Scaling the Blue Wall

Blue Wall

White working class voters in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania have it within their power to sink Obama:

“For much of the presidential campaign, President Obama’s top strategists have outlined their numerous paths to 270 electoral votes: win Florida, sweep the Southwest, or pick off a Southern state or two. But they didn’t prepare for the possibility that working-class white voters in the Rust Belt could abandon the president en masse, throwing his well-laid plans into disarray.

With the economy struggling to pick up steam, three must-win “blue-wall” states are looking increasingly winnable for the Romney campaign: Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. Both election results (from the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall) and reputable polling show that all three states are shaping up to be highly competitive, and that both campaigns will be devoting significant resources there.”

Tough choice.

I’ve been saying for months that the North is the pivot on which the whole country swings. If White voters in the North voted like White voters in the South (instead of like African-Americans in the South), we probably could have turned around America a long time ago.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The bigger the Federal budget, the fatter the affirmative action fed payrolls get, the worse the ignored white manufacturing heartland seems to get. This doesn’t go unnoticed. Rural whites in the midwest have abandoned Dems in mass in the last decade, with the Obama years accelerating the process to the point almost 70% will not vote Democrat anymore. The rural vote cost the democrats the Wisconsin recall, and can easily cost Obama the Presidency in both Wisconsin and Michigan.

    “Democratic state Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, who is from Alma, a town of fewer than 1,000 residents along the Mississippi River in Buffalo County, cautioned repeatedly while herself a candidate for governor before losing to Barrett in the Democratic primary, that Walker had a strong following in the western and northern portions of the state that should not be ignored.

    She was right.

    Walker won Vinehout’s home county with 61 percent of the vote, an big jump from his 53 percent win there in 2010.

    Rural Pepin County to the north of Buffalo County also saw a higher win for Walker, at 60 percent, up from 53 percent in 2010; and rural Trempealeau County to the south of Buffalo County moved from its 49-49 percent tie in 2010 to a 57 percent win for Walker in the recall.

    “If we don’t start paying attention to the rural counties across this state, we will be the minority party forever,” Vinehout says.

    Read more:

  2. I don’t know any-one that is planning to vote for OBummer. There are folks nearby; I haven othing ot do with them. City Liberals all.

    Even old White folk Democrats are disenchanted in extremis. We call that type “Lever Pullers”. The Lever Pullers are not getting all the goodies they expected to get -and are losing lots.

    It’s all up for grabs, though…

  3. Hunter, thanks for this good analysis and encouragement. Local party activists and conservative voters in these states need to be informed and CONVINCED that THEY are absolutely pivotal in this election. Give us more data and convincing argument to that effect, and we’ll continue passing it along to them.

    Yes, Denise, there are STILL some white self-described “DIE HARD Democrats” around here, all of them old retired white folk who have always (“all my life since Franklin Delano Roosevelt”) pulled the lever for the straight party ticket. But for many of them, this will be their last election, not like in the cities where the dead continue to vote. Many of the younger local voters are enthusiastic about Ron Paul, some continuing to believe he could win at the convention somehow.

  4. Any white voting democrat at this point is either too old and stupid to know better, or is actively anti-white.

  5. White working class voters have deserted Obama all across Greater Appalachia which is why West Virginia, Arkansas, and Tennessee are no longer swing states. Do you remember when Al Gore lost the pivotal state of Tennessee?

    If Whites in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Michigan would follow suit, not unreasonable considering that West Virginia was a swing state in the 1990s, which is the most White working class state in America, then everything would change.

    If Whites there would just vote like Whites in Kentucky, Obama would be doomed.

  6. BTW, if all the White working class voters abandoned the Democrats, and shifted to the GOP, then the Republicans would be forced to shift dramatically to the right, as the lower and middle class Whites would have more leverage.

    In the South, the GOP was initially dominanted by upper middle class suburban moderates, it was the pro-business party in the 1970s, but that has changed over time because of racial polarization.

    The White vote in the South was split between Republicans and Democrats until very recently.

  7. “Rural Pepin County to the north of Buffalo County also saw a higher win for Walker, at 60 percent, up from 53 percent in 2010…”

    This is fascinating. A parishioner of mine, some years back, was looking at land in this area. Investigating some prime riverfront ($$) he could either a) buy the land, or b) buy a house. He couldn’t do both. But he and his wife checked out the neighboring towns, before their final decision to ‘let the deal go.’

    They found a higher concentration of LEFTIST LIBERAL Die-Hards in these ‘river towns’ than comparable towns in Minnesota. Part of the reason is Lake Pepin, where the Mississippi widens into a real Lake, with high bluffs on either side- one of the most spectacular areas of the MN/WI border to be seen.

    My parishioner said that towns like Stockholm and Pepin had lesbian couples, touchy-feely ‘rainbow flags’ everywhere, liberal churches help up by merely being part of the UMC, TEC, and ELCA, and not much more. And up the road a bit, your ‘Saturday/weekend biker crowd’ of drinking Harley wannabes, buzzed around the lake every weekend in summer. It made my friend think, “Do I really want to live here, with such bizarre extremes?”

    Granted, the big event in Pepin in July/August was a monster truck rally, but I must have to surmise the farmers/blue collar workers inland, (going up toward Durand way) are the ‘sea change’ voters mentioned in this column. But if Walker won with 60% of the voters, maybe, just maybe, we are seeing a ‘waking up’ in the Upper Midwest. I saw a map of the 2010 Elections, where almost all the eastern MN counties voted REPUBLICAN, save for Hennepin and Sibley Counties (Mpls, and St. Paul, of course….) To see red, instead of blue, was a shock, even to me. I only wish I could find people who have crossed the Rubicon to see Black and White, as well… but that’s asking for a miracle- like another Charles Lindbergh’s America First party.


  8. I’ve been saying for months that the North is the pivot on which the whole country swings. If White voters in the North voted like White voters in the South (instead of like African-Americans in the South), we probably could have turned around America a long time ago.

    I want to compare voting patterns in 2008 and 2010 between the 34 Cold States of northern and middle America and the 16 Warm States of southern tier America, so bear with me for a second, Hunter.

    The Democrats routed the Republicans in the 2008 Congressional elections, winning the House 256-179, and the Senate 59-41. Their victory was especially apparent in the Cold States, winning 154-85 in the House and 43-25 in the Senate. The race was a lot closer in the Warm States, with the Dems squeaking out a 102-94 win in the House, while the parties tied 16-16 in the Senate.

    As we all know, the Republicans came back strong in 2010, picking up a net 63 seats to win back control of the House, and picking up an additional 6 Senate seats as well. What’s interesting is that the vast majority of these gains came in the Cold States, where they picked up 44 House seats and all 6 Senate seats. The GOP picked up 22 seats in the Warm States, but also lost 3 seats in Delaware, Hawaii and Louisiana.

    When the dust settled, the GOP was ahead in the House by 129-110 in the Cold States and 113-83 in the Warm States. In the Senate, the Dems led 37-31 in the Cold States, with the parties still tied 16-16 in the Warm States.

    In the 2008 presidential election, Obama won 365-173. He won the Warm States 140-91, flipping Nevada, New Mexico, Florida, North Carolina and Virginia (65 electoral votes) to the Democratic column. He won the Cold States 225-82, flipping Colorado, Iowa, Indiana and Ohio (47 electoral votes). So even though Obama’s margin of victory was bigger in the Cold States, most of his gains were in the Warm States.

    I believe this is the beginning of a long-term shift, that as the demographics of the country change, so inevitably do the politics. As recently as 2004, the Republicans won the electoral vote in the Warm States 156-75, but those days are over, seemingly for good. As the roughly 50% white Warm States gradually turn Democratic, in reaction the roughly 75% white Cold States will shift the other way toward the Republicans.

    It should come as no surprise that Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin (amongst other Cold States) are now in play. The surprise for the GOP will be how hard it will be to ever win back any Warm States that have previously fallen to the Dems.

  9. As energy prices rise, much of the warm states will seem less and less attractive to whites. We may be seeing a retrenchment.

  10. Iron County broke hard for Walker. They were supposed to get a $2 billion iron mine, instead they got screwed by the dems in the senate and one rino. Things like this stick in peoples heads, and if they are pissed at one “D” it tends to carry to all the rest on the ballot. This is what happened in 2008, and bush wasn’t even on the ballot. Obama won swing states on an anti “R” protest vote.

  11. “As energy prices rise, much of the warm states will seem less and less attractive to whites.”

    There is the counterargument that heating bills are much lower there. But if electricity for cooling isn’t available, firewood for heating almso always is. Heating with wood and coal and putting on warm clothes and blankets is MUCH simpler technologically than electricity, air conditioning and refrigeration.

  12. “and refrigeration.”

    The key, food spoils quick down south. You can dig a hole in the side of a hill in the midwest and have a nice 40-45 degrees year-round. It doesn’t have to be deep either. This is where winter is a bonus, free refrigeration.

  13. In all three states, a majority of white protestant voters cast their ballot for McCain. It’s not a North/South divide, it is a Protestant/Catholic divide.

  14. First, I wonder if despite the best efforts of the media, certain white working class and middle class folks are getting the message that Obama is really a pandering race hustler just like most black democrats. Maybe they’re finally turned off by Black Run America and its manifestations – Trayvon, Detroit, black flash mobs, the extent of black on white crime. Hopefully a few upper middle class whites in the suburbs of Philadelphia and other cities are getting a clue.

    Secondly, it’s interesting that the higher income whites, especially in the north and midwest, have changed their support over the last couple of decades from Republican to Democrat. They did so to think well of themselves, and so that their neighbors will think well of them. They’re above those icky intolerant lower class whites, especially the Christian right. The social issues – things like abortion and the cause du jour, gay marriage, are the most important to them. I know some of these people, even a jackass who worked for big oil yet shelled out the max for Obama in 2008.

  15. Mosin,

    “Yes, Denise, there are STILL some white self-described “DIE HARD Democrats” around here, all of them old retired white folk who have always (“all my life since Franklin Delano Roosevelt”) pulled the lever for the straight party ticket. But for many of them, this will be their last election, not like in the cities where the dead continue to vote. Many of the younger local voters are enthusiastic about Ron Paul, some continuing to believe he could win at the convention somehow.”

    I fear that they may well take the shards of America with them….

  16. @Desmond Jones

    Most of the white Catholics in Michigan will vote for Romney. It’s a much different atmosphere than 2008. Plus, I’ve been doing a lot of “stealth” campaigning for Romney in two counties that will be pivotal in Michigan.

  17. You folks are going to be so disappointed. If/when Romney is elected here is what will happen:

    -Wars in the middle east for Israel (against Syria/Hezbollah/Iran etc.)
    -Economy will grow at a slightly higher rate than now…
    so Illegal Immigrants from Latin America and Asia will again pour into the USA like they were under Clinton/Bush (it is still bad now but will get worse)
    -More immigration of “skilled” workers from Asia/India, so in essence a higher rate of legal immigration than exists now.

    Romney’s #1 campaign contributor is Sheldon Adelsdon the Jewish multi-billionaire and rabid Zionist.

    It will be white American kids dying in the desert for Sheldon’s favorite country. This while their own country is being invaded by Latin American peasants.

  18. I only want Romney to win if it provokes a large scale chimp-out. Right now, I don’t think it will. If they thought BHO should win, but didn’t, the negros would blame it on cheating etc and riot. It seems to me, the reality of BHO losing the election is sinking in and the negros won’t make a big deal out of the loss.

  19. Niggers need to blame Whites for their failures. The past four years have really set them off.
    They feel better when YT is reining over them. They can blame YT all day and night, it gives them the needed assurance that they are not worthless, they are just oppressed victims. They feel more comfortable in this role of victimhood.
    I think the opposite will happen if Romney is elected, no riots, no mayhem.
    They will settle in and continue to rob the nation blind thru welfare and entitlements and Romney will obide.

  20. No, Romney is not the great white hope, I don’t think anyone here can fool themselves into thinking that. But he is better than Obama, whatever that’s worth.

    H1bs are a crock though. More jobs for foreigners. Yay. That’s a plank to run on.

  21. Alot of whites to seem to be blaming the blacks for their failures as well.
    The blacks didn’t open our borders, ship our industry to china, flood the country with drugs imported from overseas, sign the federal reserve act, get us involved in useless wars based on lies, hand us worthless fiat money, destroy the economy, pollute our water system with fluoride, force whites to get divorced at the drop of a hat, get abortions, take drugs, become alcoholics, not help one another — whites send their charity to other races–blacks don’t force us to do that. The blacks didn’t put a gun to head of the white race and make us kill one another down in the tens of millions in the 2 world wars, don’t force white men ( and women) to join the volunteer military service, didn’t force whites to flush out heritage and culture down the toilet bowl in the 1960’s to go run off and “do your own thing”.
    Finger pointing can only get you so far, then that’s it. When the finger pointing is over, you are still faced with yourself and your own faults.

  22. ‘I only want Romney to win if it provokes a large scale chimp-out.’

    Yes! This will help to increase Racial Polarization, which will help to convert dis-interested Whites into Pro-Whites and White Nationalists.

    Right now I think it is Romneys race to lose. In Florida he is ahead of Obama by 6 points and Nationally is ahead of Obama by 4 points (48-44)

  23. @Joe:

    The imported Africans didn’t DO those things, but some of those things happen because they are here. But yes, I think you’re right that the BRA paradigm DOESN’T explain EVERYTHING — which requires adding the JRA and WRA (and some would also add DWLRA or YRA) viewpoints.

  24. @ Joe, and re: “which requires adding the JRA and WRA (and some would also add DWLRA or YRA) viewpoints”: Also add the SRA (Satan Run AmeriKa) explanation, that it wasn’t the negroes or those others, but the DEVIL that ultimately “made” the whites do all those things — and Man can choose only to serve God OR that other master.

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