The Future of Eugenics

New York

Ross Douthat has a column in the New York Times about the bad old days before the Second World War when the Yankee utopian impulse and reform culture had found an outlet in the American eugenics movement:

“The American elite’s pre-World War II commitment to breeding out the “unfit” — defined variously as racial minorities, low-I.Q. whites, the mentally and physically handicapped, and the criminally inclined — is a story that defies easy stereotypes about progress and enlightenment. On the one hand, these American eugenicists tended to be WASP grandees like Fisher — ivory-tower dwellers and privileged have-mores with an obvious incentive to invent spurious theories to justify their own position.

But these same eugenicists were often political and social liberals — advocates of social reform, partisans of science, critics of stasis and reaction. “They weren’t sinister characters out of some darkly lighted noir film about Nazi sympathizers,” Conniff writes of Fisher and his peers, “but environmentalists, peace activists, fitness buffs, healthy-living enthusiasts, inventors and family men.” From Teddy Roosevelt to the Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger, fears about “race suicide” and “human weeds” were common among self-conscious progressives, who saw the quest for a better gene pool as of a piece with their broader dream of human advancement. .

That access, until recently, has required invasive procedures like amniocentesis. But last week brought a remarkable breakthrough: a team of scientists mapped nearly an entire fetal genome using blood from the mother and saliva from the father.

The procedure costs tens of thousands of dollars today, but the price will surely fall. And it promises access to a wealth of information about the fetus’s biology and future prospects — information that carries obvious blessings, but also obvious temptations.”

This was discussed years ago in the movie Gattaca and Lee Silver’s book Remaking Eden.

Note: The leading eugenicists in America were Yankees like Charles Davenport, Harry Laughlin, Madison Grant, Lothrop Stoddard, and Margaret Sanger. With the exception of Stoddard, they were mostly concerned with the threat of racial deterioration posed by intermarriage with Appalachian white trash and Catholic immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.

Hitler was a polarizing figure who forced the Yankee “paleo-progressive” elite to choose between their commitment to liberalism and their campaign for race betterment. By 1900, the Yankees had given up on Reconstruction and lost their enthusiasm for racial equality, but the Second World War changed all of that and switched them back into their ideological mode.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Men, do not get married; look at the divorce stats, who files the most, why they file and where children and assets go most often. Realize you are not special, you have no legal standing in family law, divorce statistics apply to you and the woman you marry

  2. Derry – most people don’t know about the machinations of Jewry. There are LOADS of folks that don’t know what a Jew *is*.

    Meanwhile – I was taunting Jew err Joo. He purports ot be a Catholic – but his posts revolve around trying to get the regulars here to blame Whites for our situation. NONE of us ever deny the culpability of Whites, for our predicament – but Joo’s posts don’t pass the smell test anymore. We are not into blaming Whites. We fight with each other, etc………….but what’s the use of White Advocates/Whites/WN/Southrons beating up on Whites, and giving Hebes a pass?

    Ska-roo that.

    I will not piis on Whites as a Race. Every-one else is doing that. Is that good for the White Race?

    Hell NO.

    Silence is assent. Silence is acceptance. Silence signals “guilt”.

    Hell NO.

    Here’s The Meme:

    Whites are Perfect Angels from Heaven. We make cute little mistakes – like puppies and kittens do. But we are mainly flawless shimmering Angels of Light, Beauty and Grace. We are God’s Divine Favorite Sweetie Pies. History teaches us this.

    Every-one else is jealous of us. We can’t help the fact that non-Whites are not White. It’s not our fault. They can blame God. Don’t hate us cause we’re Beautiful. If they want to be like us – they must be good, and helpful, and do everything they can to make sure Whites have lots and lots of healthy babies – cause in their next life – if they are very very good, and very very lucky – they may be Born White.

    Jews? Spawn od Satan. They’ve been attacking Whites for centuries. They aren’t responsible for EVERY bad thing that’s happened, through out history – but since they’ve been allowed ot run loose, for the past 400 years, in the West – they mostly ARE. Screw ’em. We don’t need ’em. NEVER did. We owe them NOTHING except a trip back to their Daddy in Hell.

    Now – if every-one accepts my Meme – how would the world look, in a dacade to so?

    See the Big Picture?

  3. New term: “Whiteness Envy.” Non-whites, not-so-whites and less-white-whites have it in varying degrees.

    But that “in their next life – if they are very very good, and very very lucky – they may be Born White” is a false hope, since there is ONLY ONE life, in scriptural truth and reality.

  4. Mosin …..errr…..that’s not the point.

    Ask Fr John who Christianity is really FOR – and get up to speed on advertising.

  5. Rasmer says:
    June 19, 2012 at 3:47 pm
    Hitler was a polarizing figure who forced the Yankee “paleo-progressive” elite to choose between their commitment to liberalism and their campaign for race betterment. By 1900, the Yankees had given up on Reconstruction and lost their enthusiasm for racial equality, but the Second World War changed all of that and switched them back into their ideological mode.

    After the Second World War, the Yankees no longer ran the elite – the Jews did. You don’t have to ascribe to conspiracy theories to note that an elite that was concerned with the betterment of the white race was replaced with an elite concerned with the diminishment of the white race.”

    Careful Rasmer – Noticing Whosky is doing Whatsky is just….crazy….

  6. We were just cute cuddly little puppies when the white race killed down about 70 million fellow whites in the two world wars. How warm and cuddly were we?
    The chinese are really jealous of us because we handed them our industry,lock-stock-and barrel. Like little kittens.
    The big-shot jews are very jealous of us because white americans serve as cannon-fodder for the big-shot rothschilds and other billionaire families ( both jewish and non-jewish) that start all the wars.*
    *most of the to israel’s advantage — though that is just ostensible because israel is on the wrecking block along with the usa. { see the debate thread under “uncle tim condemns israel}. Only the very top big shots will benefit when the US and Israel are both destroyed and the average people in both countries lose their respective sovereignty. Very cute.
    The white race is really cute and cuddly because white Americans get divorced in droves, rip their families apart over every little type of selfishness. Very cuddly.
    And everyone of every race is really jealous of white Americans because we give so much charity and support to one another and never never never would help other races above our own. Purely Angelic.
    The blacks in africa are really jealous of the white race because we send them 100’s of million of dollars every year. They hate that. They don’t understand cute and cuddly.

  7. Re: “every so often, the Yankee utopian reform impulse stumbles upon some kind of reform which has merit, the most obvious cases being temperance and eugenics”: I agree, Hunter: the two intelligent reforms, though both miscarried and then abandoned.

  8. @Denise: “errr…..that’s not the point”: Yes, I knew it was rhetoric, or what you call advertising. But in that effort or process let’s not give credence or support to any false, anti-Christian teaching such as reincarnation. The best cure for those suffering “the Envys” is spatial racial separation! Separate worlds. Whites out of sight makes whites out of mind.

    ng LAW law Lhwewewat

  9. I have NO idea what “ng LAW law Lhwewewat” is or how it got there, but there is no editing or deleting possible on this site.

  10. mearRe: “Men, do not get married”:

    Does it follow then that eugenics should be carried out with hired lab technicians, and with hired wombs and wet nurses — mercenary (versus married) females? The Bible teaches that marriage is a sacred mystery ordained of God, indissoluble and to be held in honour by all. Marriage and truly successful eugenics must be inseparable. To not merely procreate but “train up a child in the way he should go” requires a Christian home.

  11. “mearRe:”??? There must be a glitch on this site, since that didn’t appear before posting.

    @Fr John: “As a fan of historic Eugenics, and an opponent of Abortion, I’ve noted over at the column from whence this excerpt came, that historic eugenics was not trying to “play God,” but merely using the constructs of ‘animal husbandry’….”

    Yes, historic, traditional, conservative eugenics is distinct from the godless God-playing version.

  12. The christian elite in 19th century america– before the massive immigration of jews — put america through a very destructive internecine war ( war between the states).
    So much for the christian elite’s desire to implement plans for the “betterment of the white race”.
    During the Reformation, the ruling class christian elite– both catholic and protestant– fomented a war in Europe that lasted 30-40 years ( I forgot exactly if it was 30 or 40 years).
    At the end of the wars fomented by the christian elite in Europe– both catholic and protestant– One Third of the white race in Europe were genocided in the bloodshed and war that engulfed Europe during the Reformation.
    Again, all the christian leaders–both catholic and protestant– carrying the bibles around in their hands while encouraging their congregants unto internecine war.
    Like in WW2, many young white men and women lost their lives before ever reproducing. Another eternal loss of blood for the white race.
    So much for the christian ruling class — both catholic and protestant — elite’s desire to inplement plans for “the betterment of the white race”.

  13. mearRe: “Men, do not get married”:

    Does it follow then that eugenics should be carried out with hired lab technicians, and with hired wombs and wet nurses — mercenary (versus married) females? The Bible teaches that marriage is a sacred mystery ordained of God, indissoluble and to be held in honour by all. Marriage and truly successful eugenics must be inseparable. To not merely procreate but “train up a child in the way he should go” requires a Christian home.


    Yes rented wombs and test tube babies. We do not have anything closely resembling the type of marriages or laws governing marriage like the Bible talks about. What you thing Biblical marriage is, is not what legal marriage in the here and now is. In fact they are 180 degrees out of phase with the man already guilty of inequity when he says “i do”

    don’t let the ideal of something cloud the reality of something

  14. Joe, why do you keep saying the same thing? You are beginning to sound like a some jewish person trying to deflect blame away from jews.

  15. I forgot to mention that during the Reformation the jews were still in the ghettoes of Europe and didn’t hold power like they do today.
    A major reason the jews came to power in Europe is because the christian elite in Europe– both catholic and protestant– fomented a giant and very destructive internecine war, greatly weakening the white race in Europe.
    Through and after all the bloodshed and the turmoil, the jews started to come to power more and more in Europe.
    There was a great vacuum, so to speak, because the white race so weakened itself in internecine war, that the jews sepped in and took leverage.
    Our christian leaders–both catholic and protestant– are just as culpaple for the failings of the white race as any jew leader.
    Probably even more because our christian leaders–both catholic and protestant– didn’t have any loyalty or respect for their own people– for our ancestors. They fomented internecine war. And they did it will full free will and volition.

  16. “Phil says:
    June 20, 2012 at 3:52 am
    Joe, why do you keep saying the same thing? You are beginning to sound like a some jewish person trying to deflect blame away from jews”


  17. Come on Joe – tell us MORE. Hunter has so much band-width. Tell us MORE about how bad Whites are.

    We’re just dying to know about all the bad things Whites do, and have done. Cause Whites are BAD. It’s all Whitey’s fault – right? Eveything is Whitey’s fault. Just like the Nigras say.

    I’m sure that you can go on even more than you do now, paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph after paragraph…………….

  18. Just trying to provide some balance to the idea that we whites are innocent puppies and kittens. And just some balance to blaming jews and everyone else instead of examining our own faults. Something common here at “OD” .
    I not going to write a long post about this.
    I have been posting here for about a month. I have written many posts throughout. All of them ultimately pro-white. Still, I do not fool myself.
    I am not going to let my own people who are traitors off the hook.
    ( that last sentence is not directed to any that post here, just want to mention the historical record, not a fantasy version of history).

  19. I also said that we are stardust and we are golden…. and that turned out to be some kind of issue also.

  20. I come not to bury White People – but to praise them:

    My personal Ideal of the best looking actor of the 20th Century:;_ylt=A0PDoKsqS.FPok4Af7qJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?

    ANY female would want to practice eugenics with him.

    Now – this is my personal Ideal of a stunningly flawless physical specimen:;_ylt=A0PDoTGrTOFPzDMA1gmJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBlMTQ4cGxyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1n?

    My favorite pic, when he was at his finest.

    Sigh. Ray – that night, after that concert, in a smaller venue, when you were leaving. Our eyes locked….I know I was psychically transmitting my phone number. I know were receiving…what went wrong? Was is that bitch Chrissy?

    LuvU4ever, Ray. Always.

  21. Every-one! A post of mine is in moderation, caught in Spamblinka, due to extensive URL tanglement.

    I posted pics of 2 Very Fine Specimens.

    We need to sing the praises of the Beauty of Race – not belittle or disparage or rain great heaping drenching buckets of boring cynical yuckiness.

    We must Sing the Body Caucasian! Let White Golden Beauty sparkle and shimmer dusting all with our Glorious Supremacy -and make our case for us!

    Woo HOO!

    Here is how I feel about my Race (What Would Doris Do?)

  22. Turning the White race into Eugenic Supermen with 200 IQ’s, perfect looks and incredible health along with all the near superhuman abilities that we can manage will accomplish nothing. I am 100% in favir but it will do little for human happiness or the long term future of the White race. Given that smart women have fewer kids unless we get artificial wombs or real drive, it might damn us.

    Anyway whats s hurting us right now is not lack of capability but lack of drive.

    And no in case you ask putting the screws to us, won’t help. It doesn’t give us hormesis it gives us the cultural PTSD that leads to Europe after WW2.

    What we need a method to balance the fact that once we achieve awesome there really is little to do. OK we are now , Mindweaponized , at peace with other Whites and have many awesome White kids.

    Heck we have a homeland and the space underwater and eugenic upgrade programs are chugging along nicely . Now what?

    We have to simply learn to not constantly be caught in the urge to struggle that becomes so great we try and destroy ourselves or create drama (i.e wars and strife) to satisfy those urges . Its natural for us to do this having evolved in the resource weak North climes but in time it must stop for our own good.

    We will all need to be a bit more French and learn to live in the plenty and balance that we can create.

    And note, this need can take a scant few years. Its possible that people alive and on this board now will have to face the issue and if they do not their kids may. Its not a sure thing of course but we’d be wise to think about what to do after we win. Thats when the real work starts. To simply live in plenty and not be corrupted is a struggle we may need to face.

  23. Christ, Denise, have you not seen Rutger Hauer lately??

    That man has had waaaaaaaaaay too many bottles of booze. Yeah, I guess he was something 20 years ago, but the last photo close up I saw of him was of a long term drunk. No doubt drugs, too. Too many nights of partying.

    Yeah, his offspring got and would still get some good genetics as far as looks, but they also probably got and would get a hell of a propensity for alcoholism and addiction.

  24. there’s a reason why fathers successfully picked their daughters husbands for so many years

  25. “Yes rented wombs and test tube babies. We do not have anything closely resembling the type of marriages or laws governing marriage like the Bible talks about. What you think Biblical marriage is, is not what legal marriage in the here and now is. In fact they are 180 degrees out of phase with the man already guilty of inequity when he says ‘I do’ ”:

    Successful eugenics of Western man depends on, requires, successful marriage and true morality. But in a LAWYER-led, urban multicultural (anti-our-culture-al) environment there will be fornication and divorce instead, because that is the prevailing new tradition there and “for women the tradition is the truth” (as well as for male sheeple); where nearly all women are getting divorces or at least trying out multiple partners, EVERY woman (with rare exceptions, and let’s not forget to add: the typical male sheeple as well) knows that she MUST do that, and she would feel deprived and sad if somehow she couldn’t.

    But if you join a solid community of the faithful that WILL NOT go to law, and where “the older women teach the younger women” the old tradition of faithfulness and purity in marriage, then you can practice eugenics successfully, and without resorting to test tubes and hiring mercenaries.

  26. Yes, “there’s a reason why fathers successfully picked their daughters husbands for so many years”: Marriages in which the families of the spouses have serious stakes, dowries, etc. involved are generally successful — and where the cohesion and continued existence of their church and community depends on the successful outcome.

  27. But if you join a solid community of the faithful that WILL NOT go to law, and where “the older women teach the younger women” the old tradition of faithfulness and purity in marriage,…..

    and where do you find them in numbers enough to matter?

  28. …..the rainy days may come and go
    but the clouds soon roll away
    everything will come that you wish it so
    as an answer when you pray
    there’s a bluebird on your windowsill
    there’s a rainbow in your sky
    there’re happy thoughts, your heart to fill
    near enough to make you cry…..

  29. Check out Rita Hayworth in her “stardust and golden” heyday years.
    Sexiest pin-up girl in the history of the US military.
    A total knockout. Complete bombshell.
    I think she leaves Marilyn in the dust.
    “Gilda” starring Rita herself in all of her curviness is a fun movie.
    Check your local TCM schedule. (TCM airs the movie every once in the blue moon).
    Shot off an email to Robert Osborne and tell him to hurry up and play it.

  30. “Forget all this secession business. (Didn’t the south try that before, anyway?) Shouldn’t they be trying to work with the “New Developments” brought by other minority populations?”

    Dixie Girl, I haven’t read all the comments. Maybe someone else is addressing this….. We are advocating secession, to gain a strong foothold, to then, in a generation’s time, TAKE BACK WHAT IS OURS AGAIN, and ‘drive the Amalek into the sea.’

    If Hunter’s prognostications are correct, and South Africa is any example, the ‘thurd world’ (“h” is silent) types LEFT after whites abandon the Megala America, won’t be able to keep it alive more than a generation, anyway, and we can then waltz back in, and restore godly rule to OUR ‘Israel’ – unlike the [sic] ‘Jews,’ who merely were granted title to a land, they never owned, in the first place….

  31. “I refuse to let the anti-Catholic nutters and Jew-obsessives ruin this site for me. OD is too fine of a resource to do without. Everyone has the freedom to express their opinions, and I have the freedom to ignore them.”

    Oh I agree. True Catholics have borne the lies of Rome for lo, these thousand years- and when an Elizabeth I comes along, to establish a Protestant English colony in North America, wouldn’t you know she had to deal with the Papal cult in the person of both Spanish colonization (who are the Meximidgets today, the Spics, and assorted ‘hombres, but Rome’s minions) abroad, and the Armada at home? Rome’s new ‘overture’ to Anglicans to become Romanists…. old trick in new dress.

    Thank God I have the freedom to ignore this trick of the Pope’s minions… again.

  32. “(W)here do you find them in numbers enough to matter?”

    Possibly not in your local area. But if they were, would they really be acceptable? It’s not always the absence of Light that’s to blame for life in darkness, but more often the unwillingness to come to the Light “lest deeds be reproved.”

  33. Do indeed “anti-Catholic nutters and Jew-obsessives ruin this site”? We should just all say nice things.

  34. “@ ‘Fr’ John 11:45 am – you go boy and argue for Malthus. I am sure this is why Russia with the highest abortion rate in the world is such a great ‘Christian’ nation.

    Well did our Lady of Fatima ask for the consecration of that nation to her Immaculate Heart.”

    Ugh, she’s back….

    Listen, BITCH! You’ve kept apart on the comment lines about a woman’s duty to her husband- probably because you are an old maid, wizened and jealous of every women whose womb God has faithfully opened, and have resorted to the immoral use of an intellect you were never granted, to rule and teach over MEN.

    You then bring up a DEMONIC ploy to ‘consecrate’ that which is not needing your cult’s ‘consecration’- Fatima is nothing but a PR ploy (as are ALL the post-Schism Marian ‘apparitions,’ save perhaps Walsingham) to gain gullible converts to your CULT.

    YOU aren’t the leader of a country, as Putin is. YOU try and overcome seventy years of Jewish communism in less than twenty years, and see how it goes for you! YOU aren’t a man, and don’t have to weigh the standing of your actions in eternity for whom you will follow as God’s voice in the arena of the Church. YOU are not worthy to unlatch the sandals of the priests and monastics who lived outside Russia for seventy years, as the ROCOR did. YOU are not Br. Nathanael, even though you think you are not just as devoid of the pnevma’ as some of the crazies he lets on his site!

    YOU were not attacked for over ten years, on and off, in a variety of settings, by the Novus Ordo priests who wanted to ‘convert’ you to pederasty and sodomy- they left little girls like you alone, because the Malachi Martins, and the Berrigans, and all of the pederast priests were learning how to be ‘trendy’ when your church was falling down around your ears. It took a supreme act of will on my part, and the grace of God alone, to leave your whoring denomination, and ‘come home’ to orthodox Christianity.

    So, don’t impugn the sacerdotal priesthood of which you can NEVER partake, (putting my ordinand status in quotes- you WHORE!) and thereby impugn your own spurious ‘orders’- for yes, my orders go back through the ages to the once ‘catholic’ Catholic church- you thereby impugn yourself (oh, wait, you do that daily) from a CULT that cannot save, that is merely a tool of the NWO, and gives NO grace in her sacraments!

    Denise and Barb, and Dixie Girl are paragons of virtue, compared to you, Lynda- you tramp! Get thee to a nunnery- oh wait, they’re all filled with Novus Ordo Lesbians, aren’t they?

    Pot calling kettle, come in kettle….. sheesh.

  35. “mearRe: “Men, do not get married”:

    Does it follow then that eugenics should be carried out with hired lab technicians, and with hired wombs and wet nurses — mercenary (versus married) females? The Bible teaches that marriage is a sacred mystery ordained of God, indissoluble and to be held in honour by all. Marriage and truly successful eugenics must be inseparable. To not merely procreate but “train up a child in the way he should go” requires a Christian home.” – Mosin

    Not only that, Mosin, but it’s a sacrament. For St. Paul notes that ‘the unbelieving spouse is sanctified by the believing spouse, etc.’ There are seven, I am clear on that, but am willing to believe ‘only two are generally necessary,’ for amity’s sake…..

    I wonder how Joe (who says he’s a Catholic) and Lynda (ditto) can argue for Rome’s hegemony, and then say ‘but we mustn’t argue points of theology- just assume I am right’, and then, when a silly little Monty Python clip comes up, they go all ‘shrew from hell- oh, sorry daily state of being’ (Lynda) or ‘dissemble like a jew’ (Joe) in attacking ALL Christendom. Isn’t freedom of discussion, part of the White Man’s “Bill of rights”? And weren’t the MP folk, correct, even back forty years ago? I now see they were – for if (as one commenter noted) the ONLY ‘valid’ procreate and destroy theory applies to NON-Whites, any cult that encourages that mindset (like Rome) is become Antichrist, to the People of God- whether you call it Adamites, Whites, or merely Christendom…..

    Then, when Stone says ‘never get married’ and ‘everyone should have 23 kids like the Duggars,’ at the same time, is he a closet romanist, believing in “Immaculate Deception,” or just a mysoginist? While the Theotokos had help from the H.S., (and only once- ‘vergine sempre’) we poor Adamites have to do it, via the old-fashioned route- marriage, no divorce, have kids… Duh. I’m re-reading “Barchester Towers” right now, and the Victorian mix of ‘purity before marriage, fidelity after’ and ‘guarding a White Woman’s virtue’ makes one wonder how the Jews ever got into a position of authority, so that in less than forty years, we went from High English Victorianism to Vienna of the 1920’s.

    Oh, wait. Britain adopted Roman (not, Catholic) principles via the Tractarians, and began to decimate the Protestant culture she once had, which began via Newman’s ‘poping over:’ and Vienna was part of that ‘holy Roman [Papal] Empire mirage, known as Hapsburg Austria….

    the fog lifts… As St. Kosmos Aitola once noted, ‘Curse the Pope. He is the source of all troubles.’ I believe he’s right.

  36. “During the Reformation, the ruling class christian elite– both catholic and protestant– fomented a war in Europe that lasted 30-40 years ( I forgot exactly if it was 30 or 40 years).
    At the end of the wars fomented by the christian elite in Europe– both catholic and protestant– One Third of the white race in Europe were genocided in the bloodshed and war that engulfed Europe during the Reformation.
    Again, all the christian leaders–both catholic and protestant– carrying the bibles around in their hands while encouraging their congregants unto internecine war.
    Like in WW2, many young white men and women lost their lives before ever reproducing. Another eternal loss of blood for the white race.
    So much for the christian ruling class — both catholic and protestant — elite’s desire to inplement plans for “the betterment of the white race”.”

    Joe- your argument doesn’t hold water. Neither protestantism nor Romanism are Christian Churches, as far as the Orthodox see it. Therefore, you cannot make these sweeping statements, for they are not true. Christendom still exists, but the Church of Christendom (at least, in the geographic manner in which Rome views ‘church’) has not, since Hagia Sophia, in 1054. Everything that has passed since then, can be blamed on the Filioquism of the Papacy, and nothing more.

  37. divorce rate is pretty much even across the usa, with some areas being worse, like LA and some not so bad, but its still a 50-50 shot on her bailing, taking the kids and all you have worked for. The numbers are no better for church girls. That’s the reality of things.

  38. Okay Fr John.
    By the way, never once did I ever say– here at “OD” or anywhere else in the world– that I want a “Catholic hegemony”. I never said it because the thought never even crossed my mind ever.
    It’s quite obvious from all of my posts that I have alot issues with the churches– all of them including and especially the church I was raised in–the roman catholic church. How you twist my posts around to the conclusion that I want a “catholic hegemony” is beyond me.
    Please don’t put words into my mouth– I don’t appreciate it– it’s just not cricket.

  39. there is having kids, living in the same house and not getting married by the state. So far common law wives are not entitled to your assets and alimony. Can’t get married in a church without the state involvement, but men could still make that commitment between them and God. Or not and live with them

    or having kids, paying child support and going through the courts to have visitation. Still a better deal for men

    and then there is scientific and economic solutions

    but either way, men should not put themselves into a system that holds them is so little regard for so little return on their investment and risk

  40. Brutus – yup. I’ve seen dear Rutger. His …errr….physiology rivals the Picture, it the story of Dorian Gray. But his genes are lovely.

    FYI – he’s still full of fun. is boozing would have kilt off far lesser untermenschen. I love him. Always will.

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