Hispanic FL Senator Marco Rubio caused a lot of controversy this week when he expressed support for Obama’s executive order/mass amnesty of illegal aliens. Rubio also released an auto biography (American Son) in which he expressed sympathy for (Hispanic) illegal aliens and said he would do the same in their situation:
“Many people who come here illegally are doing exactly what we would do if we lived in a country where we couldn’t feed our families. If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn’t give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn’t a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here” (Marco Rubio “An American Son”)
Marco Rubio is attempting to pull at the heart strings of regular Americans – insisting that America’s 10 to 20 million predominately Mexican illegal aliens are hard working family men, who come to the United States only to find honest work, to feed their starving children.
The best response to the “starving children” immigration propaganda line of attack, is to present the truth that the nation of Mexico has one of the highest obesity rates of any nation in the world. People aren’t starving in Mexico – they are fat. Most poor Mexicans live a very unhealthy lifestyle eating way too much food. If Americans want to help Mexicans improve their lives, we need to take away a lot of their food, not enable them to come to the United States and eat even more unhealthy food.
According to information released by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Mexico ranked #2 for obesity in the entire developed world. Only the United States was ranked worse for obesity (link to study/story)
So Marco Rubio is arguing that fat Mexicans who live in the 2nd most obese country in the world must be allowed to illegally immigrate in to the United States, where they can join their fat, unhealthy Mexican American relatives to keep the United States as THE most fat, obese country on planet earth!
Thanks Marco, that makes a lot of sense.
So, no the “starving children in Mexico” argument flat out doesn’t work as a justification for mass (illegal/legal) Mexican immigration in to the US.
Pablo Cuervogut, must “put food on his children”
as Bush used to like to say.
Has anyone made a correlation between Mexican migration and the increase in obesity in the US? The two could easily be linked.
Hunter additionally, I had to explain the diffrerence between American Paleo-Cons and Neo-Cons to my communist bro the other day. He wittered on about neocon this and neocon that…very superficial understanding of America really. The Neocons are Jewish or Dispensationalist Evangelicals. He didn’t like identifying individual personalities in those movements. I also explained that the difference between Euro-
American kids and Afro kids in my classes probably explains the poor average test
scores in the US.
He almost blew a gasket.
We even discussed Haiti. He was on defense mostly. Hahaha.
I love you Jack Ryan. It’s Official now, with this post of yours.
In Sacramento ,CA (and probably holds true throughout the state) anyone from anywhere, wherever they may originate in the world, can cross the mexican border on a monday and get free everything by friday.
That is not an exaggeration. The illegals even get free everything even if they have jobs.
Not all the illegals who cross the mexican border are mexicans looking for landscaping/gardening jobs and/or welfare cross the border.
Anyone from anywhere in the world can go to mexico, then cross the border.
The border patrol has orders to “stand down”.
Google “border control + stood down”
Lots of info about the subject.
One good site:
” nostinkingamnesty”
It’s still difficult for me to believe our government is so treasonous to us– but it is true.
I don’t try to fool myself about it. I do the opposite–I keep reminding myself by going to none-mainstream news wesites online.
It’s great that we have a strong military. Maybe someday– who knows?– “our” strong military will be used to protect our borders, instead of Korea’s and other borders all over the world.
Rubio’s Hispano-racism is a fail, none of the cults of the left can stand on its own.
“Many people who come here illegally are doing exactly what we would do if we lived in a country where we couldn’t feed our families. If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn’t give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn’t a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here” (Marco Rubio “An American Son”)
“Many people who try to get illegal infiltrators deported are doing exactly what we would do if we lived in a country where we didn’t get to be politicians, bribed and feted by wealthy interests. Many of them are doing exactly what any homeowner would do, if faced with illegal infiltrators taking food out of their children’s mouths. If my kids had to go without the good life I had because illegal infiltrators were stealing it from them, there isn’t a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from removing them from my property.”
And no, I don’t care if Mexicans are starving, or obese (sure, it’s the right talking point – I just don’t care, personally); if Marco Rubio wants to help them, that’s his business. He doesn’t get to give away what’s mine, though. He doesn’t get to force me to do what he thinks is right (take food out of my children’s mouths to give it to Mexican children).
Another question; are the “starving children of Mexico” a temporary, recent phenomenon? Because hordes of border-jumping Mexicans sure aren’t.
What kind of piece of shit brings children into a world where they’ll starve? And then uses them as political bargaining chips? What kind of piece of shit allies with such pieces of shit?
Answer: Mexicans (if Rubio’s not lying), and Rubio, respectively.
Alot of wishful thinking there Joe.
About Rubio and his big-as-all-outdoors heart of goodness. Many, many things could be said on this subject of feeding those who are neither of kin nor country. The position of the Rubioites and a diversity whipped population is that we must feed the world whether they are obese or belly-distended. If we should hesitate for a moment to even consider this premier ideology we must ajudge ourselves as very bad human beings, so take the word of the Rubios of the world and do your sacred moral duty – give, give, give, give…………
Any American who might read a little history (I’ll wait for the sneering laughter to ebb) about their forbears will read one long horror story of their struggles to survive another day do to hunger, dangers of every kind and the brutal realities of carving a civilization out the feral earth they so often found themselves staring in the face of. Not a word is mentioned about their need for some other…..entity? to feed them, clothe and protect them, champion all their causes and overlook any sin that could be listed or imagined.
But you see these people are white and it is written in the stars that they are here to work murderously for others who not only do not work but are both depraved and bereft of the capacity to understand honesty or gratitude.
White people are here to create (it must be written somewhere on high) and bear all burdens in this world for which they will be rewarded with contempt, hatred, murder, dispossession, and any and every other permutation of envy.
As for Rubio. He is an excellent study here. He is white and American. But does he identify with other European Americans. Well he never tires of letting us know that not only does he NOT identify with them but that he is especially good because he does not. For you see his name is Rubio and hispandering is deep within his soul. He cares nothing for his fellow Americans who are being ruined and dispossessed by this never ending horde of his fellow latinos, chicanos, hispanics, spanish, latin americans, browntitos, americanitos, doritos – you get the drill.
Add Rubio (his type is certainly not the latest) along with all those evangelical elites to the pantheon of cultural-Marxist anti-whites and you indeed and truly have an impressive collection of false gods.
They are starving for good nutrition.
Alot of welfare spending goes for the brown people, the day the EBT card stops working won’t be all that nice for them.
Another question: if the poor, starving Mexicans treat even poorer, hungrier people jumping their southern border like shit, does that mean we have to treat Mexicans like kings?
Because Mexico does treat their southern border-jumpers like shit. Shouldn’t people like Rubio, who are ostensibly just decent, moral people worried about the starving, spend more time advocating for the even-poorer (and hungrier) people trying to jump Mexico’s southern border, and less time worrying about the relatively rich people of Mexico?
How do we square all of this data without Rubio coming out a douchebag? It’s starting to look impossible.
Presidente Felipe Calderon for one!!
How come the Mexican leaders don’t get blamed for their peoples’ hardships? Instead, White people are informed that they have to support indefinitely all the Mexicans who cross the border. It is not our job to take care of the whole world.
Also, Mexico actually has a high GDP when compared to other countries. I don’t have time to reexamine the research, but I know the VDARE website has information on this subject.
I think alot of it has to do with eugenics and the differences inherent in the blood:
Don’t worry Crystal, it’s pretty well-established that Mexico is a rich country in global terms. Only the rubes Rubio plays his act for don’t know this.
“…..It’s great that we have a strong military. Maybe someday– who knows?– “our” strong military will be used to protect our borders, instead of Korea’s and other borders all over the world…..”
This seems questionable. They are paid by Uncle Sugar, just like the recipients of welfares, programs, ebt, the “liberals” who administer programs, schoolings, health cares, counselings, etc. There is no difference.
They would “protect the border” exactly as now—- immigrants go freely, but the americans under guard.
why would anything change?
It is easy to enforce policies that would quickly reverse these trends. ANY DAY, it could be done. No “border guards” are necessary to facilitate this. So, Uncle Sugar’s employees will not change that.
“…Don’t worry Crystal, it’s pretty well-established that Mexico is a rich country in global terms. Only the rubes Rubio plays his act for don’t know this….”
This is what cracks me up. A vid is probably in order… showing the REAL “mexico.”
During the SARS thing, it was pretty funny—suddenly, they were showing the Mexico airports on t.v., and well… the people looked seriously well-heeled; a nice place, with modern art works, etc. An unintended consequence of showing sad mexicans wanting to go home to see their families, was showing a usually hidden picture of South America.
People can never get their mind around the fact that there are rich people and poor people in most ALL communities.
It would be like Diane Sawyers whining show on “poverty in Appalachia,” but suddenly a brouhaha at the Greenbriar Hotel needs to be reported on. Or that Carlos Slim person suddenly steps in camera.
It’s not even questionable at this point. It’s never going to happen with communist uncle sam around.
The “who knows?” refers to that fine day we overthrow uncle sam somehow and the US military is used to protect our country instead of empire-building.
Even if this isn’t true for mexicans, it will be true for hundreds of millions of africans in a few decades. If anyone is truly swayed by Rubio’s position(and not already nominally in said camp at the very least) we are screwed.
Denise says:
June 20, 2012 at 5:49 pm (Edit)
I love you Jack Ryan. It’s Official now, with this post of yours.
Jack Ryan replies:
Thank you Denise. I am glad I have at least one fan.
Could I take you for a Ceroc dance in Tennessee this July? There is supposed to be some CoCC event outside of Nashville and I do have good Nashville connections.
Mexico is so poor these days that Air France had to cut its daily non-stops from Mexico City from three to just two. Have a heart, America!
Jack – that would be lovely!
It’s very hot in Nashville TN in July. I spent one summer semester there at Vanderbilt (a good semester).
But then again….
I bet you are one HOT White chick!
LOL! Jack – I am today! It’s 90+
The dancing will be splendid. Should you decide to hang out with my crew – you’ll be with the Party Crowd.
We’re the ones that force the desk clerk to come to the door, and tell us, “Uh….could you please keep it down….you are disturbing the other guests….”
We’re not trying to be tude or inconsiderate. We are just….having fun…..
I’ve just come across this website from American Renaissance and I totally agree with the article above. And Rubio makes me almost embarrassed to Cuban-American, he’s a pandering Neo-Con who thinks this crap is going to make him popular with the illegals, most of whom wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire. Mexico wouldn’t be such a crap hole if they elites actually gave a damn about the poor, but that’s what you get from a Third World Country.
@ Ladyfiaran
Excellent! And good for you lady.
This is funny because I have heard Mexicans referred to as being shaped like “bowling balls”. This morning while driving into work I saw a number of women with their children and they were all like 4 1/2 ft tall and round as anything, probably 4 1/2 ft around. Little tubs of lard.
Svigor: Awesome posts, Sir! Nothing cuts like turning the low-life communist vermin’s propaganda right back around.
Joe: Unless the current situation changes drastically, the Southern border is not going to be enforced. The communists don’t want it enforced, they want us to get used to /comfortable seeing foreign faces everywhere. They want Mexico, Candada and the States tied togehter in one huge economic union similiar to the EU.
The only problem with mexico is, its full of mexicans. It has all the natural resources a nation needs to be successful what it lacks is the human capital to make it all work.
Mexico isn’t a poor nation; it’s ranked 14th by gdp and has its own socialist govt with free health care and all the shit leftist want to do here, including legal gay marriage
The worlds wealthiest man is a mexican
Vdare has a whole string of articles on mexico and wealth, and all the ivy league degree holders there. Allen Wall, I think, covers most of it
Wanting to escape poverty makes sense; what doesn’t make sense and what pisses me off the most is our elected officials don’t do shit to stop it and the churches, most especially the catholic church aides the invaders. If that does show White men how little their nation thinks of them, nothing will
Great post Svigor and HarryO
“Workers of the world, unite!”
Marco Rubio already has already written an autobiography? Who does this clown think he is? Obama?
Our little Aztec friends weren’t this fat when they were eating each other, were they?
Right- they were fatter.
>>>with free health care>>>
Right, no one has to pay taxes for it.
???Mexico wouldn’t be such a crap hole if they elites actually gave a damn about the poor???
“White people are informed that they have to support indefinitely all the Mexicans who cross the border.”
Don’t forget its all our fault they’re dying in the drug war too. Because Americans love guns and Mexico gets all its guns from American gun stores. Not you know, through US gov run gunwalking schemes and by Mex Army soldiers deserting and working for the cartels with army weapons that were sold with US gov’s blessing to the mexican government.
Ladyfiaran says:
June 21, 2012 at 12:13 am
I’ve just come across this website from American Renaissance and I totally agree with the article above. And Rubio makes me almost embarrassed to Cuban-American, he’s a pandering Neo-Con who thinks this crap is going to make him popular with the illegals, most of whom wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire. Mexico wouldn’t be such a crap hole if they elites actually gave a damn about the poor, but that’s what you get from a Third World Country.
Jack Ryan replies –
Thank you for visiting us Miss Ladyfiaran and I must say that the Whiter Hispanic women are very special indeed. I’m seeing some great marriages/families around here with the husband being White Anglo (like me) and the wife being Whiter Hispanic – the children are very beautiful and smart. They mostly look like White Italians. Thanks again for visiting us here at OD and please pass the word that our opposition to “Hispanics” is a racial, cultural thing – Mestizos, fat, unhealthy Indian Mexican, Central American peasants, gang members, LaRaza etc.
Welcome! Please stay! (Ignore any demented commentary)
There are wonderful folks posting here-in. You’ll learn LOTS!
Hello! Ya’ll are sort of on the right track but you can’t leave out that the IMF went in there in the seventy’s and basically destroyed their economy. They were in general prosperous at that time. Then later on the peso was devaluated and we flooded their corn futures market with cheap corn thus decimating their farmers, hence the flood of illegals here..
Ladyfiaran, the possible running mate would not be the ONLY “pandering Neocon” among the potential pair.
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