Why Are Portland’s Parks Unsafe?


I’ve got it, Alex: What are African-Americans?

Related Links:

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“War Against White People”: Violent Flash Rob In Portland
“War Against White People”: More “Teens” Terrorizing MAX Trains
“War Against White People”: “Teen” Flash Mob Strikes Nordstrom’s
Portland Flash Mob
11 Year Old With Handgun Arrested on MAX Train
Portland Mob Attack: Not a Hate Crime
The Color of Crime: Oregon
Incredible Third Assault In Portland
Second Teen Attacked In Portland
More Buses From Hell

About Hunter Wallace 12416 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Just from what I could gather in that video, it seems that “nightness” makes the park quite dangerous. It seems this has only been a problem recently, so I suppose this quality of “nightness” must be a rather new phenomenon in Portland.

  2. On the “liberals” part this is militant stupidity. Militant stupidity has to be a mile marker on the way to the End. Conservatives play by the rules, but there comes a point when stupid taboos are just plain stupid and not even the dupes can maintain their discipline and they break and start running.

    Honestly, our “elite” is now hostage to the actions of violent retarded black racists. Ok, in Zimbabwe this might be a passable strategy, but last I knew these people were
    %13 of the population. But I could be wrong, today’s turd tyranny could be forever and ever.

  3. ” Laurel Hurst Park” … a nice German name, and a metaphor of how the European culture is being attacked and eroded.

    The 22 year old victim seems a bit too politically correct …… I wouldn’t even give them the term “thugs” @ 1:30

    He’s a victim of brainwashing.

  4. According to the local press, “fights” broke out, when gangs of 20-plus blacks put a beat-down on randomly-chosen white strangers. That, to them, is a “fight”.

    I guess we need to go back and revise history then, to conform with this extraordinary new lexicon: in 1904 in a small Kansas town, a fight broke out between a lone random black man and 50 angry whites who happened to be carrying a length of rope. Why they had the rope cannot be determined, as the fight appeared to be random. It was all very regrettable, but really, both sides were to blame for this fight.

    In Selma and Birmingham in the late 1950s, a few unfortunate fights broke out between random groups of blacks, and passing groups of police dogs. It was just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. What can we learn from this event? Don’t march in groups in the South between the years 1950 and 1964.

    And let’s not forget that ugly brawl that just sort of “happened” between Germans and Jews in the early 1940s. Most regrettable, but the important thing is to move on.

    And of course, the media advisory to Israelis is, “don’t live in the Middle East after dark or during daylight hours, because it is ‘unsafe'”.

    I like this new language, and intend to use it extensively.

  5. This new language is great! Since we’re all equal, and that’s beyond question, all of history will now have to be revised, so that no one is to blame for anything.

    An unexpected fight broke out in 1939, when Poland randomly encountered Germany. Officials speculated that Poland was “just in the wrong place at the wrong time.” Shots “were fired,” but no one is sure who did the shooting. Then others unexpectedly entered the fray, which tragically escalated. The media advised all Europeans to avoid being in Europe between 1939 and 1945. “This brawl just puts everyone in a bad light,” remarked an unnamed spokesman. Meanwhile, various out-groups tragically lost their lives in what police later described as “a mass roundup and internment gone horribly wrong.”

    Those who were the recipients of the internships could not be reached for comment, but an anonymous bystander, peering through a barbed-wire fence, remarked, “It’s just a tragedy. Both sides helped escalate this, but it’s just a shame. Nobody deserved it to turn out this way.” No further conclusions can be reached about the matter.

  6. And let’s not forget that ugly brawl that just sort of “happened” between Germans and Jews in the early 1940s. Most regrettable, but the important thing is to move on.

    I’ve found this on youtube the other day ….

    ” ONE THIRD of the HOLOCAUST (full) ” 4:15 hr … yes, 4 hrs and 15 min.


    It appears its done by the “www.holocaustdenialvideos.com” group, but its not listed on the website for some reason. It goes into how the Nuremburg Trials were rigged and its very detailed ….. and I’m about 1/2 way through it

  7. Oscar – what a STUPID attempt at polemics.

    Hitler was trying to free the Germanic Citizens of “Polish” Kike Control, when he entered Poland. Look of Bromberg Bloody Sundey, you MORON.

  8. Once the JewSA falls – I hope Arabs cook and feed EVERY Juden to their dogs. SKA-ROO IsraeHell.

  9. I still think Obama was born in africa. His relatives here– all illegal aliens,by the way– were ALL born in africa. I have cut through all the media bullshit and have come to conclusion that if all of his relatives were born in africa, and considering all the mystery as concerns his land of birth, (nothing but obfuscation as concerns the land of his birth) — ipso facto Obama was born in africa.
    The hawaii birth certificate proved to be a hoax. The white house spokesman said so, not exactly in those words. A little bit more diplomatically. Still, the gist was that the hawaii birth was not real.
    He didn’t comment,of course, about where Obama was really born, however.
    From all this, I have adduced that Obama was born in africa.
    The war is on for sure, and our enemies control Washington and many state capitals.
    I know that’s true here in California where I live.
    Also, as an aside — irregardless of where he was born– ALL his public records are sealed!
    It sends me reeling that there’re white Americans who actually voted for him in the first place, and many will vote for him again.
    It was common knowledge before the election in ’08 that his public records were sealed. It was not a secret. Yet, alot of white americans voted for him anyway. And many will vote for him again knowing his public records are still sealed.

  10. Backward masking ? ….. a must watch ….

    ” Obama – Yes We Can = Thank You Satan ” 4:33 min


    I’m not sure if this is a fraud (like his long form birth certificate), but its funny.

    But in the text intro, the video person wrote:

    You have a pc that makes it easy to do reversals, so if you’re skeptical whether some trickery has been employed I challenge you to test my claim. You owe it to yourself to find out who is lying and who is telling the truth.

  11. Honestly, what does the Confederacy have to do with Germany?

    Not f**kin much…

    It was the last holdout of the Cavaliers. Not a military industrial threat to anyone.

  12. As we are living under an enemy government, this is a good time to ask:
    Why are there Eternal Flames in our Military Cemeteries?
    See my posts under ” Vox Day vs. Gary North” for answer.
    The eternal flame posts are towards the end of comment board.
    Important reading for all white Americans, especially Southerners ( and all others)interested in secession from uncle sam’s communist government.

  13. “John says:
    June 24, 2012 at 9:55 pm
    Ashley Cole is the spawn of Satan.

    Ashley Cole is the spawn of Satan.”


    “John says:
    June 24, 2012 at 10:15 pm
    Throw Ashley Cole down the well.”

    HAHAHAHA!!!! (LOL es verboten!)

    I had to look up Ashley Cole-colored. Yes. It is the Spawn of Satan. It’s obviously a hybrid – a miscegenated Mongrel. Thus it’s:

    1) an Abomination
    2) The Spawn of Satan (Satan gets around)…
    3) You throw it down the well John (I can barely type for the sniggering, as Eliza would say). You would enjoy doing that so much more than I would. I don’t care about soccer – but you do. So you throw it down the well, in good health!


  14. AGGHH!!! The Cole thing is “distantly related to Matiah Carey”AGGHH!!!!

    Throw it down the well FAST!!!!!

  15. The teevee schmoozies are playing the 1950 Columbia Pictures blockbuster, “Born Yesterday”, today, directed by the shmoze George Cukor . Check your local listings.
    A very fun and entertaining flix about a mobster who hires a tutor to teach his broad (blonde beauty Judy Holliday) culture and manners. Alot of laughs.
    Judy won an Oscar for her role as a dumb blonde.
    I just love TCM. The schmoozies do sometimes have a great sense of humor . I like to give credit where credit is due.

  16. I shall continue to deride you as your posts are always about deflecting from the real issues. You always show up when some hard truth appears and then write meaningless and trite posts to steer the discussion away from the truth.

  17. Lily, lovely graceful, pithy Lilky – ignore Joo.

    I do.

    Any credibility it had is utterly dissolving. Every-one knows you. You are fabulous. I always enjoy your Comments. You are salient, witty, intelligent, and insightful.

    You are appreciated. Pay no heed to the gnats.

  18. Feel free to give the KTAU news desk a call and discuss there use of language with them. I did. The fellow I talked with was civil, while disagreeing with me. Here’s the number: 1-503-231-4264

  19. Denise – thanks for the words of support. I greatly appreciate them. In peril of sounding like a broken record, I love your posts and admire your insight and your ability to see the deeper issues that I can’t grasp on my own sometimes.

    Joe – I don’t know what you’re talking about. My intent is never to steer discussions here. I read all the blog posts here and don’t always comment. When I do, I post my thoughts in the time I have available to do it. Which isn’t much. I saw you mentioning something about watching TV more than once before yesterday and I chose to ignore it, but finally had to call you out on your hypocrisy.

    I agree with you on many of the issues, but I have to say you’re not a nice person.

  20. I use the TCM schedule as satire and to make ceratin points I want to make for the reasons I want to make the points.
    In the meantime, a good website to learn more about our government and USrael is:
    ” maskofzion” ”
    Article: “The Zionist Infestation of Africa”
    Find out how the Mossad and the CIA is fomenting war in the Horn of Africa. The Zionists want it bad– they are drooling to take control of the Horn of Africa.
    Of course, at great cost to white Americans— though we won’t benefit at all from it– just the big-shot ruling class while we lose white American blood– and lose our progeny.
    While our country is being destroyed from the inside, our rulers want us to wage even more wars.
    We are, according to them, to use our resources, treasury, and blood for wars that don’t even benefit us white Americans, instead of using our resources, treasury, and blood to ending the destruction that is happening right here at home in front of our faces.

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