SNAP EBT Spending Up 100 Percent Under Obama

District of Corruption

The Daily Caller is reporting that food stamp spending is up 100 percent under Obama.

As Jeff Sessions points out, we’re spending $82 billion dollars on food stamps (up almost a third since 2009), and will spend an estimated $770 billion on food stamps over the next ten years. To put this in perspective, we we will spend $40 billion next year on the federal highway program.

The Senate is debating the 2012 Farm Bill over 80 percent of which consists of SNAP EBT spending. Normally, I would tell you to contact your senator and tell them to vote against this bill, but the Bitch Called Reality will eventually force cuts to the program.

Note: Obama’s 2013 budget provides $17.7 billion dollars for NASA. We could have been on Mars, but we had to fund BRA.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. EBT is not a 100% NAM thing. Many Whites use it too.

    This article has the details

    Of the 100 counties nation-wide with the highest percent of whites on food stamps, over half — 52 — are in just three states: Kentucky, Tennessee and West Virginia. Over 17% of white West Virginians are on food stamps, the highest rate in the country.

    I grant you the numbers are less than with rural NAMS but they are measurable

    here is a chart compiled from Federal stats. The numbers have undoubtedly grown

    The reasons they do beyond the small number that are too chronically lazy, drugged up or too ill to work is simple there are no jobs that can make ends meet.

    Getting jobs is not a matter of lowering the regulation burden or of cutting taxes but it requires an adaptive approach closed borders, closed markets and economic nationalism.

    In other words, we need an economy regulated by Pat Buchanan.

    Even with that, increases in technology ended a lot of jobs automated shopping kiosks, robots, self driving trucks and a host of other technologies on the horizon are threating to basically end peoples ability to be middle class. Combine that with China using resources and the American Dream is humped

    We must find a way to make sure people can buy goods and have the life or White or Black we are screwed.

    And yes I concur that a White Homeland is essential and will reduce the social and economic stress a lot (and be a 100% better place to live) its no economic panacea. If you want to do anything big again, space, the oceans, interstate highway, large families you must build an economy with a large private sector middle class.

    Given the average employers antipathy to paying anything in wages or benefits without a gun to the head and a boot to the neck I can’t see how that will happen.

  2. The sum cost of BRA is unfathomable. The cost in tax money, in lost productivity, etc. It’s mind-numbing to comprehend.

  3. the only people who should be allowed to get food stamps should be showing signs of malnutrition or starvation. as it stands I’d wager that far more obese people receive food stamps than malnourished.

  4. Matt,

    If my stupid f’in neighbors would agree to buy everything I grow and either eat it fresh or process it for storage, and do the same for others who want to be “small farmer,” we would be able to fend off the wolf at the door because the money I earned from my neighbors would be spent on my neighbors.

    If we did that en masse we would keep billions of dollars in our own communities and not feel so much economic pain. I bet that with economies of scale the small scale growers would end up producing cheaper (and healthier) food than agribusiness. That’s right, I think economies of scale would end up favoring small growers, because we use less external inputs to grow the same calories than the bigs. The supermarket food is transported hundreds or thousands of miles. it is fertilized with fossil fuels and pesticided with fossil fuels (natural gas). I am able to use local waste products to fertilize. I have less soil degradation. I need far fewer inputs per calorie, even when you consider agribusiness’s economies of scale.

    We need HIGH FOOD PRICES. High food prices will see my little neighborhood with chickens and veg gardens and mason jar food processing, and tens of millions of little neighborhoods like mine doing the same thing.

    Annual food expenditure in the USA is 1 trillion per year. That’s a pretty big market share to go after. Give me high food prices. I will spend every waking hour between March and November producing calories at a very low cost, and this will be replicated exponentially. They will have to seize our land to try to avert our take-back of the country. Good luck. There will be another Bogdan Khmelnitsky scenario if they try to seize our food production. Even teh lefties will be our allies on this issue.

  5. “Even with that, increases in technology ended a lot of jobs automated shopping kiosks, robots, self driving trucks and a host of other technologies on the horizon are threating to basically end peoples ability to be middle class. ” – Businesses don’t even invest in that stuff though unless labor is scarce and valuable, and unlike shipping jobs overseas to foreign liquidity traps, investing in such things does actually create a host of new jobs, albeit ones that require more in the way of knowledge. 2 Dollar gas is gone, but the economy as a whole isn’t, atleast not yet.

    “Given the average employers antipathy to paying anything in wages or benefits without a gun to the head and a boot to the neck I can’t see how that will happen.” – Labor scarcity leads to a supply and demand issue for wages. If one business won’t, then his competitors clean his clock.

  6. Figure 10% of the US households on welfare. 70 million household give 7 million on welfare. Double that for unemployed to 14 million. 6 times 14 is 84. So 84 billion divided among 14 million households nearly $6,000 per household. This is outrageous.

  7. I agree Kievsky – and you would see the re-invention of the urban village and the commons. In my city, six blocks have now removed the fences and 6 families are pasturing a couple of goats for the milk for the children. Grow the stinging nettles along the new fence line and you will get quality milk.

    Also find green spaces to plant foods that can be wild-harvested. And trees with medicinal leaves.

    The White nations are lactose tolerant (except with children who have been vaxed) are quite capable of growing everything needed if they re-invent the Commons.

    R.I.P. the Commons closed by the Bank of England owned Parliament in the 18th century thus dumping tens of thousands from the English villages into the industrial slums of Sheffield, York, White Chapel and Liverpool.

  8. Why are illegal aliens & foreign nationals in many states, such as California, Texas, and New York allowed to get food stamps/EBT?

  9. If 17% of west virginians are on it, then maybe I reverse my position and am for this. Why shouldn’t they be on it? Working is crazy, since either a) you have public paycheck anyway and don’t really pay taxes b) actually are engaged in creating real wealth, so try to spend whatever you have, because if you don’t someone else will spend it for you.

    Thats the problem with all forms of socialism, (including the old and new feudalism)– all citizens necessarily become predators in relation to the other citizens—

    dog eat dog, zog eat dog— whatever. Forget whether these systems are “workable” or “more efficient”—- THE PEOPLE necessarily become, under such systems, predators in relation to each other (it’s all about what others have, how to beg the elites, how to get your cut of redistribution. yuck

  10. The issue isn’t new technology. New technology has always actually created jobs. Creative destruction. The real problem is many of the created jobs go over-seas or go to Bill Clinton’s H1b’s, and huge amounts of wealth distribution and cronism prohibit new technology from reaching it’s full wealth generating potential.

    White people used to pick fruit, now they sit on their ass collecting food stamps while mexicans do it.

  11. Jim, poverty jobs are not inherently good for society. I am not sure they are much better than handouts.

    What matter is jobs from middle to lower upper class. Those are the jobs that create demand, fuel growth, and allow the surplus intellectual and physical capital to do the amazing things.

    Poor people simply produce too little demand to support the big stuff.

    Take for example the poorest counties of rural West Virginia. Imagine the entire economy was like that. (well its getting that way but bear with) everywhere. Yes we could get rid of BRA and people’d work for whatever they’d get but there wouldn’t be a penny extra to spend on all the goodies.

    Given that the Feds spent the money to electrify the region with the REA , I am not sure there would be electricity there and had Ike not spent the money on the highways, they wouldn’t be there either.

    There would be no space program either. That money came from men working and buying stuff like cars and being taxed.

    If they have little income for anything they generate little tax revenue. Cut off the entire spigot and savings gut growth (the paradox of thrift) and your economy shrinks. further.

    Good jobs and lots of them is what paid for it all.

    And yes we can and must claw back jobs,, it won’t resolve the issue. Tune in one of those how thing are made shows, the Canadian one How its Made is utterly unbiased pro industry and even covered guns. Its good

    Look at the factory, back in 1960 it would have been packed with men working. Look at a factory producing more goods. It has maybe 2o people if the equipment is old. A state of the art toy factory making plastic construction toys was the size of a small mall. It had 5 employees.

    This means any measure that claws back jobs, all of which I support (boot the H1B, close borders, expel all the illegals and most new immigrants) won’t work. even if comet AH14W turned all Non Whites in North America to dust it wouldn’t help for long. Energy isn’t cheap, we can’t export with everyone else doing it and labor is too efficient.

    Fixing it requires the above social changes, a shorter work week and kicking women out of the work force. This means a boot on capital and an end to the cheap labor ethos. Costly labor in a closed loop or a system of exploits means growth and surplus.

    We also have to seriously look at the quality of jobs and how people get them. If entry level jobs are being taken by kiosks (yes they have them in all kinds of places) we will have a problem with getting people who know how to work. So yeah, maybe kiosks at Jack in the Box is a bad idea (OK Jack in the Box is a Bad Idea but you know what I mean)

    Jeremy Rivkin’s The End of Work and Marshal Brain’s Robotic Nation

    The Iceberg

    The iceberg looks like this. On that same day, I interacted with five different automated systems like the kiosks in McDonald’s:

    I got money in the morning from the ATM.
    I bought gas from an automated pump.
    I bought groceries at BJ’s (a warehouse club) using an extremely well-designed self-service check out line.
    I bought some stuff for the house at Home Depot using their not-as-well-designed-as-BJ’s self-service check out line.
    I bought my food at McDonald’s at the kiosk, as described above.

    All of these systems are very easy-to-use from a customer standpoint, they are fast, and they lower the cost of doing business and should therefore lead to lower prices. All of that is good, so these automated systems will proliferate rapidly.

    The problem is that these systems will also eliminate jobs in massive numbers. In fact, we are about to see a seismic shift in the American workforce. As a nation, we have no way to understand or handle the level of unemployment that we will see in our economy over the next several decades.

    This is the killer and it means we have to be able to respond to save our people.

    Now I agree with Kievsky 100% on localizing farming. Its inherently a good thing

    Understand that an economy with local manufacturing, local farming and local everything is efficient human and keeps the D.C. Beast small but its more a migration era economy.

    We are as Greer would put it

    Collapsing now, and avoid the rush.

    This will be very good for our race, our people but our dreams? Well they will have to wait. Its a regression.

    Basically, BRA hurt us, Immigration wounded us, Technology injured us, Policy failed us and together they are an end game.

  12. our economy is trashed because we don’t create anything of value and there are to few manufacturing jobs where White men on the wrong side of the Bell Curve could still earn a wage and have a family by working hard on a consistent bases. I think we can fix that in a hurry if the South is ever free to go after our mineral wealth off our cost. Pat Buchanan is a DWL in a lot of ways, but his ideas on economic nationalism is spot on

    I also think going back to hard money will help in the long term. A sliver dollar made in 1913 cost 20 dollars today. Everything being 1/20th of the price would do a lot to restore middle White America

    mexicans were given most of the types of jobs young White men use to do, including entry level stuff. Given to them by our so called elites and leaders. Hell when I was a kid I did farm work in the summer. Learned just about all there is to know about work, work ethic and the rest during those summers.

    I think one of our peoples big problem is we dream about a soft life. Way to many of us have our treasure is in this life, instead of the next. They sell each other out for a little more softness, a little more comfort, a little more leisure time, or a more fanatics leisure time. A more robust people see this life as one of work and achievement; a time to do the hard things and over coming difficulties, and the next life as one of rest and ease.

    An independent South, free of yankees, negros, etc and every aspect of cultural marxism is my dream. I’ll be dead and turned to worm shit before it happens, but two generations of hard times will be a cheap price if my great grand children are free men

  13. Stonelifter, say rather, that acting upon your vision in the time that is given you, from eternity you will see your posterity and the fruition of your labours for your country.

  14. @Mary
    I know you’re interested in events in England as well as here in the United States. Unfortunately, England is also being ruined by foreigners, just like here.
    Go to: http://
    article: “Diamond Jubilee”
    The comments that follow the article are very informative, especially. I know you would be very interested, as it might shed more light on the problems the West faces in present day times. Issues we are both concerned about.
    Although it’s about Britian, there’s info in the article and especially the comment section that would benefit us here in the States.
    Thank you for your support. I appreciate your interest in my theories on how we can perhaps solve the problem of foreigners.

  15. @Earlmundo Armand Pitts III
    ….. because the big-shot jew communists in Washington want to undermine and usurp the USA and the “judeo’- christian” lawmakers go along with the program because the federal reserve system is like oxygen to them. They do love the easy life and lots of golf. Speaking up for the average, working American would take too much work and time.
    The big-shot jew bankers might make their lives more difficult, and they might not get as many perks as they do by just going along with program.
    Some say the jews are behind this, and the jews are behind that: But the truth is that the jews are leading and the judeo-christian types are the ones following, and lovingly and willingly so: The jews are leading and the judeo-christians are behind it, following the jews communists.
    I have no problem with average,working-class jews ( all in all, I have found them to be honest, and just as confused about things as everyone else). I have worked alongside them, they’re not the problem.
    The problem is that the big-shot jews are communists: communism is a state where a clique of jew billionaires own and control everything, that’s what it is basically, when you cut through all the bullsh*t.
    That’s basically the reason as to your inquiry.

  16. Off-topic, but frustrating nevertheless.

    Who teaches these sand niggers, that they have ‘rights’?
    Deportation, Annihilation, or Another Nation.
    The only ‘ations’ we’re gonna allow.

    And frankly, I’d opt for the latter (secession) sooner, rather than later.
    How’s the SE Republic coming, guys? This unreconstructed Yankee would help build a sovereign White Nation, if you’d let me and mine in…. please?

  17. “We need HIGH FOOD PRICES. High food prices will see my little neighborhood with chickens and veg gardens and mason jar food processing, and tens of millions of little neighborhoods like mine doing the same thing.”- Kievsky

    YES. I’d rather buy/barter/trade from the farmer whose chickens I know, whose daughters gather the eggs each morning, or the little old lady whose smile is as important as the prize-winning tomotoes she raises, as they buy the Chestnuts I grow, (to try and stave off the eradication of a marvelous piece of American Arborial history) are also good for a flour substitute, or for changing pigs’ internal chemistry, to make pork Omega-3 friendly, while my wife and the brood can for two weeks straight, to make cherry jam that puckers as it sweetens…. well, that is Real FOOD, and is a damn sight better than that grocery store crap you can buy!

    When we all gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing on Sundays in our little town as well…. well, there you have it. “Shade and a fig tree/Love your neighbor as yourself” in one fell swoop! [Mic. 4:4]

    We need to recapture the ‘close to the land’ mindset that used to suffuse all of ‘White, Middle America.’ Reading Bradbury’s “Dandelion Wine” last year for the first time (now that he is gone, I finally see how good a writer he was… sigh) was to recapture that vision, that we all have lost… and need to regain. Couple that with ‘collapse now, and avoid the rush’ I think we may have a means to ‘endure’… that is, unless the doomsayers about Fukushima’s radiation covering N. America are correct.

    Sigh. Guess we have to trust in the Almighty, after all. (he he he)

  18. “This unreconstructed Yankee would help build…if you’d let me and mine in…. please? LOL”

    Are you also preparing to migrate, to the lower latitude, then? But our original homeland, where our purest white DNA comes from, lies even FURTHER NORTH than your present location — Britain, and most of Germany, at HIGHER latitudes, in view of the Northern Lights, with longer, darker winters than any of the 50 Amerikan States except Alaska; and we should never abandon ANY good land that our ancestors worked hard and died to settle — from the deepest south (South Africa, Falklands, Australia) to the far NORTH.

  19. There SHOULD be no difference of outcome whether north or south and regardless of climate. Truth and DNA trump latitude and climate.

  20. EBT Bread and circuses for the masses, at least until after the election.
    Notice how gas is going down? I wonder how many taxpayer’s dollars and George Soros billions is making that happen. Just wait till the day after the election. Better fill’er up the day before.

  21. Y’all know very little about food production. You aren’t feeding to many extra people if your egg operation is small enough your daughter is running it. Same thing on your prized home grown tomatoes

  22. you can find the purest white DNA in Valhalla, but Valhalla is just a dream and an illusion emanating from the mists of the north sea
    and the northern lights illuminates the night sky in splendor
    inspiring our dreams
    but the vikings were mercenaries, first and foremost
    for they had the blood of the Caucasian coursing through their veins
    and their hearts searched for glory
    but they wrecked misery
    for they had the blood of the mercenary coursing through their veins

  23. The giant sucking sound Ross Perot talked about 20 years ago as is true today as it was then. Two large corporations moved out of my hometown area as a teenager and the towns never recovered.

    When a man earns a good living in manufacturing jobs, he spends that money into the community. He goes on vacation, buys a home, dines out, dry cleaning, etc. For every highly paid manufacturing job, 7 jobs are created.

    Look at the china crap we buy today. I only buy china made crap unless I absolutely have to. I usually try and find it at garage sales. Even if it’s made in china, I’m not paying sales tax to the beast anymore; it’s going into the pocket of my neighbor.

    I sometimes watch that show American Pickers and those other Pawn Shop reality show. Anytime a good old American made item comes in, they salivate over it. Those good upstanding long-lasting products were made by WHITE MEN, not Orcs overseas.

    Can you imagine 100 years from now those types of resellers salivating over a MP3 player or a TV made in China? Not going to happen.

    If a white man does not have purchasing power, the economy stagnates.
    Abolish the fed, back our currency with labor, deport all illegals, send home all H1 and H2 visa workers and eliminate most federal agencies. Let these government parasites do real work for a change.

    As the economy weakens and it will, we will turn into a calorie economy where people who grow food and make things will be at the top of the pecking order and the useless government paper pushers will either be picking the food or they’ll die off.

  24. @ ….”Y’all know very little about food production. You aren’t feeding to many extra people if your egg operation is small enough your daughter is running it. Same thing on your prized home grown tomatoes….”

    It’s a problem in the “New South.”

    Transplants have been raised on generations of stupid propaganda (radio and movies) and since the War Between the States (when the farmers ass became grass and traded in for the grand new “Industrial Revolution” that is now “de-industrialized”)—

    So they really believe they can just toss down a few seeds and feed themselves. Even people who have done nothing but farm for centuries frequently fail. It’s really not that easy— even harder if you cut out pesticides and try to get good soil. (Even finding local ways to do any serious soil testing is hard, lol— oh! I know my ph! we may have too “much nitrogen!” haha)

    At root, is the defamation of the farmer. The defamation of growing things. The burial of the Ideal of the Southern Agrarians (back when academic schools of thought, which that was, were worth something).

    Big money for big people in defamation.

    The New Robotics mentioned here TOTALLY MISSES what the Southern Mind would have to say about it, imo—

    Southern-ness really gets at the heart of experiential Living. Sure, it’s EASY to get things from machines. But EASY is such a YANKEE VALUE.

    What about HOW YOUR WHOLE DAY IS INTERACTING WITH ROBOT VOICES, lol. But the Yankee does not care. He wants it CHEAP and he wants it EASY and he wants it NON-HUMAN.

    The “service economy” of “robots” at “mcdonalds” —and making your wife pump her own gas (yuck)— is VERY YANKEE.

    How seriously can you take some man who feeds his kids crap from McDonalds anyway? Who wants it so cheap and easy?

    Such people have no depth to them!

  25. seems to me feminism is very popular in the south as it is anywhere else. yankee gals don’t have a monopoly on feminism.

  26. “….I agree Kievsky – and you would see the re-invention of the urban village and the commons. In my city, six blocks have now removed the fences and 6 families are pasturing a couple of goats for the milk for the children. Grow the stinging nettles along the new fence line and you will get quality milk….”

    —– PLEASE do not try to take away our new fences from the “New South.”

    Near my town, transplant Yankees are “lobbying” for things such as raising goats and chickens in their tract housing.

    And so there is this land of tract home subdivisions with Big Names like “Sweetheart Downs” or “Shannigans Hollow” planted with invasive vinca plants put there, by transplants “running crews” of (“mexican”) “landscapers” just long enough to get the place sold—

    —then they move to the “country” (which it is compared Newark), and listen to Alex Jones, and feel ripped off and want to be FREE!

    The joke is this ILLUSION of freedom that growing a tomato or owning a goat has for such people (as Stonelifter seems to say).

    Do something about the fundamentals, for God’s sake. Really GET that your living on land that POLICIES DISPLACED REAL FARMERS from— so you can have the cheesy illusion of “farming” and “freedom”.

    Not saying anyone shouldn’t have a garden or own livestock—

    But at what price have they come from real farmers, at what degradation to real farmers?

    After the Tobacco Acts of 1965—- 450,000 Tobacco Farms shut down in mostly North Carolina (also TN, KY, VA)—- exactly the location of much of “the New south.”

    That’s what makes it kind of a joke, imo.

    The self-centeredness that shuts down big concerns so it can feel so moral growing one tomato or having two goats (or whatever) while living on public paychecks

  27. “….seems to me feminism is very popular in the south as it is anywhere else. yankee gals don’t have a monopoly on feminism….”

    Idk— not really sure anymore what “feminism” is.

    The women in my family “never worked” but they worked all day, “in the home.” They followed politics (in order to be better conversationalists with their husbands), cooked, cleaned, kept up Oral and cultural traditions, studied arts, many of them (contrary to popular belief about pre-feminism days) had degrees and advanced schooling.

    Pioneer women knew politics, could shoot guns, were literate and more. Lots of queens were women, lol.

    “Feminism” just seems a rejection of one’s family and kinship commitments and the concentration of energies on being a “taxpayer” for the state, by going into the ‘work force.” Feminism just means concentrating your energies on earning money for the State.

    The new “Anti-Feminists” (like transplants from cities who are trendy “homeschool moms” and have goats in their yards now –lol)—- really do not have any home traditions to pass on, sadly; very frequently, they grew up with mothers in the state work force who did not pass on any real home traditions.

    They have an aversion to home cooking, cleaning, looking pretty, wearing dresses and weaponry and so on— AND they don’t work, either. Sometimes, that type seems the worst of both worlds really.

    Wish they took better care of their goats, because they smell bad and tiny one-acre plots of land (very truly) aren’t that great for goats.

    One acre in the land of real live farms is very tiny, after all.

  28. —- no idea why they make their tract homes either a half acre, or just under an acre. But they are all postage stamped that size. (A half acre IS REALLY too small for goats but transplant trendies are determined– alex jones has told them so, lol)

  29. ……..we don’t care for manufacturing jobs, thank you very much, we are a nation of independent yeoman farmers after all …… i know that’s true ’cause thomas jefferson told me so…..

  30. Sorry about your town, Annie Oakley.

    It has happened all over the country.

    It’s hard to remember, but many towns FOUGHT to keep factories OUT. The reason being exactly this— that when they went, the people would have become reliant on the “factory town” and then, what would they do?

    Also— there is the danger of them turning into “coal camps” that mirror image of the “company town.”

    In the “New South” the transplant yankees who are such saviors of others that they immediately seek out local government offices (being better than the natives)— can DO NOTHING (if you watch them on t.v.) but go on about “Atracting New Jobs,” and “attracting jobs.”

    This should show them how dependent they have become.

    It never occurs to them anymore to a) size up what they already have that is already there— i.e. take inventory, and this includes the population as a resource b) work it to some advantage.

    The “leaders” have been reduced to being beggars. “Elect me and maybe I can attract some Big Whigs to help us!”

    —-listen to them and it becomes clear that this is how they are thinking. It’s not a joke, either.

    Welfare States make beggars of everyone.

  31. —- what was lost by the Industrial Era was the creativity in the population.

    The “Culture of Creativity.” The Industrial Era people relied on the One Creative person (like Henry Ford)— and they worked on a factory line, often at mindless tasks, hour after hour, generationally, for the man.

    Frankly, it did produce a dependency thinking in the population (and they must have already had it to some degree, otherwise they would have rebelled at the factory work, unless they were very very hungry).

    —It’s why they were brought from welfare states in europe to populate the factories (and growing orders-friendly military) at first. The depression made people not suited to that life get hungry enough to tolerate the lifestyle.

  32. @ Joe ……..we don’t care for manufacturing jobs, thank you very much, we are a nation of independent yeoman farmers after all …… i know that’s true ’cause thomas jefferson told me so…..”

    It’s not a matter of “not caring,” it’s more about how different kinds of economy produce different lifestyles and internal lives for the workers—- about which is more satisfying: the farming ideal or the industrial ideal— in terms of the experiential lifestyles they bring—

    Looking forward to the future—- what internal life, and relational experience will you have when your day is interacting with robots?

    Btw, the “Southern Agrarians” were a group of writers centered at Vanderbilt. Their ideas about increased mechanization had to do with many things, including the “dumbing down” of populations that would happen under it.

    It’s like the people who use GPS to get to the corner market and can no longer read maps. They are not accustomed to thinking any longer.

  33. feminism is a rejection of family, yes that’s true
    i know that there are alot of women today acting really crazy
    i also know, however, that back in the 60’s and 70’s, it was men mostly who wanted sexual liberation and it was men who were very happy when abortion was made legal in 1973.
    most of the adult women and the girls in high school that I knew were very confused and dazed when abortion was made legal in ’73.
    some of the older adult women I knew cried when abortion was legalized. My mother did. There were others,as well. The women who felt the pain the most were those who couldn’t conceive.
    I’m not talking about the radicals in NY or LA or SF, just average, working-class Americans that I knew at the time. Overwhelminly, it was men who supported sexual liberation and abortion.
    I wanted to mention this in all fairness to the women.
    Although women have gone off the deep end, it was men who pushed women to this point, so to speak, and to a substantial degree.

  34. the farming life is the best for family life
    i have farmer friends in pennsylvania
    their lives are alot more sane than the lives of those of us here in urban areas

  35. personally, i do not like the idea of northerners flooding the south
    i’ve met “refugee” northerners in the south during my travels there
    i did not like their attitudes at all
    i don’t think the Southerners deserve it

  36. alot of migration around the country is caused by corporate policies and government policies making it very difficult to live in a certain area, and people are compelled to move and go where they think they can find a better life.

  37. Kievsky, if I lived near you, I’d certainly buy your food. There are a lot of locally grown items offered for sale around the area we just moved to, so am familiarizing myself with them.

    You said: “They will have to seize our land to try to avert our take-back of the country.” That’s what Agenda 21 is all about: depopulating rural America and resettling everyone into the cities, where they can be easily controlled. And, as a bonus, there’s no escape from “diversity”.

  38. excuse the typo: ” change” that’s what we all need. we live under an enemy government. it’s only going to get worse under our enemy government.

  39. joe studying voting trends will prove the majority of White women and a minority of White men voted for the feminist agenda

    I have ponds over 1 acre; and more than that fenced of for no farm activities. Not sure what folks plan on doing with 1 acre and one goat. They’d be much better off with 1 acre container gardening. They’d still need a grocery store

    I too am seeing people raise food in town. The last time I check on my rental houses I saw two homes with chickens (4 is legal in town), a whole yard given over to container garden, a green house and I have seen bee keeping done in town.

    folks should check into aquaponics

  40. We are handed the bible and told it is our book. but our rulers and leaders read from another book, not the bible ( not that the bible is so great– it’s is sadly and tragically deficient in a million ways).
    The book(s) is called the talmud.
    The book is used to keep christians down, and the book is used to keep ordinary, average working-class,middle-class jews down as well.
    We are all to be confused and at one another’s throats so as to keep us distracted, divided, and incapable of truly ever making any kind of substantial change in any matter that deeply affects us, so the status-quo will never change.
    The book our rulers use as a guide and as an inspiration, both jew and so-called christian, is the talmud. The pope, the queen of england, our top representatives, all of ’em are inspired and guided by the talmud, not the bible, and certainly not the better or more enlightened parts of the bible.
    It’s been this way forever, to one degree or another.
    It’s just more intense these days.
    Go online and read it. You’ll have a better understanding of what’s going on today if you do. If anything, you can protect your hearts and minds from all the propaganda and indoctrination a little bit better.
    2 good places to start.
    This book ( actually 32-33 books) was never available before in our schools,libraries, bookstores.
    Learn how we are truly ruled and what truly inspires our leaders- both jewish leaders and christian leaders, at least the ones on the very top of the food change.
    We are all played like fools by all our leaders and we all get herded around, one way or another. We are all herded around a little bit different depending on what group we belong to, but we do all get herded around, nonetheless.
    Although the book is ostensibly jewish, it is really the book our top christian rulers and leaders use as a guide and an inspiration, as well.
    It is not a jewish/ christian thing, not really.
    That’s a contrived set-up by our rulers. The average,ordinary jews are just as herded around and confused as we are.
    Do not take it out on the jews. It had nothing to do with the jews you meet in ordinary life.
    All of this takes place on a very high level, and our christian leaders are just as culpable, nay, maybe even more culpable as any jew.
    As far as greed and love of money go, our christian leaders are just as greedy and love their money and easy life as much as any jew.
    Our christian representatives here in the US tripped over themselves with delight to sign the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and all the bullshit in the world, and all the smirks in the world, can’t cover that up.

  41. Speaking as a farmer small scale farmer (sheep, eggs, tomatoes and berries) its perfectly possible for me to sustainably feed a good sized family and trade with a neighbor or three.

    What I can’t do is provide much surplus in order to have any secure defensive foundation.

    At the very least we need government controlled nukes , combat drones and other tools to protect us from enemies . And believe me we have enemies, China is the big foreign one, Islam is another but if there is a separation BRA or whats left of it, being meddlesome do-gooders as they are is also a possible threat.

    This means building a system that provides some surplus and it means thinking past the resilient community to a Whites only nation. It doesn’t have to be huge but it must have the tools, social and economic to protect itself.

    I fear that the back the land ideology while good for heart and soul, leaves the body vulnerable.

    I don’t want to be in the situation as the Confederates where my mostly agrarian economy is prey for a more industrial society willing to sacrifice unlimited people for progress.

  42. There have been several discussions in the comments about Appalachian Whites in parts of East Tennessee, Eastern Kentucky, and West Virginia. I would just like to point out that slavery hasn’t existed in 147 years and was never responsible for their condition even when it was around.

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