Romney Won’t Commit To Overturning Obama’s DREAM Act Executive Order

District of Corruption

Do you remember “I will veto the DREAM Act”? How about Romney’s attacks on Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry in the Republican presidential debates? Did you see any of those Super PAC campaign commercials?

Here’s the latest etch-a-sketch moment:

“BRUNSWICK, Ohio (AP) —Mitt Romney is refusing to say that he would overturn President Barack Obama’s new policy allowing some young illegal immigrants to stay in the United States.

The Republican presidential candidate tells CBS” ”Face the Nation” that if he’s president, Obama’s executive order “would be overtaken by events … by virtue of my putting in place a long-term solution.”

Romney was asked three times in the interview if he would overturn Obama’s order, but he didn’t directly answer the question. Instead, he said would work to pass a law to help those young people who were “brought in by their parents through no fault of their own.” Romney said he doesn’t know why Obama “feels stop-gap measures are the right way to go.”

The candidate’s comments represent a further softening of his rhetoric on immigration since the GOP primary campaign ended.”

Note: There is a reason why the Confederate flag is prominently displayed on this website. There is also a reason why we constantly talk about secession and dissolving the Union. It is because we have no confidence whatsoever in the national GOP.

The political system isn’t entirely worthless. It is still possible to fight back at the state level in the Deep South. We should participate in the political system at the state level with an eye towards polarizing the states toward secession.

Update: McCain claims that Romney supports comprehensive immigration reform:

“A top surrogate of Romney’s, Arizona Sen. John McCain, went slightly further. Romney was “certainly willing to address that issue and immigration reform in a comprehensive way,” McCain said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Hahahahahahaha and I thought this site and Hunter supported Willard OVER Paul because Willard was tough on illegals. Romney’s own advisor said after the primary he would work like an etch-a-sketch, and for people who understood this his latest pander move is no surprise. But god I love reading the Mittbots scrambling to explain this away when they can’t.

  2. Any time someone uses the words “comprehensive” or “reform” I run as fast as I can the opposite direction.

  3. Orion14, I trust that’s irony? Our worst enemies are white anti-Whites who look just like us but have no loyal to us. Romney fits that description to a T.

    Lew, Obama hates White people too. If you are really going to vote for him you are an idiot. Stay home or vote 3rd party. That makes more sense.

  4. The Supreme Court is expected to uphold Arizona’s immigration law soon. Once it happens, how long will it take for Romney to run in the other direction?

  5. Anyone voting for Romney, expecting action in our favor on immigration, will be heartbroken if he wins.

    He is a textbook open borders globalist. He will lead the charge for amnesty, and perhaps most shockingly, I believe he will crack down on state anti-immigration laws.

  6. Obama hates white people because his mother was a white nigger loving whore. He is the son of white trash.

  7. It’s hard to separate campaign tactics from actual positions. That’s the problem with this guy. What the hell does he ACTUALLY believe?

    I was considering voting for Mitt not to long ago, but that sure as hell ain’t happening if he’s going to whither away from the issues like some weakling.

    Why does the GOP insist on committing suicide and handing America over to a horde of Left voting foreigners? It doesn’t make any damned sense.

  8. Actually, I hold out some hope for Romney. Obama just hates white people, Romney doesn’t seem to care. Sure, he talks about immigration reform now, but earlier he had the toughest on illegals policy.

    People like us are currently unelectable. Until we change that, a politician who doesn’t care is our best option.

  9. Obama is a “designer” baby. His radical left mom had a plan, and it worked out far better than expected. She picked out a magic negro to father him.

  10. I have no doubt Obama dislikes White people too. But, his policies are better for White people. This is what matters.

  11. Useful Idiot? Obama was our first negro president. All 43 predecessors were White. Tell me, what do you call someone that keeps doing the same thing over and over again with the same results?

    I want Obama to win his second term, if only to piss off the conservative patriotards amongst us. Maybe then they will start thinking in revolutionary terms. It’s worth a try. Can’t hurt.

  12. Hunter – exactly. If the Crypto Jubio is the VP – I’m gonna write in Paul, and I think every-one I know will do so. I hope Mitten’s delegates flip for Paul, at the GOP Dog and Pony Show.

  13. @orion14

    If Obama wins, the conservative patriotards will just retreat and set up new gated communites, further away, and insulate themselves and their families for the duration. They won’t feel any of it, and most of them don’t now. They’ll just watch golf and NFL until it’s time put all their hopes in some recycled neocon like Jeb Bush in 2016. Not a damn thing will change, except that most other white people will get fucked over even worse than they are now.

    I so sick of this delusional bullshit among WN’s about how another Obama term will finish off the federal government and open the window for “revolution” — whatever the hell that’s supposed to be. Here’s reality: If Obama get’s another term, you won’t do shit. You won’t start a revolution. You won’t raise a finger in protest against whatever evil shit he has in mind for us. At the most, you and all those other pro-Obama shit-for-brains ‘let’s-start-the-revoltion’ WN’s will cry about how America is lost to white people, and talk about emigrating to Europe.

    I’m voting for Romney because doing so CAN actually remove this hideous nigger freak from power, if people would stop looking for every screwball reason not to. And yeah, I know damn well it won’t change things back to the way they were, or to the exact way I would personally like things to be, but at least my president will be one of my own kind. And if you had spent the first 22 years of your life basically trapped by law under black rule like I did, then you might know what it means to actually have someone who actually looks and sounds like you, as your elected leader.

  14. If Romney knew what was best for him, he would shut up now, keep talking about the economy, pick someone other than Rubio to be VP, and ride the decline of the economy into November.

  15. Romney losing is a win for the white middle class.

    Four more years of economic decline, and further exploitation within an anti-white spoils system, will clarify the true nature of the challenges facing the United States to more members of the white middle class.

    The government’s policies will invariably be anti-white. Do you want those policies to have a black face, or a white face?

  16. how in the hell is BHO policy better for White people? As far as I can tell his whole game plan is to loot middle class Whites up to the 1% and fork it over to negros and women in one govt spending or another.

    the best think I can say about Romney is, just maybe he’ll appoint decent judges. Maybe

  17. Jim. maybe obamas mother was a nigger loving whore. but your mom was just a whore. so whats the dif. stupid.

  18. Romney doesn’t believe in anything whatever he thinks will get him elected , making money and possibly a fairly liberal sort of Mormonism.

    This is not is surprise.

  19. Why, it’s almost as if the Party of Business and the Party of Government both want plenty of cheap labor and an easily led and dependent serf class….could it be that neither give a damn for our people, our nation, our history, our culture and our survival?

    C’mon people: it saddens me to see otherwise sensible nationalists care about Willard vs. Barry.

    They are both the enemy.

  20. KevinV, Dave and Lew have it right. While voting in Federal Elections are useless, having a focus point is not. We need to keep a black racist front and center and keep agitating. I can’t tell you how much the election of Obama has opened up discussions about the situation facing us. The illegitimate government knows this, and it’s why they are preparing for a civil war.

    Conservatards may retreat but there won’t be a place to hide. I understand it might be for naught, but there aren’t any other options open to us. Thanks to conservatives and others kicking the ball down the road, we have arrived at this point and there is no turning back the clock.

    Pretty pathetic that people are hanging their hopes on a gun grabbing, anti-white Massachusetts Israeli Firster to “save” us from a gun grabbing, anti-white Chicago Israeli Firster. That speaks volumes as to the severity of our situation.

  21. I’d vote for Ron Paul again in a heart beat. At least I’d know what I’d be getting: States’ Rights.

    Do you have any idea what you are getting with Romney? Does anyone?

  22. I suspect that when Obama gets re-elected and he goes whole hog, we’ll hear others picking up the Mantra of a New Nation. A White Ethnostate. It’s going to get louder. What we need to be doing is trying to awake as many of the people who have the means to get it going. Military men. Rich folks. The number one place to be “flyering” and getting people to visit sites like this are military bases.

    Then maybe one day we’ll hear the loudspeakers. We will have arrived.

  23. Obama hated his white grandma too. His burning hatred for whitey isn’t based on racial conflict. It’s much more primal than that. It’s mommy hate. That’s why he married an archetypal Broomhilda. It was an attempt to scrub the whitey out of him.

  24. @Afterthought: “Romney and Rubio seek to depolarize us, in other words, put white people back to sleep; a sleep from which we may never wake.” My thought and concern also. But I think we should support Romney after he is nominated, and finally vote for him, but also time make it perfectly clear to everyone that we do this ONLY because he is the LESSER of the two evils that they offer us.

    But no one should complain here who voted for him or one of the other Neocons in the primaries. You got the choice you voted for!

  25. In other words, both vigorous support and denigration AT ONCE.

    The next alternatives are a mass write-in campaign for Ron Paul or an open racialist and a mass abstention from voting, either of which would HELP Obama win.

  26. Re: “But no one should complain here who voted for him or one of the other Neocons in the primaries. You got the choice you voted for!” And those who didn’t vote or participate in the primary process at all shouldn’t complain here either!

  27. Hunter, VP will be Rob Portman, this is already set in motion. Rubio was a tea fav. but this immigration nonsense is extirpating his base as he tries to remold as a moderate. Romney gains nothing by adding him to the ticket, especially now with Obama making this move on illegals.

    So my question, why no love for Constitutional candidate Virgil Goode? He is pro deportation, strong militarized border, small government, fair or flat tax, etc….

    If any of you on here think Gary Johnson is a better alternative you need to go back and read about his immigration stance (its just like just like Obama/Romney)…

  28. Voting for the lesser of two evils is not an option anymore. We’ve been doing that for decades and it hasn’t worked. We have to get to the crux of the problem, and everyone here is smart enough to know what that is.

  29. @orion: “What we need to be doing is trying to awake as many of the people who have the means to get it going. Military men. Rich folks. The number one place to be “flyering”…are military bases.”

    I don’t think the Inter-nationalist One Percent could be moved at all by our nationalist complaint, and imagine the result of flyering Mercenary real estate with our polemics of the endless global war!

  30. I do understand what you mean about “have the means to get it going.” As in: Over 90% of the time elections are won by the candidates who are able to spend more than their opponents.

  31. I don’t like the sorry assed Yankee bastard, either. But let’s just “keep it real” as Eric Holder’s people say. If you can’t see the writing on the wall, you are beyond hope.

    Go ahead and vote Obama. After he’s elected, he’ll have nothing to lose. When he starts popping out more executive orders that take everything he can from whites, you can look in the mirror and feel proud. Of what, I’m not sure.

    Any white man who would take the side of this white-hating mulatto over another white man is the lowest of miserable wretches. Buck up and vote Romney.

    Ron Paul is not the second coming. He has and will sell you out, too.We need to get it together and quit lying to ourselves. How bad off do you really want to be before the federal beast expires? It’ll be bad enough under the best of circumstances.

    Deo Vindice

  32. @Orion: “Voting for the lesser of two evils is not an option anymore.” Then do you mean voting is no longer an option, since there are only two evils to choose from? What about the option of vigorous support combined with denigration, stumping for Romney while making it clear that BOTH choices are evil?

  33. The Constitution Party goes out of its way to say its anti racist, as did Chuck Baldwin and doesn’t stand a snow balls chance in hell. Same with Ron Paul

    I don’t give a rats ass who the PTOUS is, all 4 candidates mentioned here suck, and suck equally bad for different reasons. There will be no magic return to states rights and the like by electing the correct president. Make plans that don’t rely on things beyond your ability to affect. Our plans and our actions must be about gaining strength regardless how elections go. Grow your personal strength and power and recruit more White men. Leaders will develop as we gain numbers and as things get tougher. Stop waiting for some magic man to save the day, stop wasting your talents lobbying for someone to save you and get to fucking working saving your day and family.

  34. FACT: There is no politician in BRA who is on your side. In either party.

    Why is it that an honorable man like Virgil Goode is no longer a Republican?
    I think we all know why…

    The only real hope for our people is a free and independent Southland.

    Deo Vindice

  35. “Ron Paul is not the second coming.” Certainly not, but the better choice, weak on immigration but better than the others on every other issue that counts.

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