About Hunter Wallace 12390 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “Maybe some Godlike species (travels through worm holes, peeks into timelines) wipes out space-faring threats before they can become a nuisance.”

    The intergalactic Orkin man? Maybe Alien was sent to wipe out earth because “niggers in space” would be far more dangerous.

  2. “The question is, WTF good can come out of this species leaving us alone? What bad could come out of annihilating us?” – The good is that we like them have beaten game theory, and could probably coexist. the bad is that any method of exterminating us could well lead straight back to them, for an unseen 3rd party to wipe them out. We’ll have to get out there to see though, there is good evidence(that is to say none yet) that any intelligence out there could adopt any way of thinking.

    One of the factors that I don’t see any consideration of in these discussions of aliens is that it didn’t just take Earth to produce us, but a very specific portion of earth, to produce a rational scientific theory capable of exploring the universe. Maybe we have no evidence of anything out there because what did/will evolve is trapped in the feudal era.

  3. Or there is always the possibility that life, or what we consider intelligent life, really is that rare. We might be only ones in the galaxy.

  4. “The odds are that we are one of a handful of species with the potential for serious space colonization.
    “Fermi’s Paradox isn’t a paradox, it’s just evidence of absence.”

    Aye. SETI has been going on 50 years. No signal. So far as all the evidence now indicates, Homo sapiens is the only species that has EVER climbed out of the gravity well of its home planet.

    And I’d go further. Odds are, of the species Homo Sapiens, Whites are the only subspecies of that species with the mojo to do it, ever.

    So if we Whites go extinct, victims of the other crabs in the pot, the species Homo sapiens no longer is one of those handful of species that ever will.

    White Preservation is not only necessary just because assuring the survival of your progeny is the Prime Directive of the Universe, but because our White progeny may be the only bag of genetic information that will ever evolve that’s even capable of becoming The Universe.

  5. The intergalactic Orkin man? Maybe Alien was sent to wipe out earth because “niggers in space” would be far more dangerous.

    I hate to burst your bubble, but that’s a human-centric view. From an alien, galactic perspective, the White man is the potential threat. Blacks are incapable of becoming galactic pests (though they might attach themselves to the White man, and become a pest that way, but Whites would be the vector there, too). Yellows are a far less aggressive pest, too.

    Or there is always the possibility that life, or what we consider intelligent life, really is that rare. We might be only ones in the galaxy.

    Right, that’s what I’m getting at. The math says this is the likely reality. The key is to compare the timeline of the universe and evolution (granted, we only have one data point for evolution) to the time line of space travel (granted, we don’t know if the hard limit will wind up being .2c or .4c or .9c, but the range isn’t all that broad, compared to the previous variable). Once you grasp that the former is a tiny fraction of the latter, you have to start seriously considering the possibility that we’re more or less alone in the galaxy, or have been so far. Either way, that puts us very much on the playing field for being the galactic overlords – the polar opposite of what we usually see in sci-fi (notable exceptions including Dune and the Traveller RPG).

  6. One of the factors that I don’t see any consideration of in these discussions of aliens is that it didn’t just take Earth to produce us, but a very specific portion of earth, to produce a rational scientific theory capable of exploring the universe. Maybe we have no evidence of anything out there because what did/will evolve is trapped in the feudal era.

    Yep; I almost mentioned “seasons” in there, too (the theory being, winter made the White man).

  7. Aye. SETI has been going on 50 years. No signal. So far as all the evidence now indicates, Homo sapiens is the only species that has EVER climbed out of the gravity well of its home planet.

    I actually think of SETI as a very narrow slice of the data we have on hand. The fact that we’ve never found any alien bases on Earth, never had any alien contact, hell the fact that we’re still walking around and the Earth isn’t a sheet of smoking glass, offer a wider timeline for the absence of evidence. Biological life is interesting. We’d leave an outpost on Cambrian Earth, for example. Why haven’t aliens? Because they’ve never been here. Why have they never been here? Because they haven’t spread throughout the galaxy in a 200k-1my expansion, the way we’d see with any spacefaring species.

    And I’d go further. Odds are, of the species Homo Sapiens, Whites are the only subspecies of that species with the mojo to do it, ever.

    Yellows will do it eventually, if Whites don’t. They have a lot less inquisitive spirit, but they’d get around to it after a few centuries.

    But I totally agree with your expression of a Galactic Manifest Destiny for Whites.

  8. The fun thing about space colonization for ethnopatriots is that it practically guarantees the survival and prosperity of our race. The galaxy is simply too big, and the travel and communication distances too long, for anything remotely resembling central control.

    Space is guaranteed to be decentralized. There’s no other choice. A star system is about as big as tight central control could go. A “small,” local cluster of star systems could conceivably constitute a weakly-centralized confederation. Beyond that, the distances involved are simply far too vast.

  9. The one other explanation I can see is that, as someone else suggested, an alien species went through a singularity-transhumanist-like transformation into godlike beings, and is effectively invisible. This requires that they be truly godlike though – that they went beyond even transhumanist speculations and became something like the ascended aliens in the Stargate series. This is required because of humanity’s potential vis-a-vis transhumanism; transhumanism really isn’t much of a leap of the imagination – given enough time, it’s inevitable, unless we stagnate or destroy ourselves. And for an alien species to lack fear of a transhuman humanity, well, they’d have to be godlike. A god powerful enough for other gods to worship. Otherwise, it wouldn’t make sense to let humanity develop unmolested.

  10. What we should be doing is genetically engineering organisms that are harmless to man, but turn mars dust into the correct atmospheric parts to sustain earth life.

  11. “What we should be doing is genetically engineering organisms that are harmless to man, but turn mars dust into the correct atmospheric parts to sustain earth life.” – Mars will have to have domed colonies. it can’t support anything resembling a serious atmosphere on its own.

  12. “Don’t waste your money. Gross.” – The vulgarity point the commenters there made is right. Why did LV-426 need a backstory?

  13. “The fun thing about space colonization for ethnopatriots is that it practically guarantees the survival and prosperity of our race. The galaxy is simply too big, and the travel and communication distances too long, for anything remotely resembling central control.”


  14. There’s one actual sex scene, between a committed but not yet married white couple. There is implied miscegenation, though: the black guy boldly and suavely asks the expedition leader for some pussy, and she says he should come to her room.

    In the future, in any group of at least 3 people, exactly one of them is Black. The others are all white- in the future, demographic trends resulting in whites being 8% and shrinking have either reversed, or affirmative action has ended. The Black man is wise and courageous, bold and sexy. It appears that the only reason Blacks don’t procreate more and supplant the craven, stupid, weak white breed is that they are too noble- they always end up blowing up to save the others.

    The movie sucks because none of the characters are remotely likable, except for the Black man. Nor does it provide any answers for any of the questions it raises, including the very first few minutes of the film, in which one of the aliens commits suicide in a horrible way. Basically, all that happens is pretty much every character dies in the most disgusting way the movie makers can think of. It didn’t make any sense.

    Perhaps if the entire crew was Black, they could have explored the planet without everyone dying, and had intelligent, thoughtful conversations about the themes that were raised. Hopefully this will serve as a warning to would-be eugenicists, so that we can have an all-Black future.

  15. “Yellows will do it eventually, if Whites don’t. They have a lot less inquisitive spirit, but they’d get around to it after a few centuries”

    I don’t think so. China, just prior to the White man’s Age of Discovery, had a vast naval fleet, plying the Indian Ocean. They coulda beat us, could had it all. But rather than sail to the far side of the world, rather than Empire upon which the sun never sets, they, inexplicably, puckered their bungholes and crawled back in their China-hole and pulled the lid shut.
    They never reemerged until western man grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and dragged them, blinking, back out.

    If Western man goes extinct, who will do the dragging them into even near Earth orbit?

    Now, you might say that crawling back into our own hidey-hole is exactly what the White man is currently doing, what with decolonialisation and White Flight and defunding of NASA, to never emerge until someone else drags us out, . Okay.
    I dearly hope you are wrong. Because who is going to do the dragging of US?

  16. The math says this is the likely reality.

    Recently NASA reported that there are 50 billion planets in our galaxy alone. Based on observations from Hubble, it’s estimated that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies. And these figures tend to rise over time with more observations. Even if we posit an extremely low probability of life existing on a planet, the math suggests that life does exist elsewhere due to the scale of the universe.

  17. Now, you might say that crawling back into our own hidey-hole is exactly what the White man is currently doing, what with decolonialisation and White Flight and defunding of NASA, to never emerge until someone else drags us out, . Okay.
    I dearly hope you are wrong. Because who is going to do the dragging of US?

    It’s not really analogous to what the Chinese did since they had control of their borders and land when they withdrew.

    Defunding NASA is a good thing. It has held space exploration back.

  18. I don’t think so. China, just prior to the White man’s Age of Discovery, had a vast naval fleet, plying the Indian Ocean. They coulda beat us, could had it all. But rather than sail to the far side of the world, rather than Empire upon which the sun never sets, they, inexplicably, puckered their bungholes and crawled back in their China-hole and pulled the lid shut.
    They never reemerged until western man grabbed them by the scruff of the neck and dragged them, blinking, back out.

    Yeah, they burned their fleet, didn’t they? It took the Dutch sailing halfway around the world to explore and colonize Taiwan. Taiwan! But they’d get around to exploring space eventually, if no one else paved the way for them (the way Whites have been paving the way for everything for yellows for the past millennium).

    Recently NASA reported that there are 50 billion planets in our galaxy alone. Based on observations from Hubble, it’s estimated that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies. And these figures tend to rise over time with more observations. Even if we posit an extremely low probability of life existing on a planet, the math suggests that life does exist elsewhere due to the scale of the universe.

    Absolutely. But life and “spacefaring civilization” are hell and gone from one another. Not even on the same continent, much less in the same ballpark.

    First you have replicating life (viruses, prions, whatever). Then you get unicellular life. Then multicellular life. Then primitive animals. Then advanced life forms (mammals, reptiles, etc.). Then complex social and tool-using animals (need both – dolphins are smart but they are not tool-users). Then a sapient, social, tool-using species. THEN a sapient, social, tool-using species capable of advanced civilization. THEN a SSTUS capable of space flight, and motivated to do so. THEN you get a space-colonizing species. (This is not meant to be a rigorous “to scale” truncation of organic life or anything)

    There’s an awful lot of steps there. One meteor could have derailed the whole thing. And the species has to prove capable of not just mounting, but sustaining the complex, technologically-advanced society long enough to mount a sustained colonization of space, without killing itself off, collapsing or bombing itself back to a less-advanced state, stripping its planet bare of resources, etc. And solving the “libtard problem,” etc.

    I think the galaxy could very well be brimming with life (relatively speaking; a tiny fraction of those 50 billion planets). Primitive life. But there’s no reason to believe that every instance of primitive life can hurdle the barriers to becoming a space-faring civilization. There are probably plenty of planets out there that can support replicating life, but not unicellular life. Or unicellular life, but not multicellular. And so on. It’s probably really, really rare to find real estate as magnificent as Earth. And even more rare to find Earths with civilizations.

    The galactic core is a dump, for example. There’s so much radiation, etc., that the whole thing is probably a wash. That’s x% of those 50b planets out of the running, right there.

    50,000m planets. What if only one in a million is as suitable as Earth? That means only 50k planets are even in the running for hosting a space-faring civilization. What if half of them are in the core, or in dense areas of space where the meteor activity is too intense? There are a lot of “ifs” here. Some astronomers suggest that the Moon has really done us a lot of good, and that the Moon is an exceptional satellite. Others suggest that Saturn did us a lot of good. Then there’s Earth’s sweet spot distance from the sun, the metal core that makes the magnetosphere, which is apparently something man could not have existed without, etc.

    Defunding NASA is a good thing. It has held space exploration back.

    From an ideological POV, I have to agree; private industry just works better. Except maybe at huge projects like space exploration, nanotech, etc. We’ll see. Something tells me you’re right – I think there’s little doubt that long-run, space colonization is going to have to be economically viable to be sustainable.

  19. Oh, I meant to add, I’m only really considering the galaxy, not the universe. The distance between galaxies is so vast, I pretty much take everything but the Milky Way off the table.

  20. The basic math is the same. The probability is much lower than just life, but the scale of the size of the universe is massive. It’s reasonable to believe that the planet estimates will be significantly revised upwards, in which case the probability estimates for intelligent life and spacefaring civilization would be revised upwards to meet or exceed our current estimates for primitive life.

  21. Oh, I meant to add, I’m only really considering the galaxy, not the universe. The distance between galaxies is so vast, I pretty much take everything but the Milky Way off the table.

    Oh ok. That makes a huge difference in making probability estimates.

  22. Remember our government is BRA or basically the Mule Train has taken over. Smart white men have few options that don’t involve some form of modern stupidity as exemplified by “Idiocracy.” The private space explorers being a tiny glimmer of hope for white men of high intellect. The smartest white kid I know had to join the Air Force because his parents’ “investments” blew up in 08 and now he is gonna be required to spend his best years devising ways to blow up ZOG’s mortal enemies. What a freaking waste.

  23. But consider the following; what if we are overlooking the multidimensional image of the universe. Much like a TV has a bunch of channels but is confined in one space. Now consider the channels other realities with each channel (or reality) being unaware of the others, or the one below it or above it. In other worlds multiple earths, layers upon layers, bur each reality thinking it is the only one. I think the Martian Chronicles hit upon this where in one reality Mars was a cold, dead, planet, but in another reality it has seas, an atmosphere, and a thriving population.
    So just as sometimes one channel bleeds into another and causes brief interference and glimpses at whats on the other channel so could different dimensions often interface with our own.The universe might be stranger than we think but we are stuck in 3 dimensional reality.
    SETI is like a primitive culture on earth sending smoke signals because it believes it is the only inhabited island on earth. Since nobody responds, because nobody communicates by smoke signals anymore, they assume they are the only inhabitants on the earth.

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