Detroit, the American flagship of the Black Undertow, was recently profiled on the Beeb and Russia Today:
Detroit, the American flagship of the Black Undertow, was recently profiled on the Beeb and Russia Today:
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Learned something …. didn’t know Nike made driving gloves.
Detroit is going to be okay because St. Trayvon the Martyr was declared the patron saint of the city by Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, so everything is going to be coming up roses for the black flagship city.
“….burn baby burn, disco inferno, burn baby burn, burn the mother down… ”
“bad bad leroy brown,baddest man in the whole damn town, meaner than a junkyard dog…..” “…. let’s go up the ladder to the roof,where we can see heaven much better…”
(I feel bad that Diana Ross is part of Motown. I always kinda liked her).
Youtube “RebelSon”. Great music. Alot of fun.”Bitch,Bitch,Bitch”… great song. There are others. Alot of fun.
Youtube Pavarotti, “Care Selve”. Sublime. (it’s an ode to The Forest and The Woods).
Keep your mind off all things urban and decayed.
For Catholics, Youtube, ” Adoro Te Devote ”
For Protestants, Youtube, “Here is Love,Vast As An Ocean”
(It’s okay to the listen to the other’s music,too. LOL)
The Protestants have a very beautiful hymnal. Youtube, Johnny Cash ” Lily of the Valley”
Or, if you just don’t want to listen to anything religious,Youtube, “Song of Wyoming”
Or, Youtube the original version of ” Home,Home, on the Range” ( 1873), a little bit different and a alot more interesting than what you hear in the movie version. Very beautiful.
Music helps uplift the spirit. We all can use some uplifting these days.
Alot of old cowboy songs on youtube also, my favorites. It’s esay to find. Type in “cowboy songs”. Alot of great music. Very uplifting.
WOW! I’d feel so much safer knowing Negros be patrolling my neighborhood in actual uniforms and black SUVs! If not the fox guarding the henhouse I don’t know what is.
How anyone can’t see the connection between the black population and the post-apocalyptic backdrop is beyond me.
Everbody sees it; you are just not supposed to say it. As they say in Russia, “Kyke idyot”…the Jew is coming.
Black Private Security wearing ‘I am a weapon’ logos. Black Crime population weaponization in the Judaic war against White America. The attempt to conceal the racial profile of these crimes is a psy-op in the Judaic war against White America. These Black Security forces will be financed by the Jews and trained by Israeli special forces.
Oh. And can you imagine if there were White security forces patrolling the beleagured White remnant (let’s say the Rorke’s Drift) of Detroit. The Outcry. The Kvetch. The Whine. The Screams of Neo-Nazi. The Howls of the 6 Million would be heard from sea to shining sea. The beleagured White remnant of Detroit would find that all their problems are now carrying briefcases and writs.
How uplifting!
The hopefulness, forwardlookingness, glass half-fulness of the piece was so very nice. Now this is community in sync., demonstrating a togetherness that is exactly the way it is supposed to be. If every city, every town, every hamlet could display such unity and resourcefulness this would be a very different country and world.
Yes, I feel a new bounce in my step this morning. In working today I think I will experience a new verve in my view of things.
Just one question though. How did things in Detroit get so horrifying in the first place. How was that great city reduced to the pit of hell. You see, I think we should be aware of this so as not to repeat it in other places.
But for now, how encouraged, heartened, warmed……..
Sounds like Kingston fights back.
In Kingston, the police are worthless. The only relatively safe parts of the city are behind massive barricades patrolled by private security forces. Even those neighborhoods are not safe from burglary though.
Sean Dragon.
Great linguistic double entendre.
Lynda- isn’t it wonderful how the Detroit RC archdiocese is ‘addressing’ the problems in the US’s first ‘major all black city’? Especially point 4, which sounds like Marx could have written it…. And who, (pray tell) are ‘our brothers and sisters’ when they ask this question of Whites fleeing for their lives from the dark horde? Negroes?
“Christian Service and Outreach
Vision: The Catholic Church, through the loving and faithful of the Archdiocese of Detroit, shares the presence of Christ through acts of service.
1) To understand the needs of our brothers and sisters and provide prioritized, coordinated and comprehensive responses to meet these needs.
2) To create and implement a dynamic, interconnected and synergistic Catholic Charities network to align service endeavors of the laity, parishes, vicariates, regions, religious communities, chaplaincies, schools, and all other Catholic institutions and agencies, toward advancing Christian Service.
3) To advocate for systemic change to address root causes of social problems.
4) To inspire all Catholics to discern their gifts and embrace Christian Service as a means to live God’s commandment to love thy neighbor and as a precious faith formation opportunity for sharing and receiving Christ’s love and mercy.”
And people still call the RC’s a Church, devoted to European’s social and psychic (soul) betterment? Sounds like the fifth column of the WCC to me….
Read Henry Ford’s ” The International Jew”. You’ll get a better idea of what happened to Detroit and why. The jew commies hated Henry Ford with a passion.
It’s online now. Never was available in bookstores.
Bronx-Catholic petitions of “succor” to the archdiocese of New York City during the racial violence and the burning of the South Bronx were flushed down the Cardinal’s Most Eminent Toilet Bowl in Manhattan.
No help was forthcoming. The Catholic elderly were brutally murdered in the Bronx, and no help was forthcoming from my “precious” church, none whatsoever.
Dante, a fellow Tuscan, and one of my favorite Italians, consigned most of the popes and bishops and cardinals of the church to the fuckin lowest pits of hell.
If I were a great poet, I would consign them to hell also.
Just ask the church types why it is anti-white.
Fr. John, good luck with that very small and very pure version of WN that you want.
Inside the Church, no race.
I am Catholic first and white second. If that makes me a race traitor, fine by me.
My Catholic faith is in my blood, it was passed down in the blood, but my blood is that of the Caucasian, the European, the American.
The “faith” of the Vatican is now the same “faith” of the communist jew. We are all to be integrated and race-mixed and we are to support open borders, and bow down to the jew commies who unleashes the africans on us.
This is treason against us– not faith.
The Light of Christ (not the jewish jesus), The Holy Spirit, Redemption and Salvation was given to the white race.
If the pope loves the africans so much, he should undo all the electrical wiring and plumbing in the vatican and castel gandolfo, and the pedophile priests can spray graffiti on all the art and all the treasures in the vatican and castel gandolfo, and the pope and his priests can go live in the darkness with the africans, and go fuck african boys up the ass in the jungle. See how far they get with the africans.
How dare the vatican do this to Italy, to Europe, to America.
The media would say—-
Black militia vigilantees : Good.
White militia vigilantees : BAAAAAAAD
My Race is my religion. All else comes second.
Black militia vigilantees: Africa
and Africa is good because we sent missionaries there, so we know africans are christians now and no different than us in any way…. Heck, the africans may even be better than us because they are noble savages and more in tune with the world of the spirit than the white race…
I know that’s true because my pope told me so…..
And when the pope and the cardinals and the priests fly around the world, they can go fly ZuluAir on a plane engineered and built by africans and they can keep their fuckin filthy feet off Alitalia or Air France or any airline in the world because all the planes in the world are built in the US and Europe ( including European Russia), and all the planes in the world are courtesy of the white race the church so disdains.
Fuck the Church.
The pope can go live in the south bronx with leroy in a housing project for all I give a shit.
Denise: if so, you have my pity.
Joe: what are you, twelve? Does Daddy know you’re messing with his computer?
daddy told me never to trust a priest.
and that was long before anyone ever heard of the internet.
@Robert Oculus III
I have a beef with the church hierarchy.
Find out how the church has been usurped.
Find out how hostile the church hierarchy is to traditional Catholics.
There is justification for my anger.
In the meantime, the Catholic church leaders don’t care at all if the US is overrun with Mexicans. In fact, they actively support open borders and massive immigration into the US. The church actually lobbies in Washington for open borders,massive immigration, and amnesty for all the millions of illegal aliens.
That bothers me. I’m angry about it.
I don’t think Christ died for us so the US could be destroyed.
Hahahaha! I looooove these posts about Detroit that Hunter frequently makes about the armpit of America. Keep ’em coming.
Same here Denise, I guess I must be pitied as well. The people we need to pity are the poor whites who are barely making it and cannot find a job or are being foreclosed out of their home.
My MIL’s church will make beautiful quilts for the groids in Africa and are wondering why their membership is dying. Maybe if the quilts were given to the local residents, church membership might see a revival.
I only care about the future of white children, first and foremost.
Race trumps loyalty to my church or my family. Most of my family are brainwashed and foolishly believe that They foolishly think it’s OK to import all these 3rd world vermin and replace white folk.
Robert – I have to ask you this. Does your catholic parish help poor white families or are they dissed in favor of the Mexicants?
Must check my post before I send. I meant to say my family foolishly think it’s OK to import all these 3rd worlders and displace Americans. I guess we whites and our ancestors were lazy asses that didn’t do anything.
We didn’t build the infrastructure and the technology that these same 3rd worlders are availing themselves of. Right.
Hunter, do you have links to private security forces in Kingstone? Neighbors are starting to talk about this in Chicago as Chicago Police Department can’t or won’t handle Summer invasions by Black undertow.
No, it was discussed at length in the book.
‘Fr’ John. If I had read all the posts on this Messageboard without the e-name, I would have bet any money that 1:17 pm at May 31, 2012 (the Feast of the Queenship of Mary) would be yours. Now why would I assume this?
Detroit is totally degraded by the crime of Godless Black unregenerates besieging the White population and anybody else who might be attempting to live a decent and moral life. This population of Detroit is coming in for an absolute pounding. But according to the perspective from Planet ‘Fr’ John regularly broadcast on this website, we must raise the question: from whence arises this entire cesspool of corruption and iniquity?
Why from the Roman Catholic Church, of course. Wouldn’t you know it. The one institution (probably with a majority of old White ladies) in Detroit that is trying to help – and the news from planet ‘Fr’ John is: this is the bad guy, here is the source of all our troubles.
For crying out loud. I wish you could hear yourself, man.
The Roman Catholic Church is going through the worst crisis in its history, a time worse than the Arian crisis, worse than all the anti-papacies put together. “The Church will be in eclipse” to quote our Lady of La Salette. Beleagured Catholics are attempting to regroup and reform the lines of the Church Militant against the antipapacy in Rome (est 1958 – ?) and the traditional enemies of the Church and the human race (the legions of which everywhere advace). And by human race, I definitely include the White race of the traditional Christbearers in all its nations as a matter of precedence.
The Catholics are attempting hold to the Tradition of what the Church has always and everywhere taught and extend the hand of help to the post conciliar Catholics who are with good heart and the Corporal Works of Mercy pro Deo et humanitas labouring under the novus ordo of the anti-papacy.
I say: good on those Catholics in Detroit. They have the Right Stuff. The corruption and crime of the anti-papacy in Rome is not going to help them one bit with teaching that definitely contradicts both Scripture and Tradition. But the Traditional Catholics would certainly help them.
Did I mention that you are on my Jewdar, ‘Fr’ John. I believe that I did and I am giving the box entitled: rabbi doing shyte as a crypto Jew on the blogs another tick for just for jou.
Yes, Joe. The reason why the United States Conference of [novus ordo]Catholic Bishops supports the Jew policies of the immigration / invasion of America is because the Jews are now in control of the Vatican. The Vatican and the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem work together.
The one group which has always taken them on is the Church. That is why they infiltrated it and finally have succeeded in gaining control. And the Roman Catholics faithful to what the Church has always taught are the group which is the organized and ‘on the ground’ opposition to this project.
Did this thread get weird.
Annie Oakley says: My MIL’s church will make beautiful quilts for the groids in Africa and are wondering why their membership is dying. Maybe if the quilts were given to the local residents, church membership might see a revival.
Why the hell does your MIL do that? Doesn’t she realize that they will treat it no better than a dog blanket?
I have one that cam from my grandmother’s. She made it, it’s at least 50 years old. I took it because I didn’t want my father to use it as a blank when he was cold on the couch. Irreplaceable things should not be turned into items for daily use, which I know he would have done.
The D reached Peak Negro some time ago.
Indeed. So I’ll simplify it:
1. Niggers destroyed Detroit.
2. A couple niggers in Detroit are dressing up like Dog the Bounty Hunter and pretending to be police.
3. The Vatican in Rome has been infested and corrupted by Jews. Sincere, traditional, Catholics are not to blame for this, and neither is Catholicism itself.
4. Rudel is an impotent douchebag.
5. Fr. John blames Catholicism for the white race’s modern woes.
6. Lynda suspects Fr. John is a crypto similar to “Brother Nathaniel Kapner”.
Let me know and I’ll summarize any thread when it jumps the curb.
Hunter, I enjoy reading your blogs but I think you are going to need a moderator for the comments board.
“Joe says:
May 31, 2012 at 1:20 pm
Read Henry Ford’s ” The International Jew”. You’ll get a better idea of what happened to Detroit and why. The jew commies hated Henry Ford with a passion.
It’s online now. Never was available in bookstores.”
Thanks for the tip. I will check it out. Also love cowboy music, and Western music. Grew up listening to father’s Marty Robbins records.
Lynda: Yeah, I thought the “I am a weapon” sign was creepy, too. There’s something more to that.
My MIL doesn’t participate in the quilt program. She became so disgusted with what they were doing, she opted out. She still goes to the church though.
Her church is full of brainwashed multicult liberals who believe in spreading the gospel around the world.
Trouble is the gospel and the wealth should be spread in the local community, not in Afreeka.
Hunter Wallace be prejudiced and sh**t like that….he be talkin about the rastas and sh**t and the cracker be talkin motown bro… but he never be sayin anythin about east st louis sh**t …an what about the south side of chicago f**ck….and then there be newark and camden bro…. and he never be talkin about the brothers in philly sh**t….
these whiteys dont kno what they be sayin…. motown be cool an all….but hey white dudes….sh**t.. there be bedford stuy… and the south bronx man…. f**ck..
these crackers sure be lovin motown…. but i be down on oakland bros…. it be were the brothers be callin themselves zebras bro… sh**t …. just like our brothers in africa man….they be havin zebras in africa….yeah man…it’s cool bro…. they be building and flying airoplanes when the whiteys be livin the dark ages f**ck…. you crackers always be shooting down our pilots….f**ck what be up with that crackers sh**t…. trayvon he be a pilot and sh**t ….and the white man shot him down f**ck….and all these crackers do is be jivin on our motown sound…. sh**t…. Hunter Wallace be prejudiced and sh**t…. there be brothers in atalanta too whitey…. and rodney king he be chillin in la….you know what i mean bro…. and what be goin on in sanford…f**ck if i kno bros…. the panthers be declarin war against whitey there and sh**t…. thats where the crackers shot down our trayvon airoplane baby….his momma be on on opra cryin and cryin and sh**t…. they goin to be makin a movie about trayvon some day and f**ck that sista she be goin be rich like opra…. she be deservin it bros… she be have a airoplane baby and the crackers shot him down bro…. sh**t but all these white dudes be doin is be smokin weed and be groovin on motown bro…. what be happenin in sanford an sh**t….
“Copulation, blah blah, defecation, blah blah, copulation, blah blah, defecation, blah blah, blah blah, defecation….”
“Urban speech”: the most irritating noise: “black noise.”
Annie Oakley, the quilt programme is put together wrong and must be unravelled.
Hereward Saxon agrees.
@AnnieO: Besides making warm quilts for tropical Africans, a newer and already at least equally popular ladies’ church activity is sewing prayer shawls, to encourage more people to cover up when praying just like the Pharisees do. Look for prayer shawls to replace quilt-making soon.
OD is getting big now, we got trolls coming out of the woodwork
Everyone is a troll but me and thee, and methinks sometimes, that thee is a troll.
@Hunter Wallace
“The D reached Peak Negro some time ago”.
I think i’m reaching peak Catholic.
What comes after that?
Urban speech and black noise is very irritating. Even more irritating to me is the complete silence from “our” goverment about what happened in Sanford.
The black panthers declared war against white Americans from a podium they set up in Sanford.
Not one official in authority, on level of government, had one thing to say about that. Not One.
should read “any level of government”
All white Americans should prepare themselves the best they can for possible race riots. Especially if you live in an urban area,or in an integrated suburb.
I agree, Joe, and when we’ve been disappointed and irritated long enough, we reach the stage of acceptance — that They (this mis-“Government” and those behind it) ARE what they are, and that their spots will NOT be changed.
@Lily Della Valle
That’s what “I am a weapon” is all about.
The black panthers.
313Chrissy writes:
“Rudel is an impotent douchebag.”
And yet I’m the one with grandchildren while you remain an aging gay bachelor.
O’nigger spoke of wanting to organize a domestic force with the same capabilities and size of the US military during his first election.
He would love to open up the prisons, arm violent niggers and put them under command of organizations like the black panthers.