Obama’s White Support Is Too Low To Win, But Romney Is Unable To Connect


If Romney wins in November, it will be because White working class voters are desperate and have nowhere else to go:

“President Obama does not currently have enough white support to win re-election even if he retains his minority base from 2008. At the same time, electoral data indicates Mitt Romney has not yet attracted enough of these white voters to capitalize on Obama’s weakness.

Pundits often note that Romney cannot win with his current level of Hispanic support. That’s likely true. But so is the converse: Obama cannot win with his level of white support unless white swing voters withhold their votes from Romney as well.”…

Only 37 or 38 percent of whites back Obama today, according to the Gallup Poll’s authoritative weekly averages since early April. The rub for Romney? In those same matchups, Romney only wins 54 percent of whites. Other surveys show the same. CNN’s latest pegged the white margin at 53-39. FOX News’ latest, 51-35. Ipsos-Reuters, 53-38.

So Obama is below his floor with whites. But so is Romney. Obama has too few whites saying yea to a second term. And Romney has converted too few nays to his side. Notably, the same share of whites say they will vote for Obama as approve of his job performance.”

The Republicans have done nothing to earn another Reaganesque turnout of the White working class vote.

This will continue until demoralization inevitably sets in again like it did in 2008. One day even 64 percent Reaganesque landslides won’t suffice to put a Republican in the White House.

Thinking people already see this. The herd will catch up sooner or later. It took thirty years for it to happen last time.

Update: After spending years cheerleading for “comprehensive immigration reform,” McCain only got 31 percent of the Hispanic vote. Bush got 58 percent of the White vote in 2004.

Note: Romney is trailing Obama in the polls because he can’t even match Bush Sr. (59 percent) or John McCain (55 percent) with White voters.

Drudge is cheerleading a Rasmussen poll that has Obama is down to 35 percent with Whites. What he doesn’t say is that Romney is running BEHIND McCain with the same White voters.

Romney has flopped with the White electorate: he is dead in the water at 53 percent. He is a weak Northeastern Yankee candidate who provoked more opposition from the conservative base than any presidential candidate in recent memory.

This creates an opportunity for Virgil Goode to grab the 5 percent to 10 percent of disaffected conservatives in Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida necessary to sink Romney in November.

About Hunter Wallace 12417 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Unless the Paulite/Tea Party folks take over the RNC (which is a decidedly interesting possibility), Romney MUST appeal to White racially aware folk to win.

    The Obamanation signing the Dream Act Executive Order is the mark of a LOSER, trying to ‘legislate’ his ‘legacy’ before being driven from office. That much is clear, no matter what the “Jewsmedia” say about him.

    Secession. It’s all that’s left. That much is also clear.
    Now. Today. Forever.

  2. I like FR. Johns positive thinking about tea party/paulites taking over the RNC but it is a tall order.

    Some libertarians (paulites) in our area attempted to take over the county republican executive committee in the 2007-2008 area by running for offices within the organization, attending and dominating the meetings, and some other tactics — they failed.

    Now as tea party, we have pushed conservative candidates, campaigned for them, made our voices heard about the republicans we are not happy with; the republican party most often gets THEIR man in the end, examples — D8 battle to remove Alan Grayson in 2010 – we had several (perhaps too many) grassroots candidates but Webster became the nominee; battle to remove Nelson from the Senate- Connie Mack got all the money, squeezed out Lemiuex, and grassroots candidates cant even set foot in this race; Mack is the assumed nominee. In the presidential, Romney was not our guy ; we put up a fight as is evidenced by the longevity of the other candidates during the campaign – but the Republican party won again.

  3. Good lord some top liberal admitted that they are dispensing with class warfare to take up “Race” as the building blocks of the Democratic party. I couldn’t effin script this any better, but yet the all is hopeless let us go out with a big shriekfest at the niggers and kikes types need a serious dose of meds and therapy.

    When the biggest taboo of them all falls, and its foundation is built upon sand (what taboo isn’t?) then it is another game all together. That taboo is about whites talking about what is good for whites.

  4. The GOP serves business, banking, Wall Street and other monied interests first. Few White people has any business supporting the GOPs economic program (White in the upper 1% being the exception). The GOP is very adept at misleading White people into voting for them. Whites have got to stop doing this.

  5. Romney is a monstrous D-Bag. I’ve put as much energy as I possibly can into liking the guy, to no avail.

    It’s incredible but next to Romney, Obama actually looks American.

  6. If anyone in Virginia and North Carolina has a desire to vote for Virgil Goode they need to get active now if they wish to actually have the opportunity to vote for him by signing the necessary petitions, especially in North Carolina.

    NC has some of the most absurdly restrictive third party ballot access laws in the nation. Goode needed to get 85,000 plus signatures to get on the ballot in North Carolina and the date for obtaining them has already passed. The fact he won’t be on the ballot though is no surprise because the Constitution Party has never pulled it off in the past. By way of comparison Goode only needs 10,000 signatures to get on the ballot in Virginia.

    However to qualify as a write in Candidate in NC one only needs to obtain 500 signatures which makes it all the more sad that whoever was in charge of gathering said signatures in 2008 for Baldwin didn’t pull it off. The deadline for these 500 signatures to be gathered by is August 8th which is 90 days before the general election.

    If any North Carolina resident is interested they can download the petition form below,


  7. I have to say I can’t get worked up for this election at all, Obama sucks and Romney sounds like he’ll do anything to get elected and he’s too “moderate” ie. wimpy to appeal to most Whites. It’s like he’s too dense to realize most people who dislike Obama don’t want a wuss running as a Republican, they want someone who actually has some kind of principles and is willing to stick his neck out there. This is why I’ve been voting for write-in candidates the last few years, I can’t stand either side.

  8. The Republican zombie party must die before white people will have a voice in their government. Not happening soon enough.

    Deo Vindice

  9. To some degree it doesn’t matter what the polls say. Our election process in corrupt in so many ways. The New York Times even stated that Ron Paul probably won Maine yet is that what the Republican establishment backed? Also, electronic voting machines can be easily rigged. There is plenty of information on the web to support this claim. We really have no say in who is elected, just the illusion of it.

    I am not sure how I will vote in November. I am a rabid Ron Paul fan not because I agree 100% with everything he believes but because he is honest, consistent, loves his country, and is controlled by nothing but his character. Think about it. One of the few, if not the only politician, who owes no one anything. And, that is the only place where my vote would feel at home. It’s not about me, it’s not about what I can get, it’s about my country or what little is left of it. He truly is our last chance.

  10. There will be a major economic crash in the beginning of 2013. It is happening already. I’d rather have Obama own it than a white guy. Vote third party.

  11. Admirer, nothing really new here. All the usual arguments for promoting White genocide.

    One thing anti-Whites never seem to explain is how turning White, first world countries into brown, third world countries will provide “economic growth”. Seems no one ever calls them on this.

  12. Snowhitey says:
    June 22, 2012 at 4:59 pm
    To some degree it doesn’t matter what the polls say. Our election process in corrupt in so many ways. The New York Times even stated that Ron Paul probably won Maine yet is that what the Republican establishment backed? Also, electronic voting machines can be easily rigged”

    Jack Ryan replies:

    This post violates OD’s strict policy prohibiting wild, conspiracy theories.

    Comment Guideline #8

    “8.) Conspiracy Theories – There are any number of websites that cater to conspiracy theories. This isn’t one of them.”

    Octogenarian Libertarian cult spokesman Ron Paul did not win the Republican Party primary popular vote. It was not some wild, secret “conspiracy” of Masonic/Catholic/Illuminati elites that rigged electronic voting machines that denied Ron Paul victory in the GOP President primaries.

    This is the 3rd time Ron Paul has run for President of the United States and yes, this time he break in to double digit support of over 10%, winning 3rd or 4th place – that’s all any VERY, VERY OLD Constitutionalist/Libertarian candidate has ever won, will ever win.

    100 % Libertarian/Constitutionalist/Economic Conservatism has been a sure fire losing program in US Presidential Politics for well over 100 years. Poor and working class White voters strongly reject Libertarianism/economic conservative candidates in Presidential elections every 4 years.

    White American voters like some, a lot of government.

    White senior citizen voters in Florida like Social Security government program
    White voters in San Diego like big government funding for the US Navy.
    White voters in Colorado Springs Colorado like big government funding for the US Air Force
    White Union workers like the Teamsters Union – strongly reject any and all Libertarian candidates who want businesses to be able to hire and fire workers at their will and let “the market” determine wages.

    Why would any sane White American try to campaign for candidates who want to let business replace White American union workers with minimum wage NW worker immigrants – that’s what Ron Paul’s 100% Libertarian program entails?

    OK, so please let’s not have any more comments promoting ridiculous conspiracy theories that Ron Paul was going to get elected President of the United States and SAVE AMERICA.

    White Americans need to find political candidates that are competitive and challenge to win and actually win elections.

    Our best opportunities are at the local level.

    Think locally, act locally.

    80 year old White men who say that they and only they know “THE TRUTH” to SAVE ALL OF AMERICA – please try to get them to retire and go fishing.

  13. “undermine homogeniety” how about hasten the dissolution of a plethora of 10,000 year old cultures via low level genocide

  14. The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of its member states, the UN’s special representative for migration has said.

    Thanks for the heads up. I realize you weren’t being serious, but of course there is no need to guess his ethnicity. That obese, leering, rat-faced, hook-nosed, almond-eyed visage tells the whole story. They will get what’s coming to them one day. If I believed in God, I would pray they get it from us. If they don’t get it from us, then I have no doubt that Black, Brown or Yellow hands will eventually string the rope. Let’s hope that the hands stringing the rope are White.

  15. amen lew amen to that (to use the hebraic phrase LOL) i would get a hard on tossing that fat fuck into a woodchipper

  16. I think Mitt Romney is the perfect candidate for the Republican presidential nominee. An etch-a-sketch candidate for the etch-a-sketch party.

    It is looking more evident to me that this country is in its death throes and if it is a matter of what race is the idiot who delivers the coup de grace is Negro or Caucasian, then let it be the Negro.

    I’m reasonably sure that Obama will NOT completely amnesty the illegal Mestizos or embroil this country into invading Iran or Syria. I cannot say the same with Mittens, because I don’t trust him as far as I could throw him.

    In any case, the Republican party is worse than useless to White people. They can only be relied on to make some vague, implicit pro-White remarks for cheap political gain only to stab the Whites in the back at the first opportunity the moment they are in office.

    It’s time to let the Repugnants go the way of the Whigs.

  17. I never said anything about a conspiracy or a conspiracy theory or a wild conspiracy theory, Jack. Just facts you don’t agree with. It has been proven that the machines can be rigged quite easily. I will ignore your rant. Don’t attack me because I support Paul. Is that what you are doing? Your support of whoever, is just as foolish to some.

    I don’t understand why Hunter allows you to attack people on the mere mention of things you don’t agree with.

  18. Who are you, Jack? I see you attack quite a few people on this site. I think your belief system is a little too much like the establishment’s. Are you trying to persuade people, ridicule people, alienate people, or just get rid of those that don’t tow your line?

  19. Snowhitey

    The OD comments guidelines are very clear – please read them and respect them.


    Ron Paul and his supporters are mostly very nice, sincere people and Ron Paul himself is a very nice, very sincere, very, very old Libertarian/Constitutionalists – he’s just not going to get elected President of the United States in this year 2012 and no it’s not some wild conspiracy that is preventing this near 80s old man Ron Paul from being elected President. It’s just….


    Isn’t it time all of us got back in to….


  20. Mittens will win, and by at least as big a margin as Barry had. But man, this guy is a joke. As mentioned above, he will say anything to get elected. His biggest problem? He is not a man. He doesn’t talk, walk, or move, like a man. He speaks as though he has memorized about 1200 sentences and phrases, and tries to recite as many as possible with each “answer” he gives. I can’t imagine sitting down with him and just bull sh*tting the night away.

    It’s not that he is a robot. It’s more that no one is living inside of him. He seems to have no core, no one or two strong beliefs that are not negotiable.

    Yes, I’ll vote for him, as I voted for McCain last time. But, man, what a flop he is going to be…

  21. Hey jack,

    With all due respect to the gentlemen and adults that have to hear this: GO F()CK YOURSELF! No one cares about your trolling, and no ones falling for it. I hope you’re just a paid shill, cause it’s got to be getting scary to be on the wrong side of what’s coming. And you, my friend, are on the wrong side, and a traitor.


  22. WNs should fix Mr. Sutherland up with Barbara Spectre. They would make the ultimate satanic elderly couple (right out of Rosemary’s Baby), and would be a PR coup! While white grandparents are enjoying their grandchildren, these two are spending their dotage scheming to make the lives of future generations of whites a living hell! Where the hell do these people come from? This question answers itself, doesn’t it?

  23. @Dermot:

    1) Wikipedia is not a reliable source

    2) Denise is right. There are cryptos and even if he isn’t a kike himself, he works for kikes.

  24. Jack,

    Obviously, you do not know the difference between a conspiracy theory and other people’s opinions. I will just ignore you. If Hunter has a problem with my posts, he can let me know.

    How about white genocide, Jewish control, impending financial collapse – all topics some would consider conspiracy “theories” because they are often discussed on your so-called “conspiracy” websites yet you say nothing….

    As for Paul, I really don’t care what you think. No one will get the Republican nomination without the Republican Party biggies totally behind them. And, that is my “belief!”

  25. When election day comes around I think most whites – no matter how they may feel about Romney – will vote Republican just so that they will not have to live under Obama’s rule for another four years.

  26. This creates an opportunity for Virgil Goode to grab the 5 percent to 10 percent of disaffected conservatives in Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida necessary to sink Romney in November.

    How does helping Obama get reelected help white people?

  27. @ Moderator: “Okay let’s not have any more comments promoting ridiculous conspiracy theories that Ron Paul was going to get elected President….”

    The mantra of the Neocons and the Beckite reformed “Tea Partiers” on Paul was always: “NO! Not HIM who could NEVER win! Too OLD, too dangerous, etc. Why the very IDEA! Ridiculous!”

    A similar mantra, ostensibly mostly about RAND Paul, is: “Ron Paul bad, RAND Paul GOOD.” It built its “argument” on the common ground of respect for Rand, and now as Rand endorses Romney, so should all good, Beckite reformed Tea Partiers!

    But RON Paul MIGHT have been elected — especially so in an imaginary world where whites did not WANT even BIGGER government — but that possibility has long since passed. Yes, white people have spoken at the polls: that they STILL want bigger government, although there REALLY WERE some who DID vote for Ron Paul, especially in very white sections of some whiter, northern and western states (oddly, not so much among whites in the darker southeastern states); and yes, it’s true that there was NEVER any effective conspiracy or significant vote tampering; and yes, the vast majority DID vote for the bigger government candidates, and especially for the one they “lack enthusiasm for” now. But I’m TIRED of re-hashing how we came to this bleak situation.

    I say: We must work hard now with what we have now, always speaking only the whole truth about this LESS evil candidate, all the while that we are very ACTIVELY supporting — even financially supporting — the less evil candidate’s campaign. This is the only reasonable and effective, though paradoxical course.

  28. I really can’t concern myself with yet another anti-white functionary (how do you know he is a Jew? – and we get it – Jews are anti-white eternally) in Europe.

    It’s this Romney punch in the stomach that is our worst nightmare in this most crucial of all election years. His choice by whites to replace Obama is heartbreaking. It is true that the whole field was wretched but the fact that NO even distantly satisfying conservative was culled from a nation of 300 million is shocking. By satisfying I mean someone who DOESN’T implicitly genuflect to the god of diversity and attend the church of BRA with its many Satanic doctrines. Is this too much to ask?

    That is my fearful point – that it IS too much to ask. Romney will dutifully continue the program of white dispossession and that is all he will do for whites. On even a mere fiscal level he will prove impotent – for spending and debt reduction are not politically possible, nor will a majority of people here (what the hell are Americans? – that pathetic meaningless word) support it in the end

    Let the die be cast now. Turn your backs on this checked-pants fraud and that lying back-stabbing party – I mean after all – how many knife wounds to the back will you need before you notice that you’re bleeding to death?Europe.

  29. @ Snowhitey: “Obviously, you do not know the difference between a conspiracy theory and other people’s opinions. I will just ignore you. If Hunter has a problem with my posts, he can let me know. How about white genocide, Jewish control, impending financial collapse…often discussed…yet you say nothing….”

    My reply to the kind of “conspiracy” censorship that has cracked down and shut down communication on most Tea Party websites is that IN SOME CASES one man’s view of “a nutcase conspiracy theory” may be another man’s clear understanding of factual reality, and let’s not be too proud and unwilling to learn from one another. But Hunter evidently loves learning and vigorous debate.

  30. @ HarryO: “NO even distantly satisfying conservative was culled from a nation of 300 million is shocking.”

    That’s sounds almost Biblical (if I dare say so) doesn’t it? NOT EVEN ONE champion of the white race appears….

    We have only “Doll Face” the worshipper of the multicultural (anti-our-culture-al) gods of BRA-/WRA-/JRA-/DWLR-un A-meriKa — who WILL give whites the even BIGGER government they so clearly asked for at the polls in spring, along with more endless wars, more diversity, and ultimately EXTINCTION.

  31. Let us support him REAL GOOD, all the while telling all the truth about him: Not that he’s not lily white. but that his policies and positions are coal black (and here I do NOT refer to negroes). But we’ll also tell everyone that the alternative (Obama’s second victory, and mandate) would be worse — though how MUCH worse is uncertain now, but let’s not ever LET it get any worse than it MUST be.

  32. @ Denise: “Oh look. Yet another Kike. There’s no conspiracy.”

    No theory either, only facts.

  33. Politics is partly about rewarding your friends, but mostly about punishing your enemies. And Barack Obama, as an unabashed enemy of White America, needs to be punished accordingly, especially by us.

    And not just him but his cronies, like My People Holder amongst others, they need to be punished too. And all the people who voted for him, the blacks, Jews, Muslims, Asians, Hispanics, atheists, feminists, homosexuals and other assorted flotsam, they all need to feel the burning sting of defeat this November.

    So exactly how can you, the interested and intelligent ethnopatriot reading this, help facilitate the punishment of Obama and the humiliation of his followers? By voting for Virgil Goode? No. By abstaining? No. By voting for the only candidate who can possibly defeat Obama? Yes.

    Sure, Mitt Romney is just another GOP-bot straight off the assembly line down at Invite/Invade/In Hock Neocon Central, cut from the same cookie-cutter mold as Bush and McCain. Personally, I’d like to have seen a cross between Pat Buchanan and Hendrik Verwoerd as the Republican nominee. But that’s a trifling and unrealistic objection. Mitt’s overall lameness pales in comparison to his ability to send Obama packing on election night with his rainbow coalition in tatters. And that’s all that really matters.

    Because politics is less about creating something beautiful than it is about destroying something ugly, like the Obama administration for instance. At it’s base, it’s about crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women. THAT’S what I want to see happen on Nov. 6, 2012. So please do your duty and vote for Romney.

  34. Mosin Nagant says:
    June 22, 2012 at 11:17 pm

    I agree. As Jesse Ventura once said, “I don’t believe in theories, just the facts of conspiracies.”

  35. The expression “cult spokesman Ron Paul” sounds like something a TEA PARTY site master would write. I like “closet white racist” better and wish it were true though neither is true.

  36. @ jeppo: “Personally, I’d like to have seen a cross between Pat Buchanan and Hendrik Verwoerd as the Republican nominee.”

    Even straight Buchanan would be good. But then, wait, Buchanan also “ran before and lost” and is much too old to think clearly, right?

    “Because politics is less about creating something beautiful than it is about destroying something ugly…about crushing your enemies, seeing them driven before you, and hearing the lamentations of their women.”

    That WAS beautiful, and quotable, jeppo.

    We are all waxing eloquent about Romney Doll Face on this thread, but now let’s get to WORK, after we sleep. Good night ‘all.

  37. Dermot, nice.

    Attempts to backup Jewish phrenology with forceps and DNA studies fall flat. White Jews are genetically distinct but no more a “race” than Icelanders or other white endogamous groups.

  38. White Jews are genetically distinct but no more a “race” than Icelanders or other white endogamous groups

    Jews are of Middle Eastern ancestry while Icelanders are of Scandinavian-Celtic background. If you believe that Jews are white then you must also believe that Arabs are white.

  39. Jews are victims of a mind virus, not a race. It just so happens that certain kinds of Jews are particularly virulently infected.

    I think the “one drop” test came from Christians confronting Judaism, simply because if somewhere back in a person’s history one had an ancestor of the “chosen,” it would infect one’s mind. Immediately you are separate, and better. Your brain has been poisoned. And the infection grows until one fully embraces and becomes entirely different. That’s why Judaism can never be fully eradicated, and will be with us always. You can’t help some converso Grandma, even after the great purging, whispering in her grandson’s ear, “you are of the chosen.” That’s something you never forget or lose. It’s like herpes.

    The only way to deal with them is defining what is truly Christian so what is Jewish can be immediately recognized and anathematized. Like the Church once did.

  40. You know what you’ll get with a Romney win? You’ll get to defend from attacks from the left all the insane garbage he does for his entire term. That’s what we get. Another four or eight years of baggage to carry into the future, to further degrade the white western model of leadership. Obama for life, until we can lift someone decent on our shoulders and carry him forward. Mercilessly politically frag our ranks, give no quarter, show who we are. A leader will come forward when we deserve one. Romney is not going to decrease the cost we must pay in pain, but he will set out further the time we must spend paying, and our posterity will pay.

    The outlaw way is already becoming the only streetwise respectable way to live. Being decent unto to the system only brings punishment. The way forward:

    1. Full psychological separation.
    2. Outlaws surrounding the illegitimate ideological status quo.
    3. Status quo then becomes outlaw, outlaw becomes new status quo.
    4. Leader emerges.

    Begin Part 1 now by not carrying the Romney baggage. Don’t to it to yourself. Don’t to it to us.

  41. “You know what you’ll get with a Romney win? You’ll get to defend from attacks from the left all the insane garbage he does for his entire term.” Nothing of the sort. We’ll be attacking his insanity ourselves, but from the right. Again, the mantra: Support him REAL GOOD, while we are constantly telling the truth about him, and his handlers, and their evil policies.

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