Fake Dominion


This is exactly why the Union must be dissolved:

“In what both sides regard as one of the election’s three or four most critical swing states, Obama has opened up a slim yet significant three-point lead in the latest RCP average of Virginia polls. Though he shows strength in other regions of the state, the president largely has the expansive D.C. suburbs to thank for that advantage.

In Fairfax, the Old Dominion’s most populous county, Obama bested John McCain by 61 percent to 39 percent in his seven-point Virginia victory in 2008. While he may not have to win the county by that wide a margin this time around, he is counting on Northern Virginia’s increasing diversity and its large federal workforce to provide a critical edge once again.”

The Beltway is a massive parasite that has attracted millions of rent seeking liberal government workers into Maryland and Northern Virginia.

The liberal transplants have combined with negroes who were enfranchised by the Voting Rights Act and Asian and Hispanic immigrants who invaded the Old Dominion after the Immigration Act of 1965 to transform Virginia state politics.

The federal government is what sucks in the DWLs from all across America. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 is responsible for the black vote. The Immigration Act of 1965 and the failure of the federal government to secure the border is responsible for the swelling Asian and Hispanic population.

The Union is our misfortune.

Note: Because of the Union, Obama will be spotted 55 electoral votes from the failed state of California alone, which is more than the equivalent of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina combined.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Yes Hunter but what is responsible for the Voting Rights Act?

    States allowing any White man to vote. Any dumb shit with white skin and a narrow nose that could or maybe could not pass a literacy test. An unpropertied man’s livelihood is outside his own control; He who sells his labor sells his vote. This is what paved the way to the current entitlement identity body politic. White egalitarianism: the same basic premise as egalitarianism; only inconsistent and morally indefensible against the extrapolation into fullblown egalitarianism. It is a bullshit half-measure, a foolish compromise that was destined to devolve. The only people that bought it were the true believers who consistently applied their principles up to 1965. A system that has since the first tinkering played to lower and lower denominators, any surprise once granted access Negroes are now its key beneficiaries?

    Now the current situation would be worse if not for Virginia’s disenfranchisement of felons. The NAACP is campaigning to repeal that law on grounds it suppresses the Negro vote. This is true because 1/5 Negroes in virginia is an ex-felon. Notably absent is any call by the NAACP for crime prevention… they know all too well the criminal inclinations of the Negro.

    The Civil Rights movement and its progeny holds the mere collective ‘hope’ and
    ‘dream’ of a violently unproductive group to enjoy the fruits of civil society and economic success is the criterion of the right to do so…. The politician is compelled to buy the vote of the criminal and stick the taxpayer with the bill. Just the same since any white trash could vote.

  2. Worse is better for now.

    Let them get what they want. Obama gets a second term, the US falls into Great Depression II under the first black president, and even the drooling drones start to “get it.”

    Obama and his constituency of rabble scum are going to bankrupt the country quite handily. Enough, perhaps, that immigrants will flee. Enough, perhaps, that starvation and disease will take over. And this country deserves it, after all.

  3. Tamer of savages wants to take away the white vote. But…the southerners weren’t always white trash rednecks. At this point, many of the “New Northerners” who’ve usually been in the country two generations (if that) would —at a glance– not allow the real descendants of American Revolutionary Soldiers into their homes— certainly they never seem to guess that’s who they are dealing with. It’s as if the descendants of the founders all just vanished as soon as they got off the boat. The history of the “how” of their impoverishment in the south is conveniently swept under the rug.

    Almost categorically, descendants of confederate soldiers in the south overlap with those of the revolutionary army, and can qualify for sons/daughters of the revolutionary war— By the war between the states, they’d been in the country through enough generations to fully establish their extensive culture.

  4. Confederates who haven’t bothered to date— should really do their homework, since they usually also date to the american revolutionary war also—- rednecks though they may be nowadays.

  5. The Founding Fathers exhibited great wisdom in denying poor Whites the vote. A man would then struggle to make a living, reaping political rewards upon success. The option of bypassing hard work, embracing welfare and party machinism was purposely avoided. Universal white male suffrage and the further catastrophe of female suffrage (the campaign of abolitionist women) put the principles of the United States on trial every two years. A Republic has ironclad principles enshrined in a constitution and men debate how to best further & maintain them. A democracy is untenable.

    “A Democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the treasury with the result that democracies always collapse over a loose fiscal policy, always to be followed by a dictatorship.” – Alexander F. Tyler

    New World Whites that support suffrage for the common layabout, or worse ascribe him nobility because of his tenure or heroism of his grandfather romanticize an era when the cancer was not yet painful. The choice between the Negro mob of today and the white mob of yesterday that opened the gates is a false choice. It is between individualist capitalism and socialist collectivism. It takes a rekindled ideological inspiration from the revolutionary soldiers, not merely a squandered genetic inheritance.

  6. I’d like to throw my support behind everything “Tamer of Savages” has said thus far. I would be interested in seeing him develop his ideas further in an essay and possibly have it posted on the main blog here.

    Some thoughts on the subject:

    What would the effects of reinstating the property requirement for voting have on the electorate of this country or in an independent Dixie? Considering how easy it is to get a home loan these days; is just the mere requirement of owning property adequate enough to keep the mob out of the electorate?

    Should there be a property value requirement which would require the owning of property worth a certain amount to be eligible to vote? How abut a literacy test in addition to the property requirement?

  7. at one point to vote in NC, a man had to have 300(?) pounds sterling in property, free and clear of debts, a member of the militia, or prove he owned a fire arm and a certain amount of shot and powder, and be a member in good standing of his local church. I support going back to a system like that, with an extensive background check, the father of 3 or more children, with three or more generations of Southron ancestors.

    failing to meet those requirements wouldn’t make a man White trash. I despise that term unless it’s applied to wiggers; tamer of savages seems to favor negros over Whites he doesn’t approve of.

  8. @ Stonelifter

    I think you and everyone else criticizing Tamer of Savages are missing the point he’s trying to make. He’s stating that the concept of universal suffrage in this country (which began with universal white male suffrage) inevitable conclusion was always negro/non-white suffrage.

    Tamer of Savages isn’t “favoring negros over white’s he doesn’t approve of” he’s simply pointing out that the concept of universal suffrage (including universal white male suffrage) goes against the founding principles of this country and has been one of the leading causes of the decline of our civilization.

    Is this point of view elitist? Sure, but we are traditionalist here and we fervently believe in the concept of inequality.

  9. read his other posts. I do not favor universal suffrage, have said so many times, and outlined what I would like to see a return too, but tamer would allow negros to be free and work and live next door to White people while speaking poorly of Whites he doesn’t like.

  10. The abomination of 1965 is going to ensure an American is never elected President again. The white bloc states can no longer out vote the BRA bloc. Whites have effectively lost control of their own country. We are now South Africa, circa 1993.

  11. The bright spot for Romney is the Rust Belt seems to be turning. Whites there are becoming less tolerant of liberalism. If the whites in the Midwest vote their own racial self-interest instead of going for typical democrat ideology, Romney has a chance. If he can take Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin and Ohio, Virginia doesn’t matter. And as the Uncle Sam rich ‘burbs of DC thrive, the formerly industrial rust-belt suffers inversely.

  12. Could someone be so kind as to explain to a newcomer/lurker what the meaning of ‘DWL’ is? I have searched, but the results I’ve found aren’t anything that would work in the context used here. Thanks. Great site, have enjoyed the posts and comments.

  13. If you don’t own land, don’t have any kids, won’t stand to as part of the local militia, and aren’t literate, then you shouldn’t be allowed to vote. You don’t have a real stake in the future of the polity, so what would be the point?

    I’ve always been a rabid proponent for a fence along the border to keep the unwanted immigrants out… The fence should run along either the Mason-Dixon line or the Potomac then down along the Ohio river. That should keep the Yankee DWL transplants out. Deracinated as they are, I doubt they could understand, but I wish they could understand and follow the sentiment expressed in this magnificent old song:


    It’s very sad to see what these locusts have done to northern Virginia and the rest of the South in my lifetime.

    Deo Vindice

  14. We need fences to keep them out of our rural enclaves up North, too. The same locusts have already destroyed much of our sacred northern homeland.

  15. A very effective but much too rare kind of fence is a solidly conservative community of rural people who are all agreed and determined not to sell them any property at all, so they can’t come in.

  16. You mean, just like the Khazarian ghettoes? If it worked for them, why shouldn’t it work for the real ‘Israelites’? [Gal. 6:16]…..

  17. Hi Singlemalt!

    Be warned: I’m not a white socialist or nationalist or national socialist, I really do find those ideologies abhorrent. I’m a white supremacist. I believe New World Whites need only freedom from tyranny to naturally rise to the top. Upholding economic freedom and personal liberty universally is a moral philosophy, upon which the advancement of civilization hinges.

    So to be warned: I don’t perceive intelligent, rational, creative, nonviolent, productive individuals of any race as a threat to myself or American society. I do perceive stupid, irrational, uncreative, violent destructive groups of any race as a threat to myself and American society.

    My referenced posts can be found here: http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2012/06/12/sick-from-freedom/#comments

    And the answer to your question: property is the key. Property. Property. Property. It has a literacy test and other safeguards built in.

  18. A very effective but much too rare kind of fence is a solidly conservative community of rural people who are all agreed and determined not to sell them any property at all, so they can’t come in.

    Yep. Making my own fence by offering to buy the farms of older couples that live near by when they feel the time has come. My oldest son bought the place across the road from me when the back to earth family crashed and burned. I got to say it is awesome beyond words to have him near by. If things go well, I will have homes and land for my clan and kin.

    Lately I’ve been thinking of selling my other farm land to have ready cash but at the same time I don’t want to do the all my eggs in one basket thing

  19. Stonelifter,
    I respect your concept of suffrage and its import. That policy stands as a brilliant tribute to the fine patriots of North Carolina. In post 1965 America there is no shot of voting restrictions that are racial, that of course goes without saying.

    No matter though. Even if every Negro owned a home a property qualification would still have a revolutionary impact. Property taxes would dive and likely be stricken altogether as politicians compete for homeowner’s votes. That is stage 1.

    Now singlemalt got the idea in part when he touched on how easy it is to get a homeloan. Well, easy come easy go. Union workers for instance could parlay their “affordable housing” into a vote. If they piss it away like they almost did in Wisconsin and the economy of their state begins to totter, guess who loses their house first and will spend the rest of their miserable life as a voteless tenant? That is stage 2.

  20. Yes you should own property, be an honorably discharged veteran, something that proves you contribute.

    Unlimited suffrage is a joke. You wouldn’t even have to bring in race, some basic qualifications alone would take care fo most of the problems.

    But who am I kidding, we can’t even get voter ID FFS. Something you need to by a can of Copenhagen you don’t even need to choose the next President.

  21. it’s not my concept tamer, it’s the way it was done here in NC, with a little modern updating, and the voting laws won’t change until the usa breaks apart. Then we can change things. And yes I’d disenfranchise all non White men, and all White men who didn’t fit my other post.

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