About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. That list is a motley crew: some of those people despise each other – jew anti-muslim/pro-israel types lumped together with white-supremacists/anti-Israel types.

  2. lol, Joe Farrah and Pam Geller alongside Alex Linder and Morris Gulett. If the SPLC didn’t have so much influence they would be a running joke. Unfortunately, they are dangerous just because they do have the ear of many a corrupt politician.

  3. I recognize a few and slightly know one. I need to try harder and reach out more. I’d really like to reach out and touch Shabezz though.

  4. Malik Zulu Shabazz and his freeloading followers will be glad to know he’s on a cracker infested list of right wingers.

  5. The Alex Linder entry is hilarious! They do some nice archiving for us.

    From “Hate in the Mainstream”

    “Carjackers are not called ‘underrated drivers.’ Bank robbers are not called ‘people who make unauthorized withdrawals.’ Illegal aliens should not be called ‘undocumented immigrants.’”
    —IAN NICHOLS, an Iowa State University newspaper writer, comparing unauthorized immigrants to violent criminals in a Feb. 29 editorial

    Good job Ian! It’s always good to hear about “hate in the mainstream!”

  6. “Why is the SPLC allowed to fester in this land?”

    Because they are a [sic] “Chosen People” with a Racial Supremacist agenda, that’s why.

    That and dumb*ss Dispie Prots, who believe the lies.

  7. Our black problem pales in comparison to our Jewish problem. Perhaps we should reach out to Malik Zulu Shabazz and and join forces with him. Getting rid of problem #1 via problem #2 sounds like a plan to me. Use the Jew strategy on the Jews!

  8. this reads like a list of characters from some videogame, “…when he’s not throwing bricks, he is espousing crude racism.” the jews have this arrogant way of writing, it was quite an entertaining read. it was like reading a soviet political prisoners list on the back of street fighter or some other crap.

  9. Hypocritical Jewish bastards.

    Pam Gellar is Jewish, but extremely anti-Obama and may be that’s her sin. She also anti-muslim, so they probably get swamped by complaints from CAIR.

    She has a couple of books out, one bashing Obama and the other bashing muslims. She does lots of lecture tours and has a blog Atlas Shrugs.



  10. The SPLC is like the UN. Everyone knows it sucks but it goes on and on and on and on. We’ve got to be out of our minds.

  11. $PLC, the enforcement arm of Big Jewry. Hitler was right.. jews are like a noxious bacillus

  12. Hey the SPLC just gave me a new list of people to check for blogs, books and videos. Awesome.

  13. “Hadenuf says:
    May 25, 2012 at 5:49 pm
    $PLC, the enforcement arm of Big Jewry. Hitler was right.. jews are like a noxious bacillus”

    Hitler was always right. That’s why I defend him. He was a bad General – but a brilliant visionary. He should have just stuck to German terrain, excepting Poland, and just let every-one come to him. They’d have come to him.

  14. ‘Matt Strictland says:
    May 25, 2012 at 6:15 pm
    Hey the SPLC just gave me a new list of people to check for blogs, books and videos. Awesome.”

    Exactly! I know mpost of those names, but not all. My very first thought, when I read the list, was, “Oh! Glad to see some old faves – Bless David Duke – he must be thrilled – but there are some exciting new ones! Who is this Molotov guy? He sounds like fun!”.

    I’m not kidding.

  15. For any liberals reading who haven’t yet realised the SPLC is a disguised Jewish hate group ask yourselves
    – if the SPLC was genuinely about anti-racism
    – if the SPLC was genuinely about anti-sexism
    – if the SPLC was genuinely about anti-homophobia
    why do they only ever attack White People and Christianity?

  16. The Jewish SPLC is an anti European-American hate group. When the SPLC says “far right”, what they mean is European-American ethnic activists.

  17. @anon, i see your point, its almost like the jews are making malik shabaaz (or whatever niggerbabble it really is) our token black friend , so they “arn’t just goin’ after white people”

  18. Why aren’t you on that list, Hunter? Get your act together, son. Aim high: official recognition from the SPLC.

  19. Congratulations to the top 30. As Stephen said in “Braveheart” made by Traditional Roman Catholic Mel Gibson: “This must be a fashionable fight. It’s drawn all the best people”.

    I see over at the SPLC website that Mel’s crowd didn’t do too badly either. Not to boast but in the ‘ideology’ files the people the SPLC is calling “radical traditionalist” catholics “may make up the largest single group of serious anti-Semites in America,” subscribing to an ideology (this would be the traditional Catholic faith) that is rejected by the Vatican. They did get this right. The Vatican 1958 – ? does reject the traditional Catholic faith.

  20. Hey, Kyle Rogers made the list! 🙂 Agree with Denise and Matt– will check out the others! LOL.

  21. Conchobar
    “@anon, i see your point, its almost like the jews are making malik shabaaz (or whatever niggerbabble it really is) our token black friend , so they “arn’t just goin’ after white people”

    If people keep saying it then they have to *try* and squeeze some non-white, non-christians into the list and this breaks the unconscious psych effect of the evil ones being *solely* White or Christian. Obviously keep saying it even if they add a few so they have to keep doing it.

    They may be the best at being naturally hypocritical and devious but even the most naturally universalist east anglian yankee can beat them at their own game *if* they turn it into a game.

  22. I consider myself a traditionalist Catholic. I only go to Tridentine mass on Good Friday and Christmas Eve, and the church I go to is independently supported and has no ties to the Vatican. I’m not “radical”, though. I’m pro-choice, and if women want to have a career, then to each their own.


    “Making that list has been my lifelong dream! I’m probably too laid back.”

    Heh, heh. Same here. I’m a rabid doberman when it comes to niggers, but for some reason, the jews have never really irked me. I’m well educated about the JQ and I know their work when I see it, but they just don’t wind me up the way blacks do. Maybe it’s all that Roman blood in me — the Romans utterly trounced the jews over 2,000 years ago and hardly gave them any more thought. Subsequent white nations and peoples always seem to play right into the jew’s hands — obsessing about them and so on. So I dunno, I guess I’m just jew-proof 🙂

  23. “Carjackers are not called ‘underrated drivers.’ Bank robbers are not called ‘people who make unauthorized withdrawals.’ Illegal aliens should not be called ‘undocumented immigrants.’”
    —IAN NICHOLS, an Iowa State University newspaper writer, comparing unauthorized immigrants to violent criminals in a Feb. 29 editorial

    Carjackers are not called “underrated drivers.” Bank robbers are not called “people who make unauthorized withdrawals.” Drug dealers are not called “unlicensed pharmicists.” Criminal Infiltrators should not be called “undocumented immigrants.”

    There, Jew, fixed it for ya; now it’s comparing criminals to criminals.

  24. I didn’t know about Virginia Abernathy. She sounds cool. I saw this:

    It’s not often that open white supremacists are joined and applauded by a retired professor from a major university,

    Does Virginia Abernathy call herself a “white supremacist”? For that matter, do any of the people listed teach “Whites should be Supreme”?

    The Jewtalk really is getting a little silly these days.

    Joseph Farrah? He’s one 100 percent Jewish sycophant. Doesn’t that give him any credit with these Jewish crazies made this list?

  25. Joseph Farrah? He’s one 100 percent Jewish sycophant. Doesn’t that give him any credit with these Jewish crazies made this list?

    Apparently not, Julian. Even the well known philo-semite, Jared Taylor, who regards Jews as “white” made the list. I seem to recall the SPLC giving American Renaissance a clean bill of health some years ago, describing its endeavors as “clean white nationalism.” [Sigh] I guess Judeophilia, the worship of the Self-Chosen People, isn’t what it used to be!

    PS: H.W., thanks for posting this piece; I needed a good laugh!

  26. “Congratulations to the top 30. As Stephen said in “Braveheart” made by Traditional Roman Catholic Mel Gibson: “This must be a fashionable fight. It’s drawn all the best people”.”

    Ha ha. Great PR, Lynda. Sadly, Trad RC’s aren’t RC’s, according to the Pope Benedict (Arnold). Just ask Bp. Williamson.

    But Gibson’s father’s views, which informed his son Mel, didn’t help him with his drinking, his serial adultery, etc. All mortal sins in trad. RC circles.

    How can you laud someone who is a notorious evil liver, and not see the dichotomy? Is THAT your “Trad RC” new List of Indulgences, a la Tetzel?

  27. ‘Fr’ / rabbi John, my statement concerns:

    1. dialogue from the Mel Gibson film “Braveheart”
    2. what Mel Gibson publicly states that he believes, as evidenced by his construction of the Chapel where the rites of the traditional Roman Catholic faith can find a sanctuary
    the congregation and family of that chapel

    I do not make any statement about the man’s personal morals and behaviour which is a matter of public record.

    Unlike in Judaism, people who commit sin and confess their sins can receive the grace to learn from their mistakes and amend their lives.

  28. Mel Gibson is off limits, Fr. John!!! I am sure the Jews greatly exaggerate his straying from the golden path. He knows what the problem is and that is where our focus on him should be.

  29. For those who may wish to delve into ‘Fr’ / rabbi John’s remarks, he refers to Bp Willianson of the Society of St Pius X, a sodality for Roman Catholics adhering to the Tradition of the Church. The SSPX is regarded by the SPLC as “a hotbed of anti-Semitism and home grown extremism”. His Eleison Comments cover everything from 9-11 was an inside job to his defense of the IHR criticism of the Jewish holocaust narratives. http://www.dinoscopus.com

    Hutton Gibson, yes – Mel’s father, leads the defense of the rights of traditional Roman Catholics practicing the faith outside the jurisdiction of Rome post Vatican II. His website, which is censored in Australia (so obviously he is on the right track) is a library of what the Church has always and everywhere taught as opposed to the heretical doctrines and practices of the post conciliar church based in the Vatican 1958 – ?. http://www.huttongibson.com.

  30. I just noticed the lying bastards fabricated a particularly damaging KMD quote by quoting out of context:

    To make it seem like KMD is malicious, SPLC quotes this KMD comment:

    “In the end, does it really matter if my motivation at this point is less than pristine?”

    Full context:

    “In the end, does it really matter if my motivation at this point is less than pristine? Isn’t the only question whether I am right?”

    No telling how many lies are contained in those 30 bios.

  31. Fr John – I’m going with Lynda, and Snowey on the Mel Thing. I know people who know him.

    He’s NOT an enemy.

    And Hutton Gibson is a GENIUS, and an absolute Hero.

  32. 313Chris says:

    “for some reason, the jews have never really irked me”

    That’s because you aren’t white. You’re nothing but a fucking inner city wop.

  33. Rudel – thanks for the link. That looks interesting. I may get a copy. The reviews are interesting.

    Now stop insulting Chris. He’s White. He’s an excellent fellow.

    Stop it.

  34. @Rudel

    What’s the matter this time? Did you turn out to be the one guy in Oregon that Axis Sally refuses to have sex with, even for money? Go try your luck with one of the mothers of all those wilding Trayvons in your Northwest Homeland. Loser.


    Don’t worry about Rudel. He’s just a harmless old coil of dried shit, stuck living what’s left of pathetic life in the white Marxist miscegenation capital of America, while constantly being pestered by Harold Covington for food and prescription money.

    I am flattered that he keeps attacking my Italian ancestry, though — in fact I’m starting to wonder if he didn’t get turned-down by a cute Italian girl when he was young. Maybe she caught a glimpse of his tiny little Irish Curse fell over laughing? Poor bastard.

    I read somewhere that something like that happened to Osama Bin Laden once.

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