With so many White American conservatives and libertarians insisting on playing nice and fair with all non-White groups including Muslim invaders, it is nice to see some of our folks in Tennessee using open religious bigotry to resist the Muslim invasion.
The Atlantic reports that the local White Christians in Murfreesboro, Tennessee have delayed or permanently enjoined completion of a mosque under the legal argument that Islam really isn’t a “religion” that deserves 1st amendment protection under the U.S. Constitution. Instead, Islam and the proposed Tennessee mosque is said to be:
“A Shariah-compliant facility… a political organization with Shariah-compliant rules and regulations. Shariah and the U.S. Constitution cannot coexist.”
Not bad.
I would have liked some direct insults against the polygamist, pedophile founder of this death cult plus some strong accusations that Muslim immigrants should be banned from the United States to protect Christian American girls and boys from being raped and groomed for Muslim sex slaves.
Maybe that would have been asking a bit too much and our side wouldn’t have won the (soon to be reversed) legal ruling to stop the Murfreesboro mosque.
Non-White Muslim immigrant rights group CAIR is appealing to Eric “My People” Holder’s Justice Department to go after the evil Islamophobic White RACISTS in Tennessee.
Here’s a quote from the CAIR press release which looks to be a good, long fight:
“WASHINGTON, May 29, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to protect the religious rights of Tennessee Muslims after a judge in that state blocked completion of a mosque that has been targeted by anti-Muslim bigots for the past two years.”
Editor’s Note Here’s some clips from the PBS Independent Lens documentary “Welcome To Shelbyville” which addresses changing demographics in neighboring Bedford County:
Great news! The South gets it done! New York couldn’t, or wouldn’t stop the 9/11 mosque, but the South stopped the Tennessee mosque. It’s a good thing.
Not all Northerners who moved to the South want to turn it into a southern version of the North. I moved to the South because I love what they stand for, and hated living in the North.
The good people of Tennessee are the salt of the earth and deserve much better than to have a Muslim invasion imposed upon them by the evil and corrupt Federal beast.
I’m so proud they have the backbone to resist. I reckon the rest of us need to get one, too. And right soon…
Hey, Joe, stop sitting on the fence. Dixie is the last bastion of Western civilization. The Southern flag is your flag, if you can see.
Robert, if the ragheads are so very decent, could you give us a brief description of what you saw of their justice system. It might give us a glimpse of what their intentions are toward us. Elaborate a bit on how they treat Christians who take their faith seriously, too, for good measure. What is church attendance like there?
We don’t want BRA, but Shariah is NOT an alternative. For damn sure!
Deo Vindice
@EarlmundoArmandPitts III
The problem with the Catholic church, in my opinion, can be traced back to the 10th century. That’s when the church made celibacy mandatory. The introduction of celibacy had nothing to do with religious/spiritual matters.
Celibacy was initiated as a means to keep sons of priests from making any financial or legal claims against the church. There were big problems concerning this issue in the 9th and 10th century.
Problem: Priests continued to sire children. Europe always suffered from an abundance of orphans.
The orphans were born into the world of Catholicism, yet they were kept at arms length and treated like lepers. No one wanted them around. They were a reminder that celibacy was a failure. Yet, the vatican insisted on celibacy so as to not have
any financial claims on the church.
Generation after generation of a large population of orphans, outcast and not really a full part of the Catholic world, though sired by priests, the epitome of the Catholic world, resulted in a large undeground culture,so to speak, of very disaffected Europeans. This went on for centuries in Europe. Big problem in Europe.
These disaffected people made up a big portion of what you read in history books, “the rabble of Europe”. They were very open to anyone who promised them a better world, perhaps a kind of world were they would be fully accepted, and not outcasts.
I can’t truly explain it, I don’t have the right words: I think after 100’s of years of orphans, generation after generation; The spirit of all the dissaffected generations somehow got into the blood of the European– in some spiritual kind of sense I can’t truly explain. ( history is always complicated, this is one of the dynamics of European history, as well).
The “rabble” of Europe almost always sided with the jews.They certainly did during the French revolution ( which was a type of communism. the jews wanted to rule France, basically). This was always a giant problem in Europe. The history books never touch the subject. Neither the jews,nor the catholics want that to be made known ( jew and catholic leadership, at least).
It’s now in the blood of alot of Catholics, being disaffected and siding with the jews.
That’s why the Catholics in Washington love working together with jews, and that’s why so many everyday Catholics, both today and in the past, were indifferent to opening the US to kinds of groups of people.
My fellow Italians are a little phony about this matter. They came in large numbers after the Anglos tamed the West and America was now safe ( Same for a very large number of jews). I think there’s a lot of ingratitude concerning this matter with the Catholic ethnic types ( the jews- fuggedaboutit).
To those here who are Catholics, please respect the Protestant Christians who came before us and cleared the forests and made this country great in so many ways.
The Catholic contribution to the USA is not so great to brag about. It’s spotty.
Difference of opinion is to be expected and we all learn from debate, but please avoid animosity.
To all Catholics: Debate with respect and some gratitude to those who made the country great in the first place.
I wrote a post yesterday about how the Anglo ruling class sold us out in 1913. I can very easily criticize my own, as well. ( love bashing the vatican lol).
The record of the Catholic church in the US is not sterling. It contributed some things, and also caused problems for the US in other matters.
Catholic church leadership has always been very disdainful to the Protestants. It’s the truth. It sucks, but it is the truth.
And celibacy was/is a disaster for Europe and the Church.
Just wanted to present a dynamic you may not have been aware of about the Catholic world.
Farmer Johnson does a little dance
creeks on the rise, roll up your pants
country girls,they wanna cuddle
kids out playin’ in a big mud puddle
” Rain is a good thing” ( the south sounds real good to me)
Luke Bryan
“Blessed is he ,far from home, who finds the fortune that Heaven has granted him”
from an old Tuscan song, ” Beato Chi Puo’ ”
the vicissitudes of life have brought me here to Northern California
it’s where I must stay for personal reasons
it’s what I’ve been granted
My Southern friend here needs to be protected ,as well. She’s getting on in years.
If trouble comes, I’ll be fighting here.
I’ll put on a grey t-shirt and protect my neighborhood.
My Bronx father taught me how.
The yanks swarm all over No Carolina, disdainful of the native Southerners, and always trying to change everything to suit their yankee tastes. I don’t know why they don’t just stay in NY and NJ. I don’t get it.
Some are going where jobs are they know how to do, others are being sent there (if they want to keep their jobs) by companies like “Bank of America Merrill Lynch” and “Wells Fargo Wauchovia”. Goldman Sachs is doing similar to Salt Lake City.
Sounds right to me. We live in a corporate-ruled world, I guess.
Imposing celibacy was idiotic and a disaster. It also led to the explosion of homosexuality in the priesthood. Joseph McCabe quotes extensively from first hand, primary documents that the seminaries and monasteries were “comprehensively addicted to sodomy.”
Catholics hate McCabe, but they cannot refute him. As I stated, he used primary documents, i.e., contemporary letters, books, monographs, diary entries, that sort of thing, to make his case. He cites what the people alive at the time actually said, wrote and thought, not what someone today says.
McCabe also gave a very good description of the techniques modern “historians” use to falsify history. The biggest thing is that they hardly ever use primary documents, instead they just cite one another and then lay that off as documentation. Another thing is they ignore or only write a few lines about certain people and events that ought to be stressed, while they devote pages and pages and even books to people and things that they want stressed. Another thing is modern historians fill “survey” and “general” history books like what students have to read with as many pages or more about pottery and art and architecture as they do people and events. This bores most people to tears and is what makes a lot of people hate reading anything they might learn something from, these boring books can ruin a person’s perception and make them associate non-fiction books with extreme boredom. This is the real hallmark of much of public “education.” They only mostly give students the very worst of literature to read and the most boring treatments of history. It is small wonder most people never want to read a book again after school. This is no accident.
As for northerners coming South, I can’t speak about in the deep South, but I know that from living in Kentucky and being around parts of TN, that *some*, and actually a lot, of what some Northerners wanted to do and change had nothing to do, nothing at all, with culture or the kind of things we talk about on this site. It has to do with trying to change *some* very stupid and backward things that make no sense at all.
People who know what I’m talking about have no need for an explanation.
@ Brutus
I respect your opinion. You know more about the south than I do.
I was in the Chapel Hill,NC area. There were alot of my fellow NYers there.
I lost my patience with them. LOL
I said I was speaking for Kentucky and Tennessee, I can’t speak so much for the deeper South. I have been there, but I have not LIVED there for ten years. And I think one has to live somewhere for at least ten years before you can *really* say you know a place. Yes, people *think* they know a place in far less time, but they do not. You may see the picture, but you will not fully understand the reasons. Your fist guesses will be wrong. Dead wrong.
I do know that Chapel Hill is a left wing, university town. I think they used to call it “Commie Hill.” I can well imagine losing your patience with people there.
@ Brutus
LOL /I didn’t know it was called “commie hill”. Makes sense now that you mention it.
Thanks for the information about Joseph McCabe. I appreciate it. Will read him.
I posted 4 or 5 websites about what’s going on in the Catholic church these days.
I posted it yesterday under “Tales from Detroit: The D Fights Back” ( first page of posts).
Very good solid info on these websites. Many articles on all the websites delve into the history of the church. Usually as a means to explain the present day situation within the church.
Lily Della Valle says:
June 2, 2012 at 12:25 am
Great news! The South gets it done! New York couldn’t, or wouldn’t stop the 9/11 mosque, but the South stopped the Tennessee mosque. It’s a good thing.
Not all Northerners who moved to the South want to turn it into a southern version of the North. I moved to the South because I love what they stand for, and hated living in the North.
Jack Ryan replies:
The South is very blessed to have such a great, beautiful immigrant gal from the North… of Italy move in.
I wish I was living back in Nashville TN where I went to college so I could you ask out for a night of dancing.
Here’s hoping the local White gents in your part of the South are appreciating you, if not – what’s the problem, are they gay?
Keep the faith White sister – we love you.
Brutus: If we’re that backwards, then feel free to hit the road back up North. I’m a Southerner living in New England temporarily, and have enough tact not to try to change the folks up here, though I do not agree with them on a good many issues and ways of doing business. It’s THERE home and if I don’t like it, I can pick another State!
@jack ryan
Well. You knocked this Northern Italian kid off his high horse and on his butt. LOL
I was talking about carpetbagger types, not Northern Italians, and certainly not Northern Italian women.
This is why I like Northern California. The Redwood forests are very beautiful and serene and peaceful.
though i do admit that i myself like to cause trouble sometimes. LOL
The attempts to subvert the Church through subversion have been going on since the Book of Jude. I am not convinced that monasteries were hotbeds of sodomy. The monastery was one of the foundations of European life until Henry XVIII started the trend of dissolving the monasteries, looting them and appropriating their land.
Once upon a better time in Europe and the Isles, the monastery served the surrounding villages and estates – school, library, hospital, agriculture, fibre: spinning, dyeing and weaving, woodworking, crafts and trades. And then there were the appointed hours of prayer and chant.
It is very difficult for seculars to get hold of a concept like this, but people more realistic than modern Westerners did grasp the concept that you do not educate the boys and the girls together. And they positively knew that single lives were better lived in community.
And yes, I do realize that to the modern mind, a group of men who say they have taken a vow of chastity – living, praying and working in community – its like uh uh – so she thinks they were really praying and working together. (LOL)
These were the lives that built the Europe that lasted for about 1500 years. They were founded upon the strength that comes from faith and from chastity. Sodomy on the other hand is about the appropriation of life (sexual) energy and burns out a life a very quickly.
Doubt me. Ask anyone who is seriously dedicated to something like martial arts.
The ‘joys’ of diversity. Santa Ana was largely hispanic, forty years ago. Now there are gang wars, etc. It’s also right next to ‘Garbage Grove.’
Can anyone say ‘Black Plague’ -thanks to non-Whites (for it’s primarily Whites and Europeans who don’t let domesticated animals run ‘wild’) ?
I think it was St Benedict’s order that were the first to build the dams that reclaimed what we now call the Netherlands from the north sea. That was in the 12th century, If I remember correctly.
As far as homosexuality in the church, I do know that the communists made a very concerted effort in the 1930’s to fill the seminaries as a means to usurp the church from within. They were communists, homosexual communists. I think you can find that info at “maurice pinay” website, or “most holy family monastery” website.
Thanks Joe. I do read those websites on a fairly regular basis. Bella Dodd’s School of Darkness is the book that explains her historic testimony before the House of Un-American Activities Committee. She testified that the Communist Party of the USA financed 1100 men in the priesthood of the Catholic Church in America alone. As this was a directive of the Internationale, they would have financed a similar number in other nations. I think this explains what the Traditio Fathers call the great sex and embezzlement scandal in the Church. Because those 1100 set up the networks that still operate for the subersion of the Church in the US and worldwide.
Not that this is really a joke but in my parish, someone once said that in order to get a cardinal’s hat from anti-pope Benedict a bishop would have to have destroyed at least an archdioscese with a sex crime tab of at least 6 billion.
The Muslims are buying up this real estate for pennies on the dollar. And they are getting interest free loans from the Jew banks.
Yes. It’s very sad. The communists attacked the Church with full force since the 1930’s.
It is now greatly usurped. talmudic hatred comes from the pits of hell.
The Catholic grammar school I attended had to close because of lack of funds, there were so many lawsuits in the diocese.
The church attached to the school was set on fire in the 80’s. The police said it was arson. The parish priest, a very old-fashioned real priest, ran thru the flames to save The Blessed Sacrament. He spent 4 months in the hospital.
The good sisters who taught there, and the the parish priest there, hardly deserved any of this.
Many churches went up in flames when the Bronx was torched. The churches were the first to be torched.
It’s all straight out of hell.
It’s very painful for me. My maternal grandmother went to Mass every day. It’s very painful for me. I will end my post here.
Thank you for the information you bring to OD. I appreciate it.
To the good people of Tennessee who took a stand for the real America, my respect and my admiration.
” He fought all the way, Johnny Reb, Johnny Reb, he fought all the way, Johnny Reb”
Well done yee Southern Folks of Tennessee! Great to see they are using one of the arguments (Islam being more a political system than religion) I have been stating for years, and DOING so with backbone!
I plan on rubbing a few PNW noses into this as an example of how to GET THINGS DONE.
Joe, Lynda, interesting (and tragic) history regarding teh Catholic Church. I always learn something new here.
@Joe. Then your maternal Grandmother belonged to the real Church, the one against which the gates of hell cannot prevail, come hell, come high water, come probably both. Ask her to pray for America.
The WASPs didn’t sell anyone out per se.
They were swamped by Oirish and German hostiles.
The irrational hostility to the mothercountry fostered by certain founders was also instrumental in this.
Yeah, John. It was those Germans.
Germans were never your problem, John, or anyone elses.
Explain to me how the Germans had anything to do with it.
Then explain to me why so many southern men enlisted to destroy Germany in WW2.
It shows German superiorty to me. The whole western world and the soviet commies went full bore against Germany. Bombed the place into nothing. Followed heavy jewish propoganda. Split the nation into two. Sanctioned them to the ground.
Held E. Germany under soviet rule for decades.
Did the German people complain? No, Sir.
Just seventy years later the nation is top dog(again), floating the EU.
Did the Germans ask for hand outs? NO.
Germans are a different breed of Whites. They get things done.
Hold on,
I’m only talking about Emigres to the US. They got off boats enlisted in the Union and marched south to obliterate the Confederates. I’m not even talking about the twentieth century here. The fervent equalitarianism, the zeal…they were more Puritan than Puritan.
Lincoln forever changed the face of American politics by throwing open the doors and unshackling the dogs.
200,000 German born troops fought for the union. They certainly trashed the stars and bars and then reversed over it.
Lincoln forever changed the face of American politics by throwing open the doors and unshackling the dogs.
Wasn’t Lincoln rumored to be Jewish?
“Abraham Lincoln’s Jewish Roots”
son, you know nothing of Confederate history. The remarkable role of Germans in the destruction of the Confederacy is a very interesting tale. The roll call of German officer names is also fascinating. Lincoln’s bodyguard was chock full off “Turners” AKA Germans. Like a bloody Roman emperor back in the day Lincoln couldn’t trust his own and brought in half a million barbarians to crush his own people.
if you do some reading, you will find Germans helped get lincoln elected and were big fans of the consolidation of power at the federal level, very progressive people for the tie as well. hell its still that way with Germans, they like centralized power. Which is fine for Germans, it’s shit for Americans
and if i recall correctly, compulsory public education came over with the Germans. Public education has been a dagger at our hearts
people need to get past the idea that this group or that group has been nothing but good for liberty and our race. Expect us Ulster Scots that is…. lol
Here’s the German’s in St Louis killing the locals who were generally Confederates.
Main article: St. Louis massacre
In neutral Missouri on May 10, 1861, Union Capt. Nathaniel Lyon, a Radical Republican, marched a large contingent of pro-southern Missouri militia prisoners-of-war through the streets of St. Louis. The men had been captured by a large force composed mostly of German volunteers during an unsuccessful attempt by the pro-southerners to seize the Federal arsenal in St. Louis.[4] The prisoners were guarded by two lines of German-American Union soldiers, who were unpopular with many native-born Missourians, who resented their anti-slavery and anti-secessionist political views. Many people in St. Louis, having moved to the area from Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, and Virginia,[5] had southern sympathies.
Tensions quickly mounted on the streets as civilians hurled fruit, rocks, paving stones, and insults at Lyon’s Germans. Some of the soldiers returned the favor. Shots rang out, killing three militiamen. The soldiers fired into the nearby crowd of bystanders, injuring or killing numerous men, women, and children. Angry mobs rioted throughout the city for the next two days, burning a number of buildings. At least seven more civilians were shot by Federal troops patrolling the streets. The final death toll was 28.
Really Classy stuff Sean. Really classy. I propose to you that without the quarter million Germans you wouldn’t have to worry about the ni***rs in America.
Furthermore without Adolf Bankrupting France and the British Empire In an effort to contest German Master Race theory with AngloSaxon nous there would be no Negro/Arab problem in France, Italy, Spain, UK, Germany etc. Check mate.
WE had the black under our thumbs and the Blockheads disrupt it everytime.
“Brutus: If we’re that backwards, then feel free to hit the road back up North. I’m a Southerner living in New England temporarily, and have enough tact not to try to change the folks up here, though I do not agree with them on a good many issues and ways of doing business. It’s THERE home and if I don’t like it, I can pick another State!”
Now why don’t you try reading my post again and seeing what I actually wrote? I could do what you just did and make at least a half dozen comments based upon words I put in your mouth about why you moved up North, but unlike you, I *comprehended* exactly your meaning and do not feel the need to twist your words or downright fabricate meanings that are not there.
Do me and other posters the same favor, if you please.
Someone ought to write a book about German intervention in the American civil war.
The numbers are large enough and locally/nationally strategic enough to suggest
it was a war of puritans + immigrants against a native aristocracy.
Well you German descendents sure are enjoying your Chocolate cities.
And then there’s the paddies 130,000+ of them.
taking out his jealous rage on the cousins of the English who populated the South for generations. It’s amazing that the Southerners ever forgave these two groups for the decimation of the not-so civil war. This suggests that the Confederate’s were a pretty magnanimous bunch.
As an example of one of those “backward” things I was talking about that could stand changing, I will cite the following:
If you run a business that people frequently need to use, it is a good idea to stay open past three o’clock, when most responsible working adults are still at work. In other words, it is helpful for certain types of *necessary and important* businesses to be open late enough for people to have enough time to be able to come and not have to continuously take off work early to do their business.
To make matters even worse, these businesses are not open at all on Saturdays. And many of them close at noon or two o’clock at least one day through the week. And I am not talking about only one or two examples, it was a significant percentage of businesses. Nor am I talking about businesses where it doesn’t really matter, like a bait shop. I am talking about things like banks and insurance agencies and license branches and water and power companies.
A lot of building supply places did the same thing. So did garages and other parts places. Electrical and plumbing supply places. You get the idea. WTF? A person get’s the idea that the entire area is geared for people that don’t work for a living and can do all their errands before one in the afternoon on weekdays.
THAT is what I was talking about, Wayne.
A lot of people complained and said the exact thing I am saying here.
Islamophobia is justified …
June 1, 2012
“Belgian Police Attacked After Arresting Veiled Woman”
BRUSSELS, June 1 (Reuters) – Protesters hurled bins and metal barriers at a Brussels police station on Thursday night after a Muslim woman was arrested for refusing to remove a face veil, Belgian media reported.
“They tried to enter by force, but they were not able to,” a spokesman for Brussels police told broadcaster RTL. “So instead they threw metal barriers and bins.”
Six protesters were arrested, according to state broadcaster VRT. The woman was released and expected to be questioned later.
Belgium and France both banned people from wearing full face veils in public last year.
Coming to a US city near you !
“I am not convinced that monasteries were hotbeds of sodomy. ”
McCabe quotes extensively from primary sources that show conclusively that a great many of them were. It was obviously well known at the time to everyone and got so bad even the Church was forced to close many of them.
As I stated above, McCabe uses letters, diaries, church and government documents, books of the time, etc.
to have strong families it is necessary to not work so many hours. yankees greed can’t understand less money and more family, more time fishing, or front porch sitting. Longer hours is one more thing we should curse yankees for
Unfortunately, stonelifter, many people have bills.
And if you are planning on having as many kids as you say you would like, then if I were you, I would prepare myself to seriously revise the thinking displayed in your last post.
We all would like nothing more than to have more time fishing and sitting on porches, Stonelifter. You posted a remarkable post in the Why do Women Reject…thread . Do you really have about three million in cash, Stonelifter? If you do, then if you did not win the lottery, SOMEBODY spent a hell of a lot more time working than fishing. But I am glad someone left you all that cash and you don’t have to work and can fish and sit on porches all day everyday.
Having all shops closed Sunday is a good thing.
Two reasons. Even if you are not religious.
Family time.
Organized social activity. Sports, picnics, church, fetes.
Third reason, it’s not same day as Sabbath. Hurts cut throat commerce. Generates a five day work week for everyone by coincidence.
The cops should strike back with lead. No messing around now my comely Islamic women. Be like your hosts or sling your hook.
Who needs the Northwest? Move to freakin Tennesssee!
Let’s rub Sean’s nose in some stats.
The Confederate army probably never numbered more than 1,00,000 effectives. The Union enlist perhaps as many as 2,000,000 men. Higher estimates suggest 2,500,000 may have fought.
So that 230,000 German contingent + the paddies at 130,000 can easily be seen as the margin of victory. Real master race they were. At least 2 to 1 and the Anglo’s down there held em off for 5 years.
Lincoln really was a tub of shit. At least Cromwell in his defeat of Charles enlisted actual English Yeoman in order to win. Charles had to resort to Prince Ruprecht’s Rhenish fighters, assorted Frogs and Irish chancers.
I wonder if the “civil war” moniker is also a misnomer for reasons other than known. In effect the Union channeled an extraordinary number of migrants from Germany and Ireland into the area to wash away a distinctive nation.
War of the Teuto-Eiran-Yankee Zealots.
No wonder those knobs like O’ Reilly or Hannity lionize Lincoln. They recognize that he smashed the crap out of an Anglo Saxon beacon of civilization.
I worked as a PMC. I made way better then full time pay with part time work. I’m 48 and been doing that for 20 years now. I’d be useless if I wasn’t well off after 28 years of working. I took riskier, higher paying short term contracts when I could. I literally but myself at the greatest risk possible to make money and have time for my kids. And I’ve never done dumb stuff with my money ( excluding spending it on my ex wife and her education)
I’ve already had my 5 children.
You have to admit, the South was closer to their kin when everything closed down on weekends, and we went to church, played ball, ate big meals on Sunday with our folk etc. Strong families make strong nations which is why the jews have done so much to attack our families
I don’t fault people for working weekends and like. What I have an issue with is considering working weekends etc as progress or some how better than the old way
Lincoln really was a tub of shit.
Wasn’t Lincoln rumored to be Jewish?
“Abraham Lincoln’s Jewish Roots”
Apparently, he hailed from an English town called “Lincoln” that had a very high population of Jews. The same town that had the “blood libel” issue.
Google it – there’s lots of links.
(My previous post on this issue is: “Your comment is awaiting moderation. ” – probably because it has 2 links in it – lets see if this get thru)
Hey Stone I’ve got a nephew in law who works security on ships of the coast of Somalia. He’s making bank. I think he was in Basra a few years ago.