The Cost of the Union: Arizona vs. U.S.

District of Corruption

The Supreme Court gutted SB 1070 this morning.

In a 5-3 decision (Kennedy, Roberts, Breyer, Ginsberg, Sotomayor), it struck down everything but the requirement to check immigration status.

The blocked provisions include requiring all immigrants to obtain or carry immigration registration papers, making it a state criminal offense for an illegal alien to seek work or hold a job, and allowing police to arrest suspected illegal aliens without warrants.

Even the “reasonable suspicion” clause was kicked back to the Ninth Circuit for another spin on the legal merry-go-round. The door was left open to future “legal challenges” on “civil rights grounds.”

With a 5-3 majority on Arizona vs. U.S. (Kagan recused herself from the case), the “conservative” majority managed to give Sotomayor, Breyer, and Ginsberg the upper hand in writing the decision.

Way to go, John Roberts: the strongest argument for turning out in November for Mitt Romney was maintaining the “conservative” majority on the Supreme Court, and you just demolished that argument in a single blow.

Note: OD’s position remains unchanged.

The federal government is a consolidated despotism. Every major decision that used to be made at the state and local level is now decided by the political class in Washington. The existence of the Union is the primary cause of our racial decline. White Southerners are doomed to perpetual minority status in a Union based on majority rule.

It follows that disunion through secession or revolution is the only solution to the “National Question.” We’re not going to “take America back” and it is foolish to pretend otherwise. The preservation of the Union with the Northeast and West Coast is undesirable anyway.

We favor working within the system – in the South, at the state and local level, in order to polarize, delegitimize, and seize power to bring about the dissolution of the Union and the formation of a Southern ethnostate.

The Mexican border will never be secure until Dixie’s northern border with the United States is secured.

About Hunter Wallace 12422 Articles
Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Occidental Dissent


  1. Unbelievable how these liberal anti-White black robed tyrants twist the law!

    By TIMOTHY M. PHELPS Aug.14 2015
    Arizona Sheriff Joseph Arpaio lost another round Friday in his long battle against the Obama administration over immigration.

    Arpaio had complained that the administration’s deferred-deportation program — allowing up to 5 million immigrants to stay in the country — would serve as a magnet for others to cross from Mexico into his jurisdiction in Maricopa County. He contended that those crossing the border illegally would stay in his area and commit crimes.

    But in her opinion for a three-judge panel, Judge Nina Pillard, a controversial Obama appointee approved by the Senate only after a change of rules, said Arpaio’s contentions are “unduly speculative.”

    Administration officials praised the ruling.

  2. Who is Judge Nina Pillard?

    Rat bastard like her and her family exist to screw us over in every way possible.

    Social justice warriors married to jews are our staunchest enemies.

    Wiki: Pillard’s nomination to the D.C. Circuit, along with the nominations of Robert L. Wilkins and Patricia Ann Millett, ultimately became central to the debate over the use of the filibuster in the United States Senate, leading to the controversial use of the nuclear option to bring it to the floor for a vote. She was narrowly confirmed by a vote of 51-44, with her detractors labeling her as one of the most liberal nominees to the federal bench in decades.

    She is married to law professor David D. Cole.

    Wiki: Cole has received awards from professional bodies and campaigning groups for his civil rights and civil liberties work, including from the American Bar Association’s Individual Rights and Responsibilities Section, the National Lawyers Guild, the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, and the American Muslim Council.

    In 2013 David Cole also was the first recipient of the ACLU’s Norman Dorsen Presidential Prize for academic contributions to civil liberties

    Author of book a book ‘No Equal Justice’
    The award-winning classic work on race- and class-based double standards in the law, by the leading constitutional scholar

    “No Equal Justice offers a challenging, multilayered analysis of how the disconnect between constitutional theory and legal practice has infected today’s justice system.” —The Washington Post Book World

    No Equal Justice is the seminal work on race- and class-based double standards in criminal justice. Hailed as a “shocking and necessary book” by The Economist, it has become the standard reference point for anyone trying to understand the fundamental inequalities in the American legal system. The book, written by constitutional law scholar and civil liberties advocate David Cole, was named the best nonfiction book of 1999 by the Boston Book Review and the best book on an issue of national policy by the American Political Science Association.

    No Equal Justice examines subjects ranging from police behavior and jury selection to sentencing, and argues that our system does not merely fail to live up to the promise of equality, but actively requires double standards to operate. Such disparities,Cole argues, allow the privileged to enjoy constitutional protections from police power without paying the costs associated with extending those protections across the board to minorities and the poor.

    Judge Nina Pillard’s father is Richard Colestock Pillard a professor of psychiatry at the Boston University School of Medicine. He was the first openly gay psychiatrist in the United States.

    ‘Chandler Burr reported that Pillard jokes “he is uniquely equipped to investigate whether homosexuality has a biological basis: he, his brother, and his sister are gay, and Pillard believes that his father may have been gay.’

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