The Future of Eugenics

New York

Ross Douthat has a column in the New York Times about the bad old days before the Second World War when the Yankee utopian impulse and reform culture had found an outlet in the American eugenics movement:

“The American elite’s pre-World War II commitment to breeding out the “unfit” — defined variously as racial minorities, low-I.Q. whites, the mentally and physically handicapped, and the criminally inclined — is a story that defies easy stereotypes about progress and enlightenment. On the one hand, these American eugenicists tended to be WASP grandees like Fisher — ivory-tower dwellers and privileged have-mores with an obvious incentive to invent spurious theories to justify their own position.

But these same eugenicists were often political and social liberals — advocates of social reform, partisans of science, critics of stasis and reaction. “They weren’t sinister characters out of some darkly lighted noir film about Nazi sympathizers,” Conniff writes of Fisher and his peers, “but environmentalists, peace activists, fitness buffs, healthy-living enthusiasts, inventors and family men.” From Teddy Roosevelt to the Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, fears about “race suicide” and “human weeds” were common among self-conscious progressives, who saw the quest for a better gene pool as of a piece with their broader dream of human advancement. .

That access, until recently, has required invasive procedures like amniocentesis. But last week brought a remarkable breakthrough: a team of scientists mapped nearly an entire fetal genome using blood from the mother and saliva from the father.

The procedure costs tens of thousands of dollars today, but the price will surely fall. And it promises access to a wealth of information about the fetus’s biology and future prospects — information that carries obvious blessings, but also obvious temptations.”

This was discussed years ago in the movie Gattaca and Lee Silver’s book Remaking Eden.

Note: The leading eugenicists in America were Yankees like Charles Davenport, Harry Laughlin, Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, and Margaret Sanger. With the exception of Stoddard, they were mostly concerned with the threat of racial deterioration posed by intermarriage with Appalachian white trash and Catholic immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.

Hitler was a polarizing figure who forced the Yankee “paleo-progressive” elite to choose between their commitment to liberalism and their campaign for race betterment. By 1900, the Yankees had given up on Reconstruction and lost their enthusiasm for racial equality, but the Second World War changed all of that and switched them back into their ideological mode.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The “divorce rate is pretty much even across the usa, with some areas being worse, like LA and some not so bad, but its still a 50-50 shot on her bailing, taking the kids and all you have worked for. The numbers are no better for church girls. That’s the reality of things.”

    Looking at the whole forest, you’re not recognising variations in the forest.

  2. Joe: I want a Catholic hegemony. The one I want is the one we used to have. It was called Christendom.

    But I am willing to wait for it until after we Whites have a nation and state of our own. Religious infighting between Whites is counterproductive and pointless. (Look where it got the Irish.) Just ignore the trolls and concentrate on the issues that matter.

    PS – Rita Hayworth wasn’t white in the sense we mean it here. She was a Latina (her real name was Margarita Carmen Cansino).

  3. “There are seven, I am clear on that, but am willing to believe ‘only two are generally necessary,’ for amity’s sake…” We say: seven divine “ordinances,” of which holy matrimony is one — rather than “sacraments”– but only a little difference!

    Have we ridden the religious hobby horse too far, now?

  4. “Religious infighting between Whites is counterproductive and pointless…. Just ignore the trolls and concentrate on the issues that matter.” Does this mean that reasoned discussion of religious issues is “counterproductive and pointless” or that religion is not among “issues that matter”?

  5. @Robert Oculus 111
    It’s very nice that you want a catholic hegemony. Please take it up with Fr John. My post was in response to Fr John twisting and distorting my words around.
    You and Fr John are the experts at this religion stuff– you two duke it out if you must.
    Please leave me out of it.
    I have nothing further to say about Rita Hayworth. The post was meant in fun and nothing deep or “insidious” was meant by it. That is very obvious.
    I will not criticize anything to do with christianity and any church(es) from this point forward. I will keep my word.
    All of the posters here who have a vision of what kind of church they want– you can discuss the matter amongst yourselves.

  6. Matt – I agree with your post almost 100%. (We are all in Ragnarok now is my quibble.)

    We need to learn to have fun! Fun and joy and beauty and excellence will attract Whites back to Being White.

    That’s why I started posting fun silly but not really silly links.

    Who do you think is Tops, in the Eugenics Sweepstakes?

  7. Mosin, you think not all women are a like I think all women are a like, have the same genetic programming, the same basic nature/ sin nature however you want to describe it, and we live in a society that doesn’t hold them accountable with laws that encourage the worse in them. The numbers and the laws are not arguable and must be dealt with

  8. Joe – I was pondering something you wrote, about not leeting Whites off the hook. Whereas Race Traitors need to be “hooked” – most Whites have bene utterly, and deliberately DUPED.

    So I am letting my Race off the hook. I’m not a specialized version of a certain type of Italian Catholic, possessed of the Mea Culpa demetia. I think Whites have:

    1) Suffered enough

    2) Deserve SPECIAL Proptections and Privileges, cause the White Race is the TRUE Engangered Species.

    3) Make the world a much better place, than, overall, any other Race,

    So I authorize a sweeping White Jubilee.

    Whites are Darling Golden Angels from Heaven, radiant and sparkling with God Given Stardust. Our gorgeous wings are snowy white!

  9. @Denise
    I never once said that all whites are to be blamed. I criticize our leadership– leaders of all backgrounds.
    Still, there are many whites who seem to me to walking around with blinders on from all the 24/7 indoctrination we are bombarded with from birth.
    I always keep in mind that there are others reading the commentary board. Not only those of us who write posts regularly. Sometimes it takes strong words to cut through all the propagaqnda we recieve all of our lives.
    From my readings of history, the white elite has usually been sell-outs.
    There have been notable exceptions to this in history, unfortunately not so many exceptions– or at least I think the record could be much better. That the record is so lousy is because of the mercenary spirit that seems to haunt the white race and drag us all down.
    Hunter Wallace is running a series about white sell-outs. So my negative comments about white sell-outs are not out of the purview of Occidental Dissent.
    As a race, collectively, the white race has given many great gifts to the world. I have no problem discussing that. I have done so throughout posting at “OD” over the last month.
    Of everyone who posts here, I am the one who warns my fellow white Americans of the importance of taking measures to protect themselves. I am the one who suggests to young white Americans to get informed as much as possible about our government– especially to those thinking about joining the military. I have written posts about the inportance of true marriage and love of family and kin and folk.
    I have, like you and others, suggested youtube videos to enjoy music and entertainment outside of the hollywood matrix ( though I do like the old movies hollywood pumped out for the most part).
    I have posted websites where white Americans can go to learn how to protect themselves from violence. I have posted websites about the talmud. I have discussed secret societies and how they are a detriment to our race and cause.
    I have made strong negative criticisms of blacks.
    Sometimes, one just have to examine one’s faults also. If whites can truly see how pervasive the mercenary spirit is in our race, the much less likely any white will fall prey to the urge to sell-out. That is the reason why I talk about– no other reason. Just to be beware of it and to guard against it.
    I know that many here who post here regularly know all this stuff already. I like to keep in mind those who read the site and don’t post– especially the younger readers. I don’t expect to make any great influence on anyone– nor do I want to. I write to pique the curiousity of the readers so perhaps some will feel inspired or compelled to do some research on their own. It’s always best to examine every problem or dilemna from every angle. Better chance to come to a more sustainable and effective solution.
    Some criticism now and then– even if harsh, if there is a grain of truth to the critcism never harmed anyone.
    My criticisms do have a grain of truth. My criticims are important to think about. This does not mean in any way that I expect everyone– or even one person to agree with me– my criticisms are meant to give balance and perspective and to approach the subject in a way that some may never have thought about before.
    I think my fellow whites can handle it. I should hope so for all of our sakes.
    I have throughout, given many compliments to my fellow whites– Anglos, Protestants, Catholics, Ethnics, and have also talked about the importance of a strong military ( just not an empire-building military). The importance of closing our borders and stopping massive immigration, the great crime of dismantling american industry and shipping it to china, the crime of fiat money and usury, etc
    I have also made strong criticisms of the jews and jewish influence.
    I am not, however, just going to critcize other groups when there is much the white race needs to examine and contemplate, and hopefully change about it’s collective behavior.
    My posts ultimately are very much pro-white.

  10. Re: “you think not all women are alike I think all women are alike, have the same…sin nature…and we live in a society that doesn’t hold them accountable with laws that encourage the worse in them. The numbers and the laws are not arguable and must be dealt with”:

    But I DO agree that they have ALL the SAME basic moral weakness and that the predominant legal and social order rewards and encourages it. But I also hold that alternative communities or social orders really DO EXIST, where women really DO fulfill their God-ordained role and really DO live in harmony with their husbands, fathers and brothers.

    Those who truly want it will seek it, and find it, but the sheeple masses who pitch their tents toward Sodom for the sake of “individual freedoms” and the pleasures and material advantages of working in and for (and even looting) the system of BRA/WRA/JRA/DWLRA can have only wives and daughters of LOT.

  11. Joe – every-one of us knows all about EVERYTHING you have written about. We were all here much longer than you.

    So drop the Mea Culpas. They are a BORE.

  12. Everyone knows about the jews jews jews jews also, but that doesn’t stop you from repeating it constantly. tedious bore.
    My posts are not “mea culpa” posts. My posts are about white sell-outs. I am not a white sell-out, so I don’t have any mea-culpas to say concerning that.
    My posts concerning the history of the reformation and other internecine wars are truthful. Anyone who knows history– and is also honest– knows my posts about the subject is objective truth. Objective truth is not a mea-culpa.Not at all.
    Everyone knows already that you shout kikes kikes kikes kikes out to the jews you come across and that is the greatest tedious bore on this website.( I don’t even think it’s true). I hope it isn’t. If true, you set back the white race by using the word and no good accrues to the white race by your “bloviating.” Sounds like puking. Puking is even more of a bore. It stinks.

  13. @Denise
    Speak for yourself. You are not “EVERYONE”.
    There are people who come to this site everyday, some for the first time. You have no right to speak for “EVERYONE”. And you have no right to say that they know ‘ “EVEYTHING”. No one knows EVERYTHING, so that is a lie.

  14. @Denise
    If you are so concerned about white Americans why don’t you start posting some real info and some facts and some websites that white American readers to this site– to those who post regularly and to those who read the site but don’t post– so they can better uderstand what’s going on and inprove their lives maybe.
    Shouting out how tough you are doesn’t do anyone any good,really.
    Your posts are all about you. Let’s hear you talk about another subject for a change.
    And quit your jew jew jew and your kike kike kike nonsense. It’s bullshit.

  15. Joe is OD’s version of Whiskey. Whiskey is the guy who says he is Scots-Irish, yet writes from a totally jewish perspective. Your agenda, Joe, is becoming obvious.

  16. I am Every-one. I am the Ultimate Authority on All Things, Excepting God. But God thnks I’m just swell – so He’s fine with everything I write, and say.

    On Earth – I am She Who Must Be Obeyed. Especially about the Hebes.

    Get it straight -or move to Israel with your beloved Kikes Kikes Kikes Kikes Kikes

  17. ….yeah yeah yeah…
    “we are tough until we hear some objective history — then we start crying like babies”
    boo hoo hoo hoo
    boo hoo hoo hoo, “mommy i always thought i was an angelic being with snowy white wings and that bad man over there– what a meany– he said that i’m just a human being with faults”, boo hoo hoo hoo
    .>>>> Don’t tell anyone: “Joe” is an undercover operative working for the mossad to undermine and usurp any possible white christian American manuever to break free from the rothschild’s ruling matrix system.
    “Joe” was working for the commie chinese last week. Secret agent working out of his office in bejiing.
    But, the Israeli’s offered “Joe” more money and a nice beautiful house in beth shemesh with a swimming pool and a beautiful backyard with olive trees, lemon trees, and orange trees. I’m sitting pool-side right now as I type this and sipping an iced tea and reviewing my stock porfolio.
    Plus, “Joe” is alot closer now to the italian riviera where “Joe” goes to gamble and spend all the loot “Joe” makes by undermining white americans. I’m very good at making alot of money because I am a “crypto”…. you all know what I mean
    boo hoo hoo hoo “we got a spy amongst us” boo hoo hoo hoo

  18. .>>>> Don’t tell anyone: “Joe” is an undercover operative working for the mossad to undermine and usurp any possible white christian American manuever to break free from the rothschild’s ruling matrix system.
    “Joe” was working for the commie chinese last week. Secret agent working out of his office in bejiing.
    But, the Israeli’s offered “Joe” more money and a nice beautiful house in beth shemesh with a swimming pool and a beautiful backyard with olive trees, lemon trees, and orange trees. I’m sitting pool-side right now as I type this and sipping an iced tea and reviewing my stock porfolio.
    Plus, “Joe” is alot closer now to the italian riviera where “Joe” goes to gamble and spend all the loot “Joe” makes by undermining white americans. I’m very good at making alot of money because I am a “crypto”…. you all know what I mean
    boo hoo hoo hoo “we got a spy amongst us” boo hoo hoo hoo”


    This kind of pointless snark and weird, snotty-toned, admissions is eminently Jewish.

    Up to now, Joe, I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt that you’re a White guy honestly trying to point out our flaws to the beneficial end that if we know what’s wrong with us, we can fix it and get our country back.
    But this last post is NOT how sincere Whites, who sincerely want Whites to prosper, talk.

    By this last post, now I know. You’re not a White guy.

    Nope. You’re a jew, here to criticize and condemn, here solely to sow discord and discouragement and self-defeat, lest White man rise up and remove your ilk from their plum spots..

  19. Barb – I’ve seen creature like Jo before, on various threads. They are here to disrupt and screw up everything.

    Hunter usually doesn’t ban or edit people – but Joe is a one trick pony – and not adding a thing to the blog.

    He would not be missed if he vanished….

  20. How doth the busy little Jew
    Improve each shining hour.

    You are always on this this blog, Joe. Hasbara is the bubbaleh’s job.

    The above websites are about the the kosher slaughtering controversy.
    Next issue: Circumcision.
    Everyone is opposed to female genital mutilation– and rightfully so– but very few give male genital mutilation much thought.
    I added the jewish websites in all fairness. I happen to think that is important:fairness.
    In all the these websites concerning these two topics, one will find that the jews are not so united on all the issues as so many imagine. One can see that at the peta website and, of course, jews against circumcision.
    I addition, there are jewish groups against how the palestinians are being treated. There are jews in israel and here in the states who are opposed to uncle sam’s/israeli’s warmongerering. There are jews against the whole rothschild banking system we all live under.
    I think it would be alot more intelligent and productive to work with the jews who are opposed to the same policies as we are than to call them names and ostracize those jews who think along the same lines as we do.
    There is Never going to be an all white christian ( whatever church and/or churches) country. It never existed. It won’t ever exist in the future. Sometimes it’s best to work within the realm of reality than building up hopes based on fantasy and day dreams.
    As it is, there are jews who agree with many of the same issues we white americans do.
    They are stuck between their own big-shot leadership that wants them to shut-up and the christian leadership which always sell-outs to the jew leadership.
    In the meantime, there are those whites who label all jews as insidious and encouraging u to call jews names and to do violence to them ( not on this website as far as I know), so of course, they are reluctant to join our cause in any way or manner.
    There is never going to be an all white country– no jews. It will never happen. Again, it is not the truth of history.
    The jews always played a role in European/Western history. They are very much linked and tied into the West. They are here. They have always been here. They will always be here.
    It makes alot more sense to work with the jews of good will than to color them all with the same brush, call them names and ostracize those jews who think– if not exactly like ourselves— at least are concerned about the same issues and want to see a change for the better in the type of world we live in.
    An engine search(es) regarding these matters will reveal a world a little bit more complicated and interwoven than many here seem to think.
    As it is, I wrote what was a heartfelt post in good faith about the old-order mennonites the other day and it was totally overlooked and dismissed most rudely.
    I was born in Italy to a long line of Northern Italian ( Tuscan) Catholics.
    There is an abiding love for Christ in my heart and a respect in my heart for my traditions, both American ( my adoptive land) and Italian.
    Still, I can see what’s good in other traditions, when I do write a post or posts in respect for other’s traditions, my posts are dismissed.

  22. “It makes alot more sense to work with the jews of good will than to color them all with the same brush, call them names and ostracize those jews who think– if not exactly like ourselves— at least are concerned about the same issues and want to see a change for the better in the type of world we live in.”

    Somebody said, can’t remember who, the number of Jews who are really pro-White, whose primary loyalties are to Whites —
    (as opposed to grudging acknowledgment that well, it’s good for the jews if there’s enough Whites around to keep society running for us, so, let’s let ’em live — but for God’s sake don’t let ’em have any power)
    –wouldn’t fill an Applebee’s.

    Meanwhile, us in the reality-based community recognize that the vast majority of jews are NOT interested in the welfare of White children, but Whites on the whole dare not even whisper this fact lest they lose their livelihoods, because the exceedingly energetic jews in media, the gov’t, academia, finance and jewish-interest-pushing orgs like ADL, work EXCEEDINGLY diligently to ruin anyone who even DARES point to any wrongdoing of any jew anywhere.

    Fact: 80% of jews voted for obama. That’s a hefty piece of evidence for the near-monolithic anti-White inclinations of American jews.

    When we see (color me skeptical of this coming to pass anytime soon) these hypothetical jews who are genuinely trustworthy allies that you assert exist, work as feverishly to put Whites into the plum positions in society as the anti-Whites jews work to keep them out, then, and only then, ought WNs consider to what extent OUR interests would be served in making truce.

    KMac himself offered if Organized Jewry would work to undo the immigration disaster, he would, personally, advocate that Americans “stand with Israel.” KMac heard back: crickets.

  23. Jewish populations have always lived in Europe – they just didn’t run Europe or own Europe. Attempts to infiltrate, network through infiltration, subervert and get control were met with harsh and appropriate measures – about which the self Chosen are still caterwauling and hollering.

    So we remain strangers in the night – joobedoobedoo.

  24. We are but “Stardust” :
    “And now the purple dusk of twilight time
    Steals across the meadows of my heart
    High up in the sky the little stars climb
    Always reminding me that we’re apart
    You wander down the lane and far away
    Leaving me a song that will not die
    Love is now the Stardust
    Of yesterday
    The music
    Of the years
    Gone by…..”
    Doris Day

  25. I’m sorry Mosin, I don’t have the time to watch the videos; got to do some work in injun territory in a few hours

  26. There is a good website for those who use vile language and/or post links containing vile language to go and confess their sins and cleanse themselves from the “filth of babylon from the valley of hedonism” (A letter from Paul to the Occidentians: 6;66)
    Go to : “WashYourMouthOutWithSoap” for miraculous healing power, forgiveness, and some lessons on manners, decorum, and fair play.

  27. When joo parents catch their kids truth-telling, they say: “Do that again and I’ll wash your mouth out with bullshit!”

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