Romney Pussy Footing on Racial Issues

I have supported the Romney for President campaign. Mitt’s a solid White guy – was a decent governor of a tough to govern Northeastern liberal state. This campaign is strictly a campaign of a BRA Black, anti White candidate – Obama against a White candidate – Romney. That’s not a tough call for those of us who have lived under brutal BRA urban regimes like Harold Washington’s 1980s Chicago and David Dinkin’s 1990s New York City.

Sure, people can find fault with some of the positions of White rulers like Ian Smith or Mayor Daley II, but when the alternatives are Robert Mugabe and Harold Washington, it’s not really a tough call.

Back to Romney. He’s been saying some racially foolish things in the last few weeks – like visiting an all Black Phily public school and announcing that he and Conservatives have some grand, new ideas about civil rights and education. Also, Mitt Romney put up a trial balloon saying the White European country of Russia was America’s #1 global foe – utter nonsense. Does this mean that Mitt Romney is selling our people out? Not really, more like Romney is pussy footing around on divisive racial issues as he and his handlers think the MSM will be nicer to Romney if he says he’s most concerned about Black civil rights (from a free market, Conservative perspective) and he only wants to use America’s military might against White European nations like Russia or Germany in the past – that’s always a standard pussy footing White Conservative stance.

OD readers need to get a good understanding of the reasons White American leaders do the things they do – why they take anti White positions or as in Mitt Romney’s case, they pussy foot around on racial issues.

The great Wilmot Robertson states that there are 5 categories of White Americans who take anti White positions, who are racial renegades to our people.

The most numerous are:

1) Pussyfooters (largest in number)

These are the White Majority members who take no positive action against our own White group but seldom, if ever, defend it. They are basically White “pussies”, cowards who don’t ever want to get involved in controversy, hurt their safe, country club, suburban lifestyles, or in Mitt Romney’s case, provoke the vicious wrath of the Lib/Min MSM – Mainstream Media.

George Bush Sr. was a classic Pussyfooter – he never wants to cause a scene, will dress in a clean shirt and tie and host Nelson and Winnie Mandela and try to suck up to the NAACP and the Urban League, appoint affirmative action Blacks like Colin Powell. Go anywhere where there are lots of White Americans who will never take a stand against illegal immigration, Black riots, horrible anti White movies and music and you are amongst mostly “pussyfooters”. Other names for these white pussyfooters are:

a) sheep
b) Goyim/cattle
c) blankos

2) Trucklers

These are the White Majority members who are not born rich like the Gracchites and do not exude any of the aristocratic manners. They are Whites who were born poor and had to struggle for their money and power, they go in for anti White political and social actions just because it helps their position, helps them get money and power. They are just “going with the flow” – when anti White, pro “minority” activism is popular – they go with it. They are not true believers, just opportunists. The classic Truckler is Lyndon Johnson, to a lesser extent Harry Truman.

3) Gracchites

Named after a rich patrician Roman family, White Gracchites take the side of the mob, lower class non Whites to become the mob’s “Leaders”. They are interested in fame and power and since they can’t lead their own wealthy White people, they go over to the other side to try to lead the mob. Examples of Gracchites: FDR, New York City mayor John Lindsey, the Kennedy family, the Kennedy family successfully used, uses a mix of high class, noble “Camelot”, with anti English, anti WASP appeals to working class Irish Americans.

4) Old Believers

Whites who honestly believe their White, idealistic religious, economic, political beliefs can work for everyone. If only the world accepted their version of Christianity, their version of free market economics, the original intent of the American Constitutional republic with separation of powers, Bill of Rights etc everything would be OK and there wouldn’t be any racial conflict. We would say that these people are nice, well meaning “idiots” – “useful idiots” as Stalinist Communists would call them.

5) Proditors

Whites who are straight out, willing “traitors” to our race – who hate our American White people, our culture, our institutions – who willingly embrace virtually all violent anti White causes out of pure hatred for their own people, their own culture. Examples are Jane Fonda, Students for a Democratic Society, the Weather Underground, John Brown.


  1. Wayne, I hope that you will know the Christianity that is NOT “Judeo-“!

    Joe, you were forgiven already, no penance required! Re: christening “Arminius”: an excellent name for the ship! Sounds like your church-going neighbors are going to the wrong churches. A remnant of faithful still exists. Seek and ye shall find.

  2. Wayne, I noticed your question (“Why?”) just after I posted my last comment.

    Answer: We MUST support Lesser Evil BECAUSE…

    he is white, even mostly Anglo-Celtic white, so we hope he would do us LESS evil than the Other Evil does.

    Sadly, that’s really the only rational reason.

  3. Tamer of Savages: What do you think caused this anti-semitism in our white ancestors? The Jews have been expelled from more than 100 countries throughout history. Do you believe that in every case this was purely the fault of the HOST peoples, or are Jews doing something that brings this on? If I’m kicked out of a bar I might dust myself off and chalk it up to a rude bartender. If I’m kicked out of a different bar the next day, I might also chalk that up to an overzealous bouncer. But after the third time getting the boot, I’m going to begin to ask myself it the problem could be something I’m doing. Is this an anti-semetic thought??

  4. “They are really brainwashed idiots. Very dangerous!”

    I’d like to talk more about this. I’ve got Rapture Bunny relatives. I tried again last night to get them to tell me, in simple, clear language, why they “Stand with Israel.”
    I was told, “It’s biblical.”
    I said, “Give me Scripture. If you can’t quote, paraphrase will do.”
    This relative, who has been Bible-thumping for 30+ years, couldn’t do it. Well, it’s Biblical, restated many times, but never any real theological reasoning.
    I tried to help.
    “Are you thinking of the ‘He who blesses Israel will be blessed; he who curses, cursed”?
    “Yes, that’s it.”
    “Did you know that since the times of the early Christians, they’ve held that the covenant with the Hebrews was broken on Calvary?”
    “Oh. You’re talking about Replacement Theology. That’s false doctrine.”
    “Tell me why.”
    ” That’s Roman Catholic and Roman Catholicism is not true Christianity. Constantine invented that doctrine.”
    “No. Paul said that the promise to Abraham was to send Christ, for the blessing of Abraham to flow to the Gentiles through Christ, to receive the promise of the Spirit through faith, and that God sent out his Son to be born to a woman born under the law, (Hebrews) in order to redeem those who were under the law.
    That’s the basis that the Church is now the Chosen People, said so by Paul — who died a long time before Constantine was born.”
    My relative: Blink. Blink. Haste to change subject.

    How come an old heathen like me has a better grasp on the thinking of the early Christian church than the self-proclaimed “Saved” who claim to want to follow them?
    The Evangelicals/Christian Zionists/Dispensationalists, whatever, those folks are a significant part of our problem. And if my relative is any indication, those folks are softheaded.
    But from where does this Jew-worship come? Are televangelists bought off? Is that it?

  5. thankfully I’ve not meet such Christians, is that a yankee or big city thing? To the average guy in my AO, jews don’t exist. They aren’t on anyone’s radar, good or bad.

  6. The Rapture Bunnies have to understand, Barb, that the Jews are from Esau / Edom. This can be demonstrated from their own ethnography and from the Bible.

    The racial perspective of the Bible is complex. The tribes that were incorporated into Esau / Edom are listed. And it is this enmity between the people of Jacob (those who became the Europeans) and the people of Esau (the Jews) that is the Controversy of Zion.

    The Jews, who are skin changers, through all the different genetics they capture are at present masquerading as ‘Israel’. The Yidumeans of Mt Seir (Edom / Iidumea) and the Yids of Khazaria are not Israelites. Judea is not their ancestral land – although they invaded it under the Maccabees.

    It is a long story and the Rapture Bunnies need some of the books of the Roman Catholic Bible – the Macchabees – in order to understand the Civil War which saw the Idumean invasion of Judah’s tribal lands and how they infiltrated the institutions of the Israelite tribes – Judah, Benjamin and overthrew those people in the century before the birth has Christ.

    Isn’t it the French who say the more things change, the more they stay the same?

  7. Lynda,
    How do we convince Evang Prots of something in the Catholic Bible when they’ve talked themselves into believing Catholics aren’t Christians?
    It is a problem.
    CZs, imo, are impossible to argue with because they are confused about their own theology. I think they think that today’s so-called Chosen People must be physically located in that part of the world currently labelled Israel so that Jesus will come back, but I can’t get a straight answer out of them why.

  8. This is going to be a long haul Barb.

    I have just posted in answer to your statements on Why Women Reject White Nationalism.

    In the present crisis, what must be recovered is the racial perspective of the Bible and the Church – especially in Patristics, the Fathers of the Church both East and West.

    Biblical ethnography and the racial perspective of the Covenant history has not exactly been a hot topic for the thousand years of Christian civilization in Europe. But now it is a current topic due to the present need. In many ways ‘the mystery of Israel’ was veiled as the Evangel went out to the nations from Jerusalem beginning at Pentecost. But the identity of the Israel nations is clear and attested from many sources.

    It is not a good idea to try to argue with the Christian Zionists, Evangelical Protestants – they are completely jewed. Better to ask questions. Ask questions like: “If Israel is to be restored in a land from sea to sea (Zech 9:10; Isa 33:13; Jer 30:10) how exactly does this fit the land of David’s rule and the temples? According to Numbers, Israel’s seed was to be in many waters. Whenever a White nation comes to a continent – they usually do extend their rule from sea to sea. So why would the restoration be in the land that was Roman Palestine. Of Jerusalem, the Bible says in the Book of Revelations, is spiritually called Sodom and Egypt. So how is the Rothschild state in those lands the restoration of Israel?

    The CZs and EPs think this means the Idumean / Jews who were dispersed by the armies of Titus. But Israel, the people of Jacob began to be dispersed out of the N Kingdom in 757 BC and underwent successive dispersions.

    Who is Esau / Edom? Look at ancient Idumea (pronouned Yidumea). Look at the Yiddish nation of Khazaria. After the fall of Jerusalem to Rome (86 B.C) the Idumeans of Judea began to press northwards. (Ezek 36.5) No prizes for guessing where they went.

    In fact, it might be best to start with the question: who are the Jews. Who are they ethnographically? Where did they originate?

    If you ask questions, you will make them think about it and put it together for themselves.

  9. No Wayne, it’s a valid question. It’s because Jews were the first and only financially successful visible minority in the entire world for more than 2000 years. Look at how many states Mormons were forcibly evicted from in a few short years within a half-settled America…… while Jews were tolerated.

    Given the sheer length and geographic breadth of the diaspora it would be a surprise for them to be tolerated in all or even most lands.

    Jews rise for the same reason Negroes fail: IQ. When Jews are endured we get guys like Judah Benjamin. Just like how when we tolerate Mormons we get a decent white fellow like, Mitt Romney. The problem is liberalism. Liberal Jews, Liberal Mormons, Liberal People and their negro pets.

  10. And how then, Tamer of Savages, did they always become such a visible successful minority? IQ? When white men ran this nation it was chalked up to white privilege and racism, when Jews do it’s magically attributed to ability and IQ. Funny how that works. I don’t buy it. They move to a white host nation, expect to be treated equally and included in everything, but then choose to be exclusive themselves. They insist on living in white nations, but then pick apart the social institutions of that nation. No, it’s not their success that gets them kicked out, it’s their behavior.

  11. Tamer of Savages

    I’m not an anti Semite Jew hater.

    Yes, lots of Jewish people are smart.

    Whites can’t blame Jews for all our problems.

    But all White nations do have serious Jewish problems and it’s not just problems with Jewish Liberals, Jewish Leftists.

    Jews are overwhelming for open borders immigration to White nations at they same time they work to make Israel a Jewish ethno state.

    Jewish Neo Conservatism is as bad for White Americans as anything Jewish Liberal.

    Just two sides of the same anti White Jewish coin.

  12. Tamer of savages

    How did Von Mises ( not a Jewish name ) feel about immigration?

    If he favored open borders immigration of tens of millions of Black Africans, Haitians, Algerian Muslims in to Europe, North America, then yeah – he’s a hideous, anti White Jew.

  13. Yes, Wayne. To crudely simplify yes, IQ. Same goes for New World Whites. White privilege and racism are political expressions of an intelligent and uninhibited people. Whites and Jews are both losers in most race mixing scenarios. Before World War II organized American jewry was not at odds with the interests of New World Whites.

    Let it be known I have my own private reasons to be against Israel that have nothing to do with race or politics. I will always be the most anti-Zionist person in any room or on any website. My personal opposition to Israel is removed from white preservation and politically contradictory. It has every thing to do with location and not any opposition to a Jewish ethnostate in general.

    I would like to Mises would oppose any government importation or deportation. Applying Mises thought to the new world would mean Whites have the freedom to hire or fire whosoever they please. When Whites have free association the political war is over and Whites will decide their history.

  14. I’m as big a fan of Austrian economics as anyone, but strongly disagree that Jews were ever allies of New World Whites. Ever since the “huddled masses” came to our shores they have sought to undo the civilization our European ancestors carved out of the American wilderness FOR THEM AND THEIR POSTERITY. Of course there were Jews here for hundred of years before that were never a problem for us, and contributed to America, but they were NOT the radicalized Eastern Euopean Communist hordes that we foolishly allowed in in the early 20th century. Again, it is their behavior that turns their hosts against them. Not their success, not their IQ, but their actions. They expect to come into your house and be treated better that your own family, but then you are NEVER invited to their house, which is just for them.
    I have no problem with Israel, BTW, except that I hate the fact that our elite place the good of a foreign nation (Israel) over the good of the States. That pisses me off to no end. I also understand that the Jew could do nothing without the traitorious DWL.

  15. American ‘foreign aid’ to Israel are really just subsidies for the defense industry passing through Israel. Without these deep discounts Israel would get weaponry from China+Russia and America would see a vital industry wither and we’d lose thousands of jobs.

    Leftists that don’t understand this complain about the cost of ‘aid’. Thy usually suggest instead the money could go towards literacy programs for ‘at risk kids’ and ‘low income housing’. An easy choice is one between using Israel to finance R&D or putting 3 billion dollars in a bottle and throwing it into the black undertow.

  16. To address some themes in Wayne and Jack Ryan’s earlier posts.

    The Ashkenazim came to the US en masse in the early 20th century. They -like all poor immigrants – embraced leftist politics. However, unlike earlier immigrants Jews rapidly ascended in the fields of business and arts and letters within not even a generation. Their material success outpaced their political development and then to top it off there was mass state slaughter of Jews in western Europe, further retarding their political development.

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