About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. If Rand Paul gets on the ticket I’ll be somewhat tempted to vote Republican. I’ll at least consider it.

    It does seem to be a blatant effort to appeal to white males, and it feasibly behooves white males to return a message that our support is worth soliciting.

  2. This has been bandied about for months by some of the libertarians as to why Ron Paul had been talking to Mittster and his crew. Rand is pretty clean AFAIK for mainstream politics, and the left is going to call them racist anyway so dad’s newsletters mean squat.

  3. Mitt is going to take all the red states anyway so he doesn’t need to “rally the base.” Rand would bring in independents but probably few moderates. I don’t see Mitt choosing Romney unless Ron Paul makes a serious push at the convention and forces Romney to make a deal to get Ron to drop out.

  4. @ Hunter

    Rand Paul ain’t that hot. I’m not convinced that he and his old man ain’t running a scam. LOL.

    Your boy Sessions is a pretty stable character, so is DeMint. Although, DeMint kisses Jew ass like it’s going out of style.

  5. Ron Paul will sell out his base in a second if he gets Rand a seat at the table. But that’s been his game since the start. And it’s smart. It’s the Art of War. A wordist wins the war without firing a shot. It’s basically how the left took America. Wordists take over the schools, the universities, the legal system and the media. After 70 years and a couple generations you’ve won a country.

    Of course we whites generally like to spend our time doing other things if we can. Our blessing and our curse.

  6. Rand cannot be so stupid to lose his position in the Senate. A senator can mount any kind of opposition to the regime from that place, which is why Romney would want him. See Hillary Clinton for an example. Barry by taking her as a Sec of State removed viable opposition from his own party had she stayed in the senate(see mafioso 101 chapter 1 ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’). What I have never understood is why she went along with it.

  7. It would do a lot to unite whites, and we would stay united until the next evil Jew war.

  8. I think Rand Paul will better serve us in the senate.

    Speaking of senate, I long for a return to the days where the State’s legislatures appointed them, and they could be recalled for not doing the state’s business. Repeal the 17th amendment.

  9. “Molon Labe says:
    May 25, 2012 at 4:36 pm
    Rand cannot be so stupid to lose his position in the Senate. A senator can mount any kind of opposition to the regime from that place, which is why Romney would want him. See Hillary Clinton for an example. Barry by taking her as a Sec of State removed viable opposition from his own party had she stayed in the senate(see mafioso 101 chapter 1 ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’). What I have never understood is why she went along with it.”

    You already answered your own question, dear.

    ‘Keep your friends close and your enemies closer’

  10. “Repeal the 17th amendment”

    Hear, hear!
    The 17th amendment was one of the significant changes that allowed the few, very rich, Jews and their controlled media to hijack the American political process.
    Here’s how:
    One senator swings a lot of clout. One of the biggest clouters is the Senatorial duty to confirm Supreme Court judges. And SCOTUS judges, a mere 12 people, the truth is, RULE America, through the mechanism of judicial review.

    Buy a Senator’s vote, through funding his popular-election funding and cheerleading for him by your controlled media, and do so just 51 times, and you can get your lib SCOTUS judge appointed, who then rules by the fiat of Judicial Review and, voila, your anti-White agenda is ensured. (Who cares what the rubes think?)
    If Senators were still chosen by state legislatures, buying off the Senate would be nigh-on impossible, since you’d have to bribe the majority of entire state legislators in 26 states to appoint your willing-to-play-ball senators. That’s a WHOLE LOTTA people you gotta buy off to get your 51 Senatorial votes to confirm your lib judges.
    Pretty tough, even impossible, perhaps, to do.

  11. In a stroke, he would attract Ron Paul supporters, Tea Party conservatives, and White Nationalists. H.W.

    In a stroke, he would also alienate white working class voters in Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia and Florida who are rightfully fearful that their social security and medicare payments will be slashed in order to assure further tax cuts for the uber-wealthy under the banner of “austerity” and “balancing the budget.”

    Ron Paul and his son “Rand” are nothing more than a couple of mad-dog libertarians completely drunk on Ayn Rosenbaum hooch and who are dishonestly attempting to fool the public by passing themselves off as “constitutionalists.” It ain’t flying!

    It is questionable whether the above groups mentioned — libertarians, tea baggers and white nationalists — would be able to offset the loss of white working class votes in a national election, and especially in the key battle ground states.

    Romney needs to win the South, which he handily lost to Santorum and Gingrich during the primaries, plus he needs to win Ohio and Florida. Keep in mind, Obama won North Carolina, Virginia, Ohio and Florida in 2008. If that remains the same this year, then its four more years in the White House for the Keynan tribesman.

    PS: Keep an eye on the Walker recall election in Wisconsin as it may serve as a prediction of things to come in November.

  12. I’d rather have him in the Senate where he’s much more usefull us. Does the vice-pres even have any real power? Maybe if Romney died in office, which isn’t likely.

    No, in a few years he can run for president and ever so slightly shift the goal posts in a more pro-white direction.

  13. Just a manuever to reduce further Ron Paul’s effectiveness at the convention, I think.

    I doubt the Controllers would want to encourage Ron Paul’s supporters or risk drawing attention to his message so much by elevating Rand at this time.

    It’s interesting that Beckite Tea Partiers have been programmed to think that “Ron is dangerous, but RAND is alright.” They’ll need to be re-programmed if Rand takes up the mantle.

  14. “In a few years he can run for president and ever so slightly shift the goal posts in a more pro-white direction.”

    AFTER A FEW MORE YEARS of ever-so-slightly shifting MODERATE, controlled government he may run for president, but he will be defeated by a greatly increased non-white liberal majority.

  15. Stop fantasizing about VPs, or long shot, no shot 3rd party Presidential runs.

    Go local. Go for the States – state rights.

    If Rand Paul is any kind of real White leader he should now work to get to know every single good White person in the State of Kentucky and build networks, organizations of solid White people working for the 14 words or….

    He can go the same old, same old route of promoting race denying Libertarian Constitutionalism in long shot, no shot Presidential crusades that only appeal to really, really old White people looking to bring back…

    the past.

    the 1950s or was it…
    the 1850s?

  16. “It does seem to be a blatant effort to appeal to white males…”

    Whenever I hear somebody refer to a “white male,” I ask them, “a white male _what_?” (Strictly speaking, ‘male’ is an adjective, not a noun.) If you mean “a white male adult human,” then what you mean to say is, ” a white man.” Voters who are white and male are necessarily adult, by virtue of their right to vote. They are therefore white MEN. “White males” only makes sense when the speaker means “white men and boys” which nearly never makes sense in a political context, since boys (minors) can’t vote.

    Resist the use of this evil Orwellian phrase, which was purposely designed to castrate white men and rob them of their masculine identity, and for a reason. Note that the MSM (guess whooo-oo?) continually refer to “white males” but to “Black men.” It’s not an accident.

    Always say “white men.”

    Unless of course, you always say “Boy Howdy!”


    Long time White Nationalist, Jamie Kelso tries in vain to recruit young conservatives to the white nationalist cause. His message falls on mostly deaf ears – with some rebuttal. Finally, supporters of Ron Paul, so embarrassed by Kelso’s racist message, or at least his overall rejection by most of the polite listeners, ask him to remove his “Campaign for Liberty” Ron and Rand Paul identification. The final scene shows Kelso fleeing the hotel – bags in hand.


    Christ people, wake the F*** UP! Ron Paul and his supporters are phonies! They advocate the anti-racism of Ayn Rand: Race is a social construct, there’s only one race — the human race, we all bleed red, we’re all individuals ad infinitum nauseam!!!!!!!

    If you don’t believe me, please watch the video as supporters of Ron Paul, so disgusted by Kelso’s “racist” message, demand him to remove his “Campaign for Liberty” Ron and Rand Paul identification.

    Wake up morons! Conservatives, libertarians, tea baggers and especailly Ron and Rand Paul are not allies in this struggle! They are part of the problem, not the solution.

  18. “by virtue of their right to vote.”

    Since I’m being picky about language, I should have said “by virtue of their ability to vote.” Every American has the right to vote, but only adults are able to exercise that right.

  19. Re: “long shot, no shot Presidential crusades that only appeal to really, really old White people looking to bring back…the past.”

    Write in George Wallace in 2012. No wait, he sold out a little bit, later on, as did Strom Thurmond we also remember, who ran and lost before. Oh, just write in Ron Paul to get it over with, and let’s concentrate on VERY local politics where maybe something good CAN be accomplished. No wait, Ron Paul is the presidential candidate with 100% German ancestry (!) and Romney has mostly English DNA.

  20. Mosin Nagant says:
    “No wait, Ron Paul is the presidential candidate with 100% German ancestry (!) and Romney has mostly English DNA.”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    Near Octogenarian Ron Paul isn’t going to be challenging to win election for President of the United States this year – that’s just reality. It isn’t going to happen.

    Ron Paul isn’t going to challenge to win the NBA slam dunk competition or compete to win the Miss Teen America beauty contest. Again, that’s just reality.

    Read George Lincoln Rockwell’s comments about old economic conservatives/Libertarians trying to get elected President of the United States. Rockwell told us in 100% certain terms that old economic conservatives/Libertarians would never win the support of poor and working class White American voters and Rockwell told us this in….


    46 years old we have, the same old, same old small group of never say die, Libertarian Constitutionalists true believers trying to elect a 76 year old Libertarian Constitutionalist economic conservative President of the United States.

    Ain’t going to happen.

    Time to face reality.

    Let’s compete and win some small, mid sized victories in…


    Read GLR on this subject:


  21. Jack Ryan, of course most sheeple won’t vote for him because he’s older, was never an entertainment star or famous athlete, and he’s even of 100% German ancestry. I agree, not possible, in reality.

    I agree, “Let’s compete and win some small, mid sized victories,” where they are POSSIBLE, as I said above, in very local politics.

    But the Romney presidential victory being advocated here, which I will be working very actively toward AFTER his nomination is formally secured at the convention, will be only a very, very small-sized one.

  22. “It isn’t going to happen.”

    Jack, that has been the mantra of the Republican Party “mainstream” and Beckite Tea Party ‘bots.

  23. Notice above that I’ll be WORKING for the campaign of the much more evil lesser evil, after he is nominated.

  24. No telling what kind of deals are being cut behind the scenes. If Ron Paul tells his supporters to stay home, it would probably be enough to throw a few close swing states to Obama. Mitt and the GOP leaders will play ball with him.

  25. Ron Paul won’t tell his supporters to stay home on Election Day.

    I don’t think his ego is that big.

    Of course, I could be wrong. It’s been known to happen.

  26. Pick the important elements of the hostile power structure
    – media
    – Wall St / federal reserve
    – academia / schools
    – politics

    Anyone attacking one of those elements is useful even if you disagree with the rest of their platform.

  27. Scorpio Americanus said: “…Ayn Rosenbaum hooch”. That’s funny, and I agree. Conservatives always seem to fall into the individualist trap, isolating themselves from the herd and making their offspring easy pray for the tribalist lions.
    Oscar the Grinch: Couldn’t agree more. “Consumer” is another term for the people once known as “citizens”, and that pisses me off everytime I hear it.

  28. Romney needs to win the South, which he handily lost to Santorum and Gingrich during the primaries

    WTF does this have to do with anything? Is there a Southern State in play, or something?

  29. haha! I live in a swing county of a swing state, and I just removed my republican affiliation today. I wont be voting for anybody on election day. I’d say they can all go to hell, but I suspect if times get tough they’ll just get into their jets and fly away to Singapore like that Facebook guy.


    “WTF does this have to do with anything? Is there a Southern State in play, or something?”

    What does it have to do with anything? It should be self evident, my friend. Don’t be too quick to presume Romney will sweep the entire South which he needs in order to win in November.

    As I stated before, Obama won North Carolina, Virginia and Florida, not to mention Ohio, in 2008.

    The average white voter is scared to death of these Ayn Rand worshipping lunatics given the Republican Party’s advocacy of de-industrialization, union busting, free trade with Communist China, tax cuts for the uber-wealthy, bail outs for Wall Street et cetera combined with their fatal embrace of economic austerity measures which include draconian cuts to social security and medicare which would further impoverish the very white people they need in order to win the presidential election.

    Then you have Romney’s Mormonism which is regarded as a cult by large numbers of Southern Christians. Don’t think for one minute that Billy Bob and his evangelical brood south of the Mason Dixon line won’t hold it against him and sit out the election. And why not? After all, they would be essentially correct in doing so. Mormonism is basically a repackaged version of Freemasonry and is antithetical to the central tenants of Christianity.

    Couple all that with his appalling record of creative destruction and corporate looting while at Bain Capital and it gets even worse. In 2008, Mitt Romney had the audacity to even put his views in writing via an op-ed piece in the New York Times advocating the destruction of the American automobile industry! Let ’em go bankrupt was his mantra while simultaneously embracing TRILLIONS of dollars worth of bailouts for Wall Street and the Godless Bloodsucking Banks!

    When Mitt Romney Came To Town:

    Romney’s NY Times op-ed:

    The very fact that Romney had his head handed to him on a silver platter time and again throughout the Southern primaries speaks very inauspiciously regarding his chances of winning a clean sweep this November.

    Most people here are making the Big Mistake of thinking that race will be the driving factor in this year’s upcoming election. It isn’t so. What matters to most white voters is basic bread and butter issues such as whether they will have a job, whether they will be able to send their kids to school, and the like.

    In other words, IT”S THE ECONOMY, STUPID!

    And as bad as Obama has been, the prospect of the Republicans taking the White House with all their talk of economic austerity and savage cuts to social security and medicare is frightening to many white voters who will be further impoverished by such measures.

    The late Sam Francis was right when he labeled the Republicans as the Stupid Party. If they weren’t so busy worshipping the Jewess Ayn Rosenbaum and reciting verse from Atlas $hrugged, maybe they would be able to offer something more than simply being anti-Obama.

  31. Conservatives always seem to fall into the individualist trap, isolating themselves from the herd and making their offspring easy pray for the tribalist lions.

    Beautifully stated, Wayne!

  32. “I live in a swing county of a swing state, and I just removed my republican affiliation today. I wont be voting for anybody on election day.”

    Bebo, while I’m technically an independent, I’ve always voted for Republicans in the past. No more! Like you, I’ll probably be sitting out this election along with my entire extended family. And given that all of us reside in two critically important swing states, Ohio and North Carolina, Mitt Romney and the Republicraps better hope that our opinions are not representative of too many white people. If that is the case, it’s lights out for the Stupid Party.

  33. I know a lot of Southron men who will not vote for Romney. Romney is the “face” of the man who shipped their jobs down range and looks down on us. At least with McCain they could say they were voting for a war hero. They will sit out the election. This will mostly be hill folk and who knows if enough will sit out to matter.

  34. Rockwell told us in 100% certain terms that old economic conservatives and Libertarians would never win the support of poor and working class White American voters and Rockwell told us this in….1966!

    Jack, Rockwell was entirely correct then and even more so today given that the majority of the white population has been impoverished due to 40 years of economic looting and wealth extraction.

    The Republican Party has lost its mind given its fatal embrace of fiscal austerity as a solution to our economic woes. Hell, look at the rioting throughout Europe, courtesy of “austerity.” That’s what the Republicans and Ron Paul would bring to the United States!

    If you’re a masochist, vote Republican.

    Ron Paul is actually the worse candidate out there when it comes to advocating savage, bloodthristy cuts to basic services, especially social security and medicare. His economic positions are as phoney as a three dollar bill given that he preaches balanced budgets while knowing full well that the United States employs a debt-based monetary system via the Federal Reserve which requires deficits to function.

    If the U.S. did not run deficits, there would be no money in circulation! That’s because a Federal Reserve Note is really a form of debt. In other words, it’s an IOU. In the case of the notes each of us holds in our wallets, they represent someone else’s debt, but it debt all the same. To preach against deficits and debt without attacking the underlying monetary system that creates it is fundamentally fraudulent.

    Even on matters of the Federal Reserve, all Ron Paul advocates is auditing it, not abolishing it! [Note: Properly speaking, the Fed should be nationalized and incorporated as a division of the U.S. Department of Treasury.]

    The days of honest money in the form of a fractional gold reserve are long gone and for anyone to advocate its return given the political realities of the day is either ignorant or dishonest. I’ll let the readers decide for themselves which applies to St. Ron Paul and his libertarian acolytes, the so-called saviors of America.


    Gary Weiss, author, Ayn Rand Nation: The Hidden Struggle for America’s Soul joins RT’s Thom Hartmann. Paul Ryan may have introduced a budget that destroys the white middle-class, but his ideas aren’t new. So where did he get all his crazy ideas about giving tax cuts to billionaires, destroying social security and medicare, eliminating all government regulations on banking and business, obliterating public education and the like?

  36. i’m neither ignorant or dishonest; but I think the pain caused by going back to hard money will be worth it to my descendants

    and I have a fair amount of real wealth stacked up, so me and mine would most likely do fine

  37. Stonelifter, the pain you speak of translates into millions of white people starving in the streets followed by a bloody revolution which would collapse civilized life as we know it. You advocate such measures because you feel you and your loved ones will not be affected by the pain. Don’t be so sure of it. And what about the majority of white Americans who will be affected? Do you expect them to ignore their interest of self-preservation and crucify themselves on a cross of gold? That is what you are advocating. Obviously, white Americans will not vote to commit suicide in that manner. Just look at what is happening in Europe regarding the blessings of austerity. If that is what you want, then vote Republican and may God have mercy on your soul.

  38. Scipio,

    I’m in agreement with much of your analysis. The GOP economic program has inflicted severe damage on White people. White people have almost no reasons left to vote GOP. I can think of one and and only one reason : there is solid evidence the GOP will protect second amendment rights while the Democrats won’t.

    There is an error in your analysis of the Ryan budget. Although it is an anti-middle class budget, I’m not sure it’s an anti-White budget. Ryan’s most significant changes do not go into effect for years. Ryan’s austerity measures will therefore fall mainly on non-Whites. America’s non-Whites are the rising majority. Today’s retired and near retirement Whites will be gone when Ryan’s draconian measures go into effect.

    We need to look at the effect of these proposals not now but in the future too. A vote for the Ryan budget would be a vote to destroy the safety net not for Whites for future waves of non-Whites. In this sense, it’s a pro-White budget.

  39. Abolish the fed versus return to the gold standard is a false alternative. The solution is to abolish the fed to take control of the money supply away from Jews while retaining modern fiat currency. The German national socialists used fiat currency.

  40. Let me join the language purists’ bandwagon:

    Scipio, go and wash your mouth out. I haven’t even read your later comments, because you have shown by your repeated use of the obscene slur “teabaggers” that you are not a serious person.

    Teabaggers are disgusting sexual perverts sucking on each others’ scrotums. The fact that you frame your arguments in our enemies’ language destroys any credibility the arguments might have had. Go to hell.

    And you might want to look up the meaning of “tenants”, too.

  41. Scipio Americanus —

    I hate to be a pedant, but your moniker is badly chosen, because the honorific (or agnomen) “Americanus” in the context of a Roman leader like Scipio would not mean “Scipio the American” but rather “Scipio the conqueror/destroyer of America”. Scipio earned the name Africanus (it wasn’t his surname, but an honorary name; actually, Scipio was his surname) because he defeated Hannibal, who came of course from North Africa, which to the Romans was simply Africa. Similarly, Germanicus is so named not because he was a German, but because he defeated the Germans, etc etc.

    I point it out not to be a pain, but as a matter of good image-making; the Left loves to characterize WNs as stupid and ignorant, when of course they are generally anything but; however, getting things like that wrong plays into their hands, and makes WNs appear intellectually naive.

    That being said, you make a lot of interesting points. The whole issue of the Fed is simply outside my scope, so I have no informaed opinion on it. Can you or anybody else recommend a good accurate book as an introduction to the history and workings of the Fed that isn’t biased or disinformative?

  42. soft money enslaves. I’d rather pay the price and be free. I’d rather pay that price now so my descendants don’t have to. I have done what I can to ensure my loved ones can ride out bad times, it’s not a given that will waltz through, but I am willing to pay it

    I expect White men to find their balls and do what it takes to be free men again, to think of their descendants and not continue to push off the day of reckoning to another man’s watch.

    Me and the Almighty are good to go, for He trains my hand to war, He told me to save up an inheritance for my children’s children, to not put off the day of reckon or fall for foolish ideas that enslave men. I have made my choices and life and lived them. What others do is on them

    Nice point Oscar, about the name. Our fore fathers were by and large against soft money and central banks. Isn’t that enough reason to be against both?

  43. Oscar, you’re the best.

    For the rest of you, I can personally guarantee you that Romney will not even consider either Paul as his VP. Nor would either Paul consider it. Hell, they won’t even endorse him! Ideologically, Paul is the Goldwater to Romney’s, well, Romney. Strategically, Obama vs. Romney = Obama, while Obama vs. Paul = Paul, because the internet didn’t exist in 1964. Come down and watch the riot in Tampa in August.

    Seriously, some of you need to learn something about parallel political strategy. Every little interest group out there always stomp their little feet about someone who isn’t 100% on board with their demands and then they’re left with someone who’s no different than their big bad enemy. And then they spend the next four years whining about not making any progress. Good grief. Don’t any of you realize what a setback for us all the Bush terms were? Or how many White people have realized they’re White thanks to Obama? Certainly Paul is the best man, he’d actually change some things for the better (I didn’t notice Sickus making up a list of Romney’s alleged policies but as usual he’s all wrong on Paul’s), but Obama is certainly better, strategically, than Romney. Romney is Obama’s policies without the scary ape attached that ushers people into White Man’s Land.

    You see, fellow babies, if Romney were to actually get in (it won’t happen – you heard it here), most White people, the people who people many little interest groups like ours – of whatever flavor, will go back to being good little Republicans again and pretending their interests are being served by Mitt Romney. Yuck. Have you noticed the difference at Rimjob’s board since the presidency went from Bush to Obama? The blue-haired ladies, for God’s sake! Of course the very hardcore among us will begin the foot stomping about why nobody thinks we’re important any more.

    George Wallace’s dime:

    Average Romney rally:

    Average Paul rally:

    What you don’t see going on around you:

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