Review: Prometheus


Short review: Prometheus wasn’t as bad as expected.

Long review: The movie would have been disappointing to someone who bought into all the hype, but it is pretty much just an average remake of Alien with better special effects.

I found myself leaving the theater wondering less why Prometheus got such bad reviews than why Alien was considered such a classic.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I enjoyed it, HW. The only part I didn’t care for, of course, was where it implied that Charlize Theron had sex with the Black captain. Of course, in real life she is no more loyal to her people. But aside from that, I thought it was well done. Left lots of questions. Hopefully they continue the story with at least one more movie.

  2. Watching stuff online not only avoids giving Hollywood any of your money it means you can fast forward the most obvious bits of anti-white propaganda to get to the cool sci-fi bits.

  3. Whether intentional or not, ‘Aliens’ was filled with racial/social subtext — productive white pioneers wiped out by a violent black alien organism… reproduction via inter-species rape… a former civilization re-made into a nest the replacing species… greedy, short-sighted military/industial entities bent on using the alien as a weapon against their people — sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Of course, I could just be reading too much into it, but it’s still a timeless movie.

    I won’t waste a single dime, or 2 hours of my life on this ‘Prometheus’.

  4. Alien did a bunch of things first, and it did them reasonably well, but rehash #5000 obviously isn’t as good.

  5. My impression was that it was just a remake of Alien. Shaw was Ripley. David was ripped apart exactly like Bishop. The Prometheus black captain looked like the black guy in Alien.

    In both Alien and Prometheus, Shaw/Ripley was the only real character with any depth. The only real difference is that Prometheus had better special effects whereas Alien was more of an edge-of-your-seat thriller.

    Alien had the chestburster. Prometheus had the abortion scene.

  6. .

    Save your money, you can disregard “Prometheus”.

    “Alien” was not the ‘classic’ of this genre’, “ALIENS” was the classic. Action, machine guns, hot chicks, hot chicks in action with machine guns. Lots of loud deep base sound effects and “Marines IN SPAAAAAAAACE!”(with machine guns)

    Ah, what a movie…


  7. In Alien, Aliens, and Alien 3, the Weyland corporation represented greedy inhuman capitalism. Prometheus was just more of the same.

    IMO, the android David in Prometheus was better than Ash in Alien or Bishop in Aliens.

  8. If a film doesn’t get at least 85% or better on the review aggregators, I generally won’t see it. Prometheus is a big name. Too bad the film couldn’t live up to it.

  9. Aliens is one of the greatest movies ever made. Aliens 4 ended with the bio-engineered biracial (half human and half alien) Ripley entering the earth’s atmosphere. The Alien 5 movie would inexorably have to be about Ripley’s spawn both murdering humans and, secondly, mating with humans combined with engaging alien rights lawyers to protect their legal “right” to take over the earth. Nobody has the courage to make this yet as the analogy to whites being ethnically cleansed will be all too pellucid.

  10. I never pay to watch movies, so I guess I’m just generally less disappointed by the obvious Hollywood tropes.

  11. I saw a bootleg broadcast on JustinTV, so Hollywood didn’t get a dime from me.

    What about the subtext in the 12 feet tall, porcelain white “superior race” Engineers ultimately being the villains?

  12. Whether intentional or not, ‘Aliens’ was filled with racial/social subtext — productive white pioneers wiped out by a violent black alien organism… reproduction via inter-species rape… a former civilization re-made into a nest the replacing species… greedy, short-sighted military/industial entities bent on using the alien as a weapon against their people — sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Of course, I could just be reading too much into it, but it’s still a timeless movie.

    I won’t waste a single dime, or 2 hours of my life on this ‘Prometheus’.

    Ridley Scott has a habit of getting attached to projects like this. Blade Runner has a very powerful WN subtext.

  13. Then there’s Blackhawk Down, which only had one negro good guy in the whole film, because it was strictly patterned after the real event.

  14. I’m not sure the Engineers are really the villains.

    It was an Engineer who created mankind. The scene was shot in Iceland. Isn’t this similar to what Heinrich Himmler believed?

    In the end, Shaw and David blast off to travel to the Engineer homeworld to find out why the Engineers changed their minds and decided not to destroy mankind.

  15. I never watched any of the Aliens films. Is it true that everytime the Alien was to appear, so did the cat? That’s all I care to remember of this.

    Don’t care for Sigourney Weaver that much, anyway. But ESPECIALLY a bald woman- the mark of a whore in ancient Israel….

  16. The Engineers aren’t the villains. Ridley Scott based the Prometheus story on the annunaki, and borrowed heavily from Zecharia Sitchin and Erich von Däniken. He even admitted to using von Däniken’s work for the script. The opening scene plays like a skit from “Ancient Aliens”, for cryin’ out loud.

  17. @PalmettoPatriot

    You’re so fucking lol, honestly. She’s loyal to her people? She adopted a black baby, for Christ’s sake. Also, let it go. That was such an insignificant little part of the movie, yet that’s the only part you’re unable to let go of? You’re a hate filled, super upset, super mad, super jealous OCD cunt-fuck who will probably never live in peace due to your unusual disease that’s a combination of something between obsessive compulsive disorder and overt racism.

    Good luck, and seek help,

    Sincerely, Christopher

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