Free Trade: Vox Day vs. Gary North

United States

The best debate going on at the moment:

“To address North’s conceptual problem, a man with a badge and a gun and a sales tax would not have made South Koreans better off. They have done very handsomely out of the new free trade deal. But he could have prevented Americans from finding themselves worse off, as the US is now selling $444 million less to South Korea while adding another $825 billion in new debt. Would Mr. North would consider himself to be similarly better off if his salary were to be cut by 12 percent while he tacked on another 15% to the amount already owed on his credit card? Taking Mr. North’s logic to the extreme, we would have to conclude that being unemployed with a maxed-out credit card is the ideal economic state.”

I’ve always thought the Confederacy was the best refutation of free trade.

When the War Between the States came, the Union was left with most of the food producing areas, the factories, the banks, the railroads, a far larger population, the merchant marine, and the Union Navy – every advantage it needed to destroy and subdue the Confederacy.

The triumph of free trade in Britain had made the British too dependent on cheap food from the Midwest to intervene in the war. The practice of free trade within the Union had made the South dependent on cheap Midwestern food and the Northeast to ship its cotton to Europe.

The South had spent decades following its “comparative advantage”: the result was that when the war broke out, the South was full of millions of slaves who enlisted in the Union Army, and an abundance of cotton which was worthless to us because of the Yankee blockade of our coastline.

“Died of free trade” ought to be written on the tombstone of the Confederacy: railroads deteriorated because their maintenance was dependent on rails, rolling stock, train engines and other parts manufactured in the North, the transportation system collapsed because the draft animals had been imported from the Midwest, there was a salt famine caused by our dependence on imported salt from Wales, etc.

“At the Battle of Bull Run, on July 16, 1861, the Confederates won despite serious supply deficiencies.  Their army might have been able to follow up this victory with an assault on Washington – which at that time was largely defenseless. Beauregard evidently wanted to do just that, but Johnston vetoed the move because the army was low on supplies. There was not one day’s rations of food for the entire army. One Confederate soldier described the situation this way: “two days after the battle we were literally starved out at Manassas, and were forced to advance to Fairfax Court House in order to get the supplies which the Union army had left in abundance.” One week after the battle, Johnston begged for supplies: “We are almost destitute and in danger of absolute suffering.” On July 29, Beauregard told Davis that “some regiments are nearly starving.” In another letter he claimed that “The want of food and transportation had made us lose all the fruits of our victory. We ought at this moment to be in or about Washington.” He then asked, “Cannot something be done towards furnishing us more expeditiously and regularly with food and transportation?”

Historian Richard Goff, who extensively studied the Confederate supply system, concluded: “the abandonment of the ‘on to Washington’ scheme is the first, and quite possibly the most important, instance of the manner in which supply deficiencies shaped strategy.” Had the Southern army destroyed the remnants of the defeated Union army and captured Washington in July 1861, the war might well have ended there with the Confederacy’s independence.”

The above excerpt comes from Andrew M. Smith’s Starving the South: How the North Won the Civil War.

The South didn’t have the strength to win its independence because free trade within the Union had led to regional specialization that left us without the means to physically defend ourselves from the Northern invasion.

We followed “the law of comparative advantage” to our national demise.

About Hunter Wallace 12408 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The above is what our religious leaders should be telling us if they truly understood The Faith.
    Maybe they don’t tell us the above because no one wants to hear it and the pastors will lose congregrants and subsequently a drop in revenues.
    I posted a compelling, a patriotic, a very pro-white American post : No Response. No Interest. Not even from any reader who doesn’t normally post. No one is moved by it.
    I am, unfortunately, not suprised.
    For all of our intelligence as a race– all the inventions, art, music, literature, poetry, architecture, engineering, deams and visions— collectively we do love our wars, especially internecine wars.
    One can blame the jews. One can blame the white sell-outs who take their orders from the big-shot rothschilds and other big-shot jews. One can blame both the big shot jews and the big-shot white sell outs ( that’s my take on the situation. I am not a monocausalist. not at all.)
    Still, the average everyday whites ( like I am here in my working-class world) are to blamed as well, for we collectively love our wars– even if the wars mean genocide for our race ( 1861, WW1, WW2), about 70 million dead whites– all killed at the hands of fellow whites– and the issue gets no response, interest, or even the least bit of curiousity. This is not the first time I mentioned this subject. It’s always ignored.
    We expect the jews to care about us, the blacks to care about us, yet we ourselves don’t even care that we have committed genocide against our own race.
    The jews didn’t kill down 70 million whites in 1861, WW1 and WW2, we did it to ourselves.
    And yes, I know the jews in the soviet union killed millions of whites in their communist state. I am not letting them off the hook. I detest communism.
    I have to ask, however, if we are so concerned about the communist jews wanting to kill down whites, why isn’t anyone concerned about the fact that we too kill one another down — and kill one another down we do — and we kill one another down in the millions upon millions.
    Yet, complete silence, complete lack of interest.
    We have the leadership we collectively deserve. I am not happy about that. It doesn’t mean I like or support the ascendant communist agenda in Washington DC. I do not. It just means if we don’t care that we kill one another down in the millions, we truly can’t expect the communist jews, or any other antagonistic group ( the chinese, for example), to truly give a damn.
    I don’t know what is next for the white race, either here in America, or throughout the West. That is beyond my keen.
    I do know, however, that our enemies laugh at us for our quickness and eagerness to engage in internecine wars. We make their work much easier, we play right into their hands.
    And so many wonder why we as a race have fallen behind.
    And still, young Americans join uncle sam’s military– and still their fathers before them ( many of them vets who were sold the down the river in Korea and Vietnam) refrain from telling their sons the truth : A pat on the back, that’s my son, a chip off the old block. But no truth about the real situation.
    And when the young man comes back to the states in a body bag, or without arms and/or legs and/or vision and/or hearing — we actually have the audacity and the nerve to blame the jews for all of our problems ( many do. that can’t be denied without lying).
    And we say that the jews are liars, the jews are deceptive, the jews are not honest and straight-forward, the jews love wars, the jews have alot of gall, the jews are out to kill us.
    Yet we can’t see, or refuse to see, our own culpability : Our own love of war, and our own love of deception– the lies we tell ourselves about our own nature, about what’s in the blood. As if we’re innocent.
    Just like Pontius Pilate washed his hands of the whole trail, the whole affair. We too wash our hands of our own guilt and blame every jew who comes around for our problems. Just like our bible and churches ( especially the catholic church) historically indoctrinates us to do.
    I don’t care if my post is ignored ( in terms of taking it personally, I do not take it personally)– I am not proud that way– I just wonder why there is no interest in the subject matter for the sake of your own children, at least. At least that. But no, not even that.
    They will know we are christians by our internecine wars and our smirks — and how quick we are to wash our hands of the whole affair, just like Pilate who crucified Christ.

  2. “…… I was just a little boy in elementary school
    English and math and science class…… learnin’ the golden rule
    I learned how to add and how to subtract
    how to multiply and divide
    I learned about bugs and I learned about plants
    and I learned how to read and write
    But my most favorite class of all
    was my last class of the day
    When my history teacher would tell us tales
    of old times long gone away……”
    Rebel Son: Mr. Confederate Man

  3. The English word “to educate” comes from the Latin: “Educere” ; To Lead Out.
    Christ is Light ; In The Light of The Holy Spirit , Christ “leads us out”.
    The True Light of Christ does not lead to internecine wars,
    nor wars against peoples who have done us no harm.
    Only in self-defense — only after attempting peaceful means of agreement– are
    we Christians to go to war.
    Our collective failure as a race ; Our collective turning of the back on The Light that was Bestowed upon us from The Domain of The Spirit, has lead us to disaster.
    All the whiskey in Ireland and all the “christian” snake-oil salesmen smirks in the world can not cover up the truth. Never.
    The Light steadily emanates from Heaven.
    We have throughout history, as a race — as a collective whole– worshipped the god of war (whatever his name may be, I don’t know his name), while paying lip service to Christ.
    All the readings of Paul’s letters and all the hymn-singing in the world does not cover up the historical march of our race to indulge in one war after another, culminating in WW2 :
    An internecine war that left about 60 million white Caucasians dead– All
    killed down by fellow whites. Millions upon millions killed down before ever bringing forth children. Eternity. An Eternal loss for our race.
    In our collective worship of the god of war, we committed genocide against ourselves :
    We committed genocide against our own race.
    Our religious leaders should be telling us this, but they are pharisees and liars.
    Perhaps because they share the same blood we do.
    “It was futile, still they fought”
    We have a volunteer military now, yet so many trip over themselves to go to war, Still.
    Wars that don’t even benefit them or their families in any way.
    “…. If you hear vague traces
    of skippin’ reels of ryhme
    To your tambourine in time,
    it’s just a ragged clown behind
    I wouldn’t pay it any mind,
    it’s just a shadow you’re seein’
    That he’s chasing….
    Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
    In the jingle jangle mornin’
    I’ll come followin’ you….”

  4. Y’all make some great anti-free trade arguments. I also oppose free trade because it makes you weak. When you have to rely on outsiders to meet your needs you are not independent, free and strong, you are dependant and weak. The South was for free trade, the tariff and all was opposed by the South, and like Hunter laid out, it put us in a position of weakness. Not all men can do all things, but the more you can do on your own, the stronger and more independent you are. What holds true for people at the individual level holds true for nations.

    Seems to me it’s enough to know that when the USA( and the UK too) were at our peak we were not free trade nations. Most of what we argue about has been tried before and we can see the results. Why do folks think results will be different then they were in the past? I know I’m repetitive but what makes us strong, free and prosperous is good, all else must be shit canned, and the past clearly shows what works

    I suppose I’d support free trade if it was really that, like our tariff on British goods was 15% and their tariff was 15% on our goods, but we never get anything like that

    Apuleius, hats off once again brother.

    Did joe post anything worth reading?

  5. Go to :
    robertscourt blogspot
    And find out what uncle sam’s military is doing in Afghanistan.
    It’s about heroin. It’s about protecting the poppy fields. It’s about importing the heroin into Europe and into the United States.
    In addition to using Afghanistan as a base t run undercover missions into Iran and Pakistan.
    Two countries on the “hit list” as Cheney would say. He said it on a news talk show about 2 months after 9/11.

  6. Oh my. I forgot those 14 words again. I’m always forgetting ’em. My memory must be goin’. I’m getting on, you know.
    It’s not easy being an old believer.
    Always forgetting where I put my reading glasses. Too cheap and set in my ways to buy a decent keyboard where the letters don’t get stuck while I’m typing.
    Oh dear. What people must think of all my typos.
    “It was futile, still he typed”

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