  11. Personally, I don’t believe in the death penalty and voice my disagreement with those who hope to see a person executed.

    Tim Wise doesn’t deserve to be martyred; that would make him a martyr!

    I have a better “live to see the day moment.” How about when so many white kids object to Tim and laugh at him and scorn him, that he can no longer get speaking engagements? Wouldn’t that be more satisfying than simply making a corpse, whose expression is frozen and unreactive? Wouldn’t you rather witness the defeat of the living man — get to see the defeat on his face?

    Heck, I think we’re already seeing it. He is admitting that Whites are deep into racism fatigue. These two paragraphs should be music to our ears:

    Check out the Trayvon commentary at sites like American Renaissance — the nation’s leading highbrow white supremacist organization — or, for that matter at far more mainstream conservative websites like Free Republic or FOX Nation. The blatant bigotry, the unhinged hatred for all things black that leaps from the comments sections of those sites, under stories concerning Martin and Zimmerman, is enough to make decent people retch. It would be enough to make decent conservatives denounce those sites and all of their followers, if, that is, there were any significant number of conservatives left who truly disagreed with them, who weren’t themselves caught up in only the most thinly veiled racial resentments and anxieties. There’s a reason that John Derbyshire remained a conservative in good standing for so long, despite his year-after-year habit of making blatantly racist remarks, which only recently became a bridge too far for the folks at National Review.
    There’s a reason that privileged white frat boys at Cornell University threw bottles at black students last week while chanting taunts about Trayvon in the process. There’s a reason that a white Miami firefighter thought nothing of taking to his personal Facebook page and saying that Martin, and for that matter pretty much all “urban youth,” are products of their “failed, shitbag, ignorant, pathetic, welfare dependent excuses for parents.” There’s a reason a white police officer in New Orleans likewise thought it perfectly appropriate to all but gleefully bray about Martin’s death, intoning on Facebook, “Act like a thug, die like one!” There’s a reason a firearms dealer in Florida made a financial killing selling a shooting target made to resemble Trayvon Martin, whom the target-maker calls a “thug,” and whom the entrepreneur feels deserved to die.

    Timothy is screaming in the night that his Tribe with it’s anti-white priestcraft is losing control of the hearts and minds of Whites. Oh noes! Such a tragedy.

    That’s history for you. People evolve at the speed of history. Rejecting so-called “anti-racism” is no less than refusing to go to the kosher slaughterhouse. Fuck you and the kosher slaughterhouse that you and yours have prepared for us, Timothy. Rather than walking into it to have our throats cut very efficiently, we plan to surround it, like the soldiers surrounding Saddam in his spiderhole. Picture that Timothy. We surround it so it can no longer slaughter us and ours.

    Think about those frat boys rejecting the Trayvon guilt-narrative. At Cornell no less! Imagine Timothy’s distress and outrage! LOL.

  12. “It would be enough to make decent conservatives denounce those sites and all of their followers, if, that is, there were any significant number of conservatives left who truly disagreed with them,”

    Gee, I can’t imagine why… kinda happens when the race card runs over its credit limit.

  13. “a mad man-psychopath hybrid with a personality so diseased I doubt it is classifiable by professional psychologists.”

    That ‘hybrid’ is called, being of the race of jews. Part Psychopath, part Neanderthal.
    Not at all White.



    As Brother Nathanael has said over at his website (and he a former Jew turned Orthodox Christian monk- so he should know!) “Indeed, the “anti-semites” of today will be regarded as visionaries and freedom fighters when the Jew giant with clay feet falls. All “anti-semites” of today, hated by the Jewish Psychopathocracy for telling the truth, will have their great place in the history books of tomorrow.” – realzionistnews.com/?p=588



    FYI, people. These links gathered from a fifteen minute web search. The Truth is out there. Are you willing to confront it?

  14. Uncle Tim is good for us because he is such a perfect example of anti-racism being a codeword for anti-white.

    However that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t one day stand trial for his part in this attempted genocide.

  15. “Fr. John+ says:
    May 22, 2012 at 4:28 am
    I wouldn’t give this God-damned kike my used underwear, let alone my attention to his viturperative HATE writing.

    May God DAMN him. Christ killer. Christ killer. Christ killer.
    May he die like Herod, wailing in his grief, as his bowels spill out, for all the world to see. A cruse be on his name, and his race.
    Anathema sit. Anathema sit. Anathema sit.”

    Amen my True White Friend!!! AMEN!!!!

    Anathema sit. Anathema sit. Anathema sit.”
    Anathema sit. Anathema sit. Anathema sit.”
    Anathema sit. Anathema sit. Anathema sit.”

  16. Wow, Denise, witchcraft no less! When people conjure, and really mean it, the universe hears it. It is the oppressed people who gain the power to conjure. YKW had it but I think they lost it when they became the Establishment.

    When Tim started his career, he was the one making other people outraged. He was the one laughing at everyone else. Now it is 180, the pendulum has swung, and he is decrying the rebelling masses. Tim is the Establishment, and his Tribe have lost the witchy power.

  17. Timothy doesn’t have the comments turned on at his site, so these are by default the Tim Wise comment thread.

    He called us a bunch of psychopaths. Talk about projecting!

  18. I actually just read what Timmy wrote.

    It’s not good. As in – it’s not well done. He’s not “running the script” well. It’s not quite as obvious as that Open Letter – but he’s not adept at dismissing the legitimacy of the claims against St Ashtray.

    In some ways, it’s over for Timm-meh. He’s already lost the game. Just like Tony Montana – when they start snorting thier own drugs – game over.

    Fr Jon – Timmeh already IS Damned. Creatures like Timmeh must suffer their own consequences. No ovens for Timmeh – too easy. Too fast. Nah – his own petard awaits.

    We all know about peak oil, and the declension of Space Age Western Civ, into barbarity, and Kievsky’s Neo Poverty (which will be a blessing for us!). We need to re-form our own identities ,with our own kith and kin. I wish other Races well – but if it ain’t White it ain’t right, in future social orders.

    We must purge the corrosive elements from our midsts, though. Just say NO to Tolerance and Understanding! The JudenDemons, and the Whites corrupted by same, are too far gone to allow ANY proximity. They breath in oxygen, and breath out poison.

    I think we can unload a bunch of White Liberal White Hating Race Traitor females on Afghani Goat Farmers, and get a good trade on decent goats. Let UnWhite females learn, first hand, about The Patriarchy, from back country Pashtuns. The Anti-White wonks, and bureaucrats, that burrow away, in the skeleton and blood vessels and tissues of Leviathan, that tirelessly work to destroy Whiteness, like Lutheran Family Services, and Catholic Charities, and Planned Parenthood, Health and Human Services etcetera etcetera etcetera – off they go to the Belgian Congo. There’s still infrastruture there – so I’m being generous.

    Timmeh, and his Specially Chosen ilk – airdropped STRAIGHT into Zimbabwe. No cell phone. No batteries. No food packets.

    No matches.

    Straight down.

  19. “Kievsky says:
    May 22, 2012 at 1:32 pm
    Wow, Denise, witchcraft no less! When people conjure, and really mean it, the universe hears it”

    I know, my dear. I know.

  20. I agree with Denise, airdropped into Zimbabwe with nothing. Not even some plastic beads to barter. I really think he deserves to be in a crowd of them so he can finally see his errors. Hungry ones in the rainforest where they’re short of meat, or horny legions of them in jail. Perhaps put him in the middle of a supermax prison – none of the White guys will have anything to do with him so he will be shark meat. This is what the fucker deserves. Disgusting.

  21. @ kievsky, this is much much more a preferable fate for mr. wise once the goyim turn the tables on the dreyfusses

  22. if we airdrop him into zimbabwe we need to at least tatoo niggerlover on his ass cheek. or kaffir lover i guess

  23. “I have a better “live to see the day moment.” How about when so many white kids object to Tim and laugh at him and scorn him, that he can no longer get speaking engagements? Wouldn’t that be more satisfying than simply making a corpse, whose expression is frozen and unreactive? Wouldn’t you rather witness the defeat of the living man — get to see the defeat on his face?”

    I got to agree with Kievsky on this one. I predict in the next few decades, Tim Wise and others like him will be publicly mocked and dismissed as clowns deserving very little respect. Thats much more entertaining than just slugging that bastard in the face.

  24. Joe Rebel
    No, they will come back if we don’t keep going after them.

    This is not a game they are playing and we aren’t playing either. So we will forgive them, just as the Jews forgave the Germans and all White people after WW2.

    The plan is to pursue them with civil lawsuits and make their ancestors pay as well. Billions of dollars are there for the taking. Families that made their fortunes from white genocide, will be our primary targets. These people have such fortunes, it could pay off national debts.

    When we go after after them and succeed, it will make world headlines every time we do it. The world will never be allowed to forget what they did, because we will keep reminding them.

    Everyone will inform on them, if we offer a cut of the takings. Even their own mothers would rat them out.

  25. FedUp,

    I’m all for lawsuits and expropriation of the anti-whites. That’s something we can and should talk about, while discouraging “murder” and “execution” talk.

  26. “really think he deserves to be in a crowd of them so he can finally see his errors. Hungry ones in the rainforest where they’re short of meat, or horny legions of them in jail”

    Sounds good. Can we fit him for an implanted video camera and satellite linkup, first, though, before we drop him? Pretty please? ‘Cuz I’d like to see this. I haven’t looked at Talmudvision in years, but THAT would be Reality TV worth watching!

  27. Lew says:
    May 22, 2012 at 6:15 am

    Right. Tim “nobody here but us evil white folks” Wise sounds like a preacher preaching to a shrinking choir.

  28. “barb says:
    May 22, 2012 at 7:25 pm
    “really think he deserves to be in a crowd of them so he can finally see his errors. Hungry ones in the rainforest where they’re short of meat, or horny legions of them in jail”

    Sounds good. Can we fit him for an implanted video camera and satellite linkup, first, though, before we drop him? Pretty please? ‘Cuz I’d like to see this. I haven’t looked at Talmudvision in years, but THAT would be Reality TV worth watching”

    Barb, my dear – you’re hitting them outta the park! Brava!

  29. Kievsky – I make jokes about firing up the ovens – for my own amusement – because THERE WERE NO OVENS.

    Assassinations, killings….this is what THEY do. We do have mass communication now. Even if the Grid Goes Down – we can get it back up again. The TRUTH about Jews, and their history as parasites among almost all people – is all we realy need to do. Pull the rock up. EXPOSE THEM. Once and for all. They’ve screwed around with just about EVERY type of ethny and Race on Earth. Your brilliant Pest Managment/Pests Evolve ….Godlike Insight Genius Enlightenment A New Meme for a New Zeitgeist Thing- let all the “pests” evolve. All over the world. No quarter. No place ot hole up, and hide, and screw over another benighted group.

    One of the things that has struck me, in the many Europeans purges, is that Jews mostly weren’t kilt off. A comparative handful were – most most just got booted. And waited. And slunk back in. We need to develop a…. genetic resistance to them. So that no one will be fooled again. I don’t actually wish to inflict them on ANY OTHER Race. Every-one else has enough problems.

    They need to be FORCED to deal with themselves, and tell the truth about themselves. They may just collectively explode into flames, when forced to tell the truth – but that’s their problem. Not mine.

    The Truth is our weapon and our shield.

  30. Thanks, Denise.
    I owe you. You’ve taught me a lot. If I do good work, it’s because I’ve made it a habit to learn from the best!

  31. “They may just collectively explode into flames”

    Spontaneous combustion!!!

    And here I though that was just National Enquirer looniness.

  32. I saw a video on Youtube (I think) of the same sort of drivel speech that Mr. Tick Tock gave at the University of Arizona. What worries me is this. He says in so many words that he can’t wait for the parents, brothers, sisters, cousins of the very sheeple sitting in the room to die, yet he walks out of the building with applause. Whatever happened to dueling? I would have stood up and challenged his manhood. Parking lot? Let’s go! Nobody, and I mean NOBODY insults my ancestors and gets away with it!

  33. I see Tim Wise’s writing as one or maybe two steps above Ilya Ehrenburg’s. Ilya Ehrenburg was Stalin’s chief propagandist. He wrote a pamphlet urging members of the Red Army to murder German civilians. This passage is representative of Ehrenburg’s general style.

    The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word ‘German’ is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word ‘German’ strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day… If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime…If you have already killed a German, then kill another one — there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don’t count the days, don’t count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed.


  34. “Tim Wise doesn’t deserve to be martyred; that would make him a martyr!”

    Kievsky- only a RIGHTEOUS person can be a martyr.

    Killing such Jews is merely getting rid of traif.

  35. “Wow, Denise, witchcraft no less! When people conjure, and really mean it, the universe hears it.”

    Kievsky, you clearly don’t know what you are talking about.
    If you’ve never heard of Imprecatory Prayer, the difference between that (which YHWH God hears from his faithful ones) and ‘witchcraft’ which is satanic (you know, like the Jews? cf. John 8:44) is the difference between black and white.

    God COMMANDS imprecatory prayer for His/our enemies. In case you wish to be enlightened….


  36. Fr John – Kievsky is being playful. He was teasing. I knew the Imprecatory Prayer – I actually taught it to my nephews, a coupla a years ago, to use against….Bad Things. I really got them going, when I taught it to them. It’s VERY powerful. You should have heard these 2 little boys chanting this. You could feel the power take them up. I was thrilled to be reminded of this. I had forgotten this.

  37. Why nobody considering multiculting the gentleman mentioned above. Every marxist biggest fear is living in his own wished society.

    Before German Israel War ( known also as WWII ), my country invented the politics to not punish captured communists, but deport them to Soviet Union. All leftist activity stopped almost instantly. Sitting in capitalist prison or getting shot while arrested was ok for them, but perspective to live in society wished by themselves frighted even most courageos.

    I have thinked long time, what to do with all multiculturalists and I have idea to give them what they want. We must deport those people somewhere 100% nonwhite place. You wanted it, you got it. Somalia is good place for example. No racism, no white supremacy, no far right extremism. Let them be happy in their own wished society.

  38. Vengeance is mine, saith the Lord.

    I predict a fate far, far worse than death for Tim, and it doesn’t involve physical violence. No, it involves simply seeing his life’s work discredited. He’s going to wish he had taken a different, more honorable career path, like divorce lawyer or pump and dumping stock to retirees.

    I pray all of you — don’t kill or hurt Tim. In doing so, you would be averting a terrible poetic justice that God himself (or the universe, if that’s your preferred term) has planned for him. You would be saving him; you’d actually be doing him a favor (though I’m sure he’d disagree, LOL).

    God’s justice is assured. and it will be far, far worse than anything any of us could ever do.

  39. Juri,

    Deportation to a multicultural paradise like Somalia is indeed a worthwhile and poetic justice for multiculters. It keeps our hands clean of blood — we deliver them to the multicult in full and shining health, and they can pursue their ideals without any evil racists or white privilege getting in their way.

  40. Fr. John+,

    I really believe that vengeance belongs to God and not to us, and killing someone is usurping God’s work. I think if we kill someone, God says, “Hey dipshit, I was planning to kill him in my way, at my time, and you ruined it for me!”

    God has a balance, and committing a major sin like killing someone on God’s behalf unbalances this balance and delays God’s justice.

    Want an example? Amy Biehl. Now, I’m not going to say outright that God killed Amy Biehl, but if I was a homicide detective in South Africa, let’s just say that God would be “a deity of interest,” in this case. Same with the Omar Thornton case. I believe that God (or the universe or whatever) is not on the side of people who call themselves anti-racists while committing a soft genocide against the White race. Black people killing anti-racists is God’s cosmic sense of humor. Don’t mess with God’s joke, he’s not even close to being done laughing!

  41. Kievsky- Of course vengeance belongs to God. But do you not believe that the Body of Christ, IS the “Body of God’ on earth. What of the Westminster standards on the ‘proper use of the Civil Magistrate’?

    To pretend that a regenerate race is not able, or fit to execute God’s judgment, is utter Bolshevism. I suggest you take the entire summer to read Rushdoony’s “Institutes of Biblical Law” to learn how the Founding Fathers, the Colonies, and most White Englishmen view their place as the AGENTS of God’s law enforcement on Earth… and not the Moloch state.

  42. Anything can be an agent of God, John. A bolt of lightning, a falling stone, a dog. At least in my view.

    To recognize God’s work, look for poetic justice. God likes to laugh.

  43. Fr John – Kievsky is a really really good friend. We are all allies. He is NOT the enemy. Please remember this.

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