Amurrica Series: The Green Lantern Is Gay

DC Comics

Last summer, the controversy was over why wasn’t The Green Lantern black in the year 2011. Now it turns out The Green Lantern couldn’t be black because in the year 2012 the character has come out of the closet as a homosexual:

Note: I have never had any interest in comic books, but this is another cultural milestone and opportunity to laugh at the concept of Amurrica, so it is included here in the Amurrica Series

Go USA! Pay your taxes!

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. You think he’ll hook up with Batman and Robin for a threesome in the manhole ….. I mean Batcave?

    I don’t think comic book super heroes should be sexualized. It removes all innocence. And it will only lead to all story lines having some instance of homosexual pornography.

  2. Lets see, Superman renounced his American citizenship, Spiderman is now half black/ half hispanic, batman has a muslim superfriend in France going after (almost assuredly evil white)criminals, and more. They are taking the mask off, and thats good for everyone.

  3. May be the gay superheros can fight the gay villains, like this guy ….

    Who is Luka Rocco Magnotta? June 1, 2012

    Luka Rocco Magnotta, the 29-year-old sought by Montreal police in connection with a suspected homicide linked to the mailing of body parts to political offices, is a self-described model and adult film actor with a sprawling online presence.

    Police issued a Canada-wide warrant for Magnotta on May 30, but say he flew out of Trudeau airport in Montreal on May 26 to an undisclosed foreign destination. Police are not ruling out that he may have returned under an alias. He is wanted on charges of first-degree murder and performing an indignity to a human body.


  4. The culture war is now a full-fledged attack against Whites. Superman (the first) was invented by two nebbish Jewish boys, to be a surrogate American (Anglo looks) with ‘other-worldly’ (Kabbalistic? O.T.???) powers, whose name used the sacred name for YHWH God “el” (as in the song “El Shaddai” by Christian artist Amy Grant) i.e., “Kal-el.”

    In the 1940’s, that was enough. I remember in the early 1970’s, after having collected numerous comics, that there was a change to a ‘grittier’ and ‘edgier’ style of illustration, and I lost all interest. Now, like re-filmings of Shakespeare films (Kenneth Branagh even got into the act by having ‘pretty niggers’ as Shakespearean characters- ugh), even comics are being used as agents of Kulturkampf.

    And, as long as mass destruction of their product isn’t engaged in (a little anti-anti-fa of our own)- either by torching such filth, or by massive boycotts, removal of comics from Drug Stores, etc. as child pornography, it will only get worse.

    Sometimes, an act of civil disobedience is an act of God.

  5. What about a Goy superhero?

    Superhero comics are lousy. Watchmen was quite good though. The Comedian was my favourite.

    From Hell is excellent.

  6. Charley’s War is a good one. Anti war WW1 comic. It recounts the mass suicide of the flower of youth. Truly the pity of war. It even mentions war profiteers orchestrating the whole thing. There’s a lunatic officer called Snell who always struck me as a public school Jewish type. Highly recommend it for your kids. It’s all about common decency
    and humble courage.

  7. Superhero comic books are a Jewish industry. It caters for secular children giving them heros to admire and adventures to capture their imaginations.

    The imagination of children should be edified, not degraded.

    Christ and his saints are the most interesting people who ever lived and their adventures are the most fascinating. The miracles of the new creation in Christ are real as opposed to fantasy.

    Comic books are just inferior substitutes for this type of reading.

  8. Lynda, I prefer Beowulf, Arthur, Shakespeare, Stevenson, Walter Scot, Dickens, Twain. Those are much more the stories of, by and for MY people. Your people too.

    Anything other than a bunch of Levantine sharps, spare me their prosletizing.

  9. The best comics by far were the 1970s and early 80s Conan series. The regular color comic was pretty good, but the larger, 60 page black and white Marvel magazines Savage Sword of Conan and later the reprints in Conan Saga were THE best ever.

    These were the original Robert E Howard stories and damn good continuations by a guy named Roy Thomas and a few others, e.g., Mike Fleischer. The artwork was outstanding, too. They even had some Boris Vallejo covers back in the mid 70s.

    As far as the stories about Christ and his saints, Pffft!

    You want a real white hero and how an Aryan hero should handle crucifixion? Read Robert Howard’s “A Witch Shall be Born.” Add Boris Vallejo’s cover from Savage Sword of Conan #5 “Tree of Death” for that story and screw the pitiful images of Jesus on a cross that hang everywhere.

    Here it is:

    If I had about 25 grand to spare it would be mine.

  10. Well. Brutus. For your sins, you might just get 25 grand to spend on a comic book with an Aryan hero whose crucifixion meets with your high standard of crucifixion behaviour.

  11. If I had anything to do with organizing a mythology and religion for our people, white people, and a Bible for us, it would have an entire section of Robert E Howard. He was the best our race ever had for producing hero mythology.

    If our mythology and religion, and gods and heroes were like that instead of Jewish, we would not be in the shape we find ourselves today. If the leaders of our countries were like that instead of the vile people we have and have mostly had, we would not be talking about the black undertow or crying about a Mexican invasion.

  12. John, if you had actually read Shakespeare, Dickens, Stevenson and Scot you would know they are Christian writers and their work is suffused with Christian thought and sentiment.

    The Levantine sharps you refer to are the Jews of Idumea. They are not Israel and they never were.

  13. You’re damn right that Aryan Hero meets my standard of how a man should face crucifixion. He even bites the head off a vulture that tries to peck his eyes out! It’s a man’s ideal of how such situations should be endured and resolved. Jesus just doesn’t do it like that OR provide that kind of inspiration.

    And you can laugh all you want to about “comic books,” but that was not originally in a comic book. It just happens that for awhile there were GOOD comic books that actually used GREAT material.

    It is no accident that the original Conan series of books are no longer in print. The original series was still available back in the 80s when I was a kid, however.

  14. And if you ever read anything else, Lynda, you would know there is FAR superior stories of hero’s and mythology. Put down that Middle Eastern claptrap and you will see.

    I guess if someone had never heard anything but Rap music he or she would think that was good music for a white man.

  15. I like Jesus style but he leads a life of impossibly perfect moral standards.

    So I’ll take a hard drinking, brawling cavarly/infantry type as the archetype.
    The only bit of Christianity I like is the Dream of Rood. Such mourning darkness. Good stuff.

  16. Kids hardly read comics any more and they are no longer available anywhere save a few bookstores or specialty shops. Most of the audience is older, typically nostalgic Gen X with few younger readers. The industry has been trying to correct this with “Free Comics Day” but given they have not be able to control the Lefties run rampant, its hardly been a big success.

    Anyway the real income stream for those companies is movies and no one is going to be allowed to run rampant with that kind of money on the line. All of the recent super hero movies even ironically Green Lantern have been All American and yeah sure a bit of leftard thinking slips in, they are till pretty traditional.

  17. Oh! give me a land where the bright diamond sand
    Throws it’s light from the glittering streams,
    Where glideth along the graceful white swan,
    Like the maid in her heavenly dreams.
    “Home On The Range”
    Tom Rousch

  18. GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!

    I hate it when they do crap like this!

    My husband loved reading the Harry Potter novels and seeing the movies. Then, a few years ago, the author of the series, J.K. Rowling, stated in an interview that one of the key characters, Dumbledore, was gay. Ruined it for my husband, and me as well.

    Fr. John said:
    “The culture war is now a full-fledged attack against Whites.”

    Indeed it is.

  19. Yeah, but didn’t Rowling change that? I thought she was going to make the character gay but then changed her mind.

    Rowling is THE number one richest novelists of all time. She is worth over a billion. 1.2 or 1.3, something like that. Stephen King is worth 200 million, for comparison. I figure Rowling didn’t want to rock the boat too much and lose her audience. Despite all the left wing, liberal bullshit, all of these people know who the real America and European is, and what they actually want.

    I mentioned Stephen King, he is a liberal democrat and says a few liberal things in interviews and a few blog type avenues, but I have read too much of his writing. He is not politically correct at all. And I don’t believe it is just a put on, I think it is the real man and what he thinks. He calls blacks niggers in his books and Jews kikes. He is also Jew wise. In his memoir he mentioned his uncle Oren, who was obviously a full fledged anti-semite. And King never really said anything negative about it, either. I’m actually rereading one of his books right now and last night I had to stop and laugh, at one point he very casually mentions a character calls the New York Times the Jew York Times. His books are loaded with such. He has tried to put it off as “just the way people talk” and “making it realistic.” But I think it’s probably the way he thinks. He used to mention his daughter a lot when she was a kid, but since she turned out a lesbo and “married” a nigger woman–a Unitarian preacher!–I notice he never mentions her anymore. Don’t forget Apt Pupil, either. King is probably the only person in the entertainment business that could get away with making a Jew have a heart attack and die while chasing an evil Nazi concentration camp guard and the Nazi gets away laughing into the sunset. I don’t think too many people ever noticed the significance of that. I’ve never seen it pointed out. But the Nazi wins in that one.

  20. This is how ethnopatriotic “culture-jamming” works: make all the homos in your fiction black guys. Two-fers! How can the homo-lovers and black-lovers complain?

  21. Superhero comics are lousy. Watchmen was quite good though. The Comedian was my favourite.

    From Hell is excellent.

    Alan Moore is a coward. And a psycho-lefty.

    There was a lot of good artwork in those Conan books. Buscema and Alcala was a particularly good combo, though Chan was a good inker, too.

    I mentioned Stephen King, he is a liberal democrat and says a few liberal things in interviews and a few blog type avenues, but I have read too much of his writing. He is not politically correct at all. And I don’t believe it is just a put on, I think it is the real man and what he thinks. He calls blacks niggers in his books and Jews kikes. He is also Jew wise.

    WTF? You must be a real King fan, to stretch that far for him.

    He’s a classic New England Yankee 60s liberal. He has a hard-on for the 60s a mile long. Every chance he gets, he inserts a magic negro. King is the king of the magic negro.

    at one point he very casually mentions a character calls the New York Times the Jew York Times. His books are loaded with such.

    So, if one writes an anti-Semitic character, one is ipso facto an anti-Semite?

    I’ve never seen it pointed out. But the Nazi wins in that one.

    You already said he was an evil Nazi.

  22. Comic books are an interesting medium because 4 people can tell a story visually. That’s pretty much a minimum for narrative art.

  23. If you guys want some interesting comics besides Conan:

    Akira (post-Apocalyptic Japan)
    Hombre (post-Apocalyptic Europe)
    Requiem (a nightmare, but I’ve never seen art like this in a comic, ever)
    Excalibur (Alan Davis’ run; standard superhero fare, but Alan Davis and Mark Farmer put out art that has to be seen, if you like that sort of thing)

  24. You’re damn right that Aryan Hero meets my standard of how a man should face crucifixion. He even bites the head off a vulture that tries to peck his eyes out! It’s a man’s ideal of how such situations should be endured and resolved. Jesus just doesn’t do it like that OR provide that kind of inspiration.

    Conan is by far the best film Schwarzenegger ever made. It’s way up there on my list of movies, period. Great music, too (Basil Poledouris (Robocop, Starship Troopers)). I want to say the same producers made Red Dawn, another classic.

  25. Conan has the distinction of being one of the best movies, with the fewest quotable lines.

    Don’t get me started on that pile of shit starring the nation-wreckers’ current darling, Jason “mystery meat” Momoa.

  26. Kings books are loaded with people calling niggers niggers and fagots faggots and else. And did I not say King was a liberal? Correct me if I’m wrong or expalin how that line did not show up on your screen for some reason. Also, did I not write “his books are LOADED with such?” Do you not know what “loaded” means, svigor? Are you under the impression that “loaded” means one instance? Most folks take that to mean more than one time or instance. And would you mind citing the books and characters about “magic negros?” I’m thinking of one short story that was made into a movie.

    My post was in English, Svigor. Don’t try to twist it into what I did not say. I can’t stand when someone does that. If you have to falsify what someone says to make your case, remain silent, please.

  27. And yes, Buscema , Alcala and Chan were good with the Conan art. I liked Joe Jusko’s covers. So was Norem ( I think that was his name, I didn’t go look.) I like Gary Kwapsis or whatever his name was, too. There was a lot of damn good artwork.

    He didn’t do any of the comics, but Frank Frazeta was great,too. His cover for Conan the Adventurer for the Ace books series is my all time favorite. I think that is the Conan Howard had pictured in his mind. It is exactly what such a man would have looked like. And Frazeta was known to never read the books or stories he produced covers for, his covers never had anything to do with the story or book, but he obviously did read the Conan stories.

  28. The spirit has never moved me to read much of Stephen King’s work, but The Stand is one of my favorite books. The Stand has a funny line that I can come fairly close to from memory. In speaking of the villain Randall Flagg, the narrator says he was known in Georgia “as Ramsey Forrest, a descendant of Nathan Bedford Forrest, who in his white sheet was responsible for two rapes, a murder and the burning of a nigger shanty town.”

    King uses the word nigger often, but he always has a villain or an idiot using it. The Stand also has anti-Southern stereotypes. Nick Andros, one of the heroes, is almost beaten to death by illiterate Southerners from Arkansas. One of the most depraved characters in the book, The Kid, is said to be from Louisiana. One of the heroes is a transcendent, divine-like figure who plays a key part in saving humanity. She is represented as an elderly black woman. Based on The Stand, King comes across as very PC liberal to me.

  29. King has written over 50 books.

    The simple point I was trying to make in my first post mentioning him can be found in that first post. I was not trying to divert this thread to Stephen King analysis.

    But as I said, the man has written over 50 books. I stand by my statement about him. The nigger and faggot talk does not always come from the villain. In fact, it frequently does not.

    King had to totally change The Stand about 600 pages into the novel. He has explained this. He was going to abandon the book. He said it came apart on him and he didn’t know what to do. There were too many characters and it got away from him. Then one day it came to him about what to do to salvage the book and change the characters and direction.

    The bomb was his answer.

    And here ends my comments on King.


    The magical negro is a recurring archetype in Stephen King’s novels as well as some adaptations of his work:

    Dick Hallorann in The Shining (1977), and in both the 1980 film adaptation (Scatman Crothers) and the 1997 TV miniseries (Melvin Van Peebles)[1]
    Mother Abagail in The Stand (1978), and the 1994 TV adaptation (Ruby Dee)[1]
    John Coffey in The Green Mile (1996), and the 1999 film adaptation (Michael Clarke Duncan)[1][4][8][14][15]

    However, one shouldn’t ignore the obvious. Even in my favorite King novel (cowritten with the legendary Peter Straub), The Talisman, one of the main characters is a Magical Negro.

  31. Sal Buscema was my favorite illustrator. I used to read Spiderman comic books in my adolescence (this was back in the late 80’s) and Buscema was artist for the one I always read. You really grow out of that stuff around your early teen years, and start chasing girls and developing other interests, but I was always an artist growing up. And I always admired Buscema’s style.

  32. Funny, I stopped reading King in the 90’s because I thought he was too PC; almost all of his villains, as I recall are Godly, non-PC White men

  33. If Green Lantern is homosexual shouldn’t his name now be Brown Lantern? Shouldn’t they introduce his new archenemy, Super Syphilis?

    In all seriousness, Aryans should not read the Jewish trash that is mainstream comics. I have never really been interested in this sort of thing but if anyone is, what would be great would be for the White Advocate movement to find some illustrators and writers and create their own White Racialist comics. Perhaps a superhero who is a Hitler Loving National Socialist or better yet have this man lead a team consisting of a Confederate character, a HBD scientist type, a debonair Roissy type sex realist, a South African Big Game Hunter, and a sexy Arkona type Nordic Russian neopagan. 🙂

  34. I was never a comic book fan, but will admit some of the movies based on the comic books are entertaining. As far as heros to serve as role models for the young, I prefer the likes of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, George Washington, Cortez, Pizarro, Sir Francis Drake, El Cid, etc. etc. There’s no need to turn to fantasy.

  35. I think the explosion in cultural gayness is only just beginning. Once this thing really gets rolling even the most die-hard left wing gay rights activist is going to be like, oh man, now I know why they used to keep this crap in the closet. This is over the top.

    With no-fault divorce and abortion it took decades for the impact to be felt. The gay quotient doubles every month. I predict peak gayness in less than two years.

  36. If I’m not mistaken, Stephen King is a big Obama supporter. I’ll still always like “The Shawshank Redemption” though.

  37. …….As far as heros to serve as role models for the young, I prefer the likes of Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, Daniel Boone, Davy Crockett, George Washington, Cortez, Pizarro, Sir Francis Drake, El Cid, etc. etc. There’s no need to turn to fantasy.—–

    Well said Wayne.

  38. Here’s the latest masked super hero/villain twist ….. bizarre …..

    June 2, 2012

    The man in the latex mask: How BLACK serial armed robber disguised himself as a WHITE man to hold up betting shops

    Most masked robbers opt for a balaclava to hide their identity.

    Not this one. Henley Stephenson, 41, eluded police for more than ten years thanks to an extraordinarily lifelike latex mask, ,which turned him into a white skinhead.

    Officers discovered that their man was in fact black when they finally caught up with Stephenson after a string of armed raids dating back to 1999.


  39. If I’m not mistaken, Stephen King is a big Obama supporter. I’ll still always like “The Shawshank Redemption” though.

    Damn if I didn’t leave out one of King’s Magic Negroes!

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