The Future of Eugenics

New York

Ross Douthat has a column in the New York Times about the bad old days before the Second World War when the Yankee utopian impulse and reform culture had found an outlet in the American eugenics movement:

“The American elite’s pre-World War II commitment to breeding out the “unfit” — defined variously as racial minorities, low-I.Q. whites, the mentally and physically handicapped, and the criminally inclined — is a story that defies easy stereotypes about progress and enlightenment. On the one hand, these American eugenicists tended to be WASP grandees like Fisher — ivory-tower dwellers and privileged have-mores with an obvious incentive to invent spurious theories to justify their own position.

But these same eugenicists were often political and social liberals — advocates of social reform, partisans of science, critics of stasis and reaction. “They weren’t sinister characters out of some darkly lighted noir film about Nazi sympathizers,” Conniff writes of Fisher and his peers, “but environmentalists, peace activists, fitness buffs, healthy-living enthusiasts, inventors and family men.” From Teddy Roosevelt to the Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, fears about “race suicide” and “human weeds” were common among self-conscious progressives, who saw the quest for a better gene pool as of a piece with their broader dream of human advancement. .

That access, until recently, has required invasive procedures like amniocentesis. But last week brought a remarkable breakthrough: a team of scientists mapped nearly an entire fetal genome using blood from the mother and saliva from the father.

The procedure costs tens of thousands of dollars today, but the price will surely fall. And it promises access to a wealth of information about the fetus’s biology and future prospects — information that carries obvious blessings, but also obvious temptations.”

This was discussed years ago in the movie Gattaca and Lee Silver’s book Remaking Eden.

Note: The leading eugenicists in America were Yankees like Charles Davenport, Harry Laughlin, Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, and Margaret Sanger. With the exception of Stoddard, they were mostly concerned with the threat of racial deterioration posed by intermarriage with Appalachian white trash and Catholic immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.

Hitler was a polarizing figure who forced the Yankee “paleo-progressive” elite to choose between their commitment to liberalism and their campaign for race betterment. By 1900, the Yankees had given up on Reconstruction and lost their enthusiasm for racial equality, but the Second World War changed all of that and switched them back into their ideological mode.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. “On the one hand, these American eugenicists tended to be WASP grandees like Fisher — ivory-tower dwellers and privileged have-mores with an obvious incentive to invent spurious theories to justify their own position.”

    Gee, no journalistic bias here, or ‘steering’ in any way, huh? ‘grandees’? ‘ivory tower’ ‘privileged have-mores’??? But the best one is ‘spurious theories’?

    Disingenious b&stard.

    Like ‘trickle down,’ ‘multiculturalism,’ and ‘diversity’ are any more legitimate?
    Puh-leez. How utterly condescending libtards are…..

  2. Lee Silver? Sounds Jewish to me.

    As a fan of historic Eugenics, and an opponent of Abortion, I’ve noted over at the column from whence this excerpt came, that historic eugenics was not trying to “play God,” but merely using the constructs of ‘animal husbandry’ to help make the species ‘Homo Sapiens’ less cursed, from the curse of Eden.

    Silver’s book, OTOH, at least from this quote of Grabowski on the Amazon website, clearly is not only wanting to ‘play god’ but is self-defining Scientists such as Silver AS God- again, a purely Jewish tactic. Here’s the pertinent quote:

    “In this book, Lee M. Silver recounts the history (both scientific and social) of reproductive technologies, relating specific cases, speculations, and ramifications. He goes beyond to explain possible technologies that are not yet available, and why these might be important. Such real and imagined technologies include having more than two parents, cloning, and genetic engineering. He goes on to show how a child might have three mothers (genetic, birth, and social) and two fathers (genetic and social), how a child could have more than one genetic mother, how and why someone might want to clone themselves, how genetic engineering might impact future generations or our species as a whole, and other possibilities.”

    GMO has been shown to make animals infertile who ingest such grains. Monsanto has used their almost limitless billions to FORCE compliance into using these ‘tainted seed’, while at the same time, there are ‘heirloom seed’ banks sprouting up all over the world. It’s only in YS (Yankee Supremacist) America we are faced with this sort of ‘Leviathan.’

    Cloning? I do not believe a clone has a soul. Both animals (and obviously humans) should not be cloned, as there is the ‘bestial soul’ (for lack of a better term) as well as the ‘Divine soul’ in Man, that makes any construct such as cloning, demonic to the core.

    Three mothers? Sounds like the wet dream of the Jews, bolshevikis, and Sodomites of the modern era. The Family (one man, one women, mother and father inviolate) MUST not be tampered with. This is as much GENOCIDE, and ANNIHILATION as anything out there on the horizon, after ‘gay [sic] marriage’….

    Talk amongst yourselves.

  3. Read E. Michael Jones– Libido dominandi: sexual liberation and political tyranny. The eugenics movement was a movement sponsored by fearful Protestants that the Catholics were having too many children and thus would eclipse their political power.
    Instead of converting their minds to a life-enhancing religion, they tried to get rid of their rivals by subverting morality. Typical of the Protestants.

  4. The ‘transhumanism’ article points out EXACTLY the BS of the modern libtard.

    Wanting ‘everyone’ to be able to access White Technology, he (the author) both uses the ‘Nazi bogeyman’ -to scare the ‘undesireables’ away from this technology (as if!) and then saying (something to the effect): ‘Of course, autism could be ‘cured’ but homosexuality would not, as ‘most people’ don’t believe the latter to be a defect, blah, blah blah.’ Meaning? It is HE, and egotists like him, who self-elects ‘his in-group’ to be the ‘dispensers of Western European/White science, while denying it to its rightful heirs????

    WTF? This is SO ‘Esau’ – if you catch my drift. Give up YOUR inheritance, and then try to steal it back? Hello, sons of Satan? Didn’t the ‘We shall bruise YOUR heel’ episode in Eden teach your race ANYTHING? Apparently not…..

    OF COURSE homosexuality is a CURSE. OF COURSE mentally defective Negroes are a CURSE. OF COURSE this tehcnology should be used by Christian/European/White Men, as a means to control sub-human populations, by the Adamic race, and by us alone!

    Don’t come on the airwaves with your egalitarian BS about ‘transhumanism,’ and then pretend you’re NOT acting as God’s Vice-Regent (even though you aren’t of the Elect, and have no claim to such ‘gifts’ from YHWH) and then, in the same breath, damning those (against whom your Deicide Spinmeisters have brainwashed you to ‘H8’) who see both their ‘responsibility,’ as well as their ‘fitness to rule’ as necessary sides of the same coin, minted and owned by US alone!

    The whole ‘survival of the fittest’ is such BS, when you took up Darwin’s theory, only to deny it to ONE group, (whites) in order to elevate the Ape (black men) above its station, and then, (the definition of ‘chutzpah’) seek to claim it for your own perverted little Jewish enclaves alone!

    Christians/Europeans/White Men should rule. Christians/E/WM WILL rule, and the Jews/Libtards WILL be routed. Kievsky, you are SO right. “Once this technology is out of the bag, we’ll be able to use it for our ends. Let the libs do the legwork and the funding, and we’ll seize it when the time is ripe.”

    Only the King’s kids, are heirs of the promises of the King. The others are imposters, who climbed over the gate ‘another way’ and are damned from all eternity. Let us NEVER forget that…..

  5. Hunter,

    There is an article at by Cooper Sterling, “‘Do As I Say’: The Paradox of Eugenics And The Jews”. The article is about eugenics within the jewish community and jewish support for eugenics.

    The author of the article writes about a new book, “Jewish Eugenics” by John Glad. I will quote from this great article:

    “In 2006, Glad published ‘Future Human Evolution: Eugenics in the Twenty-First Century’, a concise reappraisal of the scientific basis of eugenics. Smith College’s Seymour Itzkoff noted in the preface that Glad had ‘clearly and authoritatively’ reaffirmed the ‘humanistic tradition’ of eugenics. Itzkoff credited Glad with debunking the widely-believed idea that the Holocaust was the culmination of eugenic policies implemented by goose-stepping mad scientists under the auspices of the Third Reich.”

    “Glad’s thesis: since the 1960’s, a prominent group of Jewish intellectuals has been systematically and unscrupulously campaigning to discredit eugenics—but, in a great paradox, other Jewish intellectuals, and Zionists have been actively interested in eugenics principles, both historically and currently, to secure the posterity—health and wellbeing—of Jews. Collectively, it amounts to a case of Do As I Say—Not As I Do.”

    “Glad’s research suggests that ‘Judaism itself has eugenic implications.’ In Glad’s own words: ‘The essence of Jewry lies….in its eugenic dynamism.'”

    The article by Cooper Sterling at and the book “Jewish Eugenics” by John Glad are must reads. I would encourage everyone who reads this to print out Cooper Sterling’s article “‘Do As I Say’: The Paradox of Eugenics and The Jews” and save it now. The article is priceless.

  6. if the cathloics were so great, why did all their colonies go to shit? Don’t like protestants that founded the usa, leave

  7. “Read E. Michael Jones– Libido dominandi: sexual liberation and political tyranny. The eugenics movement was a movement sponsored by fearful Protestants that the Catholics were having too many children and thus would eclipse their political power.
    Instead of converting their minds to a life-enhancing religion, they tried to get rid of their rivals by subverting morality. Typical of the Protestants.”

    Carol’s comment is so ‘typical of Romanists.’ While advocating that ‘every sperm is sacred,’ (which it is- as long as it is White/Adamic sperm) , they then apply it to mean, that instead of seeking to make life better for those who wish to give ALL Adamic children a decent upbringing, the Church of Rome encourages indiscriminate breeding of children for population’s sake, (and for papal armies, if the Crusades were any indication…. and they are!) is somehow more noble, more godly… even if the mother, and the children die- in childbirth, or from starvation, or from malnutrition, etc.

    And then, via their ‘universal jurisdiction mantra’ Rome gleefully applies this mindset to non-White races, and VOila- you have the USCCB standing up for the Mestizos, and saying, ‘screw the Whites’- even the White IRISH CATHOLICS, to allow Rome to end up being the Whore of Babylon.

    The WASP culture (as Fraser noted in his book) is both desirous of large families (when needed- think of the Duggars, God bless ’em), and yet cautious of the Malthusian notion, that too many hominids will literally destroy the planet. We now know that Malthus was correct, and that the ‘lesser races’ – due to White Altruism, misguided- have enabled the Papal ‘strategy’ to win… for a time.

    But it is not a Christ- honoring, or a Biblical strategy, when applied to the non-Elect.

    Malthus was (of course) an Anglican clergyman, so, on the one hand, his concern was eminently practical, and suffused with a Christian concern- even for the ‘lesser races’ and the specter of child starvation. But the RC’s don’t see it that way, of course. Led by their whoring Mother, (Rome) and fueled by a rightful grievance against the English, ANYTHING that smacked of English thought, culture, etc. was made to be ‘anathema’ to the largely sub-or-illiterate Irish, during the reign of the English (1600-1900).

    Sadly, we now know that even the English are over 50% Celt, so they (brits) should have treated their Irish brothers with a bit more decency. I ought to know- I have Irish heritage, and yes, it was Catholic. But we (Anglos and Celts) also NOW need to realize that the stubbornness of the Celts in Eire, in holding to a false faith, didn’t do them any favors, either! Look at the Church’s decimation of the Irish, in the wake of both encouraging large families (Rome), and the Irish Potato famine (English) while at the same time, opening Eire’s doors to the ‘unwashed’ (EU, Universal salvation of the Black hordes) and the willing stupidity of the Irirsh to miscegenate themselves with a fervor only applicable to the ‘true believer’.

    No, as a Celt, I say, ‘Rome be damned’. I’d argue for Malthus, any day.

  8. Virginia implemented Laughlin’s “Model Eugenical Sterilization Law” with little modification two years after it was published. New York eugenicist Madison Grant worked to ensure his model of the “one-drop rule” was implemented by the Virginia registrar of statistics, Walter Ashby Plecker, who developed the racial criteria behind the act.[10]

    The “Pocahontas exception”

    The Racial Integrity Act was subject to the “Pocahontas exception”—since many influential “First Families of Virginia” (FFV) claimed descent from Pocahontas, a daughter of the Powhatan, the legislature declared that a person could be considered white even if he or she had as much as one-sixteenth Indian ancestry.[11] By comparison, during the 19th century, the legislature had defined that a person with one-eighth or less African ancestry could be considered white. During the years of slavery in effect, white citizens of Virginia were less concerned with non-European ancestry than people had become by the early 20th century, more than 50 years after Emancipation.


    “By comparison, during the 19th century, the legislature had defined that a person with one-eighth or less African ancestry could be considered white. During the years of slavery in effect, white citizens of Virginia were less concerned with non-European ancestry than people had become by the early 20th century, more than 50 years after Emancipation.” – n/a

    And rightly so. During the 19th Century, society didn’t condone ALL classes to the lie of miscegenation. If a ‘poor white trash’ slattern took up with a buck n*gger, well… But the nobility of Virginia or Carolina being raped? Well, Dixon’s ‘The Clansman” put that crime into perspective….

  10. A broken clock is right twice a day: every so often, the Yankee utopian reform impulse stumbles upon some kind of reform which has merit, the most obvious cases being temperance and eugenics, which has resonated with a wider audience outside of the Northeast.

  11. The triumph of the One Drop Rule in Virginia was due in large part to the influence of Walter Plecker. I don’t believe it was adopted in most of the other states.

  12. The media message today: any one that does the mix-race relationship or marriage thing is “morally superior” because are “proving” that they not racists. But now its starting to become main stream. In the past few years, have you noticed how advertising for banks, car companies, Starbucks, etc. (TV and print) are using mixed-race couples and 1/2 breed kids more-and-more?

    STARBUCKS: Blonde Women, You Must Blend With Coffee-Colored Men

    But who knows, may be in the near future full-blooded whites (and not white that are 1/16 aboriginal, or 1/8 black) will be considered an endangered species and will be protected like polar bears, pandas, etc..

  13. “But who knows, may be in the near future full-blooded whites (and not white that are 1/16 aboriginal, or 1/8 black) will be considered an endangered species and will be protected like polar bears, pandas, etc..” – Outlier

    Not a chance. This is the Deicides’ ‘internal compulsion’- the destruction of Adamkind.
    That is why they are our ‘forever enemies.’ It goes back to Gen. 3:15.

  14. “On the one hand, these American eugenicists tended to be WASP grandees like Fisher — ivory-tower dwellers and privileged have-mores with an obvious incentive to invent spurious theories to justify their own position.”

    @… “……Gee, no journalistic bias here, or ‘steering’ in any way, huh? ‘grandees’? ‘ivory tower’ ‘privileged have-mores’??? But the best one is ‘spurious theories’?

    Disingenious b&stard.

    Like ‘trickle down,’ ‘multiculturalism,’ and ‘diversity’ are any more legitimate?
    Puh-leez. How utterly condescending libtards are…..”….

    Thought for a second on the BIAS part, you were talking about the Tired WASPSaretheonlyDevils narrative.

    Any even CURSORY digging will easily turn up the real names behind the “wasps” figureheads like Sanger, Meade, etc. Now…why wouldn’t commenters want to do that work?

    Anyway… I WISH THE endless improvement-brigade WOULD improve something, anything— and if only they would start with themselves. The Yankee penchant for ‘development’ is fine by me— but they should quit developing OTHER PEOPLE and start concentrating on their horrifying little selves, right?

    That’s the thing to ask the “progressisivist”— yes, yes, yes on your Overseas Work. But what, in YOURSELF, have you improved today, Missy?

    That’s the best line of inquiry.

    Otherwise, it’s more WASP-hate hasbara. Don’t you all ever get bored with the anti-wasp, anti-anglo, anti-anglo-sax, anti-appalachian, anti-south, anti…

    Um… most people in the South are wasps, even now. Have historically been Wasps. NO “yankee wasps” even exist in the northeast for a century (for some reason ‘the movements’ wish to see all northeast protestants as Puritans —um, who told you to SAY THAT?)

    What’s in it for you, with the protestant bashing? And how will that work for any southern group— (since they are historically wasps— why the Episcopal church was so intensively attacked, right up there with acts s/a The Tobacco Acts— to wipe out farms in the Bible Belt, and so on).

    It’s so convenient these WASP figure-heads for movements in which they often DID NOT EVEN WRITE the main texts.

    Finally—- people have an interest (to cover Genocide or at the very least “displacement”)— in obscuring the reality that the u.s. population WAS wasps (not just the North). It was once a wasp populated country.

    Therefore—- for non-protestant groups to put, as figureheads, on various left movements (eugenics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, etc…) a protestant person (“wasp”) would have to be done (as that was the main group in the u.s. prior to the 1965 Immigration Acts, and other Immigration moves around 1900.)

    Lincoln used Marx’s 48-ers, right?

  15. Grandees, ivory tower wasn’t the “Bias” above—- the “white” and “protestant” part was.

  16. “But who knows, may be in the near future full-blooded whites (and not white that are 1/16 aboriginal, or 1/8 black) will be considered an endangered species and will be protected like polar bears, pandas, etc..” – Outlier

    That’s why I don’t understand the “secession” thing. “Minorities” have done all the work on getting paid-for reservations.

    Now… it’s very clear from multiple quotes in the public sphere that the ‘elites’ say the Generational American Population (the ones with colonial identification) are “has-beens” in their own country JUST LIKE THE INDIANS.

    So—- why go through all the trauma of secession? Isn’t it just already on the books that how the u.s. handles this, is by GIVING land to the defeated population, in trade for not being a big ‘genocider.”

    They give some of the confiscated land BACK TO THE PEOPLE— a “reservation.” This is a protected area for the people they say they have defeated (like the redneck, southern-appalachian, stupid, sick, ignorant, americans, the ones who were “americans” before).

    In the protected Reservation Area, the people are allowed to do their own thing, grow their own culture, write books about their real experiences and how the dominant culture made them feel, how the takeover was, etc.

    This is SUBSIDIZED by the dominant culture—-which they say they are.

    Forget all this secession business. (Didn’t the south try that before, anyway?) Shouldn’t they be trying to work with the “New Developments” brought by other minority populations?

    They are a majority who says they believe in equality. So, shouldn’t defeated populations (like tea party america) get a reservation? Weren’t laws made to cover that for them?

  17. If the jewish conspiracy types could actually be useful and research jewish theology we could benefit. I have a cursory understanding of it and it helps to put context to our “elite’s” machinations. Gentiles are soulless beasts who look and talk like humans, but lack god’s highest approval rating, or so it goes. This explains why jews subvert anything good that comes from us whites, so much so that the most degraded jew acts out their religous impulses.

    But instead our braniacs dwell on some nit of some conspiracy theory instead of the basics of the religion that is the basic predicate for the genocide of whites.

  18. Oh please RRS. Stop insulting the Namers of Die Juden. If you are too lazy to do your own research – just ask.

    What do you want to know about Spawn of Satan “theology”? Just ASK. (Tantalizing hint: I don’t called them the Spawn of Satan for no reason)

  19. namers are a waste of time, they are hand puppet morons who work for satan. The Tel Aviv crew love namers, they love the concept of “Hebrus Omnipotentus” as put forth by the namers. Without namers think how broke Potok would be, he would probably be working as an MC in a dirty strip club, surrounded by soulless beasts, and hating himself for the temptations he gave into (and his mother would be shamed).

    “Namers” a blot upon Aryan intellect.

  20. Fr John – great post at 11:09!

    The Comments on the article are closed. Drat. There are some truly interesting replies. The Left is very very confused….

  21. If you know so much then put their conniving within the contexts of this theology, but do not think that your audience knows what you know. Denise to me your shrieking seems only to be your emotional relief valve, and god we white men deal with women and their emotional relief valves daily.

    Question; How many women like Denise would it take to fix the “jew problem?” Trick question of course, since it would basically involve numbers of women onto infinity endlessly complaining about “jews.”

  22. “The WASP culture (as Fraser noted in his book) is both desirous of large families (when needed- think of the Duggars, God bless ‘em), and yet cautious of the Malthusian notion, that too many hominids will literally destroy the planet.”

    Thank you.

    Every time I hear of the partially awake sounding the alarm about the NWO’s plan for population reduction, I agree: What NWO is up to, is evil.

    But not for the idea of population reduction, per se. There ARE too many people — of the parasitic kind, i.e., non-Whites. The geometric population growth that has Club of Rome types alarmed, is, by and large, due to the indiscriminate reproduction of non-Whites, particularly 3rd worlders, who have more kids than they themselves can provide for, but the kids survive due to White largesse. Because these non-White 3rd worlders, being dependent on Whites for their existence, cannot of their own efforts support their populations at the current levels, when Whites cease to provide, they will cease to exist. And that existence ceasing will be by a most unpleasant method — starvation. That population, non-White 3rd worlders, SHOULD be reduced through humane methods before Mother Nature’s brutal, but effective, methods do the job for them, much more painfully.

    What NWO is doing that is evil is reducing the population of White people. Were the world’s population the same numerically but the ratios of White to non-White the reverse of today, 90% White and 10% non-White, we’d have undersea colonies, ocean energy, and be terraforming Mars by now. Overcrowding of Earth / ecol collapse / resource scarcity would not even be a problem.

  23. Jews thrive on being persecuted and obsessed about. That’s one reason why I hardly pay them any mind. Know your enemy, but don’t dwell on him.

  24. …..we white men deal with women and their emotional relief valves daily.

    gees this place has gotten better than the comedy channel

  25. I refuse to let the anti-Catholic nutters and Jew-obsessives ruin this site for me. OD is too fine of a resource to do without. Everyone has the freedom to express their opinions, and I have the freedom to ignore them.

    Argument between whites does not help the White cause. We can have our religious wars after we have our nationhood. Until then, I will agree with my fellow Whites when I can and remain silent when I can’t. No enemies on the White.

  26. cathloics traditionally vote against the best interests of the Founding Stock, and support BRA in larger numbers than protestants. Its a fact, there are legitimate bitches about catholics. Why we shouldn’t mention those facts is beyond me.

  27. All of our society’s taboos are enforced for the benefit of the dim, think BRA, the actual lowest common denominator for humanity.

    In front of us only stands Taboo, beyond that, power beyond our imagination. Once in awhile a lefty cult minder will wander upon a right/white blog, and what is their purpose there in part? Asides from the rush of feeling morally superior (hat tip Mindweapon) is that they arrive there to set taboo upon the commentors and authors of the blog. And if they are called upon, they fail and soon leave, but more often than not most of the commentors fall back upon their reactionary training and debate within the limits set.

  28. Hitler was a polarizing figure who forced the Yankee “paleo-progressive” elite to choose between their commitment to liberalism and their campaign for race betterment. By 1900, the Yankees had given up on Reconstruction and lost their enthusiasm for racial equality, but the Second World War changed all of that and switched them back into their ideological mode.

    After the Second World War, the Yankees no longer ran the elite – the Jews did. You don’t have to ascribe to conspiracy theories to note that an elite that was concerned with the betterment of the white race was replaced with an elite concerned with the diminishment of the white race.

    i pray to jesus everyday that all white women in america will be like mrs duggar and have 23+ babies. i know that jesus answers all of our prayers so i know that any day now i will wake up in the morning to find that every white woman in america just had 23+ babies.
    it’s very sinful to talk alot. we should be praying and having babies. that’s what josephat said unto miriam in the valley of hedon after the edomites slaughtered the babylonites.
    we need to take out our bibles and pray and have 23+ babies per white woman.
    we will drown in the red sea if we don’t start reading our bibles.

  30. “TOO MUCH USELESS FUSS OVER SMTH NORMAL. MOTHER NATURE IS AN EUGENICIST HERSELF, SO STAP BLABBING…” – Mother nature, under the right conditions, is a eugenicist. The vast majority of planet earth does not fall under that metric.

  31. “cathloics traditionally vote against the best interests of the Founding Stock, and support BRA in larger numbers than protestants.”

    For real. The notion that “Celtic” Southrons and “ethnics” in the North (when they’re not being held up as “Yankees”) are natural allies against the perfidious Yankee Puritan WASP is rather misguided. What alliance they had rested on splitting government spoils between them, and that time has passed. Their deeper interests never aligned in the way I believe the fundamental interests of founding-stock Americans in all regions should/do.

  32. @Joe 4:15pm – as usual talking out of both sides of your mouth and your oriface at the other end. Or is it the other way around?

    @ ‘Fr’ John 11:45 am – you go boy and argue for Malthus. I am sure this is why Russia with the highest abortion rate in the world is such a great ‘Christian’ nation.

    Well did our Lady of Fatima ask for the consecration of that nation to her Immaculate Heart.

    Irish history (of which you are abyssmally ignorant) demonstrates clearly that The Crown – which is Judaic and founded the Corporation of the City of London in 1690 circa A.D. – settled the debt of the English Parliamentarians to the Amsterdam Jews by seizing all Irish estates after the Battle of the Boyne 1689. That is why there was a potato ‘famine’. All the lands were seized by the Bank of England (the Jews). Just like there was a Holdomor (famine) in the Ukraine in the 1930s because all Ukranian land was seized by the Party (the Jews) in power in Russia.

    Also, FYI the Roman Catholic Church elevates chastity. The Roman Catholic marriage has many periods of abstinence and fast as required by the fasts of the Church throughout the year. The Roman Catholic Church elevates chastity in the single estate and consecrates it in the religious vocation. But, of course, you will be crapping on about ‘fast breeder reactors’ among non Catholic populations. Of course you will argue that is the fault of the Church.

    When the SHTF in the JewsSA, I confidently predict you and your ilk will be the first to kiss King Willie’s loff.

  33. I agree. Want to destroy BRA and create the White nation? Here’s the best way: Legally marry a white woman. No shacking up. No possibility of divorce. MARRIED UNTIL DEATH. Don’t use artificial contraception. Never get an abortion. Have as many white children as possible as quickly as possible. Forget the stupid bass boat and the restaurant meals. Don’t worry about the money; the money will come. Shut up and be poor. Raise your children to be bold and courteous Christian knights and strong and gracious Christian ladies. Teach them that ONE parent works and ONE parent stays at home. Homeschool them or put them in a private school that you can trust. NEVER put them in public school. Show them how to fight, how to heal, and how to live like a civilized white person.

    If we all do this BRA will crumble like a pile of dry manure. Get married, have kids, raise them to be warrior-scholars, and cultivate them: that’s the way to V-BRA Day.

  34. Warrior-scholars are great. But teach the kids not to get involved in internecine wars at the same time. Something christianity has never done, not really. Quite the opposite, the churches have many times fomented war, or just acquiesce — how convenient it is to just acquiesce while playing “innocent” and “good.”
    The great tragedy of the white race– it’s internecine wars.
    And for all of this great talk about christianty– some take the catholic side, some take the protestant side– for all this talk of how great christianity is, how come the white race constantly indulges in internecine wars?
    2,000 years of christianity and Europe was left in ruins. The buildings were rebuilt. Sure.
    But, many millions upon millions were killed down by their fellow christians; Many millions upon millions who were young and never reproduced. We lost those who actually died in the war, but we as a race lost all the children that were never to be born. That blood is lost to the white race for eternity.
    And how quick both catholics and protestants were to jump into air force bombers and bomb and incinerate their racial homeland, their own cities, including their own churches.
    And we christians– both catholic and protestant– have the nerve and the gall to point our fingers at the jews and the blacks demanding that they respect us and change their ways for our benefit, when we ourselves are the cause for destroying Europe and committing genocide upon our own race and our own people.
    I still don’t hear anything–not a peep– from any church about what happened in WW2. It is shrugged off as nothing. No big deal. These things happen.
    The real kicker : Wasn’t it glorious!
    What bullshit. What lies we tell ourselves and the world.
    And we have the goddamned nerve and gall to blame the jews and/or the blacks and/or the moslems for our problems.
    It’s a joke.

  35. Jew – Race Traitor vermin like Cromwell betrated their ow nkind to the Hebes. We KNOW this.

    Most folks don’t – especially all of those duped into kiling each other. We try to get the word out.

    Yet you insult us.

    Muslims merely want us all to convert. They don’t really want to kill us. Sure – there wil always be warfare. But they wouldbe thrilled if every-one becaome Muslims.

    Jews WANT to kill us all off. They HATE. They hate anything that is not them – and they generally hate each other, too. Spawn of Satan and all. It’s them. Haven’t you ever wondered why they always use their self-proclaimed skills to destroy eveey-one else?

    I’m not interested in meas culpas against Whites. I’m interested in SAVING Whites. Spreading knowledge about the truth is the way to go.

    Jew vermin duped Whites. We need another Edward the First, is what we need.

    Now tell me why Jews are always so despicable, and corrosive. Tell me your thoughts..

  36. “. . .fall back upon their reactionary training and debate within the limits set. . .”

    I never take the bait. I can see others doing so.

    I refute arguments by FACT FILLED POSTS above all. I do not mention the other poster by name, and I do not argue back and forth. If they try to seduce me into arguing, I go to another site, or get a bite.

  37. “fall back upon their reactionary training and debate within the limits set”

    This is an interesting point.

    Please expand. Please give me some examples of what you’re referring to when you say “debating within the limits set” so I can do a better job outdebating lefty cult-minders.

  38. If the jews want to kill us off, and the white race is opposed to this agenda– and simultaneouly the white race is so wonderful and so good and so intelligent– why do millions upon millions upon millions of white men jump to their feet and march when the government in any white country says MARCH.
    They jump and they trip over themseves to march– and they love to march— and my white race has from the beginning of time loved with passion it’s internecine wars– and all the bullsh*t and calling me names, and all the innuendo — can’t cover that up: History.
    Real History can’t be covered up with name-calling and innuendo. It’s lame.
    Oh, booh hoo hoo hoo, the jews duped us.
    We are “innocent”, we are “good”. We are very intelligent yet simultaneously so stupid we get duped all the time by the jews.
    Mommy, can I have my cake and eat it too? please? pretty please?
    booh hoo hoo hoo hoo…..

  39. The schmoozies over at TCM teevee are very cunningly playing a very good old movie later today called, “The Boss” , about a politician and how he succumbs to the “temptations of power”.
    It’s a must see. Check your local guide for schedule in your time zone.
    I just have to cross my fingers and hope that Robert Osborne doesn’t talk for a half-hour before the movie starts. He’s a front man ( he’s on “ThePayroll”) for the smooze and sometimes he dupes me into watching even more movies. Very insidious it is.
    HELP! I’ve been duped. Booh hoo hoo hoo

  40. My, my…is this new ‘culture wars’? I thought ‘science’ and ‘religion’ were opposing forces with the sense to leave each other alone.

    Eugenics is a fundamental tenet of WN’st politics, and will, ultimately, help to maintain our extended political and national extension.

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