Big Gulp Prohibition

New York

The same meddling busybodies who gave us Prohibition now want to ban the Big Gulp in New York City:

Note: Walter Russell Mead calls these upper middle class progressive reformers “the goo goos” and has explained their role in New York City politics.

Charles Murray’s book Coming Apart was published while OD was focused on celebrating Black History Month 2012. I never got around to reading or reviewing the book, but the absolute last thing that America needs is for the “goo-goos” to have more power and influence than they already do.

Like the abolition of slavery, BRA and Big Gulp Prohibition appeals to the same class of meddling, moralizing, utopian minded social engineers, the Yankee-Judea symbiosis headquartered in the Northeast. Sugary drinks are less of a threat to America than these people.

About Hunter Wallace 12396 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I love how Bloomberg supports teenage girls being able to get an abortion without parental notification because of a womans right to make decisions concerning her body and health. This support comes as he presides over a city where 41% of pregnancies end in abortion. But when it comes to eating salt or trans fat and now soda he brings down the hammer.

    Not arguing for or against abortions here, just pointing out the hypocrisy. If he was at least philosophically consistent I’d probably understand but he’s a typical yankee politician picking and choosing what he deems appropriate as he sees fit. Oh yeah and for him to celebrate national donut day right after the soda proclamation is just icing on the cake.

  2. And they want to ban ‘the triple bypass’ in Australia which is a hamburger with about 3 sizzled meat patties (dripping with fat), lotsa sauce, salad, bacon, egg…gotta go, haven’t had breakfast yet.

  3. As a Catholic Yankee, I want to offer a limited defense of my Progressive Protestant forbears. Alcohol can be drunken in moderation, but at least it is a real vice when had in excess.

    What Bloomberg wants to forbid is merely unhealthy, but even if a man drink five bottles of Coke a day, it isn’t going to inhibit his God-given senses or reason, and won’t affect his behavior. Unlike Prohibition, the obesity epidemic isn’t a moral issue AT ALL. Bloomberg and the rest only want to make Obamacare more affordable by reducing diabetes cases at the expense of our freedom.

  4. Crusader, it’s the same with smoking. It doesn’t matter how much you smoke it doesn’t affect your moral judgment.

  5. I generally don’t come to the defense of the pompus blowhard Bloomberg, but this is something I grudgingly agree with. Americans (whites definitely included) have major health issues and are severely overweight. How is this going to be solved?

    Maybe it’s not a good idea to give this power to the government and it would be better just to let people exercise poor dietary judgement, but the way Bloomberg is implementing it has so many loopholes that it is an inconvenience at worst. Hopefully people will start thinking about health issues more as a result.

    What if we looked at this in a different light? Paint the people who peddle these absurdly large sodas as abusers and exploiters of our health much like many WN like to paint lenders as greedy exploiters of money.

  6. Sugar is dangerous because it makes people hyper, and that might lead to people beating up the wall street gangsters that are robbing the US blind.
    Plus, while making one hyper,sugar doesn’t interfere with reason, so that’s evenly doubly worse for the gangsters. Between reason and hyper-activity, could be a problem for the gangsters.
    What the f*ck do you want me to say, it’s new yawk, fuggedaboutit.

  7. I very rarely drink any kind of soft drink these days, so I’m not too unhappy about this. Likewise going after coke and pepsi hurts leftists, so no skin off my nose there. In principle trying to legislate self control is wrong, but there is no way I’d ever go back to drinking coke the way I used to.

    This is probably for the black and hispanic population of the city though.

  8. There is only one way to fix society- pass more laws.

    The existence of social problems is prima facie evidence that not enough laws have been passed.

    What did Mr. Hegel say about the State? That it is closet to the divine on Earth.

    Hegel- architect of the glorious twentieth century, with its orgy of passing laws.

    Pass the butter! Pass the salt and pepper! And please pass the legislation to
    complete the work of Lyndon Johnson- the finest human ever to walk on earth!

    God bless our beloved Federal Government. Thanks for creating heaven on earth!
    Thanks for everything! More laws! I demand more laws!

  9. The problem with all soft drinks is that they are Kosher. You drink commercial soft drinks and you pay the Kosher tax.

    It is v easy to make your own sodas fermented with lactose bacilus cultures. You take some organic apple juice, you put some sarsaparilla bark in and some galangal soak it for about 5 days and you have fizz, you have bite, you have a drink that will build your health. You want it sweeter – add some dried stevia leaves which is about 100X sweeter than sugar.

    Old fashioned sodas and pop are great health drinks. Pomegranite is another great base for soda.

    Want to tone it down add some cool green tea to the mix.

  10. I agree with the above commentor that the hypocracy is just gross. That said, let locals decide their laws. If this is what NY wants, they should get it.

  11. Most are misunderstanding what the Bloomberg is about. This is a deeply Stalinist Jew…not out to collectivize himself ($$$), out to collectivize you. One small step at a time. His Tribal purposes are utterly destructive: see also the manic gun-grabbing. The globalist Jew-billionaires fully intend to Ukraine the Whites in America.

  12. so instead of banning junk food and soft drinks, lets mandate 2 hours of MMA training a day, with one hour of tactical shooting before bed?

    the govt doesn’t have the right to dictate to free people, but yankees never did care for freedom

  13. The ‘meddling busybodies’ of Prohibition were first and foremost the Women of the KKK and they were headquartered in Arkansas.

    The Anti-Saloon League was the leading organization lobbying for prohibition in the United States in the early 20th century. It was a key component of the Progressive Era, and was strongest in the South and rural North…At the state level the League had mixed results, usually doing best in rural and southern states. It made little headway in larger cities, or among liturgical church members such as Catholics, Jews, Episcopalians and German Lutherans.

    And of course the Civil Rights revolution and the Great Society was the legacy of a son of the South, LBJ, who passionately continued the work of the Catholics and Jews from the administration that proceeded his… one JFK.

  14. Desmond Jones, since there were only two states that rejected the 18th Amendment you are overstating your case. The rejecting states were Rhode Island and Connecticut.

  15. Bloomberg bought the office of mayor in New York City, spending millions of his own dollars, and now he wants to dictate to others how they should spend their money.

  16. Someone ought to sell t-shirts that say “I love trans-fats and big sodas”. Or how about “Swallow this Bloomberg!”

  17. Molon Labe- HFCS is THE major health hazard in sugary drinks today.

    It creates the conditions of obesity, with all its attendant health (read, who pays for THEIR insurance premiums? – YOU do!) hazards- diabetes, etc.

    Aspartame, the ‘other’ sweetener- is an EXCITOTOXIN.

    The PTB/NWO/Obamanation WANTS us all fat, mentally dulled (why do you think they put fluoride in the water? It AIN’T for teeth!), and complacent cows.

    So, while NYC may be thinking they are doing some good, the real culprit (as always) are the soulless ‘Coroporations’ who cause us to become ADDICTED to these substances as children, to enable us to become ADDICTED to other substances later in life.

    See the pattern behind the propaganda, people.

    Lynda, it’s spelled “Pomegranate.” (can’t even use a spell checker?)

  18. HFCS is much worse than ordinary sugar. I rarely drink cokes and when I do it will be a 12 oz Cheerwine made with cane sugar. Unfortunately HFCS is cheap and used in a sweetener in so many processed foods.

  19. I know about HFC hence my comment. I don’t need a lecture from you and neither does Lynda..

  20. Of course, its a hidden left-wing agenda …

    People of different racial and ethnic groups are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. African Americans, Mexican Americans, American Indians, Native Hawaiians, Pacific Islanders and Asian Americans have a higher risk for these deadly diseases. This is partly because these populations are more likely to be overweight, have high blood pressure, and have type 2 diabetes.

    And HFCS is very glycemic.

    I retract my initial comment.

  21. Republicrat – if you want to solve the problem – then don’t force the Citizenry to PAY for the bad decisions of thos who eat junk, via confiscatory taxation, into “healthcare”.

    This is yet another JEW m,aking arbirtrary decisions, for the stupid soulles shabbos Goy.

    Throw the Jew down the well.

  22. @ Crusader: As a Catholic Yankee, I want to offer a limited defense of my Progressive Protestant forbears. Alcohol can be drunken in moderation, but at least it is a real vice when had in excess….”

    THANK YOU. Also, please note in history the truly insane control of your popes, nothing personal— but to say that ALL POWER likes to flex its muscles in bizarre ways.

    I know it’s the PARTY LINE to blame all of America on Protestants in “New England” (which has been 60% Mexican for years, btw, just look at the Reality-based demographics in “New England,” and there are few protestant english in massachusetts or nyc (4%, lol).

    This is the Party Line, and only the Party Line, and is really not very interesting b/c it is the same rotten canard put forth at all the Ivy League schools, and other ones as well.

    When will “wn” and others realize they are only repeating the Party Line? Ragging about Puritans (and repeating this meme) when they don’t even exist. It should be so contemptible.

    And of course, just like the fake issue of “gays”— it just assures (like all controlled opposition) that about a billion other REAL ideas never see the light of day.

    Besides which, most here seem to buy into this whole “nominal subject” (of “taking sides” on this stupid fake issue of soda pop).

    MEANTIME BACK IN REALITY, the overall control issue is the key—- prohibition UNDERWROTE the wiping out of parts of the Bible Belt in 1965 with the Neo-Prohibition of “The Tobacco Acts.” These shut down 450,000 farms —which largely vanished about 10 years later in “the bad economy.”

    At that time, North Carolina was –I think– third in the world for Tobacco production. For about ten years, people spent up savings, trying to hold onto their Bible Belt (code for Protestant) farms. The Tobacco Farms in question were about half in NC, and also after that, in Virginia, Kentucky and less so, in Tennessee (code for protestant).

    Now—- there’s one BIG ASS NEO-PROHIBITION moment, and it’s not even mentioned in conjunction with this! EVEN AS… your own tax dollars are pumped and pumped into PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTS, to assure every single new generation before every single movie they watch— that Tobacco was the most evil crop in the world (but ok to produce in other countries, of course, just not the Bible Belt of the u.s.)

    Now— is that neo-prohibition or what? (And even as your own gov officials are on t.v. arguing about things such as drug running to fund operations.)

    Look how people buy right into it— “taking sides…”

    Bet you took sides during the “smoking issues” also— LOL.

    And… bet you don’t even THINK about how that translates into the other things you bitch about (like the changes in the Bible Belt, where the New-Yorkifying is causing foreign influx, overcrowding, violence, ethnic tensions, etc, etc.)

    Well…. The problems people talk about in South Florida, central NC, and slowly now, East TN, (sadly) and other places—- ARE THE RESULT of impoverishing the South (and appalachia) to make tract housing and strip malls for “retired public servants” and such from elsewhere.

    Note: in this Neo-Prohibition move, PRODUCTIVE LAND (creating new wealth in agricultural products to sell, and in a smaller way that was not depleting the land, in the way big agri does)— was traded in for Freeloaders from the Northeast (not a damn one of which has any Puritan roots.)

    It must be VERY STRANGE, to continue to be so deeply influenced by others, EVEN A HUNDRED YEARS after they are gone from your environment, rofl.

    If you are from the Northeast —and NOT a Puritan or with Puritan heritage— THEN how does it feel to be so weak… as to be so influenced by those powerful people so many GENERATIONS after they left your life…

    It must sort of be like being black…and having slavery affect you 150 years after it’s over.

    That’s what it must be like to be influenced by “Puritans” even today, lmao.

    Seriously, lol. Going on like that —and blaming what’s nonexistent for your behavior– should embarrass you, no?

  23. Oh—

    I guess Janet Napolitano and that Panetta guy who said he takes his orders from the U.N. and Janet Reno (why are they all named Janet?), and the hollywood jews like Robert DeNiro, and Scorcese and Coppolla, (sp), and DeCaprio, and Tarantino, and…

    …well, face it—- they have no choices. They are too influenced by the Puritans of New England!

    I feel so terribly sorry for them, being so oppressed after all these sad years.

  24. If only those horrible Puritans —whose power lingers almost as bad as the evil southern slave owners— had left poor Bloomberg alone, none of this would have happened!

    —-but wait… his family got out of Russia with their money just as the Iron Curtain came down…and the Puritans were already gone from New England by then, so…

    …no… it just goes to show how POWERFUL that evil Puritan thought is—yes…that evil Puritan Legacy expressed –day in and day out, just like the slave meme in a catechism class– for the past 60 years by the Party Line that hopes to fulfill its vision that every decent Bible Belt town be turned into the GLORY of NYC….

    Now… it’s the Bible Belt that is being transformed (code for protestant)—- and the players are in this case, Jewish.

    How do you get Puritan out of THAT? lol

  25. I too agree with restaurant health regulations. Banning transfats in so-called fast food joints, often used for cooking french fries, is also a good idea.

  26. @Dixiegirl
    I have news for you: Your Anglo-Saxon Protestant Christian ruling class sold you out in 1861 and then again in 1913.
    The Catholics didn’t sell you out in 1861 or 1913. Your own kind did.
    There wouldn’t be any Catholics, or any kind of non-Anglo immigration , if your own kind didn’t sell you out in the first place.
    Get over it or go tell it to the Episcopalians.
    The Catholics who come to this website are not undermining or harming our fellow Americans in any way. Lay off.
    Your posts bring no unity, only division and discord.
    Instead of complaining, you may consider posting some real solid info we could use for our benefit, instead of just causing discord.

  27. @Dixiegirl
    For all the faults of the Catholics, slavery was illegal in Catholic Europe. Your Protestant Christian ruling class legalized slavery in deference to the jews ( slavery is talmudic to the core).
    The Catholic ethnics didn’t flood your America with african slaves, your own kind did.
    Deal with it.

  28. @Dixiegirl
    And then your own kind, again in deference to the jews, set the blacks against you.
    The Catholics didn’t do it. Your own Protestant Christian leaders did : In deference to the jews, your Protestant Christian leadership unleashed the erstwhile slaves on you.
    Deal with it. The best way to deal with is to learn some real history, and not your fantasy history.

  29. @Dixiegirl
    The Catholics would hardly a say in this country if your own Protestant Christian ruling class hadn’t passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
    Again, in deference to the jews, your Protestant Christian ruling class passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913.
    Now you have fiat money and usury.
    And just like slavery, usury and fiat money was illegal in Catholic Europe.

  30. ‘Puritanism’ once it ceased being Christian became ‘Americanism’. The later went on to impose itself as the sole meaning of being an ‘American’. The history of New England became the history of America. ‘Puritanism’ still lives today even though there haven’t been actual Puritans for centuries.

  31. @Dixiegirl
    “would hardly have a say”
    If you want discord, I know history well, and I can give you discord, if you wish.
    Or, you can just lay off us Catholics, and maybe we can work towards unity.
    It’s your choice. Your people were here first. You make the decision.

  32. IMO, the Big Gulp is just an excuse for these people to grasp control of the government, and to use the state to promote themselves and impose their utopian worldview on the rest of society.

  33. It appears that the weight concern may be behind this, but I would argue that multiculturalism is a contributing factor as a wide variety of ethnic foods lead to the massive take-out and fast-food businesses. A sure fire way to gain weigh is to eat pizza; Chinese food; tacos, cheesy pastas, etc.. there are all tempting and salty and fatty foods are semi-additive, so people tend to over indulgence in these types of foods. Then it appeared these business sought a competitive advance by offering super sizes.

    Actually, the BNP is campaigning for the return to a traditional English diet. Last year, in Italy, a town banned foreign ethnic foods. These will sweep across Europe, just like the veil ban. Toronto banned shark fin soup and the local Chinese community protested.

  34. As Desmond points out the South was just as much involved with passage of the 18th amendment as any region in the country. It was not imposed on the South any more than the 1924 Immigration Act was imposed on the South. If we judge by the actions of elected representatives just as we do with Jim Crow these policies were highly popular in the South.

    Where are most of the still existing dry counties located? In the South.

    Note the Southern state ratifications of the 18th Amendment

    Also the only two states that rejected the 18th Amendment were Rhode Island and Connecticut

    In fact one of the reasons H.L. Mencken regarded the majority of the people of the South as “white trash” was their support for prohibition which is what wowserism in the below quote refers. He also looked down on the South for “nigger baiting.”

    “If the war had gone with the Confederates no such vermin would be in the saddle, nor would there be any sign below the Potomac of their chief contributions to American Kultur—Ku Kluxry, political ecclesiasticism, nigger-baiting, and the more homicidal variety of wowserism.”

    It might also be constructive to consider the ratification process of the 21st Amendment which repealed the 18th once again legalizing the manufacture and sale of alcohol.

    Again only two states voted against ratification but this time the two states were located in a very different region. The two states were North and South Carolina.

    Also there were 8 states that took no action voting neither yea nor nay. All these states were either Southern or Western. The 3 Southern states were Georgia, Mississippi and Louisiana.

    People like to pretend any unity within the American state came to an end in 1865 but this really isn’t true.
    In many positive ways the South and the rest of the United States were drawing closer together in the early 20th century based on their shared colonial heritage and traditional Protestantism. This of course has been smashed apart forever by the rise of the counter culture. Much is made here of the Red State vs. Blue State phenomenon with the North voting blue and the South red. If you look at county maps though you can see the divide is much more urban vs. rural. Yes New England is all blue. It’s also the most Godless region in the country where traditional Protestantism has been crushed the most though.

    It’s in the old America, home to Mencken’s despised wowserism where the red areas are located.

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