Canaries in the Coal Mine

New York

I believe this comes from the same guy who claimed the Democrats had officially abandoned the White working class:

“Over the past few decades, working class whites – loosely defined as those without college degrees – have been a strikingly reliable indicator of the strength of the two main political parties. These voters are highly volatile and their shifting loyalties are a powerful factor in determining control of Congress and of the White House, according to recently re-analyzed exit poll data provided to the Times by Alan Abramowitz, a political scientist at Emory, and Sam Best, a political scientist at the University of Connecticut.

Take a look at the fluctuating level of support white non-college voters gave to Democratic congressional candidates between 1984, when exit polls first asked respondents about their level of education, and 2010.”

Note: I’m not sure that I understand the logic of the anti-White electoral strategy. How can the Democrats possibly win the White House if they lose Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota?

Colorado, Nevada, and New Mexico have 20 electoral votes. This is more than offset by the 47 electoral votes in Greater Appalachia which were already lost to the Democrats in the 1990s and 2000s: WV, MO, TN, OK, AR, and KY. There are 70 electoral votes in the Rust Belt states of OH, PA, MI, WI, IA where White working class voters are predominant.

Couldn’t an explicit appeal by Republicans to the racial and class interests of the White working class devastate the Democrats? How might that affect their margins in the Southwest? Isn’t the challenge the White working class voters in Pennsylvania and Ohio to vote like those in West Virginia?

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. A direct appeal might not work— since they are “implicit” whites.

    But one factor that will change is in white women. They have been on a political learning curve they really did not ask for since 1970, forty years roughly. The “empowerment” (the marketing word for what was done to them) has led many of them into very obviously seriously inferior lives than their mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers had.

    They have had to process and cope: with working, raising children AND caring for older parents (the new and old roles). “People Warehousing Industry ” (what they are supposed to do with their parents now) is a hugely mixed “blessing.” Most of them find it horrifying, abhorrent, an abnegation of responsibility before which they are helpless (and so it lowers their self esteem and self concept, as does watching their older people in such circumstances, and ALSO, even more than men usually, understanding that this is their own future now, in the country and what it wants down to people.)

    For Religious and rural people, this is even more true. Both are still more tied to the value of caring for their own elderly, and the reality of the experience with it. Some still HAVE NOT YET had to Warehouse their families. They are not like the callous, value-less city people who institute such things, who have never sometimes known what a decent person would call ‘human values.’

    In addition to this, the women have sometimes (due to what has happened to men) wound up sole support, and have had to get educations, educations most targeted at re-ed and though reforming their roles, so they experience obvious confusion in that. Any HUMAN person WANTS to care for their family, including elderly. The disgusting systems they have naturalized and normalized in their ed systems— are simply dehumanizing “education,” not even turning them into dogs (even dogs take care of their families).

    “Taking care” now means paying HUGE amounts of money to People Warehousing Industries, not anything human you really do. Just as “empowerment” means working 16 hour days for taxes and Child Warehousing, of some form.

    It’s not much of a life.

    Explaining to women what has happened to them, the cost of the marketing term “Empowerment” in the “work force”— or simply having them learn by doing, which is what is happening— is changing the face of politics for women.

    Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin are the sort of beginning face of it. Camille Paglia was a change, seems like back in the 80s, the name that got put on young women beginning to really question what had been done.

    In the middle of that is the anger at men —NOT OVER PATRIARCHY, so called— but the real anger over why on earth didn’t they prevent this fiasco, since there is no one to properly raise kids, and the ones who do stay home, are usually on public pay (the only ones who can afford it), which means they are usually Liberals. (All the home schoolers I know are grossly –and unconsciously– liberal, i.e. neo-cons, if even that).

    This real confusion over why both older men and women allowed them to be sold into a hostile world without much joy— well, that’s something else to work through.

    All it takes, though, is a few women who can piece these things together and discuss them in new terms.

    The real “New Right Woman” —or alt right woman— will not be this reactionary anti-feminist of the 80s, (living out some t.v. image of how it “used to be”)— but rather, a more genuinely political animal, (forced to be), angry about the games and deceptions done through the 65-2000 period, and focussed on their own goals.

    Frankly, this on the horizon helps fuel the political program marketed as “immigration.” A new population is ever needed who will arrive with natural BLINDERS on, a naiveté, who are Trotsky-primed, a tabula rasa for Central Planning, hungry and open to whatever new Five Year Plan, or re-education, or thought reform for the “future” (that anymore, looks just like the “future” they were selling 50 years ago).

    The “New Right Woman” is just starting to emerge.

    It won’t be a small movement, imo— but the mass feeling based in their own Reality, of what has occurred in the trajectory from their grandmothers, to mothers, to themselves.

    Those who are 50 now, (born on the cusp of the 65 changes)— CAN remember what it felt like to have “mothers at home,” and REAL mothers (who spoke of histories, heritage, the oral traditions of the country, etc.) They recall the single moms of the 70s, the sit coms that “sold” that to the public, the reality of the latch-key kid experiences, the dive into drugs at the school doors, the changes to move street drugs to pharm drugs, the low paying under-employment of the “as was marketed” so called “careers.”

    The Reality that they work for taxes and get very little, really—

    Eventually— this will all add up to one big deception, on the generational level.

    It’s clear this is happening due to the changes in voices that make it through about every ten years.

    The only thing opposition has is the HOPE of replacing the population (genocide) very quickly with much more naive and hungry people “to empower.”

    As that becomes more visible (which it has) to the average citizen (and of every race, actually), they become more compromised morally. Their (real) “gains” must outweigh the saga of degraded families, loss of real education, increased social incohesion and violence, the strangeness of ever-moving populations, forced to chase after wherever Central Planning happens to toss money that year, and so on.

    Slowly, even they —except the most committed– will begin to say it’s just not worth it.

    What was so bad about “self-determination?” Smaller, “real” communities where people had a say? The right to live near the people you like best? To care for families on your own and share in life with those you love? Etc.

    A total critique of what got marketed as “feminism” and “empowerment” will occur.

  2. Overall—

    With the stuff above— the White Community is already beginning to forgive itself for having been blind-sided with politics, agendas, enemies they had no hope of understanding during the t.v. age.

    At heart— they do love each other, want to be with their families, want to have a life-time of real learning, (not propaganda), and so on.

    People will not cease to be human— no matter how hard social engineers may try. It’s hard to erase the love in people for their families.

    What is in question—is the spirit that would even attempt it. And that will be called out.

  3. So–

    More energy should have been spent on making narrative (as above) the horrible experiences women have been asked to live through. They should be proud of themselves for surviving this era, to be sure. And completely forgiving of men, whose hands have been tied.

    Truly, you cannot enter a strong man’s house unless his hands are bound— from somewhere in the Bible, forget where.

  4. oh, finally—

    The name “HUMAN” should not be degraded by the right anymore.

    This has not been a time of “human” empowerment— humanity is the people who are against being merely State subjects, who wish to care for their families, not Warehouse Industry them.

    If the past 60 years has been for “human empowerment,” one must always ask WHAT KIND OF “human” exactly???

    –obviously that “new human” moved toward qualities that were the opposite of what that –human– used to mean: the empathic character, lifelong interest and learning, love of family that would bar one from People Warehousing, and so on.

  5. “Couldn’t an explicit appeal by Republicans to the racial and class interests of the White working class devastate the Democrats?” – That would require abandoning “their” ideology, something that would be quite difficult to do. Sailer has pointed out repeatedly that republicans could make huge gains by promising to cut… democrat programs first. and yet what has transpired repeatedly? They stick to their straitjacket, cut programs which tend to benefit republicans first, and then the democrats get handed a propaganda victory over that. If the republicans were smart they’d have done this 50 years ago but they are not.

    “I’m not sure that I understand the logic of the anti-White electoral strategy. How can the Democrats possibly win the White House if they lose Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota?” – Heretofore they have taken the working class white vote for granted. as per the above, why the hell would they ever vote for a party which shows such contempt for them? Now they’ve gotten themselves in quite the jam though, and republicans are less anti-working class whites than the democrats are.

    Most of all though they believe their own hype, that there are huge hordes of hispanic voters waiting to come out of the woodworks to vote in redistributionists, La Raza has its own game plan though, and it probably entails maintaining a low profile while they hope to continue to make demographic gains.

  6. Sorry to go on, but it helps me think—

    It’s back to the Truckler thing.

    I see no problem, for instance, forgiving the “70s single mothers” (damaging though they were) anymore than the pissed off working class guys, going on about female idiots. The incredible pressures, not to mention hunger (doesn’t get much hungrier than a single mother, never before in the work force, trying to support her children)— should be examined (ad naseum)

  7. There’s an excellent website for traditional women called ” The Thinking Housewife”.
    I go there myself for some more knowledge and insights about what’s going on today in the world.
    Some who post here may know about this website already. I mention it for those readers who don’t know about it.
    The way I see it, women have been greatly lied to and manipulated and indoctrinated over the last 50-60 years by those who are pushing the marxist agenda.
    I know alot of women here in California who bought into the indoctrination and are now left with nothing, or close to nothing. Alot of broken families because of radical feminism. And the women,ultimately, are left alone without families ( in the true sense of the word).
    I think it’s a very sad agenda. Doesn’t do anyone too much good in the end.

  8. has the thinking house wife changed its tone? use to be very much wanted a return to the old ways and feminism at the same time. But i’ve not been there in a long while

  9. HW says in part: “I’m not sure that I understand the logic of the anti-White electoral strategy.”

    The Anti-White Narrative (we’re losers, decliners, haunted by the past) has so infiltrated the public discourse that most people with under 110 IQ believe it to be true, and so do political strategists who focus on every demographic except for us.

    In a way, it is a blessing because as long as they are making goo-goo eyes at blacks, yellows, and browns, they forget that the largest number of voters by far are whites.

    An example of this blindness was blared all throughout public discourse a decade or so ago when the statistic was published to the effect that white men would be only 20% or so of the new entrants into the labor market by 2020. This was misinterpreted by an amazingly large number of pundits who reported that by 2020 only 20% of the work force would be white men. (They don’t know math.)

    The promoters of the Anti-White Narrative also fail to understand that, politically-speaking, the USA has three different topographies. (1) All the adults in residence over 18. (2) All the adults in residence over 18 who are registered to vote. (3) All the adults in residence over 18 who do vote. A lot of our traducers are stupid and they think raw demographic data drives events…not necessarily so.

    For most of us, it is impossible to over-estimate the self-delusional world inhabited by the promoters of the Anti-White Narrative.

  10. I found the website about a year ago. It is traditional. The webmaster, Laura Wood, does not give her support to the feminists. She is critical of the feminists. It’s a good website to get some balance and common-sense concerning the issue of feminism.

  11. Laura Wood, like Lawrence Auster…..has some good moments. I liked her take on the whole “Slutwalk” insanity that went on for a few weeks, but overall, she is no ally of ours. She is in fact a worse kind of enemy than liberals in my opinion, for she happily states things like the following:

    “‘If it came down to choosing between citizenship in a white ethnostate which identified itself as proudly ”Jew-free” in its constitution and a nation that was suicidally multicultural, I would choose the latter.”

    As well as that, Age of Treason did a great write up on her last year:

  12. @Mary
    Yes. I think Laura Wood went way over-board with that one.
    Just went to the link to Age of Treason.Very interesting.Thank you.
    Wood isn’t about tackling the deep issues concerning the government/banks.
    But for those women who want a break from the non-stop 24/7 radical feminist agenda, it’s still a good website to get a bit of balance and fresh air, so to speak, at least as radical feminism is concerned.
    As far as changing the country on a fundamental level in terms of the government/financial/corporate/banking system, Laura is not about that.
    I agree with the age of treason article about Auster. I didn’t know that he himself admitted he was a fifth colunmist. Thanks for that info. I suspected he was all along,but was never quite sure 100%.
    Wood’s rejection of the modern day radical agenda is up to a certain point, then that’s it. She then sides with those in power.
    If one can keep that in mind while reading her site, one can walk away from reading it with some more knowledge at least; At least in terms in having some more arguments to refute the radical feminists. The site is good for that. No more than that.

  13. I didn’t notice until now that at the end of the Age of Treason thread, someone claims that Auster and Wood are the same person, LOL……
    They give no evidence of course, but it still made me laugh.

    Ultimately Joe, I agree with you, she is ok on a good few things, but I felt compelled to point out that ‘White Nationalist” bashing thread of hers as it was a classic “mask slipped” moment that is important for us to note 😉

  14. @Mary
    I appreciate it that you brought up that aspect of her website. You pointed out something that is important for everyone to keep in mind while reading Wood’s website.

  15. Mary – thanks for those posts. Two total Kikes, trying to be “sympathetic” to Whites….

    Subversion from within, as per usual.

    A Jew is a Jew is a Jew is a Jew…

  16. That’s the real problem, too. They try to hijack every pro-white movement or impulse and subvert it from within, so that white attempts at unity become like a diabolical set of Russian matryoshka dolls, with a little tiny laughing Jew as the last doll.

    Extraorinarily wise and eloquent commentary, Dixiegirl.

    Deo Vindice

  17. “. . .admitted he was a fifth colunmist. . .”

    He drinks a fifth of Mild Turkey before writing his columns.

  18. If you all are so interested in traditional women, why doesn’t anyone offer any other websites for traditional women to go to, instead of the one I mentioned? ( not for my sake, but for readers that come to “OD” and may be interested in the debate).
    While not necessary to post websites, it would be a nice gesture of goodwill to the traditional women.
    Maybe some come here, read the put-downs of the website , maybe they read the website and like it. You denigrate their website, yet do not offer the traditional women anything to replace it– no alternative, just bashing. I would think that would be the honorable thing to do, after bashing it so much.
    While it’s true that Wood is not going to overthrow our “jew” government, it doesn’t necessarily follow that one can’t find knowledge or some wisdom there.
    In the meantime, Laura Wood does traditional women a service by providing a website where traditional women can find some solace and some support living as they do in a world with 24/7 radical feminist agenda.
    Not everything in the world has to be about the “jew” government, or the jews, jews, jews….. ad nauseum.
    There is nothing “jewishly” insidious, or in any way insidious, about Laura Wood’s website.
    She gives women alot more information, help, and support than you do @Denise with your constant jew, jew, jew, nonsense : That’s gets traditional women nowhere real fast.
    She doesn’t hate jews– big deal. Alot of people don’t, we can still learn from them also. “Jew” bashers don’t have a monopoly on knowledge or wisdom.
    Alot of jew bashers, I have found, are downright ignorant and too eager the blame all the troubles of the world on the jews so they, the jew bashers, don’t have to look at their own faults.
    The mean-spiritedness shown here over the mention of one website devoted to traditional women — and not a website not about bashing jews, jews, jews, ad nauseum–is a fault.
    I shall go online and do my homework. I will post again listing other websites traditional women can go to in addition to “The Thinking Housewife”.

  19. Great post Dixiegirl! Great point Denise and Apuleus! Always be aware of those who initially agree with “white”causes, then turn their arguments inward.

    Dixiegirl: What all these feminists forget (or purposely ignore) is how important motherhood is. Motherhood is any womans most sacred task, the task God (or nature’s God if you prefer) called her to, the way of all life. When people ask my why I’m against women in the workplace/military, I ask them why they degrade motherhood.

  20. First off, I want to say to Dixiegirl that your comments above were the best I have yet read regarding White women’s reality here in 2012. I have read many great women on various blogs, but your whole set of comments here are so good, so BANG ON, that I have already been showing it to a few friends.
    Well done.

    I liked so much of it but I really loved this:

    In the middle of that is the anger at men —NOT OVER PATRIARCHY, so called— but the real anger over why on earth didn’t they prevent this fiasco , since there is no one to properly raise kids, and the ones who do stay home, are usually on public pay (the only ones who can afford it), which means they are usually Liberals. (All the home schoolers I know are grossly –and unconsciously– liberal, i.e. neo-cons, if even that)

    I meant to comment earlier and then got sidetracked with the Laura Woods thing.

    I hope your comment generates more conversation and we leave the “thinking Housewife” where she belongs….. 😉

  21. Says Joe:

    There is nothing “jewishly” insidious, or in any way insidious, about Laura Wood’s website.
    She gives women alot more information, help, and support than you do @Denise with your constant jew, jew, jew, nonsense : That’s gets traditional women nowhere real fast.

    Denise has already been vouched for here by a woman who KNOWS her and her husband in real life. It has been said she and her husband are respected and valued members of their community. Denise’s “jew jew jew” delivery has already been explained by Denise herself (a kinda good cop/bad cop thing) , and I am deeply appreciative of her efforts. One thing about Denise: I KNOW she loves our people. Deeply.

    Laura Wood, on the other hand, calls our people names, and admits freely she would choose to live in a ” SUICIDAL MULTICULT” rather than live in a White Ethnostate that excluded jews:

    “‘If it came down to choosing between citizenship in a white ethnostate which identified itself as proudly ”Jew-free” in its constitution and a nation that was suicidally multicultural, I would choose the latter.”

    Hmmm, seems to me Denise wins this one hands down.
    Not that she even needs to defend herself.
    But as Dixiegirl has pointed out, women have a lot of pressure on in these depressing times, and many of us have been pushed into roles and ways of being that we might not ever have even conceived of had we been born in a sane time, a time where good men were still in charge. I feel like that sometimes and have to remind myself this is a war and no one said it was going to be easy. I have to grieve those things, the way of life that might have been, and march on. We have a lot of work to do, and there are young White children who need us to focus on solutions.
    And sorry Joe, you can squawk all you like, but I am confident in my assessment that Laura Wood is not part of any solution that is good for Whites.

    *However, I have already said I do like some of her stuff, and read her through that lens.

  22. Still you do not do the honorable thing and offer the traditional women who read “OD” any alternatives whatsoever.
    Again, you are not obligated to, but it would be an honorable gesture nonetheless, considering all the bashing.
    If all one can do is bash, yet not be able to offer any alternatives, all the bashing is for naught.
    I shall post some websites for tradittional women tomorrow after looking into the matter : Other websites traditional women can go to in addition to “The Thinking Housewife”.
    And yes of course, one must discern everything one reads anywhere at any time, and everything one hears. That has always been true throughout all of history.
    I have already very freely and with good faith ( reread my post at 6:45) conceded the point that her website should be taken for what it is: just to get some arguments to refute the radical feminists. You @ Mary agreed with that already, and you yourself have admitted to reading the website.
    I am busy right now and can’t look into the matter until late this evening. I will post what I find tomorrow.

  23. With the full court press that is on our good women today, I have nothing but the deepest respect and admiration for them. They are most heroic.

    For the ones who get taken in and ruin themselves, the results are overwhelmingly tragic. That is one of the worst consequences of our diseased society.

    I am old enough to remember when it was not so. The debasement and degradation which our women must endure today saddens me beyond words.

    God bless you, ladies.

    Deo Vindice

  24. lol, you know what is funny about this situation Joe?

    You keep mischaracterizing my mere highlighting of Laura Wood’s own words as “bashing”. I call that truth telling and wish someone had done the same for me with some of the “Counter-Jihad’ sites I wasted long hours on (I was such a believer in “saving Western Civilization!!!!” (lol) that I went so far as to even spend a lot of money flying over to one of their Conferences in Washington DC…..what a joke that was, but disgress).
    What is FUNNY about this present situation is your painting of Laura Woods as some innocent victim of “bashing”, when the comment I posted is actually a fruit of a thread of her own entitled “A RETRACTION”. A retraction of what you may ask? Well, her retraction was of an earlier recommendation she had made for a lovely traditionalist protestant website called “Faith and Heritage”, a pro White website that she retracted her recommendation for after she deemed it—–you guessed it— “Anti-Semitic” (surprise, surprise!).
    So here you are moaning on about poor Laura and how young Whites won’t get to bask in the aura of her greatness due to the “bashing” she received here….and yet, she is the very one who tried to suppress a wonderful website by good White men that at the time had just started up. Adding insult to injury—-they like her and had even written nice things about her. Some thanks they got, huh?

    As well as that, I may as well plug the fabulous new White Network:

    And Joe? You have noticed Hunter has a pretty good selection of links over at the side? I hope that if you find some valuable new ones he might be open to adding them to the list.

  25. good women, like the ones on this webpage who offering not but bile and rejoice at what men go through in divorce court?

  26. Exactly those, Stonelifter.

    The Confederate Colonel’s site has some good links. Right hand side about halfway down: Southern Lady.

    Check out the first, especially: A Wise Woman Builds Her Home.

    Deo Vindice

  27. Joe said: “If all one can do is bash, yet not be able to offer any alternatives, all the bashing is for naught.” Thanks for making my case for me, Joe, regarding your posts the other night about whites.

  28. Joe said: “no thinking please women…. just bash the jews and all your problems will be over….”

    Wayne says: “no thinking please, Joe…just bash the whites and all your problems willbe over….”

  29. Mary says:
    Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    June 19, 2012 at 2:29 am
    lol, you know what is funny about this situation Joe?

    You keep mischaracterizing my mere highlighting of Laura Wood’s own words as “bashing”. I call that truth telling and wish someone had done the same for me with some of the “Counter-Jihad’ sites I wasted long hours on (I was such a believer in “saving Western Civilization!!!!” (lol) that I went so far as to even spend a lot of money flying over to one of their Conferences in Washington DC…..what a joke that was, but disgress).
    What is FUNNY about this present situation is your painting of Laura Woods as some innocent victim of “bashing”, when the comment I posted is actually a fruit of a thread of her own entitled “A RETRACTION”. A retraction of what you may ask? Well, her retraction was of an earlier recommendation she had made for a lovely traditionalist protestant website called “Faith and Heritage”, a pro White website that she retracted her recommendation for after she deemed it—–you guessed it— “Anti-Semitic” (surprise, surprise!).
    So here you are moaning on about poor Laura and how young Whites won’t get to bask in the aura of her greatness due to the “bashing” she received here….and yet, she is the very one who tried to suppress a wonderful website by good White men that at the time had just started up. Adding insult to injury—-they like her and had even written nice things about her. Some thanks they got, huh?

    As well as that, I may as well plug the fabulous new White Network:

    And Joe? You have noticed Hunter has a pretty good selection of links over at the side? I hope that if you find some valuable new ones he might be open to adding them to the list.

  30. Oops, I meant, not exactly those, Stonelifter, but I’m quite certain you know good from bad.

    Deo Vindice

  31. yea I know. Woman =’s bad news for men. Go to the the why women won’t be WN thread and see how great these ladies are.

    Doesn’t take long to research divorce stat’s and paternity fraud to figure that out. Or see 8 out 15 married guys on your crew get divorced in a year because their women got caught cheating on them. And those are the ones who got caught. Or how women here support other women and the corrupt courts that grind men down

    Lynda and Dixiegirl seem alright. hell probably are but I’ve been burnt to hard and seen to many other men get burnt to ever trust the words of a woman

  32. Just don’t let the bad blind you to the good. We all have our cross to bear in life.

    I called my mother this weekend to wish her a happy 80th birthday. She was totally disgusted about the next door neighbor woman cheating on her husband. They have 2 pre-schoolers and her soon to be ex-husband is a hard-working decent man. She’s kicked him out of the house, tries to keep him from the children, and just had her paramour move into the house.

    Meanwhile, two houses up the street is my old childhood friend. His wife left him years ago, same story. She has tried to thwart his relationship with his daughter unsuccessfully for the past seven years or so. He’s one of the kindest, most decent men I have ever known.

    I won’t even go into what I saw when I was in the military. Makes me want to just spit.

    Life is not only not fair sometimes, it can be downright cruel.

    Deo Vindice

  33. good women, like the ones on this webpage who offering not but bile and rejoice at what men go through in divorce court?

  34. good women, like the ones on this webpage who offering not but bile and rejoice at what men go through in divorce court?

  35. I only will suggest additions to the blogroll if Hunter Wallace is so in favor of me doing so. Otherwise I will refrain from suggesting websites for the “OD” blogroll.

  36. A very good website for women who want to steer clear of Jewish ideologies like feminism is the website of Arthur and Fiona Christian – love for life. Arthur and Fiona write some very hard hitting articles on the corruption of the present system: banks, law enforcement, social workers, courts from a Kin domain perspective. Arthur has a channel on the JooTube.

  37. I work in midtown nyc. I was out for a smoke and three Southern men in their Sunday blazers walked by. The man in the middle leading the way said , “And to top it off, he’s a misogynist.”

    The man on his left replied in a satiny drawl, “Nao, he’s just not a whatever-she-says-goes kinda guy.”

    They kept walking but I finished my cigarette with a smile on my face at that check on the liberal backbiter. Long Live Southern man, unbowed and unbroken.

  38. There are loads of tradiotnal female websites – Good Housekeeping, Martha Stewart (up scale Good Housekeeping! All Praise to Martha!…ummmm what the Hell is a traditional woman’s website ANYWAYS? )

    There aren’t any Traditional Woman WN websites – cause WN women are the Outliers of the Outliers.

    Wood’s a KIKE. The reek of rancid gefelt fish comes rolling off that site.

    Joey bubbelah :

    Laura Woodsky WROTE: “‘If it came down to choosing between citizenship in a white ethnostate which identified itself as proudly ”Jew-free” in its constitution and a nation that was suicidally multicultural, I would choose the latter.”

    What more do you need to know? Shew’s practically painted a Star of Rothschild in the middle of her forhead, and let slip her wig, so the world can see her horns.

    Screw off Jew.

    Who knows why Kikes are called “Kikes”? Ask me. I’l tell ya.
    Mary – thanks for the kind words. Right back atcha!.

    Lynda – great site! Thanks!

    Tamer – GREAT story.

    La la la….I thought some big manly butch guy was gonna GET RID of White women altogether – so they won’t TAKE HIS MOOOOOOOOOOOOOONEEEEEEEY – and us e 3 million dollars to impregnate impoverished Third World Darkies with White Seed.

    Hhhhmmmmmmmmm…..but it’s still here whining about mean women, who say mean things….wah wah wah…

    For the Good Ladies and Good Gents!

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