In the 208th year of free society, we have already seen how Sean Penn slammed the “whole fucking world” for Haiti Fatigue at the Cannes Film Festival.
Just how bad is the situation in Haiti? We’re attacking “the problem of freedom” throughout the entire region. It is like peeling away the layers of an onion to get at the hateful truth.
These excerpts are from Robert and Nancy Heinl’s Written In Blood: The Story of the Haitian People, 1492-1995:
“Haiti is the second free nation of the Western Hemisphere and the world’s first black republic. Yet in 2001 – almost two centuries’ freedom notwithstanding – Haiti remains more underdeveloped than much of Africa from which it emerged. Haiti is not merely the poorest country in the hemisphere but one of the poorest anywhere. In 1994 her annual per capita income amounted to $270. Haiti was also one of the few countries in the latter twentieth century whose gross national product has stagnated or declined more years than it has advanced.”
After 200 years of freedom, Haiti is the most prostrated nation in the Western hemisphere, and one of the most prostrated nations in the entire world. Saint-Domingue was the richest colony in the Caribbean. It was the cutting edge of European agriculture. Now Haiti is less developed than Ghana or Angola.
“In the first half of 1995 Haiti exported $65 million, a figure that, 207 years later, falls far short, when adjusted for inflation, of the $41 million in exports of Saint-Domingue (French colonial Haiti) in 1788. During the same period, its imports amounted to $265 million, or four times its exports. Haiti has to import all petroleum products, machinery, processed goods and the bulk of even the simplest consumer goods. In only four years of the last fifty has Haiti enjoyed a favorable balance of trade.”
After 200 years of freedom, modern Haiti’s exports are substantially less than Saint-Domingue’s in 1791, while its imports are four times as large as its exports. The Haitians are unable to manufacture even the simplest consumer goods for their own consumption.
“Haiti is hungry. Few countries of Africa have less to eat. Haiti is dependent on the outside world for more of its food than any other country in the world but one. The country whose sugar exports financed the building of châteaux in the Loire and town houses in France’s great cities and which, in 1789, produced three-quarters of the world’s sugar, must now import it.”
Under free society, the Haitians lack the capacity to feed themselves, and mass starvation would ensue without foreign charity. In what used to be the sugar capital of the world, the richest colony in the entire world, Haitians now have to import sugar from the United States.
“Few countries have regressed so far or been so misused by man. In 1789 a flourishing Haiti, France’s richest colony, ran its mills and ground its grains by waterpower. In 1995 – an anthropological regression measurable in centuries – the waterwheel and flume were largely forgotten and the Biblical ox and beam prevailed.”
Keep in mind that progressives believe that history is always advancing and that the future will always be better than the past. In Haiti, the blacks after 200 years of free society retrograded to the point where Roman and Medieval waterpower technology was forgotten while Whitey was landing on the moon.
“Not since the eighteenth century (except during the American occupation of 1915-1934 and as a result of a spurt of international aid following Papa Doc Duvalier’s death) has Haiti enjoyed roads worth the name. When the Americans left in 1934, Haiti had 1200 miles of well-constructed all-weather highways. By 1994, the French, then American, then international efforts were yet again decaying. One Duvalierist attributed this to the “fact” that “foreigners don’t know how to build roads for Haiti.”
Those 1,200 miles of “well-constructed roads” were built by the Americans using corvée labor. The French colonial roads were built using slave labor. In both cases, Haitians lacked the capacity to maintain the infrastructure that had been built for them, much less improve upon it.
Note: We have also seen how the Kingston rail station in Jamaica has been out of service since 1992. After 50 years of freedom, the roads and the railways in Jamaica are also rusting and decaying into the earth.
Environmental decline …… no trees in Haiti …. but green next door in DR.
Deforestation in Haiti is a severe environmental problem. In 1923, over 60% of Haiti’s land was forested; by 2006, less than 2% was.
Haiti Earthquake, Deforestation Heighten Landslide Risk – As a result, the destruction of Haiti’s natural forests is almost total, making the Caribbean country one of the most deforested in the world. As Haiti’s trees have disappeared, landslides have become a major concern, especially during the rainy season, and the destabilizing effects of an earthquake on soil only worsen the problem.
What’s up with Penn and Clooney and lost causes?
The left is comprised of cults held together by paranoid delusions of the common enemy (white men) and the tax dollars. My WAG is that since Obama and the Left have become triumphant it unleashed each cult’s crazies to the point that the other cult’s hapless followers are getting scared and are inching towards the doors.
As an example think of all those sweet harmless animal loving white girls who voted for the HNIC in 2008, and what they think now, with few job prospects and everyday they hear the whispers and rumors of “Crazy Nigger” antics, even if they are immersed totally in Kardashian Kulture.
Connect this to the article by HW I can imagine the re-elect Obama campaign jews are telling Penn, “shut up about the niggers already.”
Teach a White Man to fish, and he’ll eat for a lifetime
Give niggers a whole fucking country, and you’ll feed them for a lifetime
Give a white man a flint and he’ll design a Kalashnikov and spacecraft.
Give a black man a whole country and he’ll blame you for him starving.
Mars **tches!
Some African countries are ahead of Haiti because colonialism/white rule ended later in Africa.
This is a great line:
One Duvalierist attributed this to the “fact” that “foreigners don’t know how to build roads for Haiti.”
Because neither do Haitians, nor do they even try.
If Sean Penn loves Haiti so much, let him give all of his money to the place. But he like other liberals keep their money for themselves and expect everybody else to buck up. And Bono can go do the same with his beloved Africa.
“In the first half of 1995 Haiti exported $65 million, a figure that, 207 years later, falls far short, when adjusted for inflation, of the $41 million in exports of Saint-Domingue (French colonial Haiti) in 1788. During the same period, its imports amounted to $265 million, or four times its exports. Haiti has to import all petroleum products, machinery, processed goods and the bulk of even the simplest consumer goods. In only four years of the last fifty has Haiti enjoyed a favorable balance of trade.” – The onus being on America to stop being so racist and ship more jobs to Haiti.
“One Duvalierist attributed this to the “fact” that ‘foreigners don’t know how to build roads for Haiti.'” – And yet despite this attitude we MUST help them.
If Sean Penn loves Haiti so much, let him give all of his money to the place. But he like other liberals keep their money for themselves and expect everybody else to buck up. And Bono can go do the same with his beloved (South) Africa.
Ironically, Bono pulled his money out of Ireland (his own country) and put it into Dutch banks – and The Netherlands is the original homeland of the Boers.
Basically, Blacks don’t do agriculture unless they are organized and made to do it. Blacks don’t design and build. Blacks don’t govern. These are racist pursuits.
But they do gansta, rap, voodoo and and les tonton macoutes.
From a purely secular perspective, the only way for Haiti to suceed is for Whites to rule it and organize an economy in which the Blacks can participate productively at the level in which they can participate. The credit issue backed by GDP would have to be in the hands of a White government as opposed to a private interests belonging to a hostile ethnicity.
Haiti’s #1 export? Zombies!
“One Duvalierist attributed this to the “fact” that “foreigners don’t know how to build roads for Haiti.”
WTF??? What does that mean? Maybe the roads ain’t ‘dope’ enough yo!
Haiti is a welfare dependent entire country. And also hugely incompetent, both due to first of all low genetic mental endowments, and second due to increasing over decades international welfare cultural disincentives to best efforts.
Were that overwhelmingly white welfare to end, vast number of Haitians would starve or die to diseases they’d made more vulnerable to by starvation. Maybe half. Maybe more.
It’s disgusting.
It’s a disgusting illustration of the total lies of cultural Marxism / anti-white males and other out competing groups equalizing Marxism.
No thank you. No we aren’t all equal in abilities, either as individuals or as races or as sexes.
I recently spent some time in Haiti and would offer these observations: 1)Haiti is a nation run by NGOs. The place was crawling with white people working for every charity you can imagine. A good number knew the score, though, that it was hopeless. 2) Haitians have zero national pride, the look on the old ones living out in the rural areas is depressing, you can see the hopelessness on their faces, staring out from mud huts. They would probably welcome slavery if it took them out of this misery. 3) The cities all all 100% shitholes with dilapidated buildings and open sewage. It is common to see Haitians on the roadside bathing out of a bucket, the women topless. Children commonly run around naked. 4) Great numbers of men sit around idle all day long. There is a barber shop about ever block in the city. 5) Despite all the above it was still not uncommon to see white women cavorting with black Haitian men, forgoing the abundance of their fathers for the poverty of a foreign race, all to make them feel ever so saintly. Disgusting!
A/G: “What does that mean?”
Simple. Foreigners don’t know how to build kaffirproof roads. Roads that Haitians can’t destroy. Nobody does. Haitians, on the other hand, can’t build or maintain anything. Not even a footpath.
Haitians are not human. Left on thier own, they would be extinct within a generation or two. Same as sub saharan Africa.
It is so easy to get rid of them, just don’t help them. No welfare, no food stamps, just isolate them in their own areas for fifty years. Let them do all the dirty work by themselves. They hate themselves and eachother far more than any of us do.
Black on black murder has always been their way.
And yet free blacks in Africa do well: https://www.reddit.com/r/Africa/comments/3utkvr/next_time_someone_whines_that_africans_were/
So why is FREE Africa doing so much better?