Prophets of Doom

History Channel

Kunstler mentioned that he appeared on this program in the book. I haven’t seen this before. Watching now.

Note: The water crisis is interesting. I haven’t given as much thought to that one. I would imagine it is many times more severe though in the West than the East.

IMO, the most urgent problems (if I were addressing this panel) would be (1) the race crisis, (2) the debt crisis/financial crisis, (3) the energy crisis, (4) the aging crisis, (5) the diversity/political crisis, and (6) the cultural crisis.

It is not just one crisis: there are multiple, overlapping catastrophes that are converging, hitting simultaneously, and which are feeding into each other. So, for example, the population of Africa has grown from 200 million to 1 billion over the past sixty years. In America, something around 45 percent of all black people live off the EBT card.

What happens when EBT stops working? How do we support the 1 billion people in Africa without fossil fuel intensive industrial agriculture? Perhaps Africa will produce another George Washington Carver who will solve the problem with superior technology?

Some nations might navigate the Peak Oil crisis, but what specifically happens to Africa? What happens to Haiti when the cost of food rises? It seems reasonable to assume that the crisis will prove to be more severe in some countries than others.

I think we might see the whole African continent devolve into Rwanda 1994.

About Hunter Wallace 12409 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. There was a proposition put forth in the 1950s to build a vast system of aquifers to transport fresh water from northern non-cultivate climates to drier, but more temperate regions of North America. It was to involve Alaska and northern Canada in a massive water distribution scheme. Of course that kind of forward thinking was promptly ignored. Why make a million later when ten dollars can be made now fighting proxy wars?

  2. “Brave New World” is far too optimistic. No globalist future will ever be that pleasant. 1984 all the way, baby.

  3. Yeah, Rudel, I agree with you on China. There is 1.3 billion of them with a surplus of 3,000,000 men who simply can’t and won’t be able to marry a Chinese wife due to demographics. I have no doubt they will be a major threat towards the middle to end of this century when Whites will be in the slim minority. Colonization will occur.

  4. “There was a proposition put forth in the 1950s to build a vast system of aquifers to transport fresh water from northern non-cultivate climates to drier, but more temperate regions of North America.”

    Why bother to move the water south when global warming will move the cultivate climate north?

  5. Chinese progress in the modern age requires borrowing technology from the west. Without white Tech they’ll be back to binding feet and worshiping their dead grandma.

  6. Just noticed a typo in my above comment.
    300,000,000* surplus of Chinese men with no Chinese women available to marry.

  7. “Why bother to move the water south when global warming will move the cultivate climate north?”

    Well, if you have one thousand years to wait, then maybe.

  8. @George
    I am very glad to hear that you do not support communist uncle sam’s wars of empire.
    You may be interested in how the Israelis are fomenting war in the horn and africa. Of course, the Israelis expect white American men to fight and die in the wars for Israeli’s benefit.
    Nothing good is going to accrue to white Americans by getting involved in a war in africa.(or other empire building wars)
    There will more dead white American soldiers while billionaire big-shots make a fortune off the deaths of white Americans.
    website: ” maskofzion”
    article: “The Zionist Infestation of Africa”
    Also, the Peak Oil crisis is a Lie. It is meant to have us believe that resources are very scarce and that it is imperative to go to war, and even perhaps colonize africa and other lands if we are to survive. It is Pure Bullshit.
    Google: “peak oil and zionism”
    Loads of information proving Peak Oil to be a Zionist scam to get involved in more wars– Again at the cost of white American blood. Again, we will lose the white men cut down in battle, and also lose their progeny.
    All for lies to benefit trillionaires ( rothschilds and some other jew bankers)and billionaires. ( mostly jewish,but also so-called christian).
    For more info about how the Israeli mossad is fomenting war, google “mossad fomenting war” or any similiar type wording. Loads of info.
    There is also another good website:
    Google jewishvirtuallibrary + africa.
    Lots of info.
    Unfortunately, the peak oil lie is tied into USrael’s empire building schemes.
    ( one website,one of many, “zionistoutrage”)
    I’m glad to know that you agree that none of this is worth spilling the blood of white Americans as well as losing our progeny — our children and our future. We will most surely need them here as big trouble is coming to the USA. Much sooner than later.
    It is not worth it losing white American men for the jew/commie agenda.
    It is a disgusting agenda.
    Thank you for your words of support. I appreciate it.

  9. They have numbers, Jim. Their place in technology or future is of no relevance.
    I could easily see them coming here on the future when/if Whites lose power. Just ask yourself, why wouldn’t they and who would stop them? They are moving ahead in Africa.
    With al the resources here coupled with their needs, it seems logical to me.

  10. That hippy-dippy video ended with a hippy-dippy paen along the lines of “why can’t we all just learn to get along.”

    In actuality, a Malthusian die off of the human race might be most salutary. The white race will need strong people and strong leadership to thrive in an era of population collapse. William Pierce use to opine that the optimal population of North America was something on the order of 50 million people.

    What we as Whites really require is a greater and more powerful re-constitution of the S.S. in its full (but unrealized) racial ideology in order to weather the Malthusian storms we are facing. No mercy, no weakness. Look once again to our Celtic, Germanic, Roman, and Spartan pagan ancestors for our ideals.

    Back around 1960 (when I was very young) I was intrigued by Leo Szilard’s idea of nuclear weapons salted with cobalt which would produce intense gamma radiation of very short half-life (5 years or so) with relatively low yields from the triggering atomic bomb. My first thought was that we should immediately blanket all the major Chinese cities and river valleys with a massive and complete pre-emptive strike. There certainly wouldn’t be any 1.3 billion Chinese now and the landscape would currently be starting to become safe for our exploitation of it.

  11. The inevitable Malthusian holocaust in Africa which will be triggered by resource crunches and global aging in the First World will hands down be one of the most memorable scenes in our lifetimes.

  12. Africa has half of the world’s natural resources and half of the world’s most productive farmland. Only blacks could find a way to starve to death in Africa.

  13. “The NAGAS will have them sold for parts in under 15 minutes.”

    Hi, Denise!
    Hey! I had an idea. What if we started using the word “naggers”?
    After all, a population dependent upon a more able people, a population that gets their needs met through the method of their “leaders” nagging and haranguing the more able people to give them welfare and affirmative action, are certainly naggers, are they not?
    What do you think?

  14. Hell, they managed to do it in Detroit. The place is a choke-point for Great Lakes commerce, it should be fabulously wealthy.

  15. The Chinese will progress until there is nothing left to steal, then they will retrench. They are facing a demographic crisis of their own that pales in comparison to that of American whites. No rape of the Sabines moment can save them from that.

  16. In the U.S., the worst case scenario would be an anarchic collapse followed by a return to a nineteenth century level of technology – horses, railroads, water transportation.

    The population would disperse out of the cities and suburbs into the countryside. Power would shift from Washington back to the states and cities. Air travel would disappear. The world would seem a much bigger place.

    Why is this a bad thing?

  17. Hunter, I think power is already shifting back to the states. People are realizing getting involved in DC politics is a fool’s errand, so they are attempting to change their own state and to hell with the rest. Hopefully the SCOTUS ruling backs this trend today.

  18. Kunstler predicts in the book that Peak Oil will discredit the political class, discredit the two-party system, cripple the military, cripple multinational corporations, and paralyze the centralized federal government.

    He also predicts racial conflict and possibly even disunion. Some WNs come on here and argue that that our good fortune, a collapse of BRA that works to our advantage, is a terrible thing.

  19. The collapse of globalism, the centralized federal government, the Jewish dominated financial system, BRA and the welfare state that is punishing Whites – why would that be a bad thing?

    Jews are living high on the hog at the top of the world for half a century. Why should we regret the demise of that system? It is actually something that we should celebrate. It is good news.

  20. “Derry says:
    June 25, 2012 at 10:56 am
    Africa has half of the world’s natural resources and half of the world’s most productive farmland. Only blacks could find a way to starve to death in Africa.”

    OMG. That is just the most succint and brlliant assessment of Negroes, I’ve EVER seen or read.

    I’m stealing it. Variants will start to spring up. This is THE new Mantra. HAHAHAHA!!! Thanks, Sean.

  21. Hunter Wallace says:
    June 25, 2012 at 1:03 pm
    Kunstler predicts in the book that Peak Oil will discredit the political class, discredit the two-party system, cripple the military, cripple multinational corporations, and paralyze the centralized federal government.

    He also predicts racial conflict and possibly even disunion. Some WNs come on here and argue that that our good fortune, a collapse of BRA that works to our advantage, is a terrible thing.”

    ???? Who would do that?

    I’m all down with the collapse, bro’. The sooner the better. Yee HA, I say – yee ha!

  22. Barb – I’m stickng with NAGAS. The LAPD term for North American Ghetto Apes. People love that one. It’s pithy, funny, kinda sorta sounds like “Nigger” but is removed enough to cause…doubt….

    “Naggers” is too tame. To nag is to whine. Its sounds too old lady-ish….a nagger is an annoyance, a buzzing gnat – but not a real physical threat, or Civilizational wrecking ball, like NAGAS are.

  23. “The water crisis is interesting. I haven’t given as much thought to that one. I would imagine it is many times more severe though in the West than the East.”

    Like oil, it is a finite resource, though unlike oil it is somewhat self-renewing at varying rates. The Ogallala Aquifer “fossil water” would take about 6,000 years to refill if it were drained completely, which we are well on the way to doing, in the last fifty years drained from an average of about 240 acre-feet to only about 80 acre feet now.

  24. Oil is abiotic– abiogenesis– “spontaneous generation”– it is self-renewing in nature.
    The Russians have already proved that beyond any scientific fact. It has already proven to be abiotic– renewable and self-generating.
    See links at “Kunstler’s New Book” for more information. Peak Oil is a lie.
    There would be no “water crisis” either if the country was ruled, or lead, by patriotic and loyal Americans. We are ruled by sell-outs, pharisees, and snake-oil salesmen.
    There’s plenty of water in North America to fill the needs of everyone. We have the technology and the know-how.
    If there really,truly is a water shortage, then the best way to solve it would be to end immigration. The less people, the less water used.
    End immigration– end the so-called water shortage. End of problem

  25. Well, hydrocarbons do not require organic life to form. Europa has oceans of methane, it is literally swimming in hydrocarbons.

  26. Joe, be that as it may about how oil is formed, there is nowhere on earth where you can just stick a straw into the ground and get oil(and then take that oil, run it through a rag and get processed gasoline) anymore. 2$ a barrel oil is over, being able to extract unlimited oil at 1000$ a barrel simply isn’t productive to anyone.

  27. Of course the Africans will overbreed until a massive die-off due to starvation, warfare, and disease– it is what r-selected populations do.

    You can do the same experiment at home. Leave a glass of milk uncovered in the kitchen. Watch the bacteria multiply until the the milk is depleted. Watch bacteria die all at once. R-selection is a bitch.

  28. I never said anything about “straws”. You are deflecting from the fact that the Russians have proven beyond a scientific doubt that oil is abiotic– self-generating and intrinsically self-renewing.
    None of this has anything to do with “straws”. We are not talking about ice cream sodas– we are talking about the Peak Oil lie.

  29. No, they haven’t.

    That’s a myth that circulates on websites like If oil was really abiotic, then any nation could drill a straw down through the earth’s crust and suck away all the oil they ever wanted.

    Russian oil production collapsed when the Soviet Union broke apart. It has climbed back because it was artificially depressed in the 1990s.

  30. “I never said anything about “straws”. You are deflecting from the fact that the Russians have proven beyond a scientific doubt that oil is abiotic– self-generating and intrinsically self-renewing.
    None of this has anything to do with “straws”. We are not talking about ice cream sodas– we are talking about the Peak Oil lie.”

    I’ll repeat my post, since you chose to focus on straws, 2$ a barrel gas is over, and it isn’t coming back, not ever.

  31. Nor did I ever say that $2.00 a barrel (or gallon) gas is ever coming back. Peak oil is a lie– $2.00 a barrel (or gallon) or not.

  32. The inevitable Malthusian holocaust in Africa which will be triggered by resource crunches and global aging in the First World will hands down be one of the most memorable scenes in our lifetimes.
    I can’t wait!!
    I hope it’s televised!!

  33. I say our biggest problem is cultural; if we were still the same people we were 70 years ago we’d tackle these problems head on with technology and old-school brass

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