Caribbean Project: Slavery In Jamaica

William Beckford's Fontill Abbey

In the BBC documentary “Slavery In Jamaica,” the rise and fall of the Beckford family is used to illustrate the plantation system.

Where there is now barbarism, there used to be civilization. Where there is now a gangbanger and drug lord democracy, there used to be an aristocracy. Where there used to be fabulous wealth that promoted high culture like the neo-Gothic Fonthill Abbey and the Beckford collection, there is now nothing but crushing poverty.

Where there used to be industrious slaves producing the world’s most valuable commodity, there is now dreadlocked, ganja smoking Rastafarian savages squatting on public property and subsisting off bananas, quite possibly the laziest and most worthless people on the face of the earth.

Note: The documentary portrays William Beckford as a moral degenerate. This only proves that great luxury often produces the corruption that leads to the downfall of dynasties and the rise of new ones.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Watch out for the DWL. BBC are quite pro Irish. Misplacing your comments there Loki’s Starling.

  2. Paradise Lost. Look forward to review.

    The Beckford family demonstrated amazing audacity in both business and the arts. Refreshing to remember in face of the silicon valley set; Zuckerberg wearing hoodies and driving an Acura is banal condescension at its worst.

    Western man, you jolly lion! Now in a lazy spat but continually betrayed to those below by the glint in our eye. It’s the reason old Hispanic men in the city call my friends and I “Papa” and seldom afford us the chance to light our own cigarettes. I’m unapologetically a proud white man of the new world. A world that must return to intrawhite republicanism and a stiff but fair hand towards non-Whites.

  3. Also checkout the book ‘what einstein told his cook’ if you’re interested in learning more about the sugar refining process and a host of other cool culinaria!

  4. “BBC are quite pro Irish.”

    Amongst their many and rather scarlet sins, well I’d be a bit inclined to wink just a little at that ‘un.

  5. Were people that engaged in the plantation business uber-liberals?

    It seems odd that they were preoccupied with the finer things in life – fashion, art, literature, gourmet food, wine, exploring other cultures, etc.. And one brother was, more-or-less, openly gay. These are very liberal pursuits.

  6. Would you consider DeSade a liberal? Beckford seems like a founder of the hellfire Club. Libertine might be a better word.

  7. An aqaintance of mine was in the USMC in 1990 when some hurricane went thru Jamaica. Well the imperial overlords decided for PR purposes to send some troops to help cleanup and his number as called. They sent him and his outfit up into the mountains or hills to help the locals cleanup. The locals were doing no such thing, they were basically sitting around mostly naked and smoking pot, he hated them

  8. The slavers were libertines. Crackers were libertines – a person that would voluntarily whip another is a very rare person and would have to “enjoy” doing it. Then, they had sexual access to the slave women. Sadomasochistic.

  9. Out of every 4 slaves scarcely 1 was an efficient worker. They respond little better to lime and whips than carrots and sticks. No small number would rather die “simply from depression” than work. Truly a contemptible blemish on the face of the Earth. With a better narrator and rewrite of the hamhanded final scene the documentary becomes a romantic cautionary tale about culture-bearers hamstringed by corrupt accountants.

  10. No, they were just rich.

    As wealth grows, consumption always becomes more refined. There are Whites who shop at Whole Foods and Target for status reasons.

  11. If memory serves, only 1 out of 10 planters lived in Jamaica. As in Saint-Domingue, most planters were absentees who lived in Britain and who hired managers to run their plantations.

  12. “According to another source, early black slaves cost ten times as much as an Irish one, and they were CROSS-BRED.” Planned cross breeding to increase profit? If true, so cold and calculating. Just who WERE these plantation industrialists?

  13. As I said in the other thread, White indentured servants were tried out initially in Virginia, Barbados, and Jamaica. That model didn’t work for a number of reasons.

    Barbados turned to the Portuguese model of African-based plantation slavery in Brazil. That model spread to Jamaica and South Carolina.

  14. there is now dreadlocked, ganja smoking Rastafarian savages squatting on public property and subsisting off bananas, quite possibly the laziest and most worthless people on the face of the earth.

    You left out: mudshark and coalburner banging.

    Sex tourism in the Caribbean

  15. In hindsight, we look back and curse previous generations for their failure to create ethnically homogeneous White communities.

    1.) White racial consciousness evolved among creoles in the New World plantation societies. It was not brought over from Europe.

    2.) Most of the Europeans who came to the New World were not settlers. They were men on the male trying to make a fortune for themselves for they could rise in social status in Europe.

    3.) In the mercantile system, the colonies existed for the sake of the metropole. That’s why most of them were commercially oriented.

  16. There is a documentary called “Rent a Rasta” on Vimeo. I can’t post it from my smartphone. This will be dealt with in a separate post when my laptop is fixed.

  17. Slavery this and slavery that.

    Slavery slavery slavery slavery slavery.


    F#ckin spare me already.

    Oh did I forget to mention…..


    Wait for it………




    Jeezus Krist.

    Oh, and yes, before I go….


  18. “2.) Most of the Europeans who came to the New World were not settlers.”

    Whereas many early southern colonists, as well as Caribbean colonists, came for adventure or to make a fortune, most northern colonists came to settle but without a well-developed racial separation consciousness. However the northern colonists, I think, deliberately kept themselves separate from the “land-bridge” Asians, even in the Quaker colonies.

    “1.) White racial consciousness evolved among creoles in the New World plantation societies. It was not brought over from Europe.”

    They did have some memory and experience of cultural clash and conflict with African Moors and Asian Turks.


  19. Actually, Europeans were in North America long before the “land bridge” Asians. During the ice age, there was an “ice bridge” spanning the Atlantic Ocean.

    “Original Inhabitants of North America Were Caucasian”

    and ..

    “Ancient Caucasian Mummies Found in Florida”

    and ….

    Solutreans: The first Americans – 1 of 9

  20. The Puritans and Quakers expended a great deal of energy trying to convert and assimilate the Indians.

    – In the former case, the Puritans became more racist after King Philip’s War.

    – In the latter case, I want to say that Delaware split from Pennsylvania over Quaker ineptitude, and that the Scots-Irish usurped control of Pennsylvania during the American Revolution.

  21. In Virginia, there is a post in the archives about how the Jamestown colonists tried to convert and live among the Indians too, but it failed after repeated Indian attacks.

  22. In Virginia, there is a post in the archives about how the Jamestown colonists tried to convert and live among the Indians too, but it failed after repeated Indian attacks.

    There’s a film called Black Robe that you may want to watch sometime on a similar Canadian experience. Its an excellent movie.

  23. I don’t want to be a DWC but I wonder if the Indians were vastly more aggressive and genocidal than we are lead to beleive today.

    One of the great mysteries of the Viking era is that they did not manage to settle anywhere on the Eastern Sea Board. I contend that they were mercilessly attacked anywhere the Indians found them.

    Vikings were generally traders and were quite willing to assimilate. In the Danelaw they dominated for 20 years but in a generation they had become English. I reckon the Indians
    murdered them all. Biggest mistake they could ever have made IMHO. Contact with
    the Viking would have saved them from the 1600s English. Bunch of racist Indians rejecting trade with the cooperative Norse (metalurgy, navigation, heroic religion, blonde women) only to be dispossessed by musket armed Anglo-Saxons.

    If they had cooperated and played nice With some trade they’d have withstood migrations from Europe. Damned fools.

  24. Anyone read, Vathek? As an orientalist with a hedonistic streak I look forward to it.

  25. I think distinctions can be drawn between white and black without having a nigger wet nurse suckling your chilluns.

    I wouldn’t want a hundred negro slaves if you tried to give them to me. We need slavery like we need more niggers.

  26. “Vikings were generally traders and were quite willing to assimilate. In the Danelaw they dominated for 20 years but in a generation they had become English. I reckon the Indians
    murdered them all. Biggest mistake they could ever have made IMHO. Contact with
    the Viking would have saved them from the 1600s English. Bunch of racist Indians rejecting trade with the cooperative Norse (metalurgy, navigation, heroic religion, blonde women) only to be dispossessed by musket armed Anglo-Saxons.

    If they had cooperated and played nice With some trade they’d have withstood migrations from Europe. Damned fools.”

    That’s generally the problem with unintelligent remorseless savages. They tend to behave like unintelligent remorseless savages.

  27. Don’t get me wrong, Europe for Whites!

    But the new world is diverse and that’s cool, so long as we’re top of the heap. The main issue here should be reclaiming freedom of association/ states rights. If Whites still want to mix we shouldn’t stop them but they could expect to be ostracized. The cream will rise and the impurities will sink.

  28. Nicki Furlong, wow. You go from Ireland all the way to Japan and the black undertow can still manage to find a nigger to murder you.

  29. This blog and all the comments are amusing. Amusing to see all the presumably uneducated minority “white man”, gloat and reminiscence on the days of slavery. Amusing how because of your insecurities, lack of education and self worth that the thought of the enslavement of black people make you feel like your scum life is worth something. So as you waddle in LaLa land tomorrow starts a new day where the white man is now the minority… wake up inferior to the man your ancestors once enslaved….my……..the digression and fall of the mighty white man…..LOL. Tomorrow when we wake this beautiful wide nosed niece of a rastafarian still makes $165,000 a year more than you I’m sure. I still call the shots and make life altering decision that affect my white employees. A black man wakes up as Commander and Chief of the greastest country on this earth. Progression continues and you….well you….watch with nothing to do but reminiscence on a time that will never happen again, and your life will still he pointless and miserable…..and well go to bed and wake up to do this all again :). #blackpeoplerule

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