The Cost of the Union: Arizona vs. U.S.

District of Corruption

The Supreme Court gutted SB 1070 this morning.

In a 5-3 decision (Kennedy, Roberts, Breyer, Ginsberg, Sotomayor), it struck down everything but the requirement to check immigration status.

The blocked provisions include requiring all immigrants to obtain or carry immigration registration papers, making it a state criminal offense for an illegal alien to seek work or hold a job, and allowing police to arrest suspected illegal aliens without warrants.

Even the “reasonable suspicion” clause was kicked back to the Ninth Circuit for another spin on the legal merry-go-round. The door was left open to future “legal challenges” on “civil rights grounds.”

With a 5-3 majority on Arizona vs. U.S. (Kagan recused herself from the case), the “conservative” majority managed to give Sotomayor, Breyer, and Ginsberg the upper hand in writing the decision.

Way to go, John Roberts: the strongest argument for turning out in November for Mitt Romney was maintaining the “conservative” majority on the Supreme Court, and you just demolished that argument in a single blow.

Note: OD’s position remains unchanged.

The federal government is a consolidated despotism. Every major decision that used to be made at the state and local level is now decided by the political class in Washington. The existence of the Union is the primary cause of our racial decline. White Southerners are doomed to perpetual minority status in a Union based on majority rule.

It follows that disunion through secession or revolution is the only solution to the “National Question.” We’re not going to “take America back” and it is foolish to pretend otherwise. The preservation of the Union with the Northeast and West Coast is undesirable anyway.

We favor working within the system – in the South, at the state and local level, in order to polarize, delegitimize, and seize power to bring about the dissolution of the Union and the formation of a Southern ethnostate.

The Mexican border will never be secure until Dixie’s northern border with the United States is secured.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. The bit about local police being able to check immigration status seems to be big deal to me. They’re crying at kosherrepublic but I don’t see it as so bad since it really is a fed gov duty. Two things IMO will kill the south of the border run and the economy that is killing America will give us cover to implement. Crack down on employers and start to turn the screws on the welfare bennies.

  2. If we have a Republican congress with balls in the future, they can pass laws allowing the states to enact laws restoring the provisions struck down. I said ‘if’ and ‘balls.’! 🙂

  3. A Republican Congress and Administration could authorized the State legislation and warrantless arrests based on probably cause by legislation.

  4. BTW, the “reasonable suspicion” clause does nothing more than permit states to harass illegal aliens. The states are given permission (for now, until this whole circus is repeated when Judge Bolton blocks SB 1070 on “civil rights grounds”) to detain illegal aliens.

    So what? What’s the federal government that is supposed to deport them going to do? It is going to reward them with work permits! Combine with Mexico and Argentina to sue the states!

  5. Antonin Scalia is on to something in his brilliant dissent:

    “But there has come to pass, and is with us today, the specter that Arizona and
    the States that support it predicted: A Federal Govern­ment that does not want to enforce the immigration laws as written, and leaves the States’ borders unprotected against immigrants whom those laws would exclude. So the issue is a stark one. Are the sovereign States at the mercy of the Federal Executive’s refusal to enforce the Nation’s immigration laws?

    A good way of answering that question is to ask: Would the States conceivably have entered into the Union if the Constitution itself contained the Court’s holding? Today’s
    judgment surely fails that test.”

  6. More from Scalia:

    “Arizona has moved to protect its sovereignty—not in contradiction of federal law, but in complete compliance with it. The laws under challenge here do not extend or revise federal immigration restrictions, but merely enforce those restrictions more effectively.

    If securing its territory in this fashion is not within the power of Arizona, we should cease referring to it as a sovereign State.”

    He sounds like he is reading OD reguraly.

  7. Ethnic separation may be inevitable. If there is ever an ethnostate in the Old Confederacy, however, I would expect it to be black, not white, based on census maps.

  8. The Census maps give a false and misleading impression of the region.

    The black population is concentrated in the cities, not in the countryside. Blacks have been moving out of the Black Belt for over a hundred years. In most of those rural counties, there are only a few thousand people, and even there few blacks still live outside of the small towns.

    56 percent of blacks live in the South. 44 percent of blacks live in the North and West. The Deep South has about 1/3 of the black population. 2/3 of the black population now lives outside the Deep South.

    There are more blacks in Michigan than Mississippi. There are more in New York than Georgia. There are more in Ohio than in Alabama.

  9. “The federal government is a consolidated despotism”

    Never truer words have been in print.

    I hope somehow Arizona along with other states nullify or resist this decision.

  10. Fr. John: Do you mind if I start using your meme, “Secession. Now. Today. Forever”?

  11. With all due respect, the truth about Roberts was known as soon as he agreed to swear Obama in as president. He is supposed to protect the rule of law as the highest judge in the land, but he participated in a fraud by swearing in as president a dual citizen who by that very fact was rendered ineligible. Further, he has let stand lower court decisions that clearly adopt a novel interpretation of the phrase “natural born citizen”. Obama has taken his cue from white men like Roberts and has pushed the envelope as white men in authority have shown absolutely no stomach for challenging him.

  12. Get it through your thick white skulls, you’ve lost your country. And, you have no one but yourselves to blame.

  13. “The federal government is a consolidated despotism.”

    That’s a beautifully simple statement. Our despot has no face because he has many faces.

  14. The new Confederate States of America is an idea whose time is overdue. My great-grandfather who was only 20 years old took a bullet in the hand while charging with his Alabama regiment at the head of Jackson’s attack on the union left at Chancellorsville. Let’s resurrect that fighting spirit!

  15. K313Chris says:
    June 25, 2012 at 9:48 pm

    Keep dreaming buddy. The cold stark truth hurts. And, if your were a respectable white man, you wouldn’t resort to using foul language to make a point. I guess you’re going to be the one that fires the shot heard round the world, 2012?

  16. @Snowhitey

    First off, I’m not your buddy.

    Second, if mobs of rampaging niggers bring violence to my doorstep, I’ll happily reciprocate in whatever form it is offered.

    Third, MOTHERFUCKER, the only “cold stark truth” I subscribe to, is that nothing in my life is lost until I say it is. So you tuck whatever sadly passes for your balls, back between your legs and run off to wherever you think you can hide from the black and brown tide for another day. Some of us are made of stronger stuff than that.

    And lastly, I’ve been called plenty of things in my life, but I’m damned glad that ‘respectable’ never has been and never will be one of them. I take your suggestion as a compliment. So I reiterate: FUCK YOU, COWARD.

  17. 313Chris:

    You’re just the type of white we all want living next door. And, damn it, I know you’re not my buddy. By the way, I don’t have balls. I can’t think of any man that would use the screen name “Snowhitey.” And, judging from your vile personality, you’re probably a wife-beater, present or future.

  18. @Snowhitey

    “You’re just the type of white we all want living next door.”

    – You have no idea how true that is, sweety.

    “And, judging from your vile personality, you’re probably a wife-beater, present or future.”

    – Well you’re wrong on both counts, detective. I’m not married and if I ever dared to touch a woman in any manner other than affection, my mother and sisters would have killed me. But please do continue on with your hysterical conclusions based solely on internet dialogue. Idiot.

    And since you’ve thrown down the gauntlet, allow me to take a turn: You’re probably a bitter, regretful, stay-at-home mom who married too young, is underwater on your mortgage, your looks are a distant memory, and your husband hasn’t touched you in years.

    Don’t ask for what you can’t take.

  19. “And, judging from your vile personality, you’re probably a wife-beater, present or future.”

    Ahem… Despite being mostly wop with some Asian blood, 313Chris is what’s known as a “confirmed bachelor” so there will be no wife there. I hear his latest boyfriend is a trifle black and blue though.

  20. @Rudel

    Your daughter fucks groups of niggers in your own bed while your at work. And why are you wasting time here? Shouldn’t you and the NVA be wheeling HAC’s fat ass out to Laurel Hurst Park to clean out those nigger flashmobs? Go play with your little Irish Curse, you punk kraut cocksucker.

  21. “I’m not married and if I ever dared to touch a woman in any manner other than affection, my mother and sisters would have killed me.”

    Ah, it’s now becoming clear. A mama’s boy who only touched her and his sisters. Did you wear dresses and have a pretty bow in your hair when you were little too?

  22. Rudel, you have “it” all figured out. Sounds like an Ed Gein on steroids. Well, I guess it’s confirmed. He didn’t come here to make friends.

  23. “…you have no one but yourselves to blame.”

    Ma’am, please explain the “you” and “yourselves”. Are you, Snowwhitey, not one of us? Or do you garner no blame for our situation?

    I wouldn’t blame anyone on this site for losing this country, ma’am. In fact, the posters on here have done what we can to speak out and turn the tide in our little spheres of influence. We do the most we can. The South has done the most it can as well, at every turn in our history it has stood for our liberty at it’s own expense. So can you be more specific with the fault?

  24. If I had to take a stab at it, I’d say it was the Greatest Generation and Baby Boomers who had the most play in our demise. But then again, the generation that passed the flurry of amendments in the 19 teens were pretty bad too. There should have been outright rebellion when that happened.

  25. @Rudel

    “Did you wear dresses and have a pretty bow in your hair when you were little too?

    Come to Detroit and ask me to my face, you anonymous little cunt.

  26. Yes, Wayne, I include myself. We’re all to blame. Consciously or unconsciously. Some of us tried to stop it but mostly it was too little too late. I don’t think many of us knew what we were up against. Still don’t. I’m not even sure what the whole picture is but I know it isn’t just Democrats, Liberals, and Marxists.

    Yes, the Greatest Generation is by far the most at fault. The Baby Boomers, mostly the offspring of the Greatest Generation, are also casualties of the Greatest Generation. But also the generation before the GG is also at fault. We could find blame all the way back to before the war of northern aggression. That was probably the turning point.

    IMO, most people do not have independent thought. Although I’d say the majority of people on this site have independent thought. I also believe it will only take 10-20% to turn things around because most people are complacent and they follow the majority whether they agree with it or not. No one is going to do anything until the federal government collapses (or appears to collapse), most of the population is unemployed, and – the most important – people are hungry. Nothing causes a revolution faster than an empty belly. That will be the flashpoint, an empty belly.

  27. “Come to Detroit”

    Yeah sure, the “Paris” of the midwest. OTOH if you ever get out West I’ve already told you what’ll happen to you.

  28. @Rudel

    Really? Tell me. Tell me exactly what the fuck you delusionally think you could do to me? You wouldn’t do SHIT to me, and I’d put you in the fucking ground with my bare hands. And that’s not a boast, just a fact. You better pray you and I never meet in person.

  29. Chris is FABULOUS!!!!

    Jewdel always starts problems.

    SnowyWhite – Chris is FABULOUS. Be not unkind to my little Brother.

    Hunter – clean up the board indeed.

    Chris is FABULOUS!!! Chris STAYS.
    (And my dear – let me know when Jewdel agrees to rumble in person. You are my brother. I care about you. I got your back so to speak. I want to help. Luv, from your Big Sister who can be very mean! XXXOOO!)

  30. As far as losing “our” country…errr….who and what are you? “SnowyWhitey?” Hhhhmmm….

    Things change. Took Kikes 2000 years to get control of the most of the Globe- but I have a feeling the Vampire Squid won’t have it’s tentacles wrapped ’round things for very long.

    Things change. Things can change very fast…..

  31. Chris, I already told you that YOU would be the bloody one they would need to mop up off the ground. Quit stealing my lines you greasy wop.

  32. “Took Kikes 2000 years to get control of the most of the Globe- but I have a feeling the Vampire Squid won’t have it’s tentacles wrapped ’round things for very long.

    Things change. Things can change very fast”


    “No one is going to do anything until the federal government collapses (or appears to collapse”

    And that collapse may be roaring down upon us faster than even the most pessimistic (optimistic?) among us here at OD figured on:

    So, Jim Willie, prognosticator extraordinaire, foresees a gold-backed Nordic Euro (ex – PIIGS countries, France booted too) controlled by Germany. .
    Such an exceedingly powerful currency would send the U.S. dollar down da terlet.
    No dollars needed for oil trade, no U.S. empire. No U.S. empire, no host for the vampire squids to stuff their blood funnels into. No feed for the blood funnel for the Nation Wreckers, no longer can they squash the normal nationalist feelings of White folks.
    Germany, where the Northern Euro man dwells still, where jews are scarcer than hen’s teeth, Germany with a gold-backed currency, may save us all, yet!

  33. Denise, I just state it how I see it. I did not personally point to anyone in particular here and I stand by my post. Chris started the trouble and I don’t see the fabulous part you mentioned. What am I missing here? He’s foul and that was not necessary. I thought this was a public blog. Yes, no? To me, Rudel was the fantastic one. But, I’m new so I don’t know the history here. There’s an awful lot of attacking (each other) on this site or did I just arrive at a bad time? It’s not emotional disagreements, it’s attacks.

    As for the who – white American-born female living in Florida. As for the what – pro-white American-born female living in Florida. Am I getting vetted?

    I’ll ask you – who do you think is to blame for our present dilemma? Everyone else or us?

  34. “He’s foul and that was not necessary.”

    He’s foul and as you can clearly see responds to any criticism by making pathetic threats of violence. He’s also a bachelor at 40 which is a little suspect in itself but is a disgrace for any man who is a white nationalist. We as a race need a lot more white children to be born. I guess it’s just as well though, Chris claims Italian and Asian heritage and I have a hard time telling apart most wops from kikes and Arabs anyhow. Lot’s of Semitic blood flowed into Italy after the fall of Rome.

  35. “He’s foul and as you can clearly see responds to any criticism by making pathetic threats of violence.”

    – No, YOU made pathetic threats against me first. What I made to you is a promise. You’ve distorted things about me that I’ve said to other people here, and insult me and my heritage at every turn. If I ever meet you, I’m going to fucking cripple you.

    “He’s also a bachelor at 40..”

    – No, fossilized creep on the internet, I’m 35 and my personal life is none of your fucking business.

    “..which is a little suspect in itself..”

    – Again, freak, you have no life. Stop thinking about every second of the day.

    “..but it is a disgrace for any man who is a white nationalist.”

    – And I could give a shit. I’m NOT a white nationalist. Most white nationalists are pathetic and useless. I might be considered a race-realist, but unlike you, I don’t need any silly terms of classification to confirm the truths I’ve experienced in life. And, unlike you, I’m not a big enough FOOL to believe that white people are, or ever will be, a “nation”.

    “We as a race need a lot more white children to be born.”

    – No, there are more than enough white people on the planet. What we need is for alien races to be physically expelled from our various nations, and then our numbers will naturally return to balance. White people will never win a birthing-contest with high-fertility, low-IQ niggers and other muds. Dumbass.

    “Chris claims Italian and Asian heritage..”

    – No, I’m Italian and Polish. YOU are the one who keeps calling me an “asiatic wop”, probably because your wife left you for some younger Italian guy.

    “..and I have a hard time telling most wops apart from kikes and Arabs anyhow.”

    – Well that’s strange, because I can always tell a half-mick/half-kraut when I see one — he is always pushing a stroller carrying his daughter’s filthy bastard half-nigglet around Portland.

    “Lot’s of a semetic blood flowed into Italy after the fall of Rome.”

    – Yeah, yeah, and lot’s of Italian DNA probably flowed into your wife in the low. Now go get some new material, asshole.

  36. Girlymon Chrissie says:

    “If I ever meet you, I’m going to fucking cripple you.”

    I seriously doubt that considering you will be on the ground bleeding from numerous bullet holes.

    “my personal life is none of your fucking business.”

    Then why do we know so fucking much about it. (including your Asian Tatar, not Polish, blood.)

    “I’m not a big enough FOOL to believe that white people are, or ever will be, a “nation”.
    “What we need is for alien races to be physically expelled from our various nations”

    Oops. Major logical contradiction there Chrissie. Why do you bother to post here anyway? You never have anything informative or constructive to say. Just a lot of hot air and curse words. You act like a twelve year old. I guess that’s what comes from having one of your sisters dry off the end of your dick every time you took a leak while you were failing to grow up.

    And BTW, I’d rather push my grandchildren around in a stroller than be a mommies boy queer like you.

  37. “Get it through your thick white skulls, you’ve lost your country. And, you have no one but yourselves to blame” – I would think that the point of OD is that it wasn’t ours to begin with.

  38. Way to go, John Roberts: the strongest argument for turning out in November for Mitt Romney was maintaining the “conservative” majority on the Supreme Court, and you just demolished that argument in a single blow

    No, the strongest argument for voting for Mitt Romney is to get Obama out of office before he can do anymore damage to this country.

  39. romney will do as much harm as obama. Count on it.

    I’d like to see AZ ignore the Supreme Court, and go long like the rulings were never made. Hell it worked for lincoln, and I doubt they’d send in fedearl troops to stop them. Polticains don’t have the balls to do that any more. At most they’d de-fund some federal spending in AZ

  40. I can see I pushed a lot of buttons although that wasn’t my focus. I really thought most of us realized what we had done wrong. When I say “we,” I mean our people. Okay, so we have white nations scattered around the world. They are homogenous, prosperous, basically crime-free and at the cutting edge of pretty much everything. Life is good. Forget the wars, most of us now know what goes on with them. Then, all of a sudden, the kikes and Third Worlders come along and take everything from us. The Jews have been at this (with the US) since the mid to late 1800’s (as far as I can see although I am sure minor influences occurred earlier). If we stand by and allow others to do this (meaning those allowing it to happen – the people that are/were in power), I believe we all (as a people) are to blame. Look at the white landslide for Lyndon Johnson. They wanted their great society. How come we don’t leave our wrath to the ones that signed on to the Immigration Reform Act of 1965. Only Ted Kennedy gets recognition for that when it overwhelmingly passed.

    I, personally, was in a fog up until 2002. Not that Hymie and Jasper weren’t on the radar, and I knew that the tide turning was illogical, but I was naive to think it wasn’t being done intentionally. All the white nations – Europe, North America, Australia, Rhodesia, South Africa – were ALL going through the same thing by coincidence? The winds of change came out of nowhere? Can someone give me their perspective as to why all this selling out was done? Conscience. Hardly.

    When I see Hunter post numbers about how many whites voted for Obama, I get cross-eyed. These whites are our only problem. You will always have someone wanting what you have. Kikes and Third Worlders are looking out for themselves. Whites are not. Let’s stay focused on the sell-out whites. We need to actually start naming names.

    Hunter, how about posting a Traitor’s List? This way when the system goes down, we all know who to look for.

  41. “Then, all of a sudden, the kikes and Third Worlders come along and take everything from us.” – Were the south its own nation that never would have come to pass. Not here in the south, and not in what never would have come to exist in the first place: the American Empire.

    “How come we don’t leave our wrath to the ones that signed on to the Immigration Reform Act of 1965. Only Ted Kennedy gets recognition for that when it overwhelmingly passed.” – The entire system, sans the elected representatives in the south for the most part supported the act.

    “Hunter, how about posting a Traitor’s List? This way when the system goes down, we all know who to look for.” – Their punishment is that they have to rule themselves. Either they hold to their utopian ideals, and disappear, or repudiate them, and in doing so repudiate their very own holiest of holies.

  42. @Cuckold Rudel

    “Oops. Major logical contradiction there Chrissy.”

    – And how is that, angry inch? Caucasian peoples inhabit and comprise many different nations, but at the same time are too diverse to be considered a singular “nation”. What, are you as simple as you are inadequate?

    “Why do you bother to post here anyway. You never have anything constructive or informative to say. Just a lot of hot air and curse words.”

    – Why do YOU bother to post here? All you do is talk down to everyone, insult the blog’s owner, and take shots at me.

    “You act like a twelve year old.”

    – This from the guy who’s “movement” consists of BEGGING complete strangers to move to his state, because the overwhelming majority of the locals find his beliefs to be repugnant. Please. You’re equivalent to a lost, crying child in a supermarket.

    “I guess that’s what comes from having one of your sisters dry off the end of your dick every time you took a leak while you were failing to grow up.”

    – Don’t project your personal, incest-related trauma’s onto me, you pathetic creep. And if you keep insulting my family, I WILL make a trip out there and we can revisit your remarks in person. Coward.

    “And BTW, I’d rather push my grandnigglet around in a stroller than be a mommies boy queer like you.”

    – Again with the homosexual stuff. Tell you what, “Rudel” — since you obviously have repressed sexual-orientation issues, as evidenced by your constant suggestions toward me, and since you also have an evident Nazi-fetish (“Rudel” is a reference to Hans-Ulrich Rudel, no?) why don’t you fuck off out of here, with all it’s “lower orders”, and take your conflicted feelings over to Greg Johnson’s safe, warm, welcoming, closet at Counter Currents? I’ll wish you all the best with your newfound self-acceptance. Now go fuck yourself.

  43. “And if you keep insulting my family, I WILL make a trip out there and we can revisit your remarks in person.”

    Your mother is a worn out whore who pimps your sisters for nickels, you low-class guinea fuck.

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