The Total Failure of BRA


So this is what you are telling me?

After America spent more money trying to achieve negro equality than was spent on the Hoover Dam, Panama Canal, Empire State Building, the Manhattan Project, the interstate transportation system, the Apollo space program, and WW2, the average negro household has a net worth of $4,995 dollars?

“NEW YORK (CNNMoney) — White Americans have 22 times more wealth than blacks — a gap that nearly doubled during the Great Recession.

The median household net worth for whites was $110,729 in 2010, versus $4,995 for blacks, according to recently released Census Bureau figures.”

Note: In the 1950s, lead was finally successfully transmuted into gold. Voyager 1 is now approaching the outer limits of the solar system.

A man has walked on the moon. We have split the atom. These scientific and technological feats were comparatively easier to accomplish than a successful demonstration of negro equality.

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. And our resident Aryan geniuses won’t even recognize what the string pullers of BRA are doing. Its incitement against whites like the nazis did to the jews, what the commie thugs did to everyone, but BRA is inciting against whites. So the average white person without all this “fabulous” wealth who actually has to live next to these savages takes the brunt while the “elite” grabs the benefits. Why any of our “intellectuals” view the elite as having any moral superiority is beyond me, but I guess typing out lengthy wordy abstract reasoned fact ladened academic papers on minutae of details is comforting.

  2. man they love framing it as a “have-not” communist piece, those damn pale kulaks keeping all the wealth! c’mon Obama wheres my government H and my kool aid?

  3. “The moral dimension to war”, during the Bush years we had people coming out of the woodwork to lecture us on this 4th Generation warfare principle, but when it comes to whites even surviving we get “intellectuals” pontificating about the mean regression theory of criminal negro stupidity, geez. Never mind the shriekers, who if given the right mindset could be of more use to us instead of being SPLC fund raisers.

  4. I have a feeling it’s going to be a thousand years, after everything crumbles into dust, that any Good Idea will gain mass traction again. The ideological inversion is too complete and entrenched.

  5. “man they love framing it as a “have-not” communist piece, those damn pale kulaks keeping all the wealth! c’mon Obama wheres my government H and my kool aid?” – Check your kulak privilege.

  6. A man has walked on the moon. We have split the atom. These scientific and technological feats were comparatively easier to accomplish than a successful demonstration of negro equality…..”

    Yes—- how many will be surprised at the first congressman (or whoever) who says, “You know, you have a point there, after all. We are smart, but we have not been able —after so many tries— to create the situation that would suit you. Clearly, it has not been for lack of trying, and as we are a smart people, and can think of nothing else, we need to consider other avenues, something that would make you happier.”

  7. Here we have a fine testimony to the vitality of naturally evolved human biodiversity and the weakness of socially constructed utopian fantasy. Shame on the left.

  8. @RobRoySimmons
    I have come to the conclusion the so called intellectuals on our side, (News & Jews, Race Stats types) are incredibly stupid, because they take everything the anti-whites do at face value.

    Their refusal to take our enemy’s actions seriously and oppose them effectively, has put our entire race in mortal danger. They are leading the white race to the slaughterhouse.

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