We’ve introduced OD readers to Wilmot Robertson’s brilliant analysis of America’s political and cultural racial wars (The Dispossessed Majority), listing 5 types of White American traitors:
1) Pussyfooters
2) Gracchites
3) Trucklers
4) Old Believers/True Believers
5) Proditors
Today we would like to focus on the Gracchites – those fabulously rich and famous White Americans like FDR, the Kennedys, Bill Gates, George Clooney, Brad Pitt who champion the causes of the NW masses, the 3rd World, Black Africa and Black Africans in America.
Wilmot Robertson’s (The Dispossessed Majority) dissects the motivations of the Gracchite traitors to our people:
“The name is derived from the Gracchi, two brothers who, although belonging to one of the great patrician families of Rome, could not feed their ambition sufficiently within the orbit of their own aristocratic caste. Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus found that in times of stress in a relatively tolerant republic a descent of one or two steps in the social ladder is equivalent to an ascent of several steps in the political ladder. Accordingly, they became the standard bearers of revolution and agrarian revolt and were adulated by the plebeians. The Gracchi’s political strategy, it might be added, was by no means limited to stirring up class against class, peasant against landlord,’ exploited against exploiters. The patricians, the descendants of the Italic invaders, differed racially from the plebs.”
Gracchites have been particularly numerous in the United States since the 1930s. Franklin D Roosevelt, Averel Harriman and Adlai Stevenson are three who come immediately to mind. All were born millionaires and the scions of well-entrenched White Majority families. None was particularly successful in any realm of private endeavor. In their public careers, all specialized in catering to minorities and all surrounded themselves with Non White Minority advisers, assistants and ghost-writers Theirs is the Democratic party, previously described as the party of the minorities.
The Gracchite makes considerable use of the family fortune to attack or undermine the system in which his family prospered. He capitalizes on his aristocratic mien, cultivated voice and fine manners to charm and win over the proletariat, much as the polished English actor, who is just another actor in London, “lays them out in the aisles” in the Iowa hustings. Cringing adulation from the lower depths is heady wine to the upper-level Gracchite.
The Gracchite, even more than most liberals, has the peculiar habit of fomenting wars, but seldom fighting in them. He loudly denounces the wealth of others, but keeps his own. He sneers at the upper classes, but cannot escape identification with them. He is publicly in favor of integrated schools, but sends his own children to segregated schools. It is probably asking too much of any man, particularly a Gracchite, to practice what he preaches. Giovanni di Bernadone, who became St. Francis after a brief, playboyish stint as the richest young man in Assisi, and Gautama Siddhartha, who evolved from princeling into Buddha, were the rarest of mortals, and certainly no Gracchites. They were humanitarians in the fullest and best sense of the word. The Gracchite’s humanitarianism, however, always seems to be accompanied by an accumulation of power and by a torrential outpouring of hatred upon all and sundry who dare to challenge this power.” (Wilmot Robertson – the Dispossessed Majority).
Jack Ryan resumes:
The Kennedy family is the most infamous Gracchite political family in post World War II America. Patriarch Joe Kennedy secured the position of American Ambassador to the British Court of St. James, where he ingratiated his children in the pomp and circumstance of British royals. Though maintaining an Irish American populist rivalry with all things British, WASP – the Kennedy family climbed to the top of American political/social prestige under the royal imagery of
Camelot – beautiful, rich, noble knights fighting for Liberal/progressive causes.
An enraged Palestinan Arab Sirhan Sirhan murdered Robert Kennedy in 1968. Robert Kennedy’s death shows the danger associated with Gracchites being wildly anti White and being wildly pro Israel/pro Jewish. Though always flirting with anti White, pro Black causes, the Kennedy family didn’t go completely over to the anti White side until the late 1960s, when Ted Kennedy took over leadership of the Gracchite Kennedy family.
Gracchites are particularly numerous in Hollywood and the musical entertainment world – where rich celebrities like to look good and associate their names with fashionable Leftist, non White causes. It was fashionable to oppose RACISM in Apartheid South Africa. But, it’s not now fashionable to oppose genocide of White farmers in South Africa. Pop music stars like Bono, Bob Geldoff, actors like George Clooney and Brad Pitt – oh to be fabulously rich, famous and a recognized jet setting leader in the fight against RACISM, injustice – saving the world, and receiving the adulation of the world.
Here’s hoping many an American Gracchite gets to end his rich and famous days after embraching the likes of Sirhan Sirhan.
Another candidate for list of things that should be taught to all school children, but aren’t for some strange reason.
yes, and this is what we do here at OD – teach the truth to children of all ages. The mark of an intelligent man is one who admits that he doesn’t know certain subjects. I don’t know how to fly a jet airplane or do open heart surgery. Too many White Americans don’t know the reasons White leaders take anti White positions. Always be on the lookout for rich Gracchites, we’ll make some suggestions on the best ways to combat them – the Romans usually went for assassination of Gracchites.
None of them relocated to Africa. Most disgusting people ever.
The Gracchites can do a lot of harm. They have money and power. They can get away with a lot.
The internet is changing a lot of that. It will kill Hollywood. I don’t have cable, I don’t buy movies and I don’t go to the theater. I wait until it’s at the library for free or I watch it on YT. Same thing with music. I rent the CD’s at the library and put the music on my MP3 player.
There are plenty of ways we can subvert the beast and not pay into their system. That’s a small apart of it. Awakening others is another step.
I will be purchasing flash drives for cheap and loading onto them YT movies I have. Any young white man or woman who is on the fence can view these short YT videos on their computer at home.
The Mossad ………
(Comment edited, violation of OD comment guidelines prohibiting conspiracy theories)
It’s not exactly the same thing when extremely wealthy Jewish Americans promote anti White, Leftist causes, as wealthy Jews shouldn’t be expected to take our side – they’re not White. So when $ billionaire Jewish bankers like the Schiffs and Rothchilds funded the Bolsheviks – they’re not White Gracchites betraying their/our White people.
But there are some similarities.
Have others read Thomas Wolfe’s “Radical Chic”? The book describes a fund raising party hosted by super wealthy Jewish composer Leonard Bernstein at his plush 5th Avenue Apartment for the Black Panthers. Thomas Wolfe completely destroys the Radical Chic elites who spend their time worrying about what to wear to a Black Panther fund raising party and what type of servants to have at the party – it wouldn’t look good to have Black servants, but it would look worse not to have any servants, so Hispanic servants from South America were employed.
Here’s a link to this great book – Radical Chic and Mau Mauing the Flak Catchers
All examplars have their opposite.
One of my personal favorites, as depicted in the great Painting by David, is the Oath of The Horatii, a powerful vision of commitment, duty, and Loyalty. This is, in my mind, the ‘iron will’ of Spengler or Yockey, and must be inculcated, once again, into the hearts and minds of our Folk.
According to Livy, the Horatii were male triplets from Rome. During a war between Rome and Alba Longa during the reign of Tullus Hostilius (approx. 672-642 B.C.), it was agreed that settlement of the war would depend on the outcome of a battle between the Horatii and the Curiatii. The Curiatii were male triplets from Alba Longa and of the same age as the Horatii.
In the battle, the three Curiatii were wounded, but two of the Horatii were killed. The last of the Horatii, Publius, turned as if to flee. The Curiatii chased him but, as a result of their wounds, became separated. This enabled Horatius to slay them one by one (anyone pretending to be active in support of our people must, firstly, understand this ‘divide and conquer’ spirit, which will enable us to battle our opposition).
When the victorious Horatius returned carrying the spoils of victory, his sister cried out in grief because she realized the Curiatius to whom she had been engaged was dead. Then Horatius killed his sister, proclaiming, “So perish any Roman woman who mourns the enemy.” For the murder, he was condemned to death but, upon the advice of a certain jurist named Tullus, Horatius appealed to the assembly of the people.
White Nationalists must learn from their enemies, and utilize the same tactics against them – with the same ruthlessness seen by them in the past.
“…He says murder, he says…” , A popular song from the 1940’s WW2 era.
It was sung by Betty Hutton.
Betty Hutton also starred in ” Annie Get Your Gun” (1950), a fun musical,very entertaining. It’s on my list of favorites.
Betty also sang, ” Bye, Bye, Baby, Time To Hit The Road To Dreamland”. 1953, I believe.
You can hear her sing the song in the movie, “LA Confidential.”
Excellent movie. Very realistic, yet a very entertaining glimpse into the world of post-war LA corruption.
Might as well enjoy yourself before the sh*t hits the fan in November.
” there’s no business like show business, like no business I know” LOL
” i watch cnn but i’m not sure i can tell the difference ‘tween iraq and iran”
I just ordered a copy of “The Dispossessed Majority” off Amazon. You can get a copy for under 4 dollars and if you have Amazon Prime shipping is free. This article and the previous one has sparked my interest in this book.
I disagree about the Kennedy’s in particular JFK. Anytime in the media someone is slammed, denigrated, etc you find the enemy of the jew and no one is more dispareged in the media than JFK..
The obverse holds true for anyone held in saintly high esteem in the media. Roosevelt is held in mythic if not reverent esteem in the media, thus a friend of the jew..
singlemalt says:
June 7, 2012 at 6:43 pm (Edit)
I just ordered a copy of “The Dispossessed Majority” off Amazon. You can get a copy for under 4 dollars and if you have Amazon Prime shipping is free. This article and the previous one has sparked my interest in this book.
Jack Ryan responds.
The Dispossessed Majority is an incredible book – it cleared up so much that was seemingly impossible to understand about American politics, American popular culture. The Dispossessed Majority was written in the 1970s, very little is outdated – except for some parts of the Cold War against the Soviets/Russians. The Author Wilmot Robertson did see that USSR/Russia even in the 1970s had reverted to being run by pro White Russian Slavs and the Jews weren’t running things anymore in the USSR, though many Jewish Leftists in the United States/The West were still taking the anti American, pro Soviet position, but more increasingly looking for non Russian, Non White Leftist/Marxist causes.
I’ve been including some sections of Robertson’s chapter of the “Traitors in our Ranks” – White racial renegades here on O.D., but please buy/borrow the book and get this information out to your White friends, neighbors, relatives. Too many White American fall down in to wild conspiracy theory explanations of why White leaders take anti White, Anti American positions, when the real explanation for things like FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt pushing us in to World War II and starting the United Nations is explained by the 5 categories of White American traitors:
1) Pussy – footers
2) Gracchites
3) Trucklers
4) Old Believers/True Believers
5) Proditors
>>>Very realistic<<< (LA Confidential) I didn't see anyone smoking in that movie.
The Author Wilmot Robertson did see that USSR/Russia even in the 1970s had reverted to being run by pro White Russian Slavs and the Jews weren’t running things anymore in the USSR, though many Jewish Leftists in the United States/The West were still taking the anti American, pro Soviet position, but more increasingly looking for non Russian, Non White Leftist/Marxist causes.
That’s probably one of reasons why Russia is currently backing Iran and Syria. They got burned by the Jews before. Its also probably why the Ukrainian neo-Nazi soccer fans seem to have free reign at soccer matches (re: BBC feature a few weeks ago).
No, but there were plenty of smokin’ guns. It was realistic enough for me.
They were re-writing history. Almost everyone smoked in the fifties, especially cops and bad guys. What else did they change for PC reasons?
The marxists who make pictures don’t believe in the quaint notion of “objective reality.”
Ever heard of polylogism?
quibble quibble quibble
Wilmot Robertsons book was a great eye opener. I like how he explained the Roundheads (Shop Keepers) and Cromwell and the Cavaliers (The Square Heads who were tall). His best comment is how Nuke War could stop destruction of White Race, better to have all the large cess pool cities erased—instead of the slow progressive death path that we are on now. Robertson also liked J.B. Stoner of National States Rights Party.
This view of the The Gracchi brothers is at the very least simplistic. One of their issues was the destruction to Roman and Italian society caused by slavery, by the foreigner, that mainly benefited the rich (sound familiar?). One of my favorite quotes is by Tiberius Gracchus and it could well apply to white Americans, particularly those who choose to fight for the present regime.
“The beasts that prowl about Italy have holes and lurking-places where they may make their beds. You who fight and die for Italy enjoy but the blessings of air and light. These alone are your heritage. Homeless, unsettled, you wander to and fro with your wives and children. Our generals are in the habit of inspiring their soldiers to the combat by exhorting them to repel the enemy in defence of their tombs and ancestral shrines. The appeal is idle and false. You cannot point to a paternal altar, you have no ancestral tomb. No! you fight and die to give wealth and luxury to others. You are called the masters of the world; yet there is no clod of earth that you can call your own.” (A History of Rome, During the late Republic and early Principate – A. H. J. Greenidge)
This country has elites, most are elites of your own race, and let me clue you in, NONE OF THEM are on your side. (Where is their money? Where are their words of encouragement? Doesn’t pay.) When they say Rome they mean themselves. Don’t confuse your interests or the interests of the civilization with their interests. For God’s sake, don’t be a conservative.
I haven’t seen any black Hollywood entertainers adopting poor white kids or Hispanics doing the same. What gives!
I haven’t seen any black Hollywood entertainers adopting poor white kids or Hispanics doing the same. What gives!
What about black entertainment and sports stars adopting African babies? Why is this a white initiative?
Some positive news …..
Bill C-304: Hate Speech Clause’s Repeal Gives White Supremacists Rare Moment Of Glee
A Conservative private members’ bill that repeals part of Canada’s hate speech laws has passed the House of Commons with scant media attention, and even less commentary. But it’s being cheered by many Canadian conservatives as a victory for freedom of speech. And it’s being cheered most vocally by another group: White supremacists.
The Author Wilmot Robertson did see that USSR/Russia even in the 1970s had reverted to being run by pro White Russian Slavs…”
Did you mean “did not see”?
Either way, that’s not how I remember that time. The USSR was financing, arming and training terrorist groups in South Africa and Rhodesia. Pro-White? Not hardly.