With so many White American conservatives and libertarians insisting on playing nice and fair with all non-White groups including Muslim invaders, it is nice to see some of our folks in Tennessee using open religious bigotry to resist the Muslim invasion.
The Atlantic reports that the local White Christians in Murfreesboro, Tennessee have delayed or permanently enjoined completion of a mosque under the legal argument that Islam really isn’t a “religion” that deserves 1st amendment protection under the U.S. Constitution. Instead, Islam and the proposed Tennessee mosque is said to be:
“A Shariah-compliant facility… a political organization with Shariah-compliant rules and regulations. Shariah and the U.S. Constitution cannot coexist.”
Not bad.
I would have liked some direct insults against the polygamist, pedophile founder of this death cult plus some strong accusations that Muslim immigrants should be banned from the United States to protect Christian American girls and boys from being raped and groomed for Muslim sex slaves.
Maybe that would have been asking a bit too much and our side wouldn’t have won the (soon to be reversed) legal ruling to stop the Murfreesboro mosque.
Non-White Muslim immigrant rights group CAIR is appealing to Eric “My People” Holder’s Justice Department to go after the evil Islamophobic White RACISTS in Tennessee.
Here’s a quote from the CAIR press release which looks to be a good, long fight:
“WASHINGTON, May 29, 2012 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) today called on the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) to protect the religious rights of Tennessee Muslims after a judge in that state blocked completion of a mosque that has been targeted by anti-Muslim bigots for the past two years.”
Editor’s Note Here’s some clips from the PBS Independent Lens documentary “Welcome To Shelbyville” which addresses changing demographics in neighboring Bedford County:
Nah, he was just a nutty Puritan/Quaker who happily murdered his own…these Peaceful types always turn out to be mass killers. They are pacifists until they flip and wipe out everyone around them.
Jack Ryan: thanks for the kind words, as always. 🙂 It is most appreciated.
Would love to comment on some of the other very interesting posts, but it’s Saturday and I have to start work! haha.
Sean – Germans are idiots.
Good to hear John! It is simply the best work for White men. Ever. Almost no negros mexicans etc and no women, no PC bullshit, freedom, money and you work with proven men.
My Army unit took Basra in ’91. The weather sucks there.
It’s hard to tell which has had a more deleterious effect on America, Puritan Massachusetts or German Wisconsin. An unholy alliance if ever there was one.
Moral crusaders for immorality or insane progressives, “drunk on the chilled white wine of rationality,” not much to choose, is there. Romney is the perfect President for these people, even though they will all vote for Obama. Isn’t life in the Yankee BRA Empire strange?
Deo Vindice
A truly strange witches brew of self satisfaction. Result: a black headache.
Thanks for the info about Lincoln.
Lincoln was a race-mixed mongrel and a mass murderer. I think, judging by his countenance, that Lincoln had the blood of the Jew and the Negro race flowing through his veins, as well as Caucasian.
{His general Sherman was a mass murderer and war criminal also.}
Personal Opinion ( from my history readings throughout my life. from my history readings and reading between the lines):
The United States had to be taken over once and for all because Andrew Jackson threw a monkey wrench into the plans of the big-shot bankers in Europe and the US.
I think the war of 1861 was planned and hatched in the board rooms of European banks ( the Rothschilds being the leading bankers). I think the plan was hatched soon after Andrew Jackson’s presidency.
I don’t know where the bankers found Lincoln, but it wasn’t in a log cabin.
Seems to me that Lincoln was groomed to be the president ( like Obama) from an early period in his life.
I think Lincoln knew he was going to war long before Ft Sumter.
Soon after the war, in the confusion and the exhaustion of the destruction, the bankers and all those who love corporate monopoly stepped into the void, so to speak, and took Washington by storm.
Soon after the war, the Supreme Court ( I don’t know why I bother capitalizing sumpreme court, they don’t deserve it. Just a habit,I guess) ruled that a corporation is entitled to all the rights of an individual. Soon after that, the robber barons went to work.
About 50 years after the end of the war, the bankers finally got what they always yearned for, complete control of the United States through the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
The banks even control the sermons preached from Christian pulpits every Sunday morning, but only if the churches tow the government line, which they willingly and lovingly do to get that tax break, even if the government line is talmudic jew communist to the core, which it is.
Woodrow Wilson died knowing that he had betrayed the country. He admitted to it on his death bed. The history books say that he was ill, and his wife took over the responsibilities of the presidency. Horse shit.
He was incapacitated by deep guilt and in despair for what he had done: Sign the Federal Reserve Act.
His wife didn’t make any goddamned decision while he was incapacitated. I’m sure someone from the Federal Reserve bank made the decisions during Wilson’s “illness”.
Soon after that, we had prohibition, and the gangsters were idolized in Hollywood movies.
Soon after that, Occidental Dissent was founded, and all the troublemakers came out of the woodwork to cause problems, and soon after that Lily Della Valle and “Joe”, the two Northern Italians came to the rescue to teach you Amercans how to do things the right way. LOL
Re: Germanic “idiocy”:
Germanic superior intelligence and superior workmanship have upheld the European economy, not only in the twenty-first century. Like a Roman Pope of the fifteenth century said about the wonders of his capital: “This was all built by the sins of the Germans!” In the world wars of the twentieth century these unintelligents fought almost successfully against most of the rest of the world, and without the traitorous involvement of the predominantly Germanic people of the United States, the “idiot” Aryan race would have likely won.
In the world wars of the twentieth century these unintelligents fought almost successfully against most of the rest of the world, and without the traitorous involvement of the predominantly Germanic people of the United States, the “idiot” Aryan race would have likely won.
What’s worse is …….
“Ernst Zundel: Hitler was an organic outgrowth to Jewish behavior” 1:25 min
These are difficult pills to swallow.
I always thought that the Germans were the most intelligent people anywhere on earth.
They rebuilt their country from the ruins of WW2 and it’s once again takes the lead in Europe. Good for them.
Every city in Germany was left in complete ruins. Millions of Germans were marched into Soviet Union slave labor camps after WW2 to die in starvation and misery.
I’ll let others here to debate the faults of German-Americans, but as far as the Germans in Europe, what happened to Germany was a great crime against them and for Europe as a whole because they always bestowed on Europe their great talents and their great gifts and their extraordinary intelligence.
Patton was horrified by what Uncle Sam was doing to the Germans after the war and he was murdered for it.
Patton realized too late what the war was really all about.
Patton was horrified by what Uncle Sam was doing to the Germans after the war and he was murdered for it. Patton realized too late what the war was really all about.
And now we have ZOG in most western countries – and multiculturalism.
” Off Your Knees Germany (1 of 7) Ernst Zundel 1983-2003 ” 14 min
After 1 of 7, you can link to 2 to 7 – its a marathon session, but worth the watch.
Patton was horrified by what Uncle Sam was doing to the Germans after the war and he was murdered for it.
” General George S. Patton was assassinated to silence his criticism of allied war leaders claims new book ” Dec 2008
His book, “Target Patton”, contains interviews with Mr Bazata, who died in 1999, and extracts from his diaries, detailing how he staged the car crash by getting a troop truck to plough into Patton’s Cadillac and then shot the general with a low-velocity projectile, which broke his neck while his fellow passengers escaped without a scratch.
Germans aren’t stupid or bad people, but their ways aren’t the Southron way, or the old American way and they should have stayed in Germany, or changed to our ways when they showed up here.
Immigrants, even White ones are a bad idea in my book
Agreed. The more homogeneous the society the better. Then again, you can’t put the genie back in the bottle, so we will have to make the best of it. German, Italian, English, Scotch-Irish, or whatever, all share in the existential threat to white people.
Much of it is our own making as white people, so we must take care not to repeat past mistakes. As our numbers dwindle, this will all become self-evident.
The South of the future should not establish itself as the refuge of all white people like some universalist 21st-century Ellis Island (transplanted Yankees please take your cue), but we should not turn our backs on our racial kinsmen, either.
Relations between groups of white people should be benign, with the chief exception being those whites who have vested themselves in BRA and multiculturalism. These must be shown the door sooner rather than later.
We are in a race with time. The longer the parasitism continues, the weaker we become. When will our people be ready to abandon BRA?
Deo Vindice
In Oman, his majesty sultan Qaboos donated the organ to the Catholic church in Muscat. In the United Arab Emirates, I have seen Roman Catholic nuns in traditional habits in the shopping malls. I know there are Roman Catholic services in several cities in Oman. Saudi Arabia does not permit non-Islamic public religious services. Saudi customs inspectors permit the importation of non-Islamic religious books for personal use. Reading non-Islamic religious books in public is not a problem in K.S.A.
Access to the courts for foreignors is not easy. Friends who have had experience of shariah courts found them to to at least as fair the average western trial. Converting from Islam is a death penalty offense.
World Star Hip Hop videos are now banned in Saudi Arabia.
“German Wisconsin”
There are some inklings of good news there, The democrats are finally losing ground in the area.
“Immigrants, even White ones are a bad idea in my book”
The 1925 immigration law settled this issue by having immigration restricted to replacement rate(1 person leaves, 1 person enters), and divided according to the ethnic makeup of the country at the time(no net demographics shift in any way).
We simply do not have the ability to absorb Europe’s population if they get overrun, and nor do they have the ability to absorb ours, so I doubt there will be any mass immigration waves of Europeans.
Re Hitler: If he wanted to win there were 3 things he could have done even barring our continued assistance to the Soviets:
1)Not cancelled the Jet fighter early on. This really would have saved their bacon later on in the war.
2)Not getting bogged down in Stalingrad, or otherwise tampering with his generals. Hitler kept changing the goals of what he wanted to accomplish militarily, and rapidly churned through his front line commanders when they couldn’t immediately deliver.
3)Toned down the whole Slav extermination policy. The christians of eastern Europe were more than ready to help throw out the Bolsheviks, it was not a tough sell.
@anon at 8:42
Not 3 things, 4 things.
Fourth Thing:
Hitler made a giant error siding with Mussolini. The Italians dragged the Greman army down, and alot of time, energy, and resources were wasted fighting in Italy.
There was great divisions in Italy in the 1930’s and throughout the war years.
The divisions were very complicated and it would require an extremely long post.
The basic divisions: communists vs fascists
fascists vs Catholics
Catholics vs communists
There were great divisions amongst these respective groups as well.
Also, the war and the turmoil, brought some long standing fueds between influential families to the fore ( the fueds were in abeyance until the war) , some fueds and animosity from the 12th century even. ( the fueds make the hatfields and mccoys look like kid’s play).
While the world war was going on in Europe, in Italy there was the world war, plus war between different factions within each group, plus quite a few private wars going on.
It’s very complicated story. Short version: The situation in Italy greatly bogged the Germans down and greatly depleted the German war effort.
Some Italian historians say there’s a chance that Mussolini was really the enemy to the Germans. They give compelling evidence.
In short: Siding with Italy was a disaster for Hitler.
Hitler made so many mistakes I think he was an agent for the Rothschilds. In his heart he wanted Germany destroyed. Every major decision he made lead Germany to disaster.
This is not hidsight. The Germans who could see clearly that he was making one giant mistake after another were “disappeared”.
The history books are not clear at all as to his origin or how this poor penniless artist in Vienna wakes up one morning to lead 5,000 well- armed and well-uniformed men down the main boulevard of Berlin.
In fact, the history books never explain how this poor and friendless Hitler could put together a battalion, with horses no less, lots of horses, very expensive and well-groomed horses.
Poor, friendless men don’t just put together a battalion just like that. The books never even bother to explain who financed this. Very strange. Not one historian will touch this issue, not even broach the issue.
Some Italian historians think Hitler wanted Germany destroyed and Mussolini wanted Italy destroyed.
The Italians all throughout history wouldn’t allow the jews their slave trade they love so much. They jews were kicked out of various Italian cities throughout history over this matter.
When the Protestants legalized slavery after the Reformation, many jews left Italy on their own accord and went to England.
England placed an embargo on Italy because of this matter: slavery. The jews in England wanted their revenge.
They got it in WW2. That’s for sure.
@…. “New York/ NJ (catholics all)… “always trying to change everything to suit their yankee tastes. I don’t know why they don’t just stay in NY and NJ. I don’t get it.
Some are going where jobs are they know how to do, others are being sent there (if they want to keep their jobs) by companies like “Bank of America Merrill Lynch” and “Wells Fargo Wauchovia”. Goldman Sachs is doing similar to Salt Lake City….”
In Reality—- these populations were imported mostly at the turn of the century for “industrialization” (which is now de-industrialized). The catholic deal (hierarchy, need to know basis, punching the clock, pleasing the big guy (pope/ priesthood, whatever), produces the lack of independent thinking Joe was talking about in the catholic orphans. It is a PERFECT socialization for factories and military (what it was brought in for… to fight the Civil War (40% foreign born army), and to then people the north factories. It takes a certain kind of order-obsessed type to stare at a line all day, their whole life and screw in one screw on a factory line (be honest.)
That’s the real “third world,” imo. —And why catholicism is less and less able to attract the most intelligent new converts. According to Pew, Hinduism attracts the highest IQ group. Biggest crossover religion in u.s. is Asians (Buddhist and the like) to protestant. They get Jesus as “reincarnated,” so that sort of fits in their minds. And protestants insist on literacy (so you can read the Bible yourself and not give a shit what the pope or whoever has to say about it— i.e. independent thought is valued).
If whites want to keep their edge, they really need to look strongly at the various christianities and see what —from that, if anything— will help them most. Slowly, catholicism just seems like crying over bleeding statues with very foreign looking people— maybe not what it once was. Being very rule and order obsessed is just not that interesting to the protestant founding stock—- it seems like it’s for dumb people.
— Oh, the point of that was that the Northeast catholics follow Big Money, just like they follow priests. They “go where the money is.” This is the only difference between many of them and the blacks left in Detroit. The blacks did not follow the money.
Catholics are strong on “working muscle for the man.” Very top-down, corporate, need to know, ready to be told what to do. Perfect for military, factories, which is why they were brought, what they did in the u.s.
But we’ve ceased to innovate and create— (the individuals in the country). And it’s a big lumbering Welfare-Warfare state, just like they like it, in europe and now here.
They changed it forever. It’s true they treated the Children of the Founders like crap, as Joe said—- and in reality, they LOVE working with Jews in NY/NJ. Bossing around “minorities” makes both groups seem to feel really smart.
But in reality, the country was a lot smarter before.
My theory: they can’t admit it because neither can ever give the founders (and their real blood relatives who still live here, lol) their due. The Jews—because they are “chosen” to rule, therefore they must (in their minds) be and prove they are the “most blessed” (otherwise it’s a crisis of faith.)
The catholics— because, just exactly like Jews, they are taught from birth “they have the only path to God” and the founders of the U.S. were “heretics” worthy of death (and they are heroes for killing them (this is still taught daily in catechism, been there, done that, so I know)—- and so they must be “better” than the protestants. (In reality, judging from t.v., they often don’t even seem to understand the founders ideas, or that the founders ideas are probably incompatible with their “perfect” path to God).
Catholicism tends (for good reason of its dogma) to fascism, militarist-corporatism, corporatism, Welfare-statism, and Military police states—- the more “power” they have, the more the citizens have to live that way, proof’s in the pudding.
It goes without saying that people RAISED THAT WAY— can be perfectly normal, intelligent, thoughtful, and creative. Am talking about the Santorum/ Sanitarium kind of headset.
In your opinion, why do the catholics treat the Real Children of the U.S. Founders so horribly? All they did was use the pope’s money (stolen from others, imo) seemingly to shut so many Children of Founders out of any form of governance, while they turned it into this corrupt, lumbering bureaucratic warfare-welfare thing full of state-dependency robots. Plus they opened the south border for other catholics, but then in reality, most of them don’t want to live with their “brethren.” Then—they do things like blame Puritans (Lmao—now that’s contemptible).
Even on this thread, somebody references “puritan massachusetts.” Can people do that in 2012 with a straight face. (Look up the demographics). It’s like nyc— 4% children of the founders stock. Mass, nyc, etc— are like central nc and south florida. (“Ave maria” as new town names and suburbs called “shamrock glory” or whatever)
If I’d done that, I’d probably get over it, and humble myself and ask the Children of the Founders for help.
I admire your spirit. I could quibble with you here and there, but I’m not because I admire your patriotism.
( plus Apuleius would beat me up. LOL)
I admire your spirit of patriotism, and same goes for Apuleius.
Shelbyville points out (once more) that it’s the Bible Belt and the centers of WASPs, and the most generational Americans that have been most affected by “immigration.”
—South Florida, central NC, towns s/a Shelbyville, South Florida, Atlanta, etc. After that, the other western protestant areas—s/a somalians into places s/a minneapolis, and so on.
That sounds more like genocide.
You are asking very good questions. I honestly don’t know. I know the USA has been usurped. There’s a lot reasons for it. It’s very complicated. Catholics play a role in it. I think the Catholic role, the things you mention, are contemptible.
Personally, I think the US, and the whole world ,would be better off if the US was a white Anglo/Northern European Protestant Christian country.
But that’s not the way history went for the US. For a lot of reasons.
I honestly don’t know what to say sometimes about this subject. It’s sometimes overwhelming for me to see what’s happened to this country.
All I can say is that I know my fellow Catholics are not very wonderful, and my church leadership is awful.
I wrote some posts about this subject over the last few days under various articles. But, I don’t have any kind of ultimate answer.
Anon and Joe: Understanding WWII requires a good understanding of WWI and the Weimar Republic. Germany got the short end of the stick during WWI (due to American involvement) and the peace was plainly unjust. Couple this with the anti-German Marxist propagandizing and cultural degradation aimed specifically at ethnic Germans and German history and culture and you can see how the people would have snapped. Saying Hitler purposely destroyed Germany is wild beyond the wildest conspiracy theory IMO. This argument is parallel to the Rainbow Confederates who try to defend the Confederacy while blasting slavery and slave holders.
Re: Stonelifter: “they should have stayed in Germany”:
The Britons also realized that too late, after they invited the Saxons to help them fight the Scots. The Saxons defeated the Britons too, and as evidence of patrilineal DNA shows they must have killed or exiled many of the male Britons, taken their wives and procreated with them the cross-bred ENGLISH. Germans are quite intimately connected with the Celts after all.
Suppose that William Penn had not invited the German Anabaptists over to make his colony an agricultural paradise, and suppose King George had not hired the Hessians to fight the rebels. Perhaps without these spearheads the immense immigration from Nordic countries in the nineteenth century would not have happened. But it did, and not only Celts and Nords, but also Meds and Slavs are here now, and thoroughly cross-bred in most areas. We live now in a hybrid pan-European nation.
Deutschland deutschland uber alles in der Welt!
I know all the pressures that were on the German people after WW1. I think Hitler was sent in to direct and usurp any possible collective action on the part of patriotic Germans to save themselves from the inflictions that were imposed on them at Versailles and to protect themselves from the communists who had just taken over Russia and were threatening Germany.
Could you please tell me then how a poor and penniless and friendless vagabond artist type man, poor and on the lowest rung of society, can come up with the money to form for himself a battallion of 5,000 men with horses and fully armed with expensive weaponry ,and just march down the main boulevard of a major European capital, just like that?
The history books certainly don’t explain it. The historians won’t even ask the question, let alone try to explain it.
If you can give me credible evidence as to who financed this poor and friendless vagabond artist so he could put together a batallion which cost a fortune, at the very same time inflation was destroying the average German worker and inflation was throwing the average Germans into poverty, no less; How did this poor and friendless man on the very bottom of society get the wherewhithal to put together a batallion, a batallion that cost a fortune? And how did this friendless man wake up one morning with 5,000 men marching behind him? How did he pay his newly found friends? Where did he get the money for the horses, the uniforms, the weaponry?
Answer these questions credibly , and I’ll be glad to review and rethink my opinion.
The history books don’t even bother asking the questions. Why not? Please explain.
Is it okay for a Northern Italian to marry Katherine Jenkins?
( i don’t even care if she doesn’t have a yacht)
Joe says:
June 2, 2012 at 11:34 pm
Is it okay for a Northern Italian to marry Katherine Jenkins?
( i don’t even care if she doesn’t have a yacht)
Jack Ryan replies.
Yes, absolutely. The resulting child will be Welsh-Italian-White British, the best example is the immortal White boxer Joe Calzaghe, retired undefeated, who had the fastest boxing handa since Sugar Ray Leonard.
Joe Calzaghe’s father is Italian, was a jazz muscian, mom Welsh British like Catherine Jenkins, the result: Joe Calzaghe “Calzaghe is sometimes referred to as the “Pride of Wales,” or the “Italian Dragon”[7] in reference to his mixed heritage (the dragon being both a Welsh emblem and a Sardinian myth).”
Welsh-Italian sounds like a great combination.
I’m Italian-Irish-Polish.
Bernard Hopkins once taunted Joe Calzaghe, saying “I’ll never let a white boy beat me!” And then they fought, and Calzaghe dominated and beat him.
@jack rayn
Great! I shall marry Katherine Jenkins and our son, My Son , will beat up anyone who disgrees with me. LOL ( he’ll be a gentleman to the ladies, however. they can disagree with me, no problem, my son will remain a gentleman).
thank you for the link
@ jack ryan
sorry about that sir, jack ryan. typing too fast.
Lily Della Valle says:
June 2, 2012 at 11:57 pm
Welsh-Italian sounds like a great combination.
I’m Italian-Irish-Polish.
Jack Ryan replies:
Be real careful about your Irish side. My ex is Irish (raised and now lives against in Manchester England – yeah, their are tons of Irish in England). The term “the Fighting Irish” doesn’t come from the Notre Dame Men’s Football team, it’s about Irish women. Man, do they like to fight.
313Chris says:
June 3, 2012 at 12:00 am
Bernard Hopkins once taunted Joe Calzaghe, saying “I’ll never let a white boy beat me!” And then they fought, and Calzaghe dominated and beat him.
Jack Ryan replies:
Calzaghe won a decision against Hopkins, but it wasn’t one of Joe Calzaghe’s best fights. His final fight against Roy Jones Jr. was really great. Here are some highlights:
Those who have the determination to sift through these enormous issues must be aware and beware the post conciliar novus ordo Roman Catholic Church. Since the anti-papacy established 1958 and the Vatican II Council, the highest offices of the Vatican have been working with the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem (as per the Vatican II document Nostra Aetate). They are working to change the jurisprudence of Europe and in America to a Noachide jurisprudence based upon the Talmud.
The Owners of America Inc want Talmudic law in America.
The Roman Catholic Church of Tradition stands solidly athwart that path.
One of the reasons why the Internationale mandated the 1100 agents into the priesthood of the Catholic Church (and this was in America alone) was to destroy the Church in its highest offices and thus render it more compliant with the Noachide project. Now, since the anti-papacy and the switcheroo among the bishops they work with the Jews (and pray in the synagogues I might add).
@Jack Ryan
Calzaghe’s most impressive fight was against Jeff Lacey. (just my opinion)
For Lynda and everyone, there’s a good website called wakeupfromyourslumber about the noahide laws. Important info for all white Americans. The jews in the US govt want noahide laws here also in our secular courts.
Joe: He went from a zero the the chancellor because times were so very bad, the German people were being openly villified, they were in dept, taxed to death, their money was worthless, and the “West” had saddled them with 100% of the fault for WWI, forcing them to not only rebuild their own destroyed nation, but also pay for damages to the other parties. On top of this pile was the fact that the German Army that had fought so hard but had lost anyway thanks to America coming in on the side of Britain. In desperate conditions such as these, the financing becomes less important. Also, he had support from withing the defeated, demoralized Army, which he had been a member. That seems logical to me.
I agree totally that history books don’t tell us everything, especially when written by the victors, and while I have lots of doubts about the modern WWII narrative, I don’t quiet buy the conspiracy theories, they are just too improbable to believe when there is a much more believable and realistic explanations.
@ Lynda
I read a few years ago, I will find the website for you, that both Uncle Sam and the Soviet Union threatened the Vatican during the papal election in 1958. John 23rd was an anti-pope. The Vatican was threatened with destruction by both the US and the Soviet Union.
Both countries detonated nukes every day while the papal election took place. Lots of nukes, every day. The Vatican was duly informed.
The jews in NYC were ecstatic at the news of John the 23rd’s election to the papal throne.
I will find the website for you. Give me a day or two.
“financing” is everything. please give me credible answer, so i can rethink my position.
if jews are insidious, which they are, this would not be beneath them
My question regards how he first got started. 1932 comes much later in the story.
One step at a time.
I’m not talking about 1932. I’m talking about when he first got started with his batallion. You should know the year. You know alot of nazi Germany. My question is about another year. Not 1932.
One step at a time, please.
I did, Joe. Re-read my above posts.
The only financing he needed in the begining was for the Brown shirts and his activism, he had no brigades at this point.
Until he was elected, he wasn’t in controll of much, just gaining momentum in winning over the German people and beating of commies in the streets. His message was easily accepted. He told the truth about jews and communists. He spoke about jewish subversion. Hitler knew the jew inside and out. He spoke to the German people that they were better than what the Weimar Republic had to offer. That they could be a power again and hold thier heads high.
He should have stayed local in my opinion. Germany would have lead the world in technology, lifestlye ect. Other nations would have followed their example and booted jewish money changers.
maybe the jews sent Hitler in to undermine any real collective effort on the part of patriotic Germans to save themselves from comminism and deliver Germany to the communists
That’s ridiculous, Joe. I have read all the stuff about AH being a jew agent and so on.
Hitler did real damage to the jew. Had Hitler not stood up to communism, the whole of Europe may have been under communist rule alot sooner. Hitler hated jews and commies (one in the same). He was all for a racially pure Germany. He reached out to GB and had his hand slapped.
Who really won the war, Joe?
Had Germany been able to remain as it was in the 30’s, do you think niggers and arabs would be running free in Germany today?