Romney Won’t Commit To Overturning Obama’s DREAM Act Executive Order

District of Corruption

Do you remember “I will veto the DREAM Act”? How about Romney’s attacks on Newt Gingrich and Rick Perry in the Republican presidential debates? Did you see any of those Super PAC campaign commercials?

Here’s the latest etch-a-sketch moment:

“BRUNSWICK, Ohio (AP) —Mitt Romney is refusing to say that he would overturn President Barack Obama’s new policy allowing some young illegal immigrants to stay in the United States.

The Republican presidential candidate tells CBS” ”Face the Nation” that if he’s president, Obama’s executive order “would be overtaken by events … by virtue of my putting in place a long-term solution.”

Romney was asked three times in the interview if he would overturn Obama’s order, but he didn’t directly answer the question. Instead, he said would work to pass a law to help those young people who were “brought in by their parents through no fault of their own.” Romney said he doesn’t know why Obama “feels stop-gap measures are the right way to go.”

The candidate’s comments represent a further softening of his rhetoric on immigration since the GOP primary campaign ended.”

Note: There is a reason why the Confederate flag is prominently displayed on this website. There is also a reason why we constantly talk about secession and dissolving the Union. It is because we have no confidence whatsoever in the national GOP.

The political system isn’t entirely worthless. It is still possible to fight back at the state level in the Deep South. We should participate in the political system at the state level with an eye towards polarizing the states toward secession.

Update: McCain claims that Romney supports comprehensive immigration reform:

“A top surrogate of Romney’s, Arizona Sen. John McCain, went slightly further. Romney was “certainly willing to address that issue and immigration reform in a comprehensive way,” McCain said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. I’ve written this before – I’ll write it AGAIN:

    Obama gets re-installed – the USA is South Afreaka. Whitey gets gunned down for REAL.

    Mittens is a cosmically selfish, self-idulgent Neo-COHAN walking anal tract. I loathe him. But I genuinely thing was get a bit of breathing room. We DON’T get gunned down. Anne won’t let him order it. Moochelle – she’ll/it’ll man and I mean man the turret gun, for sheer love of Killin’ Dem White Debbils.

    I hate Mitten’s airbrushed and laquered guts.

    But we get a bit of breathing room.

    Nothing but NOTHING is going to stop the full on crash. It’s like the train crash scene, form the Harrison Ford ” The Fugitive”. That is what our economic crash is gonna look like.

    With ONigger – the Nigs on the train kill us before, during, and after the crash.

    With Mittens – we have a chance to jump outta the way. We are still torn, bleeding, dirty, and penniless – but we are alive.

    There ya go.

    P.S. – It took Greece 2000 years to snap out of dormancy and complacancy. Hail the Golden Dawn!

  2. @Apuleius

    A quick death is better than a slow one, it causes people to wise up quick and fight for their lives. Plus Zero is already dividing people. A repub in office doing the same things as Zero would not attract notice of a passive GOP base for some time….

    Every major (yes I use that word lightly) “party” goes out of it’s way to be anti racist, the charge of racism in this PC internet age is a campaign killer where words can get twisted, and dumbed down people eat up what the media feeds them second-handedly. I do like your idea of personal action though. Its based on not giving into external factors. Shall we call it native-stoicism? Work on changing things in your life you have control over and don’t fret the rest unless you can exploit it for gains….

  3. Yes, I’m saying voting is no longer an option. Voting 3rd party is the same as voting for Obama. My point is this: We are 20 years, if not sooner, from becoming a minority in the land our Ancestors built with their sweat and blood. Once it’s gone, it’s not ever coming back. No matter who is in office, White, Black or Mestizo, the process will continue. It will get worse until there are a billion people on this continent and 80% of them will be non white. Just look at the projections for 2090. It will be a South African hell x10. Is that what you want to leave to your posterity?

    Our only option is to separate physically. That will not not happen by voting or suing in court. It will not happen by having rallies. It will happen when the current government loses legitimacy in the eyes of white people. How does that happen? I think we know the answer to that.

  4. In 2000, I voted for Gore. In 2004, I voted for Kerry. I’m also sure that I voted for Democrats in 2002 and 2006. In four elections, I voted Democrat because I hated Bush and the Republicans.

    By 2008, I had begun to change my opinion of Republicans. I was impressed by Sen. Jeff Sessions and Rep. Terry Everett who were solidly against amnesty. Even Sen. Richard Shelby wasn’t so bad.

    In 2008, I voted for Ron Paul in the Republican primary and Chuck Baldwin in the general election. I would have rathered crawl over broken glass than vote for John McCain.

    In 2010, I voted for Bentley, Martha Roby, and Republicans for state and local offices. Bentley singer Alabama’s immigration law after Republicans took over the Alabama state legislature.

    In the 2012 Republican primary, I voted for Romney because the race in Alabama was a three way tie between Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich. It was more a vote against Santorum and Gingrich than a vote for Romney.

    Ron Paul lost my vote because of his opposition to the border fence and E-Verify.

  5. Thank you Maxx. I don’t know what to call it. Never thought about giving it a name. I know my fore fathers never waited for someone to make their life better and neither will I. To me its about me taking responsibility for my family and working on positively affecting the things that I can.

    I also believe demographics are destiny. I had 5 kids, who I hope will have 5 or more kids each. I’ve bought houses, and put away money for my kids so they can afford their own large families (my grand-kids) by not having to pay off home loans and the like. I’ve put up firearms, farm land, silver etc etc which I hope will give my kids an edge. I’ve hopefully trained them to to the same for their children. 30 years from now, if things go as planned I will have 30 votes going my way, 30 riffles protecting our farm land etc etc and it won’t matter who the PTOUS is. I’ll be dead, and won’t see the fruits of my labor in this life, but I’m not in this for a qucik victory or temporary improvement. Now I’m not saying my exact way is the only way, we all have our own sets of talents and abilities but I do think the only way is to have our plans be outcome independent from things like elections and what not.

    I don’t care one way or the other about BHO being POTUS again. #1 we won’t turn into South Africa in 4 years if the negro is still in office. We still have numbers, many well armed White men and our strength isn’t spent yet. Our strength is waning but not waxed. And if we do, my father started preparing for things like that, I picked up where he left off and I’ve done all I can to aide our survival. My plans and actions will still be the same, regardless of who’s in the White house; produce, train and arm more White children. Help my adult children do the same. Recruit more God fearing White men, train them, guide them etc etc. We can do that regardless of who’s in the White House and then we’ll have a cadre of men to deal with things when the wheels fall off.

    Life for Whites have to get much worse, much harder for things to turn around. We need to be the people with the plans and the tools to turn things around when things go to hell

  6. As of June 2012, I am leaning toward Virgil Goode. I’m in swing voter mode. I am waiting to see if Romney picks Rubio for VP. That will be the single biggest factor in determining my vote.

    If Romney picks Rubio, I will vote against him and oppose him in the fall. If he doesn’t pick Rubio, I will likely vote for him over Supreme Court nominees and his promise to build the border fence.

  7. >>>My vote has never counted for much but it is never taken for granted.<<<

    Depends on who has done the counting.

  8. When I was a young man, I thought long term the most important thing a president did was appoint judges. Over time I watched how those judges never ruled in favor of the old ways and Founding Stock. They become judges with a promise to be xyz kind of people then do whatever the hell they want

  9. Bush’s amnesty doomed his Presidency. It undermined his core support and ensured he would never get a Republican Congress. That’s right. Amnesty. Not the war, not the economy (that was “fine” at the time). It was amnesty. I remember the summer of 2006. The republican party had a coup on its hands, and Bush was forced to back down. McCain hitched his horse to that same doomed wagon, and that did more to end his White House dreams than any other one thing.

  10. White conservatives know in their bones that amnesty means their own genocide. They might not admit it, or even be conscious of it. But they KNOW it. It’s to us to show them what they already KNOW.

  11. Jim: Great post. The only problem is there are so many whites who are completely sold on multiculturalism, races is only skin deep mantra. It’s only been pushed on us for 60 plus years. Maybe cold hard reality of their white children being denied advantages, being denied entry into good colleges will wake a few of them up.
    Hunter: If he chooses Rubio, I definitely not voting for Romney.

  12. The VP has little power beyond casting tie-breaking votes in the Senate. Unless you’re expecting the Prez to be offed and the VP to take power.

  13. Maxx, there is no such thing as an “anti-racist”. What they are is anti-White.

    Anti-racist is a code word for anti-White.

  14. How did it come to this choice? Re-read Denise’s comments above, including: “Ron Paul’s policies will take CARE of immigration issues.” Exactly correct, Denise.

  15. “>>>My vote has never counted for much but it is never taken for granted.<<<

    Depends on who has done the counting."

    Soon an entire election can be created to order, electronically, including our votes.

  16. ron paul, who won’t build a fence will fix immigration? libertarians are big into open borders so i’m not sure how the logic follows

  17. More and more I’m coming to the conclusion that my vote is too important to waste on this election.

  18. Don’t everyone fall for the lie that the Presidential election is the be all, winner take all contest. If Obama wins again, he doesn’t get to expropriate every White person’s property and make the United States in to Zimbabwe – it will just embolded the Congress, judges, state and local White officials to step up to oppose Zimbabwe in America.

    Romney is the White candidate – Obama the Black/homosexual/Hispanic/Muslim immigrant/Indian immigrant – the anti White candidate. The less than 2% of American voters who are Jewish will once again vote over 80% for the Lib/Dem anti White candidate.

    So that’s reality. Anyone talking about some 3rd party, Libertarian write in candidacy that will some how win and save the day, they are not thinking and living in reality.

    Time to get back in to reality folks.

  19. Landshark FTW.

    I’ll vote for county and state elections; there is no one at the federal level to vote for

  20. Having the presidency now is like holding a hot potato. Romney wants amnesty, supports dreamers, refuses to touch welfare, and will probably start banging the neocon war drums. None of which is good for the economy, so Romney will doom it as much as Obama.

    Here’s the thing: whoever is in power when the economy implodes will take the blame for it. Would you rather a white guy pretending to be “conservative” take the heat or a negro pseudo-socialist executive ordering more welfare? I’m surprised Hunter Wallace doesn’t see it this way considering his whole philosophy revolves around the failure of the U.S. federal government. You’d think he’d prefer to see it fail as spectacularly as possible under Obama and let the establishment’s magical negro go down in infamy for it.

  21. i’d prefer the negro to take the heat; which is one more reason I’m so unconcerned about the federal election. Which ever way it goes, when need to ensure we pin it on BRA

  22. Let’s all vote for Fr John 4 President and Mosin Nagant 4 Vice-President .
    Then we can live in a Christian Theocratic Dictatorship.
    Appoint Stonelifter to Secretary of Defense.
    Appoint Lynda to be our ambassador to the Vatican.
    Appoint Dixiegirl to Secretary of Commerce.
    Send Apuleius down to protect the border .
    Appoint TabuLa Raza as our ambassador to China ’cause he’s great at figuring out the “inscrutable”
    Appoint Svigor as head of the Dept of Justice
    Appoint Denise to the Supreme Court, she’ll put the schmoozzies in their place
    That’s it, no more problems for the good ole USA.

  23. Landshark your killing it tonight.

    I don’t want the job or a pay cut.

    #1) I don’t have the talent or expertise for politics, budgets, procurements, personal management etc

    #2) and most important, I want no truck with the usa, its people or its federal govt

    I’m retiring for the 2d time this fall. After a short time in AK, I want to spend my time on my farm watching my family grow and building a business with my sons. The only official govt post I want is platoon leader of my county’s scout/ sniper platoon in the NC organized militia of of free and independent CSA.

  24. @Stonelifter: “ron paul, who won’t build a fence will fix immigration? libertarians are big into open borders so i’m not sure how the logic follows”: Re-read Denise’s comment, and you will see the logic: His OTHER policies such as reducing or eliminating welfare and other subsidies (cutting off the cargo supply) and ending secret protection for global corporations and banksters, would discourage and drive out immigrants, and also have an immense impact on the resident Africans. You may say I’m a dreamer…. OF COURSE his policies won’t be allowed to come to fruition, but what’s wrong with voting for them anyway, and for the best candidate we’ve been allowed to choose this year? So you vote for a Neocon with a handsome face who will be the BEST for mercenary employment.

  25. That last sentence was hypothetical, since I don’t know whether you did or will vote for one of them, or vote at all.

  26. Dream on, Joe. You won’t be needing an ambassador to the Vatican. The anti-papacy currently holed up in Rome is too busy with the new world order agenda and the Great Sex and Embezzlement Scandal to bother about your project.

    And Roman Catholics who have the holy faith and the Church are busy building infrastructure outside of Vatican jurisdiction would not bother about the views you consistently air on this website.

    The Church and the Novus Ordo Noachide religion now in occupation of the old Roman Catholic structures worldwide are two separate faiths, two separate rites, two separate congregations.

    We are sending clergy and resources to help rebuild the parishes of the beleagured Whites in South Africa and Zimbabwe. And you are doing what exactly?

  27. They’re all no effing use, we’re on our own. I like Stonelifter’s ideas, and have to say you’ve done a good job. I think we all need to get kind of prepared, and those other Americans who are too busy to care about what is taking place here are one day going to have to face their grandchildren who will ask – What were you DOING?

  28. Nobody is going to build the fence. Ron Paul’s severe restrictions on spending would do more for running the foreigners out that anything short of a fense.

    I do worry about Romney and Iran–we DON’T need another war to add a notch in the empire’s belt.

    Joe: Sounds good to me. Maybe I’ll write them all in.

  29. I shall tell my grand children that I was ignoring anything that had/has to do with religion, because religion ( none of the christian churches*) never, ever stopped one internecine war fought amongst the white race.
    Quite the opposite, our religious leaders from all the churches lead the white men into battle while carrying the “holy book” in their hands before and while they blessed the troops.
    * Even the pacificist sects couldn’t stop any internecine war. The non-pacificist churches at times fomented war, at other times, just quietly and meekly acquiesced.
    It is very wise to get prepared because big trouble is coming down the pike. I have mentioned that many times throughout the last month of posting.
    Preparation also includes educating oneself about the true situation here in the country. Not a superficial or ostensible understanding of the situation, the real situation*.
    Stonelifter would have all white men join the military and go overseas while we will need all the young white men we can get to protect their families here in the states when the sh*t hits the fan. And it’s gonna hit alot sooner than later.
    * Stonelifter always diverts and misdirects from anyone’s post any time some truth is revealed here at Occidental Dissent ’cause he is so gung-ho for white men to join the military and go overseas. He overlooks that the white men will sorely be needed here in the states very soon. They will be useless to protect their families here at home if they are overseas. And the trouble will be coming here.
    You @Gemjunior admit that yourself.

  30. I don’t get the big deal about the fence. A, Romney won’t deliver it. He’s Mexican. That’s where his family went, where some of his family lives, etc. He’s got deep ties there.

    And anyway— all they have to do is set POLICY. No fence is necessary. The tone and policy would deal with the border. They DECIDE every day that they are not simply going to not create a situation where various populations, not even speaking the same languages, are forced to live side by side.

    NYC, half the people speak non-English at home. 25% are foreign born. 4% are wasps and so probably 2% of those aren’t foreign born.

    Such a population cannot enact what we used to call “American Life.” (Obviously.)

    And this seems the model meant for the entire land space.

    A fence will just eventually be used to keep us in— They will build it AND immigration policy will stay the same.

  31. @orion14
    No worries. He’s white, and he looks like us.

    I not sure if this comment was directed at Hunter or not. Hunter had previous mentioned that he can identify with a white candidate. When one develops white solidarity and empathy, he feels more confident that his interests will be represented more with a white president. I don’t believe Hunter was commenting as much on his policy’s but rather on his wonderfully large and handsome White family, which also shows his commitment to his race (inadvertently) by adding to their number with many offspring. It must be noted that Romney seems to have had the best immigration views out of all the republicans running. I think at times we need to examine our own white guilt , its so pervasive that we don’t even realize how deep it runs.

  32. Joe: There is some benefit to having our people trained, their skills sharpened and experience honed in the military should anything happen here.

  33. @Robert

    I think it was directed at me. I’ve maintained that one of the reasons I will vote for Romney versus that nigger, is because Romney is white, looks and speaks like me, and is from the same place as me. That’s exactly the rational that niggers use in black vs. white political contests, and rather successfully I might add, so why shouldn’t we?

    But orion14 is convinced that another Obama term will magically turn the whole of the American white population into brave “revolutionaries”.

  34. Re-read Denise’s comment, and you will see the logic: His OTHER policies such as reducing or eliminating welfare and other subsidies (cutting off the cargo supply) and ending secret protection for global corporations and banksters, would discourage and drive out immigrants, and also have an immense impact on the resident Africans.


    No it wouldn’t because congress wouldn’t vote for those things. What paul would get is all his silly liberal shit accomplished. Look at the why congress/ senate votes, where the votes are for what and see how things would go. paul would get his ope borders, a gutted military and nothing else.

    Normally your an ok guy Mosin, but that was a low blow and I’ve said dozens of times here, I do not vote in presidential elections, only county and state. ending the war in the a-stn tomorrow would only shift employment not end it. Most men do not do PMC work their whole life. They pay off a house, save up for a small business or for a wife/ child’s education etc and bail. 2-3 years is the norm. Most men don’t do it for 20 + years like myself, but I’m dedicated to my descendants

    Thanks Gemjunior

    I wouldn’t have all White men join the militarily. Stop adding to what I say. All White men cannot join. There are only so many slots; some lack the balls or the inclination, many are to old, to young, or have already done their time. Calm down chicken little, the sky isn’t going to fall tomorrow. Where else will White men get the skills needed? And college paid for? You sign up for a few years, get the skills and bail. And… not all the military is down range at one time. Or that you’ll be stuck there if the usa collapses. Once again, your points are none points., and your speaking on a topic you know nothing about, only what you’ve read about on the internet vs what I’ve my whole life. In a 4 year stint you might spend 2 years down range, most likely 1.

    You have to take calculated risks to get anything in life. marriage is much more risky then being a grunt down range

  35. look, its crap choices for the presidential election, people are making the best call they can for the reasons that matter to them, and folks should lay off each other on it.

  36. @Wayne
    If they are in the military they will not be here to protect their families, doesn’t matter how well honed their fighting skills are, uncle sam will be using their fighting skills overseas– while their own families will be without their protection.
    Big trouble is coming here soon. Not 50 years away, not 5 years away, probably within a year or two. The federal govt is all prepared for massive violence and turmoil here. It is coming very soon.

  37. you know joe, they don’t lock you on post when you are state side and you are free to travel home. You can go home and show your family how to run a carbine, pie a door etc. If its bad enough you can go awol, but most likely wouldn’t have to. And that assumes things go bad when your still in

    how much time in the military do you have?

  38. yeah….. try to go awol when your in afghanistan and get home in time to protect your family during masive riots

  39. you don’t spend your whole 4 years in a-stan dipshit.

    I’ve heard the sky is been falling in tow years since I was a kid, and yet, it’s still there.

  40. To All Readers
    Opinions are just opinions. My opinions are my opinions, Stonelifter has his opinion, everyone has an opinion.
    The only point I want to make is get as much information and facts about the military before joining.
    Go to all types of websites–both pro and con– go the websites put up by veterans and hear what they have to say. Do alot of homework about uncle sam and his empire. How he treats returning vets. About the depleted uranium and the agent orange. Go to VA hospitals and talk to the vets in the hospitals.
    Learn how the vets were sold down the river in vietnam and korea. The sicknesses and diseases that returning vets ( of all the wars) are coming down with. The incredible rate of suicide by both vets and soldiers currently serving, etc.
    There are alot of negative sides. Do not take my word for it– I never asked any reader to take my word for it– Do alot of research before handing yourself over to uncle sam.
    That’s all I have to say on this matter.

  41. Excuse me : I will say a few more things : It doesn’t mtter where one is stationed. To try to go awol and get home to protect your family in time is just not going to happen, especially if you are stationed anywhere overseas.
    Also: The black panthers declared WAR against white Americans in Sanford. Not ONE AUTHORITY figure in the government, on any level, said anything about it.
    That means Green Light and Green Light means You’re Good To Go.
    All the black panthers need now is an order from Holder : Head of the Dept of Justice Who Allowed The Black Panthers To Block White Americans From Voting In The Last Election :The Black Panthers Stopped White Americans From Voting While Carrying MACHINE GUNS !
    The upcoming election is going to turn increasingly racial, the racial rhetoric will grealy increase , as we get closer and closer to the election.
    Just one order by Holder to the black panthers and there will be massive violence here.
    Something to consider.
    That’s it. No more debate about this as far as I am concerned.

  42. 3:21 “That’s all I have to say on this matter.”

    3:40 “That’s it. No more debate about this as far as I am concerned.”

    Promises, promises. You ain’t running for office by any chance, are you?

    Deo Vindice

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